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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Black Lady Smashes Window of Brooklyn Yeshivah then puts Hammer Back into her pocketbook


If Your Name is "Ben" or "Jerry" You Can No Longer Enter Israel


Rav Menashe Tzvi Winkler Who Saw The Choeftz Chaim, Learned in Baranovitch, Kaminetz, And The Mir Passes on

We regret to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Menashe Tzvi Winkler ZT”L. He was around 103 years old. He was Niftar on Tuesday where he lived in Lakewood, NJ.

The Niftar was one of the last people alive to have seen the Chofetz Chaim, learned in the Mir in Poland, in Baranovitch under Reb Elchonon Wasserman HY”D, and in Kaminetz under Reb Boruch Ber Leibeowitz ZT”L.

Rav Menashe Tzvi Z”L was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, and after the sudden passing of his father, he went to learn in Radin under the Chofetz Chaim. He arrived there three weeks before his Petira. He was Zoche to shake the Chofetz Chaim’s hand and receive a Bracha from him to succeed in shteiging in yeshivah with simchah, serve Hashem in good health, and merit arichus yamim.

He vividly would recall the Levaya of the Chofetz Chaim, which took place on the morning of the first day of Selichos.

He then went to learn in Baranovitch under Reb Elchonon Wasserman HY”D, followed by Kaminetz where he heard Shiurim from Reb Boruch Ber Liebowitz ZT”L and then went to the Mir in Poland, where he was friends with the late Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Berenbaum ZT”L, Hagaon HaRav Leib Bakst ZT”L (Rosh Yeshiva of Detroit) and other Yeshiva Bochrim who would later become Gedolei Olam.

Let self-haters Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield choke on their Woke


Woke Jews, so immersed in their self-hating need to gain acclaim outside their own community that they will boycott Jews — not Chinese torturers, not the world’s tyrants and dictators, just Jews in Judea and Samaria

You think Jews cannot be Jew-haters?

Does any serious, open-minded non-Woke American still really believe that Jews are all “in it together”? How foolish!

Even as Ilhan Omar is the worst Jew-hater in Congress, with salutatorian going to Rashida Tlaib and honorable mentions for New York’s Antisemite Of Color (AOC) and Betty McCollum of Minnesota, their champion in the U.S. Senate is Bernie Sanders. He endorses them when they seek election, and they endorse him. They all are as one, in it together. They are the epicenter of Israel-hatred and Jew-hatred in Congress.

But Bernie Sanders is Jewish, isn’t he? How can a Jew line up in bed with outright, unashamed, uninhibited Jew-haters? Does that make any sense?

Yes, it does.

Read my “tag line” to recognize my qualifications to write this: 

There is a deep, intense Jewish social sickness that afflicts perhaps one quarter of all Jews in the contemporary West. Some call it “self-hate.” Some have other names for it. A good word for it is “apostasy.” These apostates share a common psychological sickness that always backfires on them: they believe that, if they turn against “the Jews,” then others in their Left universes — whether they be liberal or “progressive” or socialist or communist or just plan Woke — will welcome them as fellow travelers.

It never works for the long term. It always comes back to bite them bad.

It Cost Nothing to be Kind


Monday, July 19, 2021

Frum Women Question Portrayal of Community in Netflix Series ‘My Unorthodox Life’


A new Netflix reality series about a woman who left an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community is facing backlash from some Jewish women who have taken offense to the show’s portrayal of Orthodox Judaism.

The nine-episode first season of “My Unorthodox Life,” which premiered on Netflix on Wednesday, is about self-made fashion mogul Julia Haart — the CEO of the international talent agency Elite World Group — and her four children, who include a non-religious bisexual app creator and a Shabbat-observant Instagram influencer and TikToker. Six years ago, Haart (formerly Talia Hendler) left her strictly Orthodox lifestyle in Monsey, New York, and moved to New York City, where she has since remarried.

Now non-religious, she discusses in the show a confining and restrictive experience in her former lifestyle, which she dismisses as Jewish “fundamentalism.” While she tells her children to choose their own relationship with the Jewish culture, she also criticizes many aspects of Judaism throughout the show, calls the Orthodox Jewish community “dangerous” and describes her youngest son’s religious behavior as “super loony.”

A number of Jewish women have criticized that portrayal, forming a social media campaign called “#MyOrthodoxLife” in which they describe their contentment with living a religious Jewish lifestyle.

“Hey Netflix — wanna try for some balance instead of constantly smearing an entire community?!” said dating coach Devorah Rose Kigel, who grew up as a secular atheist Jew and is now Orthodox. “What about those of us who are Orthodox-by-choice? Wouldn’t that make an interesting show? … If you want to know about us, ask us. Talk to us. Don’t watch some prejudiced, fabricated reality show and think you know what’s up.”

Camal'a Harris staffers allegedly 'terrified' she will become president


Islamic scholar from Gaza university: Wife beating should be 'therapeutic', teach a lesson


Dr. Ziyad Miqdad, head of the Fatwa Committee in the Islamic University of Gaza said that when a husband beats his wife, according to the Quran, the beatings must be done symbolically, and he should not beat the wife in a manner that causes injury. 

He made his remarks on a show that aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas – Gaza) on July 8, 2021. 
Dr. Miqdad explained that the beatings should be therapeutic and not vindictive, but they should be like a guy beating his sweetheart, a father beating his son, and a mother beating her daughter.  
He said that the husband must beat his wife only in order to correct her ways and preserve the family life.

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream announces boycott of Israeli West Bank settlements


Very interesting ... a black would never boycott another black, a Palestinian would never boycott another Palestinian but a Jew has no problem boycotting another Jew...
may all their ice cream melt 

Following pressure from pro-Palestinian activists, Ben & Jerry’s announced Monday that it would stop selling ice cream in “Occupied Palestinian Territory.”

The Vermont-based ice cream brand said it would continue operating in Israel, suggesting that it is planning to pull its products from stores located in Israeli settlements in the West Bank. 

“We believe it is inconsistent with our values for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to be sold in the Occupied Palestinian Territory,” the company said. “We also hear and recognize the concerns shared with us by our fans and trusted partners.”

Ben & Jerry’s announced the decision on its social media accounts Monday, breaking an uncharacteristic two-month silence that began during the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.

The move makes Ben & Jerry’s one of the most high-profile companies to refuse to do business in the settlements. It also means that the company declined demands to engage in a broader boycott of Israel. 

A subsidiary of the British conglomerate Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s said it would allow its controversial contract with a licensee that manufactures the brand’s ice cream at a facility in Israel proper and distributes it in the region to lapse next year. The company said it would maintain a presence in Israel, where its ice cream is popular, “through a different arrangement” to be unveiled in the future. 

"Dumb Dog' Tlaib Doesn't know her own Muslim Holidays but Spews Hate on Tisha Be'ov


How many falsehoods can you detect in this one tweet? Let’s see:

  1. Eid Al Adha is not the holiest day for Muslims, it’s the fourth, following the Month of Ramadan, Qadr Night, Eid al-Fitr, and then Eid Al Adha.
  2. Eid Al Adha was not celebrated on Sunday, when the clashes took place, but will be celebrated this Tuesday
  3. The Muslim youths were not there to pray.
    The terrorist group PFLP called on them the day before to riot on the Temple Mount.
    Ari Ingel tweeted a link to the Jerusalem-based Al-Quds article: Popular Front calls for a rally for Jerusalem on Sunday.”
    The story Al-Quds went:
    “The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine on Saturday called on the masses of the West Bank and the interior to go towards the city of Jerusalem and gather there, especially in its old city and the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, to confront the settlers’ incursions scheduled for tomorrow, Sunday.”
    So they piled up stones inside their mosque and threw them at the cops who arrived ahead of the Jewish visitors to make sure the day didn’t develop into a pogrom.
  4. The reason Jews were planning to ascend to our holiest site on God’s green Earth was that it was the day of Tisha B’Av which marks the loss of the two temples we built there in 960 BCE, and then in 516 BCE – more than a millennium before Rashida Tlaib’s pagan ancestors ever made it out of the Arab peninsula.
  5. We could go on with even more lies she said against Israel defending itself from terrorists.

Rav Yudan Ben-Simon is quoted by the Midrash (Bereshit Rabba 79:7) as saying that there are three places in the Land of Israel the gentiles cannot claim that we stole from them: the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron which was purchased by Abraham, Joseph’s Tomb which was bought by Jacob; and the Temple Mount, purchased by David. Since our scriptures go into such length to describe those transactions, Rav Yudan cannot imagine that any gentile would dare deny our ownership there.

Rav Yudan lived around the fifth century CE, so he never met a Muslim. Islam came into being some two hundred years after his time. Had the good rabbi lived when the Arab hordes were coming out of the peninsula with their new teachings, he would have seen with his own eyes a nation and a religion that made lying their foundation. A noteworthy issue is the Eid al-Adha which will be celebrated on Tuesday this week.

Eid al-Adha, Arabic for Festival of the Sacrifice, honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Ismail as an act of obedience to God’s command. Before Ibrahim could sacrifice his son, however, Allah provided him a lamb to sacrifice instead.

So this illiterate security guard from Medina, who learned Jewish Midrashim from merchants in those long caravans in the desert, put together a new religion that subverted shamelessly the most precious aspects of the Jewish faith. This is the reason that Maimonides permitted religious debates with Christians, who accepted the fundamental veracity of Jewish scripture and only argued over its interpretation; but forbade religious debates with Muslims whose scriptures are lies and inventions, and should a Jew debate them, he could cause only trouble for the Jewish community (Response to the students of Rabbi Ephraim HaDayan from Tzor).

Enter Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Sunday with the above  tweet, which could have been posted by any Arab horseman pushing north into Mesopotamia and the Levant


Satmar "Bnei Yoel" Protest School for Special Children in Kiryat Yoel


 Unfortunately you are reading the headline correctly, the headline wasn't written in a way to grab your attention..

Who are the "Bnei Yoel?" Are they Satmar Chassidim?

When the founder of the Satmar dynasty, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l, passed on without leaving children and without leaving a will designating a successor, the Satmar elders appointed the Sigiter Rav, R' Moshe Teitelbaum a nephew of R' Yoel, who was in fact the halachic "yoirish", as his successor.

The rebbetzin of R' Yoel despised R' Moshe for many reasons, and refused to recognise him as the Satmar Rebbe. In fact she made herself the de facto  "rebbe" and took "kviltlach" which she would in turn take to R' Yoel's grave.

There were a group of Satmar chassidim who were followers of the old Rebbitzin and who never recognised the "rabbistiveh" of R' Moshe, openly despised him and mocked him and they called themselves "Bnei Yoel" the "Children of Yoel".

When the old rebbitzen, the wife of R' Yoel passed on to a world where there is only truth, they continued being "Satmar Chassidim" but appointed their own rabbanim and dayanim  and  opened their own moisdois, and continued to defy R' Moshe; being a thorn in his eye.

Meanwhile R' Moshe wrote a will designating his younger son, R' Zalman Leib as his successor.

When R' Aron, who was the older son,  got wind of that fact, he went ballistic and decided to  drag his old feeble ailing father to secular court to get the court to declare his father, "insane."  

While this was still in the courts, R' Moshe passed on to meet his uncle R' Yoel, who made a point of not writing a will, and not naming R Moshe as his successor, and the previous rebbitzin that despised him,

 and it took only minutes for his elder son, R' Aron, to declare himself "Satmar Rebbe" ala Biden.

Hence the split between the two brothers...

The "Bnei Yoel" continue to be "Bnei Yoel" and hate both brothers.

R' Aron who designated himself the Satmar Rebbe, and who lives in Kiryat Yoel, opened a "public school" for children with special needs, calling it "Shaarei Chemla" the "gates of mercy".

To service a child with "special needs" is a very costly undertaking and runs about $60,000.00 per child, could possibly be more.

 Kiryas Yoel has hundreds of children with special needs ..........you make the "cheshbin"

The federal and state governments offer these services for free, and even pay for all the school's upkeep including playgrounds etc..

One little problem.... if you take federal and state funds, you cannot teach religion and cannot display any religious symbols ..

In other words you can teach the Alef Beis but cannot teach Chumash or Shulchan Aruch in the building, you are also prohibited from putting a Mezuzah on the doors (I believe that Satmar got around that somehow)

So R' Aron established a public school in Kiryas Yoel servicing the children with special needs, that follow federal and state guidelines.

The "Bnei Yoel" who take their instructions from a Rebbe and a Rebbitzin that are no longer among the living, were livid and were opposed to the public school that would not allow religious studies. 

They are of the opinion that if teaching religion is prohibited in this building, then Satmar should stop taking funds and open a private school. 

But they offer no solutions and they have no clue how to accomplish that. Running this type of "private" school requires millions of dollars a year, but they won't  allow facts to get in the way.

FYI, in Israel, the "treifinie medina", religion can be taught in the public schools for special children and all Satmar families send their children that require special education to these Zionist schools...

Shhhhhhh... don't tell anyone... 

"To the Victor belong the Spoils" Except when its the Har Habayit


For many years it has been the custom of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler, famed posek, professor, and son-in-law of the great Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Χ–Χ¦'ל to perform the commandment of "Mora Mikdash" - showing reverence to G-d at the place of the Holy Temple, by ascending the Temple Mount in strict accordance with halacha - Jewish law.

The Rabbi ascends the Mount every time he is in the land of Israel. He has made tens of visits to the Temple Mount.
The above visit was filmed on the 23rd of Tevet, 5769 - January 19th, 2009. 33 YEARS of the TEMPLE INSTITUTE

eekly Newsletter: http://is.gd/4BUvi

Why Must A Jew Be in Captivity or Sick For You to Pray For Him?


This video is a lecture given by Rabbi Refael Rubin for Tisha B'Av, in Netanya. 

The Holy Temple was destroyed by "Sin'at Chinam" and as the video says, WE are the ones who can correct this. 

WE must love am Yisrael...Every Jew, from every walk of life must take this message to heart.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Remembering Hanna Szenes ...Murdered Al Kiddush Hashem.....


Her beginnings were unremarkable, her life extraordinary. Her end — a bullet by a Hungarian execution squad — catapulted her into history, turned her into a symbol of courage, an inspiration for generations.

At the time of her death, Hanna Szenes was 23, innocent of all crime. On that fatal November 7, 1944, my heart leaped across the ocean and I cried. I cried for the injustice. I cried for Hanna Szenes who was — and still is — my hero.

If her young life had not been cut short, her writing might have become a welcome addition to the Israeli literary canon.

We never met. Our lives flowed only as two parallel lines. Five years after she was born on July 17, 1921, circumstances deposited my cradle not far from her native Budapest — in Brno, Czechoslovakia. Both of us came from solid Jewish families; Hanna’s, upper middle class, assimilated; mine, more modest, Modern Orthodox.

Hanna grew up surrounded by culture and love. Vivacious, precocious, protected, she possessed all: a good school where she excelled in all her studies, friends who sought her lively company, summers in the countryside. She learned French and English, played the piano, tutored weaker pupils. Popular with her peers, she partied and danced, she traveled, swam and skied.

She had boyfriends who proposed marriage to her. Years later, thinking of her Right Man whom she never found, she confessed to her diary, I am 22 and have never been kissed.

Her diary was her confidant: to it, she entrusted her thoughts, her feelings, her ambitions.

Like her father, Bela Szenes, well-known for his plays applauded on the Budapest stage, Hanna also wrote. She composed poetry and prose that was read and admired in her many circles. Bela  died when she was a child of six; all her life, she remained fiercely attached to her mother Katerina and to her brother George.

Hanna and her brother, George, in Budapest. (From the collection of the National Library)

Both Hanna and I could have continued to live our separate cultured European lives.

If not for a monstrous hitch.

Baseless Hatred and Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman


by DIN

It's Tisha Be'ov and we are all wondering why we are still mourning. 

The Parsha that we all heard in shuls around the world this shabbos, was Parshas Devarim.  Moshe Rabbeinu, using hints and riddles, chastises the Jewish people, reminding them of all what transpired in the 38 years prior.

But there was one sin that the Jewish people did that Moshe Rabbeinu didn't mince words, didn't hint and didn't use riddles but was very direct, and that was the "Chet of the Meraglim."


Because Hashem never forgives someone who bad mouths Eretz Yisrael, you could learn Torah and do chesed, you could be a great rabbi who authors the greatest sefarim, but if you bad mouth Eretz Yisrael, Hashem will never forgive you.

Last night was the 3,330th  anniversary of when the Meraglim brought their treasonous words to Moshe. 

Hashem promised that this day would be Χ‘Χ›Χ™Χ” ΧœΧ“Χ•Χ¨Χ•Χͺ "a cry for generations" and Hashem was true to His words; the first and second Bais Hamikdash were destroyed on the anniversary of this very day.

The Talmud in Yoma (ט':Χ‘) cannot understand why the Second Bais Ha'mikdash was destroyed, after all the Jews were involved in Torah, Mitzvois and Gemillas Chassadim

?Χ©Χ”Χ™Χ• Χ’Χ•Χ‘Χ§Χ™ΧŸ Χ‘ΧͺΧ•Χ¨Χ” Χ•Χ‘ΧžΧ¦Χ•Χͺ Χ•Χ’ΧžΧ™ΧœΧͺ חבדים ΧžΧ€Χ Χ™ ΧžΧ” Χ—Χ¨Χ‘

It would have been much easier to understand why Hashem destroyed the Bais Hamikdash , if the Jews at the time would have been involved exclusively  "in Torah and Mitzvois" and not in involved in chessed, then we could reason, that the Jews were only interested in mitzvahs that were between them and Hashem Χ‘Χ™ΧŸ אדם ΧœΧžΧ§Χ•Χ, but mitzvahs that pertain between them and their fellow Jews,Χ‘Χ™ΧŸ אדם ΧœΧ—Χ‘Χ™Χ¨Χ• they neglected, and that's why Hashem destroyed the Bais Hamikdash.

But a careful reading of the Talmud's question includes Χ’ΧžΧ™ΧœΧͺ חבדיםthe Jews were very much involved in doing chessed,

so if they were doing  "chessed, why was the Bais Hamikdash destroyed?

The gemmarah answers that it was because of "baseless hatred" שנאΧͺ חינם`

Wait one minute, they were doing chessed and hated their fellow Jew? How do we understand that, it's a contradiction! 

It's not a contradiction ... because doing a chessed to a neighbour or to another Jew is a personal thing, you feel bad for his or her circumstances, so you will go out and do them a chessed...

Hating another Jew is anonymous thing, because usually you hate a group and you may not even know them personally ...

"That other group  doesn't dress like me, doesn't follow my minhagim, or even because they are not religious. So yes, I will do them a favor a chessed should they need something, but in my heart I hate them, I don't want them living anywhere near me."

So how does a Jew who learns Torah, does mitzvahs and does Chessed, hate another Jew? Where does it start?

For that we have to thank Hamas!

What? Hamas?

Yes absolutely... Hamas and Hizbollah train their toddlers to hate Jews, and set up summer camps to make sure this happens. They train them when they are still very young. 

There exists a very large Chassidus that is known for chessed, if G-d forbid you or a loved one was ever hospitalised, you benefited from that chessed. They will take their shirts off their back to help another Yid, no question.

But at the same time they embed hate of other Jews such as Zionists, in their children and they do it when their children are still very small

Another point that I want to make in reference to this gemarrah in Yoma.... 

If you open the book of Josephus or even the gemarrah itself, you will see that there were large groups of Jews that were not at all frum and  some of them were even murderers. For example, the Sadducees and the Essenes were groups of Jews that went against the Torah, so why is the gemmarah searching for a reason for the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash and why does the gemmarrah seem to say that all Jews were involved in "Torah, Mitzvahs and Gemillas Chassadim?"

Why doesn't the gemmarah simply say that Bais Hamikdash was destroyed because many Jews were violating the Torah, weren't holding shabbos? 

The answer is that Hashem looks what the Frummies are doing. Hashem is looking at the guys that learn all day, learn Mussar sefarim, do Mitzvois and do chessed who are "Torah True Jews" ....yet hate each other. 

Hashem is looking at the Jews who instead of voting, make illegal protests, protesting  the "light rail" in Yerushalyim because it "will bring "prizus into their neighbourhoods, yet destroying millions of shekels worth of equipment." Hashem is looking at Jews that throw rocks and beat up other Jews because they were brave enough to join the army to protect their very rights to protest.  Hashem is looking at Jews that train their children to call other Jews "Nazis" Hashem is looking at the "holy" Jews in Meah Sharim who threw rocks and eggs, just like Arabs, on 60 innocent Jewish girls that walked thru their neighborhood.

The Bais Hamikdash was not destroyed because of "chillul Shabbos" it wasn't destroyed because of Jews that may have distorted the Torah .... 

The Bais Hamikdash according to this gemmarrah in Yoma was destroyed because of the "Tzaddikim" it was destroyed because those learning Torah and doing Mitzvois and going out of their way to do another Jew a chesed, were at the same time carrying around hate in their minds & bodies..
Remember that the roshei teivois of 
איכה Χ™Χ©Χ‘Χ” Χ‘Χ“Χ“ Χ”Χ’Χ™Χ¨ 
is איבה ..hate

and that brings me to my headline ...
about Harav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman...

This book is a must read, and every Jewish home must run out and buy it. It's about a Yerushalmie Jew brought up in Meah Searim and who loves every single Jew... see what he has and continues to accomplish.
I have seen his work first hand, and he is truly a tzaddik. 
If you want to celebrate Tisha Be'ov next year, buy this book and start in your own small way emulating a true Ohaiv Yisrael!

A Temple in Flames The Final Battle for Jerusalem and the Destruction of the Second Temple


When Biden & Camel'eh Were Against Taking the Vaccine


Ha’aretz the Enemy of the Jewish People


 by Victor Rosenthal

Ha’aretz is more than just a left-leaning newspaper.

It is an enemy of the state, and in fact, an enemy of the Jewish people, whose future depends on the state.

Today, when Israel and Jews are under attack throughout the world, when international organizations have been turned into lie factories targeting Israel, when the Jewish State is accused of the very crimes – terrorism, murder, apartheid, genocide – that her enemies are either guilty of or aspire to, an Israeli newspaper, owned and operated by Jews, is a primary propaganda organ of those enemies.

Every day, the paper – which publishes both a Hebrew print edition that few Israelis read, and an English internet edition that is read around the world by decision-makers in governments and businesses – pumps out its vileness. Every day its writers present a slanted version of events in which Israel and Israelis are oppressors, occupiers, murderers, racists, thieves, and liars.

By virtue of its Israeli origin, this StΓΌrmer gains credibility. Perhaps you don’t believe everything you read on Aljazeera’s website, but this is an Israeli newspaper; indeed, it’s been called the NY Times of Israel, the paper of record.

Today there is a typical example. In an editorial, they excoriate the Yamam, the Israel Police counterterrorism unit, accusing it of committing a “cold-blooded execution” of a man named Ahmed Abdu. They call it “Israel’s own death squad,” equating it with the ones operated by South American dictators.

Their accusation is based on a security camera video: it shows someone in a car getting shot. That is all it shows. But let me quote the Ha’aretz editorial:

Blacks Now Targeting Frum Jews Going to Shul Early in the morning


Biden Administration Admits Ordering Facebook to Censor posts they don't like


The Black Officer that Murdered the White Ashli Babbitt a Trump Supporter on Jan 6 .....Identified


This is the Reason Jews Need Their Own State


Goldfish Dumped In Lakes Are Growing To Football Size


Do not release your pet goldfish in lakes or ponds. That's what officials are saying after a huge goldfish was recently pulled from a Minnesota lake, an issue that has been seen across the United States in recent years.

National Geographic said while a goldfish typically weighs just 0.2 to 0.6 pounds, they can weigh more than five pounds in the wild, CBS News reported.

"They grow bigger than you think and contribute to poor water quality by mucking up the bottom sediments and uprooting plants," the City of Burnsville, Minnesota, tweeted on Friday, July 9. 

In recent years, huge goldfish were also reported in bodies of water in South Carolina, Missouri, Virginia and Kentucky, CBS News said.

Large, invasive goldfish have also been seen in New York. In March, an angler in Syracuse reported that he caught a 14 1/2 inch goldfish Onondaga Lake, according to Syracuse.com.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has posted guidance on how goldfish owners can "break up" with their pet without damaging the ecosystems of any bodies of water. The agency said after freeing your pet, it can still grow huge under the right conditions.

"Imagine a goldfish the size of a football and weighing four pounds," the agency said.

Some alternatives include rehoming the fish or donating it to a school, learning institution or pet store.

Kidnapper Snatches Boy off the Street in Broad Daylight in "Criminal" NYC


The apparently deranged stranger who snatched a boy off a Queens sidewalk and threw him into a car — only to have the child’s quick-thinking and faster-moving mom grab him back — handled the kid “like he was a bag of garbage,” the victim’s big brother told The Post.

Dolores Diaz Lopez, 45, was walking along Hillside Avenue in Richmond Hill Thursday night, taking her three kids to see their mechanic dad, Benjamin Diaz, at work, when a man she didn’t know leapt from a nearby maroon sedan.

Jacob had just let go of her hand, running a little bit in front of her on the wide and fairly empty sidewalk. She said she was watching him.

The next thing she knew a man sprinted out of a car, grabbed Jacob and ran back to the vehicle with him.

“Then I saw the man coming out of the car. He ran towards Jacob,” Lopez told The Post. “I was scared. I screamed, ‘Oh my God, he is taking my kid!”

“He picked him up like he was a bag of garbage,” said Jacob’s 9-year-old brother, Benny. “The car was close by. He opened the passenger door in the back and threw my brother in the car. He shut the door and locked it.”

James McGonagle, 24, has been charged with attempted kidnapping in the bizarre, shocking incident. 

Diaz Lopez, Benny and 8-year-old daughter Zuriely sprang into action like a trio from an action movie — and rescued a stunned Jacob.

“I ran around the other side of the car and tried to open the door,” Zuriley told The Post. “I pulled it but it didn’t open. The man locked the door with my brother inside the car.”

Benny recalled McGonagle’s passenger in the sedan ask the apparently crazed kidnapper, “What are you doing?”

“He was sitting in the passenger seat in the front,” Benny said of the man who police sourced identified Saturday as McGonagle’s father. “The man who took Jacob said, ‘We are kidnapping the kid.’”

It was up to Mom to finally save the day.

“Jacob stood up in the back seat and I pulled him out through the front passenger window,” she said as she gestured out both arms, made fists and pulled her arms in, showing how she grabbed her son out of the car.

She grabbed Jacob through the front window because the windows in the back were locked.

“Give me that stupid kid back!” McGonagle yelled. But by then a crowd had gathered and the men took off.

“He didn’t want to get caught,” said Benny. 

Lopez said she was beyond relieved when Jacob was back in her arms.