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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Attorney General Merrick Garland's Mess


Satmar Very Upset that Biden had an 85-Car Motorcade While the Satmar Rebbe only has 40 cars

President Joe Biden on Friday drove through Rome accompanied by an approximately 85-vehicle motorcade.

The move received criticism prior to the global warming summit scheduled for Glasgow, Scotland, according to the New York Post.

“Not exactly carbon friendly,” one social media user commented.

“Ridiculous, no man needs that much of an entourage,” another replied.

Biden has routinely stated there is a “climate crisis” due to fossil fuels. However, it was unclear how many of the motorcade cars were electric or hybrid, and they appeared to be typical limos, SUVs, and vans.

Washington Post reporter Seung Min King said in a White House pool report “we are told it is 85 vehicles” in the motorcade, according to the New York Post article.

“The president’s domestic motorcade usually features only a couple dozen vehicles, not including those used to block off traffic,” the outlet said

Florida Maintains Status with Lowest Coronavirus Cases Per Capita in U.S.


The Sunshine State is maintaining its status as having the lowest average of daily coronavirus cases per capita in the United States — a feat achieved without intrusive mandates.

According to the New York Times’ daily coronavirus tracker and case count last updated Saturday, Florida has the lowest number of daily cases per 100,000 in the nation — eight. Hawaii, which Florida tied with this week, is maintaining its average at nine, tying with Louisiana and Connecticut. Florida’s daily average of cases as of Friday sat at 1,736 — a decrease of 35 percent over the past two weeks. 

Meanwhile, blue states, many of which embraced stringent lockdown orders and mandates throughout the pandemic, are not faring as well as the Sunshine State. 

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) Michigan, for example, is reporting 40 cases per capita, and the daily average of cases sits at 4,006. Pennsylvania, under the leadership of Gov. Tom Wolf (D), who earned the nickname “Commie Tommy” during the pandemic and extended shutdowns last year, is reporting an average of 30 cases per capita, while the daily average of cases sits at 3,879. Similarly, New York, once the U.S. epicenter of the virus under former Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) leadership, is reporting 19 cases per capita — a 3,744 per day average. 

California, which had major cities such as San Francisco reimplement mask mandates, is currently experiencing a surge, reporting 17 cases per capita, with the daily average sitting at 6,878. That reflects a 25 percent increase in cases over the last 14 days. 

“Without mandates or lockdowns, COVID-19 cases in Florida have decreased 90 percent since August,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said in a statement this week, celebrating Florida reaching the lowest case rate in the nation.

“In addition to cases, hospitalizations have plummeted in our state. This has been accomplished by making monoclonal antibody treatments and vaccines widely available throughout our state while protecting Floridians from government overreach,” he added.

State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo said it is crucial for Florida officials to “continue focusing on data and evidence to make public health decisions and not allow such decisions to be politicized” as they move forward — something DeSantis has continued to demonstrate throughout the pandemic in the wake of constant criticisms from the establishment media.

Rabbi Goldschmidt Defends Himself against the "Alte Kockers" of Park East Synagogue


Rabbi Goldschmidt and his family 

 In his first public comments since being fired from Park East Synagogue two weeks ago, Rabbi Benjamin Goldschmidt defended himself against charges of an “insurrection” and illegal activity and raised concerns about his former congregation’s future.

Goldschmidt was abruptly fired from Park East, the wealthy Orthodox synagogue on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, by the congregation’s senior rabbi, Arthur Schneier. Schneier’s allies accused Goldschmidt of inappropriately sharing synagogue members’ email addresses and of orchestrating a coup to replace Schneier, 91, who has led the synagogue for nearly 60 years.

Goldschmidt, 34, had been at the synagogue for a decade.

In an email to Park East members sent Friday afternoon, shortly before the onset of Shabbat, Goldschmidt rebuffed the accusations against him. Claims that he acted inappropriately by giving members the email list, he wrote, were false. Nor did he seek to depose Schneier, he wrote.

He referred to an email sent by four synagogue members to the congregation on Oct. 8. The signatories had written, “we are concerned about the state of our beloved synagogue and what the future holds.”

Goldschmidt wrote in his letter Friday that that email “was not designed to hurt Rabbi Schneier; it was merely a jumping-off point to discuss the future of Park East.”

“Given these public attacks, I feel that I have no choice but to defend not just my reputation, but also the reputations of the signatories of the October 8th email,” Goldschmidt wrote. “The charge leveled against me that I led an ‘insurrection’ to remove Rabbi Schneier is completely unfounded, and personally hurtful given my ten years of loyal service to the Rabbi and the Synagogue.”

Goldschmidt also denied a previously unreported accusation, which he dubbed a “wild conspiracy theory,” that younger members of the synagogue planned to sell the synagogue’s real estate. And he shot back at allegations that the signatories to the email weren’t heavily involved in the synagogue.

“Each one of those signatories is a blessing in his own right for our community; they are role models and leaders, committed to community, Torah, and continuity,” he wrote. “Their only motive was to help build a growing, thriving, vibrant, and young community.”

Goldschmidt also echoed concerns about the future of the synagogue in his Friday email, though like the signatories of the Oct. 8 email, he didn’t elaborate.

“For a while, there has been concern over a lack of engagement with young people, the synagogue’s financial situation, and an absence of transparency between leadership and membership,” he wrote. “To begin to rectify the situation, some members took it upon themselves to communicate and start a conversation.”

Hank Sheinkopf, a veteran political consultant who has acted as a spokesperson for the Schneier family, rejected Goldschmidt’s narrative.

“This is his attempt to explain away his insubordination and the use of confidential synagogue information to support himself and the disruption and insurrection he created,” Sheinkopf told JTA Friday afternoon, adding that the email was “dropped right before Shabbat so no one can respond, which shows you that this is an orchestrated, well-thought-through public relations campaign to support his efforts.”

Goldschmidt wrote that the man who fired him “deserves every accolade and commendation.” But later, he wrote that his ultimate responsibility is not to Schneier.

“One important thing I have learned from my dear parents and my years in the Rabbinate is that a rabbi works for the members of his shul,” Goldschmidt wrote. “He does not merely work for a senior rabbi, the synagogue president, or the board. It is you, the membership, that I serve and have tried my best for ten years.”

Goldschmidt did not detail any future plans beyond vowing to continue working in New York City. But he called on his readers to remain at Park East.

“I hope to continue serving our beloved Jewish community in New York City one way or another,” he wrote. “More importantly, I care a great deal about the future of Park East. I hope that you — its members — will remain engaged with the shul to ensure it is a place that is warm and welcoming, one that understands your spiritual needs as Jews and your desires to have your concerns heard and acted upon.”

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Brisker boy on a date wouldn't help girl get up after she fell and couldn't get up

 In Brisk they learn the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch, but what they don't teach the boys is the "fifter shulchan Aruch" which in Yiddish is called "seichel"

This Brisker needs to go back and learn for another 10 years before he dates. 

He still can't figure out why the girl dropped the shidduch. 

Question: What do they teach in Brisk? Do they ever learn plain chumash? The very first sentence in parshas Noach is.... "Noach ISH tzaddik" before you strive to be a tzaddik, you need to be an "Ish" a "mentch"....

I was wondering if this guy has a mother? Would he want someone leaving his mother on the street if she G-d forbid fell and there is no one around to help her except for a "Brisker?"

What a "Shoiteh!"

Facebook’s new name "Meta" means ‘dead’ in Hebrew


Facebook’s announcement on Thursday that the company would henceforth be called Meta was widely ridiculed on social media. But in Israel, the renaming caused quite a stir, as the new company name is similar to the Hebrew word for “dead.”

“In Hebrew, *Meta* means *Dead*,” tweeted Nirit Weiss-Blatt, a tech expert, in response to the company’s announcement. “The Jewish community will ridicule this name for years to come,” she added.

The ZAKA emergency service, which specializes in collecting body parts following accidents or attacks to ensure a proper Jewish burial, tweeted: “Don’t worry, we’re on it.”

ZAKA added the Hebrew hashtag פייסבוק_מתה#, meaning Facebook_Dead, but pronounced Facebook_Meta.

Others who caught on to the humorous translation tweeted the hashtag #FacebookDead.

The new handle comes as the social media giant tries to fend off one of its worst crises yet and pivot to its ambitions for the “metaverse” virtual reality version of the internet that the tech giant sees as the future.

In explaining the rebrand, Zuckerberg said the name “Facebook” just doesn’t encompass “everything we do” anymore. Zuckerberg’s network includes Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, its Quest VR headset, its Horizon VR platform and more — all in addition to Facebook.

Zuckerberg has described the metaverse as a “virtual environment” you can go inside of — instead of just looking at on a screen. Essentially, it’s a world of endless, interconnected virtual communities where people can meet, work and play, using virtual reality headsets, augmented reality glasses, smartphone apps or other devices.

17 year old Stabs his 47 year old Chareidie father to death in Beit Shemesh


A Chareide man, a father of 10, was stabbed to death on Shabbos morning in  Beit Shemesh Ramat Gimmel on Rav Chavakuk Street, and his 17-year-old son was arrested on suspicion of murder.

There was an argument at the Shabbos Seuda table.

Medics arrived on the scene and tried to resuscitate the 47-year-old man but were forced to declare his death.

Police said that an initial investigation found an argument had broken out between the man and teen, and at some point the son stabbed his father in the upper torso.

Police said the son fled but was quickly arrested in a nearby building.

The incident was the second time this month an individual was arrested in Beit Shemesh on suspicion of stabbing a parent to death.

Ellen Greenberg was stabbed 20 times but Medical Examiner Ruled it was a "suicide"?


The parents of a Pennsylvania woman who died of 20 stab wounds are taking the medical examiner’s office to court for declaring her death a suicide.

Ellen Greenberg’s parents have been granted a non-jury trial in their lawsuit against the coroner’s office over her January 2011 death in her Philadelphia apartment, CBS Philly reported.

“We look forward to the trial in hopes of obtaining justice for Ellen,” Sandra Greenberg, Ellen’s mother, told the outlet.

On the day of her death, Ellen, 27, had returned home to her apartment early from her first-grade teaching job on account of a snowstorm.

She was later discovered dead on the kitchen floor by her fiance, Sam Goldberg, when he returned home from the gym.

She had suffered stabbing wounds to her chest, neck, head and torso, police said.

Police initially suspected her death was a suicide, noting the lack of forced entry, defensive wounds or DNA on her body that wasn’t hers, the Washington Post reported.

Medical examiner Marlon Osbourne, however, determined her death to be a homicide before reversing course and amending the ruling to suicide more than a month later, according to the lawsuit.

“It makes no sense,” the Greenbergs’ attorney, Joseph Podraza, told the newspaper.

Greenberg’s family hired a team of experts in the aftermath of her death who pointed out that a knife in her apartment was overturned, possibly suggesting that she had been involved in a struggle, and a gash on the back of her head may have rendered her unconscious and unable to defend herself, the newspaper reported.

Her family has also questioned why she filled up her gas tank before coming home and didn’t leave a note indicating that she planned to take her own life.

Podraza said the family is taking action now to get to the bottom of her death.

“They want to know what happened to their daughter,” he told the newspaper.

An attorney for the city argued that the medical examiner’s office came to its conclusions based on years of experience — and noted that the death certificate does not prevent local authorities from probing her death as a homicide.

“The medical examiner’s determination is binding on no one. … If a prosecuting authority were convinced that Ellen Greenberg was murdered, there is no statute of limitations on homicide and they could pursue it,” the city argued in court filings, the paper reported.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Chaya Sara


"Greedy" Afghanistan's last Jew stuck in limbo in Turkish hotel room


Afghanistan’s last Jew Zebulon Simentov, who was rescued in a humanitarian mission from the country last month after the Taliban took over Kabul, is staying put in an Istanbul hotel for now instead of joining relatives in Israel.

According to a report in the Jewish Chronicle, Simentov told Israeli businessman and humanitarian Moti Kahana, who had helped him leave Afghanistan and was rumored to be arranging for the 62-year old to immigrate to New York City, that he would not move to Israel unless he was paid $10 million and given money to buy a winter coat.

Otherwise, he was prepared to go back to Afghanistan. One of the reasons he cited was that he has “lost a lot of money” by leaving Afghanistan.

In late September, it was reported that Simentov was preparing to move to New York and that he was excited about the prospects of landing in America.

"I like everything in New York. Everything is exciting. I would like to be a U.S. citizen,” he told the New York Post.

In previous statements, Simentov had said he would not move to Israel because he would not grant his wife, who has lived there since 1998 with his daughters, a divorce. Recently, though, he granted his wife a divorce over Zoom.

Simentov has family in Israel, including a brother and sister. Reportedly, he is still intent on moving to New York, where he has an uncle.

His immigration to New York is far from assured, with Kahana recently stating that “Zebulon is a long way down the priorities list for getting into America, behind people who worked for the US in Afghanistan, or who hold green cards. I told him it could take six months to two years, and that it would be much easier for him to go to Israel. He refused and said he would prefer to return to Kabul rather than go to Israel – but I do not know why.”

Kahana asked Simentov’s brother and sister to fly at her expense to Turkey to convince their brother to move to Israel, but they were unwilling.

Simentov reportedly believes that he was tricked into leaving Kabul with assurances that he would go to the United States.

When he was informed that his U.S. immigration was not possible at present, he asked for $10 million and said he was going to stay in Turkey for the next three months.

“I’m not a babysitter. I can’t go on funding and supporting Zebulon in Istanbul for an unlimited time, and I told him I won’t take him back to Kabul," Kahana replied, according to the Jewish Chronicle.

Simentov moved out of a Sheraton Hotel room and into cheaper accommodations earlier in the week.

Kahana paid for the new room for one month but said after that he would not pay any further.

He also said he thought that Simentov would stay permanently in Turkey.

Going bananas: Turkey deports Syrians who shared images of them eating bananas


Turkey is deporting at least seven Syrians for “provocatively” eating bananas in images shared on social media, Bloomberg reports.

The alleged “provocation” came after a Turkish citizen complained that he can’t afford bananas while refugees can.

“You’re living more comfortably. I can’t eat banana, you are buying kilograms of banana,” said a Turkish man as he chided a female Syrian student in an October 17 video taken in Istanbul.

A Turkish woman then joined in, accusing the Syrians of enjoying lavish lifestyles in Turkey rather than going back home to fight, dismissing the student’s explanation that she has nowhere to return to.

Following the incident, a trend on social media began in which Syrian refugees posted photos and videos of themselves eating bananas in a move intended on mocking the Turkish citizen's complaint.

“Seven foreign nationals have been rounded up in a probe over the provocative social media posts and they will be processed for deportation,” Turkey’s migration authority said in a statement quoted by Bloomberg.

Some four million Syrians who fled their country’s civil war have for the most part lived peacefully side by side with Turks for several years. The government, however, is trying to contain an anti-immigrant sentiment that has been rising nationwide.

Mesachtes Zoom


Hunter Biden’s Paintings Sell for More Than Picasso’s


Hunter Biden, the newest artist on the block, is already seeing his paintings sell more than some of Pablo Picasso’s works – an artist that’s a household name and actually produced decent art.

While he doesn’t have much experience, Hunter does bear the Biden surname, which is itself enough to make his scribblings worth tens to hundreds of thousands.

Some of Hunter Biden’s paintings are more expensive than Pablo Picasso’s, New York Post columnist Miranda Devine reported.

“You can buy a Picasso, a signed Picasso, for $400,000, which is cheaper than Hunter Biden’s $500,000 paintings,” she said. “So I think possibly that the people who are paying insane prices for Hunter Biden paintings are not really doing it for the art.”

Devine told Tucker Carlson she was turned away from Biden’s Soho art show for not having an appointment despite her email to make one with gallery owner Georges Berges going unanswered. After being denied entry, she “went across the road” to the Martin Lawrence Galleries where she discovered paintings by Roy Lichtenstein and Picasso, the latter of whose work she found to be less costly than Biden’s.

This comes after the White House has effectively expressed zero concern over Hunter’s shady art sales, with Psaki freely admitting to reporters that she has no idea who is buying his paintings – but did add that Joe Biden is “proud of his son.” Only one person on the left seems to have publicly condemned the sales, Obama’s former ethics czar Walter Shaub.

Of course, we can all imagine the reaction we’d see if Donald Trump Jr. suddenly took up painting and began selling his works for top dollar. Fortunately for Hunter, he’s on the same team as the media and the rest of the establishment.

New York pulls $111M in pension funds from Ben & Jerry

 New York state’s mammoth pension fund is pulling $111 million in investments out of the firm that owns Ben & Jerry’s because of the ice cream maker’s boycott of Israel’s occupied territories, The Post has learned.

State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli —  the sole manager of the $263 billion state Common Retirement Fund — said Ben & Jerry’s decision to stop selling ice cream in the disputed Israeli-Palestinian territories in July violated his office’s policy against the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction of Israel. 

As a result, the comptroller is yanking $111 million in equity investments from Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s parent company. 

“After a thorough review, the New York State Common Retirement Fund will divest its equity holdings in Unilever PLC. Our review of the activities of the company, and its subsidiary Ben & Jerry’s, found they engaged in BDS activities under our pension fund’s policy,” DiNapoli said in a statement to The Post.

The state comptroller’s policy established in June 2016 said BDS activities are intended to inflict economic harm against Israel and as a result, state pension fund’s investments in the Jewish State. The state pension fund — the nation’s third-largest — invests more than $800 million in retirement funds in Israel.

The policy put companies involved in BDS activities against Israel on notice that the state would yank its pension investments.

“We will be divesting those investments. Ben & Jerry’s engaged in BDS activities,” said a spokesman for DiNapoli.

Allies of Israel applauded DiNapoli for standing up for the Jewish State.

“This is wonderful news. God bless Tom DiNapoli,” said former Brooklyn state Assemblyman Dov Hikind  

“BDS equals anti-semitism and Comptroller DiNapoli  stood up against hate.”

Hikind and DiNapoli served together for years in the state Assembly and the comptroller personally called Hikind Thursday night to inform him of his action against Unilever/Ben & Jerry’s.

Dinapoli’s director of corporate governance, Liz Gordon, sent a warning notice to Unilever CEO Alan Jope that its subsidiary firm Ben & Jerry was engaging in a BDS action against Israel.

JOPE gave a circular response on August 4 defending Ben & Jerry’s actions, saying it doesn’t intervene in actions taken by the “independent” boards or the “social mission” of its brands.

“Unilever has a strong and longstanding commitment to our business in Israel. We employ nearly 2,000 people in the country across our four factories and head office, and we have invested approximately $250 million in the Israeli market over the last decade,” Jope said in a letter to Gorzon.

The Unilever boss added, “On this decision, it was no different. Ben & Jerry’s has also made it clear that although the brand will not be present in the West Bank from 2023, it will remain in Israel through a different business arrangement.”

Last month, the state of New Jersey started divesting $182 million invested in Unilever stock, bonds and other securities over Ben & Jerry’s boycott of Israel — joining other anti-BDS states including Arizona and Texas.

On July 19, Ben and Jerry’s announced that it would stop selling ice cream to Occupied Palestinian Territory [OPT] saying “it is inconsistent with our values” to conduct business there.

Ben and Jerry’s Jewish cofounders Bennett Cohen and Jerry Greenfield — who sold their namesake company to Unilever in 2000 — defended the company’s decision to end sales in the region in a New York Times editorial in July, writing that Israel was one of the first countries that the company had expanded to internationally as it grew.

The founders, who called themselves “proud Jews” said that it is “possible to support Israel and oppose some of its policies” just as they’ve “opposed policies in the US government.” 

Additional reporting by Patrick Reilly

Cuomo Will arrested as he charged over alleged groping of former aide


Disgraced ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo was charged Thursday with groping a former aide in Albany’s Executive Mansion — a crime that could send him to jail for a year if he’s convicted.

A misdemeanor criminal complaint filed in Albany City Court alleges that Cuomo, 63, “did intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose, forcibly place his hand under the blouse shirt of the victim…and onto her intimate body part.”

“Specifically, the victims [sic] left breast for the purposes of degrading and satisfying his sexual desire,” it adds.

The incident allegedly took place on the afternoon of Dec. 7 on the second floor of the Executive Mansion, the governor’s official residence.

The name of the alleged victim was redacted from the complaint but a lawyer representing former Cuomo aide Brittany Commisso, 33, acknowledged it’s her.  

The complaint charges Cuomo with forcible touching, which carries a maximum sentence of one year in jail.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Nazi 'secretary of evil', 96, was informed 'down to the last detail' of every murder method used at Stutthof concentration camp,


A 96-year-old former Nazi concentration camp secretary was allegedly informed 'down to the last detail' of every murder method used at the Stutthof camp, a court has heard.  

Irmgard Furchner, who has been dubbed the 'secretary of evil', was wheeled into the courtroom by guards with a facemask and large sunglasses covering her face and a pink beret over her white hair on Tuesday.

She is standing trial for complicity in the murder of more than 10,000 people at Stutthof camp in Nazi-occupied Poland between 1943 and 1945, a charge which she denies.

Furchner was just 18 when she started work at the camp on the Baltic coast, and is the first woman to stand trial in decades over crimes connected to the Third Reich.

She had knowledge of all of the horrific events at the camp due to her work for the commandment of the camp and was informed 'down to the last detail' about the murder methods practised there, prosecutor Maxi Wantzen told the court in the northern town of Itzehoe.

He added that through her work as the camp secretary, she ensured 'the smooth functioning of the camp', reports the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.

On Tuesday, Furchner was seen holding a black and white cane as she sat in her wheelchair wearing a pink coat, scarf and beret. 

An arrest warrant was issued after Furchner fled her retirement home on September 30 and headed to a metro station as her trial was set to begin in the northern town of Itzehoe. 

The pensioner managed to evade police for several hours before being apprehended in the nearby city of Hamburg and temporarily held in custody by authorities.

Furchner was released five days later 'under the condition of precautionary measures', said court spokeswoman Frederike Milhoffer, adding that it was 'assured that she (Furchner) will appear at the next appointment'.

According to media reports, the accused has been fitted with an electronic tag to monitor her whereabouts.

Last week, the court heard how SS men in white medical uniforms would pretend to be doctors who were simply measuring prisoners' height.

But instead, the prisoner's height was used as the setting for a specially engineered 'neck shot' device.

Around 30 prisoners were then shot in the neck within a two-hour period.

In other cases, prisoners were forced into chambers which were filled with poisonous Zyklon B gas.

Here prisoners screamed in agony, scratched at their skin until it was red raw, and even pulled their own hair out.

Furchner, born Irmgard Dirksen on May 19, 1925, worked as secretary for the concentration camp commandant Paul Werner Hoppe.

As she was only 18 at the time, she is being tried in a juvenile court, even though she is almost a hundred years old.

The prosecution claimed that her work as a secretary assisted the wider 'killing apparatus' of the concentration camp.

The prosecutor described how on July 22, 1944, SS Obersturmbahnführer Paul Maurer gave orders that a group of prisoners at Stutthof be transported to Auschwitz for extermination.

Four days later, a list of prisoners to be transferred was written at the commandant's office at Stutthof.

At 6.05pm, commandant Hoppe, then gave confirmation by radio that the transport was en


Nazi commandant Paul Werner Hoppe

The prosecution then claimed that this message must have been written by Furchner.

Furchner's lawyer, Wolfgang Molkentin, told the court in a statement that his client denies that she is 'personally guilty of a crime'. 

He said: 'Irmgard Furchner does not deny the crimes of the Shoah [Holocaust].  

What a Nut Case ....Iran man gets jail, lashes for stealing cashews


An Iranian court sentenced a man to 10 months in prison and 40 lashes for stealing three packs of cashews, Fars news agency reported Monday.

The conservative news agency described the verdict as surprising and pointed to the “disproportion between the sentence and the crime committed.”

It called on the judiciary to “explain or correct” the ruling against the 45-year-old father of three.

The judiciary’s Mizan Online agency announced the formation of a “special commission” in Qom province to study the issue of the “proportionality of the offense.”

It did not specify where the trial took place.

The commission “will try to use all legal abilities to reduce the sentence,” Mizan Online said.

It added that the offender had “been sentenced to one year in prison for theft in 2019, but his sentence had been suspended due to the return of the stolen goods.”

The latest ruling drew ridicule on social media, with many drawing a comparison with the classic Victor Hugo novel “Les Miserables.”

“Nearly 160 years after the publication of Les Miserables… the Jean Valjeans continue to be condemned,” one user wrote, referring to the ex-convict depicted in the book.

Fars explained that the sentence was final because it was not appealed. It did not disclose the name or location of the convicted man.

Sex offender Berland begins fraud sentence as followers mass outside jail


Berland at his Bar Mitzva

Berland now still wearing his tefillin

Convicted sex offender Rabbi Eliezer Berland entered prison on Thursday to serve out a fresh sentence for fraud, after he swindled his sick and elderly followers out of millions of shekels.

Around a thousand of his supporters gathered outside the prison from Wednesday evening to protest his conviction.

Berland and his extremist Shuvu Bonim sect returned to the spotlight this month with a number of arrests in connection with the suspected murder of a teenage boy and the unsolved murder of a man in the 1980s and 1990

Berland started his jail term on Thursday after he was convicted of fraud in June, in a plea deal that saw him sentenced to 18 months. The sentence will include time already served as Berland spent a year in jail before being released to house arrest in February of this year.

Berland was arrested in February 2020, after hundreds of people filed police complaints saying that he had sold prayers and pills to desperate members of his community, promised families of individuals with disabilities that their loved ones would be able to walk, and told families of convicted felons that their relatives would be freed from prison.

In the arrest raid, dozens of boxes of powders and pills were found at Berland’s home that were given to supplicants as “wonder drugs.” Laboratory checks revealed them to be over-the-counter pain medication and candy, including Mentos.

At the time of his sentencing, the judge ruled that Berland’s offenses were “committed systematically and out of greed, taking advantage of the complainants at their most difficult time during periods of crisis.”

Berland’s supporters gathered outside the Nitzan Prison in Ramle on Wednesday evening, where they held a protest and all-night study and prayer session, surrounded by heavy police presence.

The supporters will additionally set up a protest tent near the jail, while Berland’s lawyers have said they will request that he be quickly released for good behavior and cooperation, the Walla news site reported.

Berland is starting his sentence as police make apparent progress in the investigation into the suspected murder of a teenage boy and the unsolved murder of a man connected to his sect, with the arrest of eight suspects, reportedly including the son of a former senior cabinet minister.

According to the Kan public broadcaster, law enforcement are probing whether Berland was personally involved in the disappearance and suspected murder of 17-year-old Nissim Shitrit and the murder of 41-year-old Avi Edri.

Shitrit was allegedly beaten by the sect’s “religious police” four months before he was last seen in January 1986. In a documentary released by Kan in 2020, one of Berland’s former disciples said that the religious police murdered the boy, dismembered him and buried his body in Eshtaol Forest near Beit Shemesh. His remains were never found and the case was never solved.

The second murder reportedly connected to the arrested suspects was of Edri, who was found beaten to death in Ramot Forest in the north of Jerusalem in 1990. Kan reported that Edri’s murder was tied to Shuvu Bonim by former disciples. It too has remained unsolved for over 30 years.

Nissim Shitrit (L) and Avi Edri in undated photos (Courtesy)

The cult-like Shuvu Bonim offshoot of the Bratslav Hasidic sect has had repeated run-ins with the law, including attacking witnesses.

Satmar Rebbe, R' Aaron Refuses a guy that wants to give him a hitch


The Priest Of Jaffa a Jews Dies, Buried In Izbica Mass Grave Where His Parents Were Murdered in the Holocaust

  A tragic holocaust story reached its bitter end this week after 80 years. The Bishop of Jaffa, who was born to a Jewish family from Zamosc and miraculously survived the holocaust by hiding with gentiles, died and was flown to be buried in the mass grave where his parents perished.