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Monday, May 16, 2022

Grandchild of R' Akiva Eiger Makes Huge Kiddush Hashem at the International Mendeleev Chemistry Olympiad Refusing to Take Exam on Shabbos disqualifying Him from Competition


 Neta, (second from left) wearing a Kipa, at the international competition

My name Is Nechama Spielman from Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi. I think it's important to publish the following story:

*Neta Eiger*, an 11th grader from the kibbutz, traveled abroad to participate in the International Mendeleev Chemistry Olympiad. (By the way, Neta is a descendant of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, who was famous for his genius as a Torah scholar.)

Israel sent its six best young chemists to the competition, and Neta was one of them. He excelled in the first two stages of the competition but, unfortunately, the third and most important stage, a laboratory examination, was held last Shabbat.

Despite earlier promises to allow him to take the exam on Friday or Saturday night, he was ultimately not allowed to do this. In our view, Israel should have insisted upon allowing this as a matter of policy, and not as a personal favor for Neta.

Ultimately, Neta did not take the exam on Shabbat. From our perspective, he passed another kind of exam. His kibbutz and his school in Sde Eliyahu are preparing a world champion's reception for him. He prepared three entire years for this competition and is an outstanding chemist. Tonight he returns to Israel, without a trophy but with an abundance of faith and devotion to eternal values."

When a popular Radio DJ Finds out what Jews Call the guys that open the lights on Shabbos


One Brave Girl on Tel Aviv College Campus .. Kol Ha'Kovod"


Camala's "work together, work together, work together, work together, work together, " gibberish


Patterson New Jersey On the Way to Hell


While you were enjoying your Chulent this shabbos the Satmar Funded Neturei Karta Were being "Mechaleil Shabbos"

There is no "eirav" and they were holding signs accepting drinks in a "Reshus Harabim" me'doirissah! 

Bennett weighing removing terrorists' families to Gaza


Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday night ordered the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet to examine the option of demolishing Israeli terrorists' homes and removing terrorists' families from Judea and Samaria to Gaza, as per Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar's (New Hope) proposal, Galatz reported.

The report is sourced to three ministers who participated in the Sunday evening meeting. Both of the proposed processes are legally complex and there is opposition within the defense echelon as well.

According to Kikar Hashabbat, it is estimated that Bennet is trying to present a right-wing diplomatic stance, in light of the possibility that Israel may soon hold new elections.

According to the report, Sa'ar said during the discussion that, "We need to advance the demolition of terrorists' homes in Israel as well, and weigh removal from Judea and Samaria to Gaza. This is crucial in light of the current situation."

On the demolitions, Sa'ar said that the legal side is prepared.

Bennett responded with an instruction that the National Security Council examine the issue, adding, "We need to see what else is possible in this current [terror] wave, what other tools we have against terror."

The Prime Minister's office responded to Galatz by saying, "We do not discuss what is said in Cabinet meetings."

Of 2,658 Reporters Killed, Only Abu Akleh "The Machsheifah" Gets 18.2 M. Results!


Israel has been excoriated since the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh,  despite the fact that it is likely she was killed by Palestinian terrorists. Additionally, even if she was accidentally killed by IDF fire, Israel has a right to carry out counterterrorism operations against terrorists actively planning to murder Israelis. Journalists who enter war zones do so at their own risk.

But beyond the above facts, Israel advocacy expert Tamir Wertzberger noted the ridiculous double standards Israel is held up to. “From 1990 to 2020, 2,658 journalists were killed in war zones, with Iraq, Mexico, the Philippines, Pakistan and India topping the list,” Wertzberger wrote. “Twelve of them were Al Jazeera journalists, seven of whom were killed in Syria, two in Iraq, one in Yemen, one in Libya, and one, of course, in Jenin this week.
235 journalists have been jailed, with Turkey topping the list with 67 prisoners, Egypt-21, China-20, Eritrea-16, Saudi Arabia-14 and Belarus-11.”

“There were no special discussions or decisions by the UN Security Council for any of the above, or such a huge media reaction. Call it what you will. I call it anti-Semitism!”

In a video, a spokesperson for the Israel Advocacy Movement says: “The death of Shireen Abu Akleh exposes the media’s hatred of Israel. Brent Renaud was a Time journalist killed in Ukraine this year. When you type “Brent Renaud” and “Time” into Google, there are only 277,000 results. Pierre was a Fox journalist also killed in Ukraine, he has 190,000 results. Oleksandra was also from Fox and killed at the same time, she just has 30,000. Danish was from Reuters and killed in Afghanistan, he has 407,000 results.”

“Shireen Abu Akleh was the Al Jazeera journalist killed in unconfirmed circumstances. Her death generated a staggering 18.2 million results!”

“Over the last two decades, 487 journalists [2,658 were killed in the past 30 years, according to the International Federation of Journalists] have tragically been killed in war zones. None of them received this level of coverage. This frenzy is being driven by the media’s uncontrollable desire to demonize Israel. And as Israel couldn’t be blamed for the other killings, their deaths barely registered.”

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“I Urge Jews To Leave Russia Before It’s Too Late” Chief Rabbi of Ukraine R' Moshe Azman:

 Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Rav Moshe Azman is urging Russian Jews to leave the country before it’s too late.

“Today I would advise the Jewish communities of Russia to leave the country, and many are already doing so,” HaRav Azman said last week in an interview with Voice of America.

“I was in the Soviet Union and tried for many years to go to Israel,” said Rav Azman, who was born in the Russian city of St. Petersburg. “Therefore, when everything closes, it will be difficult to leave. The rhetoric in Russia is very dangerous. The rhetoric there now is worse than the Soviet Union.”

Rav Azman decried Russia’s preposterous propaganda against Ukraine as being led by Nazis. “They themselves act like Nazis,” he continued. “So who do they ‘denazify?’ They kill people, torture, rape. This is called ‘denazification.’ They invented this theory to justify their crimes.”

About 5,600 Jews have made aliyah to Israel since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24.

There are almost 200,000 Jews in Russia, making it the seventh-largest Jewish community in the world.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

We are "Jews" we are Against "Yisrael"


"Cake" is now also a Gender ... this girl is serious


How many Al Jazeera Journalists Have been killed


Did you read the Haftorah this past Shabbos?

 For thousands of years, Jews read passages from this week's Haftarah and waited. On Shabbat morning, after reading from the Torah, they again read these stirring passages from the Prophet Jeremiah .

Jerusalem is in the midst of the Babylonian siege. These are the last days before the destruction of the city. The Prophet Jeremiah, who had been thrown into prison, is commanded by G-d to do something that makes no sense: to buy a field in the nearby city of Anatot.

Jeremiah responds by drawing up a bill of sale, gathering witnesses, and executing the real estate transaction, despite the horribly dark realization that the nation is going into exile. And then, in that very moment of impending doom, Jeremiah makes an astonishing statement: "Houses and vineyards shall again be purchased in this land." (Jeremiah 32:15)

Two thousand years have passed and you are invited to check the prices of real estate in Jerusalem, to look at the cranes and new buildings going up in its neighborhoods, to walk in its beautiful alleyways -- and to discover that Jeremiah was right. Houses and fields and vineyards are being purchased in this land.

This chapter in our history gave hope to those reading about it for generations. It is an expression of the incredible potential of our people, both collectively and individually, that is now coming to fruition. Just as in the past, positive developments that today seem to make no sense can occur all of a sudden. And just as this prophecy of Jeremiah has been fulfilled, others will be fulfilled as well. It's possible. Ultimately, it's actually essential, although we cannot see at the moment how the future will unfold, as G-d says to Jeremiah a few verses later: "Behold, I am the Lord, the G-d of all flesh. Is anything concealed from Me?" (Jeremiah 32:27)

May we continue to see prophecies fulfilled. Shavuah Tov

Hillary Clinton ordered to turn over 'Russiagate' emails


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Moon goes blood red this weekend: ‘Eclipse for the Americas’


A total lunar eclipse will grace the night skies this weekend, providing longer than usual thrills for stargazers across North and South America.

The celestial action unfolds Sunday night into early Monday morning, with the moon bathed in the reflected red and orange hues of Earth’s sunsets and sunrises for about 1 1/2 hours, one of the longest totalities of the decade. It will be the first so-called blood moon in a year.

Observers in the eastern half of North America and all of Central and South America will have prime seats for the whole show, weather permitting. Partial stages of the eclipse will be visible across Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Left out: Alaska, Asia and Australia.

“This is really an eclipse for the Americas,” said NASA’s Noah Petro, a planetary geologist who specializes in the moon. “It’s going to be a treat.”

All you need, he noted, are “patience and eyeballs.”

A total eclipse occurs when Earth passes directly between the moon and the sun, and casts a shadow on our constant, cosmic companion. The moon will be 225,000 miles away at the peak of the eclipse — around midnight on the U.S. East Coast.

“This is this gradual, slow, wonderful event that as long as it’s clear where you are, you get to see it,” Petro said.

If not, NASA will provide a livestream of the eclipse from various locations; so will the Slooh network of observatories.

There’ll be another lengthy total lunar eclipse in November, with Africa and Europe lucking out again, but not the Americas. Then the next one isn’t until 2025.

Launched last fall, NASA’s asteroid-seeking Lucy spacecraft will photograph this weekend’s event from 64 million miles away, as ground controllers continue their effort to fix a loose solar panel.

NASA astronaut Jessica Watkins, a geologist, plans to set her alarm clock early aboard the International Space Station.

“Hopefully, we can be up in time and be at the right place at the right time to catch a good glimpse,” she told The Associated Press earlier this week.

Arabs grabbed journalist's casket against her family's wishes


The Israel Police said on Friday that Arab rioters took the casket of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh against the wishes of her family during Friday’s funeral, forcing the officers to intervene.

“Plans for the funeral procession of Shireen Abu-Akleh were coordinated in advance by the Israel Police together with the Abu-Akleh family,” the Israel Police Spokesperson said in an English-language statement.

“On Friday, about 300 rioters arrived at Saint Joseph hospital in Jerusalem and prevented the family members from loading the coffin onto the hearse to travel to the cemetery – as had been planned and coordinated with the family in advance. Instead, the mob threatened the driver of the hearse and then proceeded to carry the coffin on an unplanned procession to the cemetery by foot.”

“This went against the wishes of the Abu-Akleh family and the security coordinations that had been planned to safeguard the large number of mourners. The Israel Police instructed that the coffin be returned to the hearse, as did the EU ambassador and Shireen Abu-Akleh's own family, but the mob refused.”

“Israeli Police intervened to disperse the mob and prevent them from taking the coffin, so that the funeral could proceed as planned in accordance with the wishes of the family.”

“During the riot that was instigated by the mob, glass bottles and other objects were thrown, resulting in the injury of both mourners and Police officers,” the statement concluded.

Israel came under fire over the violence that broke out during the funeral. US President Joe Biden was asked whether he condemned Israeli security forces for the violence and replied, “I do not know all the details about what happened at the funeral of Shireen Abu Aqleh, but I know that an investigation must be opened.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki earlier in the day described the footage from the funeral as “deeply disturbing”.

“We have all seen those images, they’re obviously deeply disturbing. We regret the intrusion of what should have been a peaceful procession,” she told reporters.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the UN, tweeted, “Deeply distressed by the images from Shireen Abu Akleh’s funeral procession. The tragedy of her killing should be handled with the utmost respect, sobriety, and care.”

Friday, May 13, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Behar


Toldos Aaron Extremists Destroy Shrine for the 45 Who were killed in Meron and will block any special services to them.


I am sure that you read about Police violence against the Toldos Ahron protestors at Meron.  The police were extremely brutal, something they wouldn't dare do to Arab protestors. 

Just two days ago, in Meah Shearim, police used violence against those who were flying the Palestinian flags and yet when Arabs were doing the same thing in the heart of Yerushalyim they looked away.

I am against violence especially against Jews and of course Jewish violence against other Jews. Meah Shearim have repeatedly stoned and almost lynched Chareidie soldiers in uniform that went to chap a minyan there. But when police use violence against them they scream Nazi.

What led to the police brutality against that Chareidie extremist? I am not justifying it, but I wonder if you know what led to the confrontation? 

The families who lost loved ones in Meron put up a shrine in Meron with candles etc.But this doesn't  bode well with the Toldos Aaron extremists who believe that they own Meron, and so they destroy it on a daily basis. 

Why don't they want it there? 

Because it reminds them that the stampede that unfortunately took place last year in Meron that took the lives of 45 innocent people in the most brutal way, with Jews stepping on other Jews that fell, was their own fault. 


For years the police and the government agencies warned them that Meron on Lag Be'Omer was a catastrophe waiting to happen, but they not only ignored their warnings but wanted the police to stay far away from the site; they didn't want any Zionists oversight. Even though that at the Kotel, Mearas Ha'machpeila and Kever Rachel something that the government controls, it is always safety first! 

The Chareidim in charge refused to follow government regs vis a vis illegal structures and didn't care and ignored crowd control rules.

Chareidim know very well that the blood of those trampled to death is on their heads.

Even after all this, they still refuse to abide by any regulations and do not want any Zionist police on hand. 

Going back to what happened with the Toldos Aaron extremist and the cop.

The families of those who were murdered by their fellow Jews decided that come this Lag Be'Omer they will have a small service to commemorate the 45 dead,, and with permission of police they set up the place with loud speakers. 

Toldos Aaron gangsters don't want the commemorations and say that this was never a minhag and therefore they won't allow it.

There is never a minhag before one starts a minhag.,the minhag of eating "ge'hakte leberlich and eyer mit zvibal" is also just a minhag, and when did that start? 

And what is so wrong with saying a couple of kapitlach tehillim for our fellow Jews that were killed in the most horrible way on this very day and on this very spot? If this is what brings them comfort, why deny them this ?

So this extremists went up to destroy the loudspeakers who was warned repeatedly by the cops to stop. He totally ignored them and so they grabbed and beat the living daylights out of him.

I am not justifying the violence but just wanted to give you the background something you won't see in the  media.

Bennett Angers Chabad Because He Told the Truth When He Compared the 5th Rebbe’s ‘Passive’ Approach To Herzl’s Activism


I'm no fan of Bennett and cannot wait for his coalition to collapse. Having said that, Bennett actually told the truth that Chabad's policy is against having a state, and that the Rebbe wrote that Jews shouldn't "go out of exile by force, "but do nothing and wait for things to happen from heaven. 

Bennett correctly pointed out that looking back in retrospect this policy discouraged Jews to make Aliyah who could have saved their families. 

Chabad went crazy when Bennett correctly pointed out that "“in this context we need to view the historic intervention which Herzl led, bringing us from passiveness to initiative." 

Chabad responded by stating that “Bennett forgot to mention in his speech a number of important details and who in truth did prevail historically: Herzl wrote in his diary (1895) that he is unsure about which land to choose to establish the Jewish state, the land of Israel or Argentina, and similarly in his book the Jewish state he left the matter unresolved. He also entertained the idea of ‘mass assimilation’ of Jews as a possible solution to antisemitism and only later reneged and called this a ‘mistaken thought’.”

Chabad is being disingenuous because they are comparing an assimilated Jew whose heart broke witnessing anti-semitism as a reporter reporting the trial of Alfred Dreyfus, to a Frum leader who should have known better.

Herzl initially thought that the solution to anti-semetism would be to assimilate but he was quickly disabused of this idea by rabbanim who he contacted. Not having any Yeshiva background he proposed that Jews move to Uganda. When he was told that Jews would only emigrate to Eretz Yisrael, he immediately embraced this idea and put his whole heart and soul in making this happen. 

Interesting to note, that Chabad did embrace Herzl's idea of moving to another secular country and promptly moved to 770 Eastern Parkway. Satmar and Skver also loved Herzl's idea and established cities in the "treifene medina" New Square and Kiryas Yoel. They never gave Herzl any credit for this. 

To be fair, it is important to point out that the rebbe did establish Kfar Chabad in 1949 for the recent immigrants from the Soviet Union and survivors of WW2. But this was not because it was in Eretz Yisrael it was simply Chabad's policy to establish communities all over the world, even in countries that murdered their ancestors;  none of the Lubavitcher Rebbes ever visited Kfar Chabad, and 770 was what Chabad preferred. 

With all of Herzl's faults, he proved to be 100% correct. An honest approach to history would require the Chareidie world to admit their mistakes but that will never happen! 

I must add that I am a great admirer of Chabad but the facts don't lie!

During a special Knesset session marking Herzl day, the day that Herzl was born, (10th Iyar 5620) Prime Minister Bennett spoke in the Knesset and quoted chareidi rabbis including the 5th rebbe of Chabad, Rabbi Sholom Ber Schneersohn, who opposed Herzl’s initiatives.

Bennett said that a “prominent chareidi rabbi” wrote in 1900: “We mustn’t listen to them on this matter to reach our redemption with our own hands. To go out of the exile by force. We aren’t allowed. All of our hopes and expectations are that Hashem should bring us Moshiach in our days and our redemption will come through Hashem Himself.”

Bennett gave his own interpretation to the words of Rav Sholom Ber and said that they mean that “we don’t need to act but rather to pray and to believe that things will happen by themselves.”

Bennett also quoted the rabbi of Lodz, Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Meisels, who he said “placed a cherem [ban] on all of the Zionists.”

Bennett continued stating that “in this context we need to view the historic intervention which Herzl led, bringing us from passiveness to initiative. I believe in this way, I believe in less grumbling and more getting up and taking responsibility even at very difficult moments.”

The prime minister added that “I am a believing person. My faith in Hashem means that on the one hand I believe in Hashem but this does not exempt us in this land, in this world from doing all that we can to influence reality. In the end I have trust in what Hashem will decide, but we need to recognize that in our human comprehension things appear to be bad, there is not insurance that everything will work out well.”

Bennett angered Chabad chasidim by portraying the 5th rebbes words in this way. The chabad site COL responded by stating that “Bennett forgot to mention in his speech a number of important details and who in truth did prevail historically: Herzl wrote in his diary (1895) that he is unsure about which land to choose to establish the Jewish state, the land of Israel or Argentina, and similarly in his book the Jewish state he left the matter unresolved. He also entertained the idea of ‘mass assimilation’ of Jews as a possible solution to antisemitism and only later reneged and called this a ‘mistaken thought’.”

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Israel said set to scrap in-flight mask mandate


Israel is reportedly set to end its mandate for passengers to wear masks aboard international flights.

Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz is seeking to end the requirement for in-flight COVID masks in the near future, following in the footsteps of the European Union, Channel 12 news reported Thursday evening.

Israel lifted its indoor mask mandate on April 24, leaving the requirement for face coverings extant only in hospitals, old age homes and aboard planes.

Scrapping in-board masking would lift one of the few remaining COVID restrictions still in place in Israel. But flights from Tel Aviv to certain destinations could still require face masks, depending on other international regulations.

Beginning May 20, passengers who land at Ben Gurion Airport will no longer be required to undergo a COVID PCR test before exiting the airport. Israelis who fly to Israel have not had to submit any test before boarding for several months now; foreigners must still show a negative test result, but it can be either a PCR or an antigen test

On Wednesday, the European Union said that it will no longer recommend medical masks be worn at airports and on planes starting next week, though member states can still require them.

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency said it hoped the joint decision, made with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, would mark “a big step forward in the normalization of air travel” for passengers and crews.

COVID cases have remained fairly low in Israel in the three weeks since the country lifted its indoor mask mandate, but testing has also become less available.

As of Thursday evening, 17,797 Israelis had COVID, with 2,088 of them diagnosed on Wednesday. There were 341 people with COVID hospitalized and 109 of them were in serious condition, down from 142 a week ago.

Since the start of the COVID outbreak, 10,749 people in Israel have died of the virus, including two in the past week — a 90 percent drop from the number of COVID-linked deaths a week earlier.

4,000 units approved for Judea and Samaria despite US opposition


The Supreme Planning Council of the Civil Administration on Thursday approved the construction of 4,000 new housing units in Judea and Samaria.

The council was supposed to approve an additional 1,800 housing units but at the request of US President Joe Biden, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett decided to reduce the number of housing units brought up for approval.

Among the construction plans approved: 500 units in Elkana, 170 in Emanuel, 286 in Kedumim, 192 in Sha'arei Tikva, 110 in Mevo Horon, 90 in Dolev, 32 in Nokdim, 56 in Nehogot, and 16 units in Ma'ale Adumim. For the final stage, 40 housing units are being discussed in Efrat, 534 in Shvut Rachel, 364 in Dolev, 114 in Ma'ale Mikhmas, 168 in Neria, 136 in Givat Zeev, 92 in Tzufim, 107 in Tal Menashe, 761 in Beitar Illit, 156 in Kiryat Arba and 64 units in Revava.

The Supreme Planning Council has not convened in the last seven months and there has been a de-facto freeze on construction in Judea and Samaria. About a month ago, the Yesha Council came out in protest against the government over this freeze.

Einstein Letter Urging the Free World to Attack Germany


A rare handwritten, signed letter by Albert Einstein, one of the most influential physicists of all time, is up for auction at the Kedem Auction House in Jerusalem. Letter addressed to the Danish journalist Karen Stampe Bendix in 1936 written against the backdrop of the threat posed by Nazi Germany's rapid mobilization in conjunction with its escalating political extremism, and the increasing likelihood of another war. Einstein's call resonates with recent events in Europe, in which Western countries, having failed in trying to stop Russian aggression through diplomacy, are forced to send military assistance to Ukraine to contain the advance of the Russian army, while voices are heard in Moscow calling to invade other European countries such as Poland and Moldova.

Despite his decidedly pacifistic worldview, Albert Einstein insists that under the prevailing circumstances, there is no choice but to confront Germany and even take the initiative in doing so. In this regard, he takes issue with the conciliatory stance of the powers of the free world: "Most regrettable is the feeble stance of England, insofar as it indeed postpones the start of war, but certainly cannot prevent it. It would have been best to intervene already three years ago. There are diseases that cannot be overcome without surgery. I cannot deny this even though I abhor the knife."

Einstein implores Stampe to take comfort in her own situation, as much as Denmark, her native country, "is unthreatened by the impending turbulence, " and promises her that "even if it is economically difficult, there is yet strange consolation in that no place on earth is in a better situation." (This assertion turned out to be untrue in hindsight, seeing as notwithstanding the nonaggression pact it signed with Germany, Denmark was attacked and occupied by Nazi German forces in 1940.) The letter ends with a description of the prevailing sentiment in the United States: "There is heavy unemployment here as well, and unlike the situation in the past, [there is] a mood of pessimistic resignation with the state of affairs. On the other hand, the difficult circumstances here have not led to the heated political passions so familiar to us from Europe."

“For his entire life, Albert Einstein regarded himself as a passionate pacifist. With every fiber of his being, he opposed military conflict in all its forms,” said Meron Eren, Kedem Auction House CEO and co-founder. “Despite his longstanding commitment to pacifism, Nazi militarism and Adolf Hitler's aggressive territorial ambitions convinced Einstein that Nazi ideology posed a clear and present danger to both European Jewry and European civilization, and that Hitler must be stopped at all costs, sooner rather than later.”

Listen to this Hypocrite Bennett ... Listen how he describes Abbas as a Jew Murderer .. this Interview was when Netanyahu was PM ... Now he sits with him


"Raza De'Shabbos" sung by Chazzanim Nisim Saal & Yaakov Shtark

Mansour Abbas, Leader of Arab Party, calls to bring Charedi parties into the coalition.


I have been saying this all along that Chareidim would absolutely sit with the Arab Murderers in a coalition as long as they are promised shekels. They would sit with Lapid and yes, even Lieberman. 

MK Mansour Abbas, who chairs the United Arab List (Ra'am) party, has claimed that he received requests from many Jews to remain in the coalition, despite the fact that many in his party want him to leave it.

"There is disappointment, yes, there are mistakes, yes. There was an escalation during the month of Ramadan, yes. But this is awful, to compare the functioning of this government to the functioning of the Netanyahu government. I received many requests from Arab citizens, but mostly from Jewish citizens, who ask, 'Stay.' And that lets you see things in a broader fashion," Abbas told Yediot Aharonot.

When asked if his decision to remain in the coalition was influenced by the fact that his party is not expected to pass the electoral threshold in the coming elections, Abbas said, "I never pay attention to the polls and I don't plan my steps based on polls. Otherwise we would not have run in the last elections. Until the last days prior to the elections, we did not pass the electoral threshold. I am not building a policy and processes based on the public's opinion."

"What concerns us is not the polls but the achievements which we are bringing the Arab sector. Those wiser than me said, 'Polls - you smell them, but you don't base a workplan on them."

In Abbas' opinion, the right thing to do is to try to add the haredi parties to the coalition, to give it more stability.

"The coalition needs to make an effort and to invest in bringing some of the haredim," he said. "I also asked that they advance plans for the haredi community, and I even offered some of the budget we received to provide programs for haredi society. In my opinion, we need to think about this issue and integrate the haredim into the coalition."

Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib blames Israel for death of Al Jazeera journalist during firefight, Even though Videos from Arabs themselves prove that the savages did it themselves


US-Palestinian Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mi) blamed Israel for the death of an Al Jazeera journalist who was killed during a firefight between IDF forces and Arab terrorists in the Jenin area Wednesday morning.

"When will the world and those who stand by Apartheid Israel that continues to murder, torture and commit war crimes finally say: "Enough"?" Tlaib wrote on Twitter. "Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered by a government that receives unconditional funding by our country with zero accountability."

"POTUS, an American journalist clearly marked with press credentials was murdered. Doing and saying nothing just enables more killings. Whether you're Palestinian, American, or not, being killed with US funding must stop.

Shireen Abu Aqleh was killed when a group of heavily armed terrorists opened fire on IDF troops operating in the Jenin area, sparking a firefight. The IDF said that the forces came under heavy fire and that explosives were thrown at them.

US State Department Spokesman Ned Price condemned the killing of Aqleh, but without assigning blame.

Palestinian Authority Forensic Medicine Institute Director Dr. Rayyan Al Ali said following the beginning of the autopsy that "it cannot be determined whether [Aqleh] was killed by Israeli fire or by a Palestinian bullet." which is an outrageous lie, as forensics can  determine the bullet used 

Lufthansa CEO apologizes to Chief Rabbi of Berlin


Carsten Spohr, CEO of German airline Lufthansa, apologized for the antisemitic incident that took place on one of the airline’s flights in a conversation with the Chief Rabbi of Berlin, Rabbi Yehudah Teichtal.

"Antisemitism has no place in Lufthansa," Spohr said. "What happened should not have happened. Our company represents a connection between people, cultures and nations. Openness and tolerance are the cornerstones and there is no room for antisemitism."

Rabbi Teichtal told the Lufthansa CEO, "If an employee wearing a Lufthansa uniform acts in an inappropriate manner - fears and accusations of antisemitism are completely legitimate. We should expect more sensitivity from a German corporation."

The rabbi added after the conversation, "I am glad that the CEO of Lufthansa responded so quickly, took a clear position and apologized."

Lufthansa sparked outrage when it banned all Jews from taking a flight on May 4, after it accused several Jewish passengers of not wearing masks during the previous leg of the flight, with an airline rep saying in a video, “It was Jewish people who made the mess, Jewish people made the problem.”

Lufthansa apologized this week for the incident.

“We apologize to all the travelers unable to travel on this flight, not only for the inconvenience, but also for the offense caused and personal impact,” the airline said in a statement. “What transpired is not consistent with Lufthansa’s policies or values.”

The incident caused a great uproar and the company has been doing some damage control. During the conversation between the company's CEO and Rabbi Teichtal, it was agreed that a meeting between the two would take place in the coming days, in which the issue will be discussed at length so that a similar incident does not recur in the future.

Israel To Start Its Own Web Domain In the Hebrew Jewish Language


The Israel Internet Association announced on Tuesday that it is launching a new domain, .Israel, which will allow users to enter Internet addresses in Hebrew.

The association is allowing trademark holders to pre-register for Internet addresses until July, reported Ynet.

By September, the domains will be opened up to the general public.

Since the 1980s, Israel’s domain was .il, which will continue to function.

“Opening the domain was a long and challenging process,” said CEO of Israel Internet Association Yoram Hacohen. “The idea to establish a domain in Hebrew has been around for more than a decade, and we even conducted a survey for the Israeli public in 2012 that helped us focus the process

Michael Savage Defends Lufthansa and Blames Jews for Being Kicked Off Flight


On Newsmax TV, Michael Weiner, also known as Michael Savage blasted Charedi Jews, and appeared to defend Lufthansa, after they committed an act of blatant antisemitism and then admitted it on video. He bashed Charedim for “throwing rocks”, and compared Jews not wearing masks to “Devil Worshippers.”

Savage, was asked in an interview about the well-publicized incident in which the German airline banned 130 Jewish passengers over the behavior of “one or two”

He proceeded to blast Chassidim as “fanatical and self-centered”. He blamed Jewish passengers for not complying with the rules, and dismissed the admission by a Lufthansa employee that they targeted Jews as her getting “tripped up and making a mistake.”

This is a very simple matter. If two black passengers on an airplane refused to wear masks, and the airline banned all blacks from boarding their connecting flight, the world would be livid at the extreme hate and bigotry. The NAACP would have filed lawsuits, and every politician in the country would be condemning the airline. Yet Savage seized the opportunity to bash Jews and show his complete disdain and ignorance. He even went so far to say the people on the plane were “Satmar Hassidim who throw rocks” which was completely fabricated.

Arab Workers Wear M-16 Shirts In Support Of Terror Attacks

A new trend among Palestinians and some Israeli Arabs wearing T-shirts with a M-16 printed on them began following the Bnei Brak terror attack, during which the heinous Palestinian terrorist shot victims with an M-16 rifle.

Unbelievably enough, Arab workers have been seen in Israeli supermarkets and other places, wearing the shirts. On Friday, an Arab showed up at work at a Yesh Chesed supermarket in Rechovot wearing a black T-shirt with the M-16 on the back, causing panic among the customers.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Duvid Chutzyanski 56 Arrested for Molesting 3 Teens in the Kiryat Malachi Mikvah


This is not the first time this "chazir" was arrested and charged for molestation! He already sat 5 years in jail for earlier offenses. 

כתב אישום נגד דוד חוצ'ינסקי, בן  56, בגין ביצוע עבירות חמורות בשלושה נערים בני 14 במקווה בשכונה חרדית בקרית מלאכי • הנאשם, עבריין הנמצא תחת צו פיקוח ומעקב, הגיע במהלך חג הפסח למקווה, הבחין כי שלושה נערים טובלים בבריכה - וביצע בהם מעשים חמורים במיוחד

פרקליטות מחוז דרום (פלילי) הגישה היום (רביעי) לבית המשפט המחוזי בבאר שבע כתב אישום נגד דוד חוצ’ינסקי, בן  56, בגין ביצוע עבירות חמורות בשלושה נערים בני 14 במקווה בקרית מלאכי.

על פי כתב האישום, שהוגש על ידי עו”ד חן עסיס לביא, הנאשם שהינו תחת צו פיקוח ומעקב לפי חוק ההגנה על הציבור מפני עברייני מין, הגיע במהלך חג הפסח למקווה, הבחין כי שלושה נערים טובלים בבריכת המקווה, וביצע בהם מעשים חמורים במיוחד.

הנאשם ניצל את תמימותם של הנערים והעובדה שהיו לבדם במקווה, כשהוא יודע שהוא מפר את תנאיי הפיקוח.

כתב האישום מייחס לנאשם ביצוע עבירות של מעשים חמורים בקטינים שטרם מלאו להם 16 בנסיבות אינוס, ניסיון למעשה מגונה בקטין שטרם מלאו לו 16 והפרת צו פיקוח.

הפרקליטות מבקשת לעצור את הנאשם עד לתום ההליכים המשפטיים נגדו.

לנאשם עבר פלילי, כולל הרשעות קודמות ומאסרים, באחד מהם לתקופה של 5 שנים וכן תלוי ועומד נגדו כתב אישום.

בבקשת המעצר צוין, כי הנאשם מסוכן לציבור, אינו בר הרתעה, מזה תקופה ארוכה מצוי בפיקוח על עברייני מין בשל מסוכנות גבוהה, אך חוזר ומפר את תנאי הפיקוח ומבצע עבירות, תוך הפרת תנאי הפיקוח.

More and More People Are Now Doubting the 2020 Election


Man can believe the impossible, but man can never believe the improbable.

Oscar Wilde, “Intentions”, 1891.

As the Biden incumbency drags excruciatingly on, one thing is becoming increasingly clear.

While it is not impossible that Joe  Biden won the 2020 presidential elections fair and square, without any underhand shenanigans or fraudulent skullduggery, with time, this is proving increasingly improbable.

Unplumbed depths of incompetency