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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Leiberman’s War On Chareidim Begins: No Daycare Subsidies For Kollel Guys Unless they go to work


Finance Minister Avigdor Leiberman began carrying out his campaign of hatred toward Charedim on Wednesday with the announcement of his decision to revoke the rights of avreichim for daycare subsidies.

In order to accomplish his goal, he changed the criteria to receive subsidies for daycare to families in which both spouses work at least 24 hours a week or one spouse works and the other is a student, excluding yeshivah students.

The new criteria, which will already go into effect for the upcoming school year, will affect about 18,000 Chareidi families and 21,000 children,

It should be noted that Leiberman’s decision does not require the Knesset’s approval.

“The decision I’m making today is a very important step that changes the priorities of the state to those who work and pay taxes,” Leiberman said. “I’ll continue to take steps to eliminate negative incentives for integration into the labor market.”

UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni said in response to Lieberman’s announcement: “The criteria that Lieberman HaRasha established eliminate daycare subsidies for working women whose husbands are learning Torah and will cause severe financial harm to these families.”

“We’re waiting for Bennett who said that he won’t allow the Chareidi community to be harmed,” Gafni asserted. “The first serious cut signed by Lieberman HaRasha is against the Chareidi community.”

“Leiberman who signed [the deal] granting NIS 53 million to the Islamist Ra’am party after he promised that he wouldn’t join a government with them…rushes to harm working Chareidi mothers,” UTJ MK Yaakov Asher said. “Bennett and Sa’ar will not be absolved of their responsibility for this crime.”

“Leiberman’s first decision in office is to attack the Chareidi community,” Shas chairman Aryeh Deri said. “His evil plan is aimed at harming large families just because he hates Charedim. Bennett and Sa’ar, who promised to defend the Charedim, have placed the battle against the Torah world at the heart of their agenda.”

Religious Zionist Party chairman Betzalel Smotrich said: “Toras Yisrael is the zechus of our existence here. Starving the children of avreichim is a disgrace and another mark of shame for this evil government.”

“Lieberman wants to starve women and children by raising the cost of daycare to the point where it’s not worthwhile to work,” said UTJ MK Yisrael Eichler.

“Lieberman is a veteran hater of Chareidim and we don’t have expectations of him. The blame lies with the prime minister and all the partners of this evil government.”

Shin Bet Helped President Rivlin To Walk Disguised In Public


In honor of the end of Reuven Rivlin’s seven-year term as president on Wednesday, the Shin Bet released a photo of an unrecognizable Rivlin walking in public in a disguise.

The photo shows Rivlin with a dark hair wig and a dark bushy beard, with Shin Bet agents trailing behind him.

“The president enjoyed complete anonymity for a few hours, alongside Shin Bet operatives who are well trained in covert tactics for ‘unseen protection,'” the Shin Bet stated.

Yitzchak Herzog was sworn in as Israel’s 11th president on Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dayan Fisher Addresses Civil War in Eida Hachreidis and Sends Warning to Satmar


Dayan Fisher 
I didn't really want to write about this, but I received countless e-mails of readers trying to understand what's happening within the Eida Hachreidis. So instead of answering individually, I decided to explain it to my readers as best as I can ... because as you will see it's complicated!

The Eida Hacreidis was founded by Rav Chaim Yosef Sonnenfeld in partnership with  Rav Yitzchok Yerucham Diskin in 1921. They were succeeded by R' Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky followed by  R' Zelig Reuven Bengis, followed by R' Yoel Tetelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, and then R' Moshe Teitelbaum.

The Eida is  presently headed by the "Gaavad"  R' Tuvia Weiss, and by the "Raavad" Rav Moshe Sternbuch.
As you can imagine the Eida Hachreidis is vehemently anti Zionist. And this anti-Zionist stance is ideologically derived from the Vayoel Moshe, which was written by the late Satmar Rebbe , R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l.

Within the Eida there exists a group that are even more extreme than their leaders and they are called "Sikrinim".....

Years ago when R' Yoel Teitelbaum decided that the residents of Yerushalayim should vote in local elections, the "sikrinim" or extremists, went out of their minds and like the "progressives" and "DemonRats" in USA politics, shut all debates and threatened violence, the Satmar Rebbe got intimidated and quickly withdrew his suggestion and now it's all  forgotten except in the memory of some old Yerushalmie Jews. Reading the Vayoel Moshe one would never know what transpired a half century ago. 

In 1959 R' Yitzchok Zev Soloveitchik established the "Asra Kadisha" which is presently headed by R' Dovid Shmidel and he is  allegedly called the "Godfather of the Asra Kadisha Mafia"

Why is this organisation called a "Mafia" ...?
Originally this self appointed organization was supposed to monitor archeological  sites exclusively throughout Israel and report when they came across Jewish bones. 
One of the ways they distinguish who's who,, is examining how these bones are buried and where. Jewish people were buried away from cities and towns, so most bones found in Israel are not Jewish, this is something that even the Asra agrees. 

In the last decade or so, the Zionists undertook a massive building campaign to accommodate its residents, which of course included Chareidim. 

The Asra Kadisha discovered a great way to make money. They began to protest all constructions sites and would only render them "kosher" after extorting huge amounts of money from the developers..
Of course this was only in the Chareidie areas, because in Tel Aviv, their protests would last about 3 and half seconds.

Interesting, they never found Jewish bones in Bnei Brak or Meah Shearim or any site where a Shul  or a yeshiva was being built... 
Being history buffs  they know that the Romans would never have murdered and buried Jews where Yeshivas or Kollilim would be built 2,000 years later.
As I posted previously the Satmar Bais Medrish in Meah Shearim is sitting on a site that no developer previously would touch since Dovid Shmidel insisted that the vacant lot contained Jewish bones. 
Lo and behold years later, Satmar built their Shul on top of that very site.... 
What happened? Did the bones disappear? 
Shmidel who claims that R' Yoel Teitelbaum is the one  who instructed R Yitzchok Soloveitchik to establish the "Asra Kadisha" wanted Satmar to buy the lot for practically nothing, and what a better way to accomplish that; spreading rumours that the lot was a Jewish burial ground 2,000 years ago.

A couple of years ago a chassidishe developer named "Gulovnazitz" started to build a development in Bet Shemesh Bet, and took the "Raavad" of the Eida Hachareidis, R' Moshe Shternbuch to inspect the site,,,, after spending some time there, R' Shternbuch declared the site "kosher" and the developer began to build.

When the "sikrinim" encouraged by Dovid Shmidel got wind of it, they were very disappointed since that meant that they would never see a "Shekel"from Gulovnazitz, so they told the "Gaavad" R' Tuvia Weiss that they found Jewish bones on the site, and of course R' Tuvia Weiss paskened that the site was "trief"

Rav Shternbuch who had examined the site with his very own eyes, didn't get intimidated and declared his "psak" "100%" Valid & kosher"

Gulolvntziz completed his project without caving in to the "mafia"; hundreds of Chareidie families live there now.

What to do now? Two leaders of the Eida Hachreidis contradicting each other.
So the "Sikrinim" organised protests to denounce R' Shternbuch and would embarrass him in public, calling him "Rasha" and even assaulted  him.

Rav Shternbuch unlike the Satmar Rebbe who caved in to the "Sikrinim" over 50 years ago, refused and refuses to back down and stands by his psak.

The "sikrinim" now facing a formidable foe from their very own organization, organised last week what was supposed to be a huge rally to defend the "Honor of the Zakon Hador, R' Tuvia Weiss"
They had to do this, to discourage other developers from doing a "Gulovntziz"

They couldn't call it a protest against Rav Shternbuch as he is the head of their own Eida Hachreidis .....
So they held the rally in support of R Tuvia Weiss,  implying  that by  Rav Shternbuch holding on to his psak that was in fact "dissing" and being "Mevaza" Rav Tuvia Weiss.
To give the rally legitimacy, they dragged the 95 year old R' Tuvia Weiss to the rally, who looked confused the entire 10 minutes that he was there.

They were in for a huge surprise!
First of all, they expected thousands to show, but only a handful showed.... 
but most important was the fiery speech that Dayan Fisher, the official spokesman of the Eida Hachreidis made in the presence of R' Tuvia Weiss which was carried live on many Chareidie radio station and may have delivered a fatal blow to the "skrinim" and to the Eida Hachreidis!

Rav Fisher, like Calev ben Yefuna, first began his "drasha" praising the Gaavad R' Tuvia Weiss and when he had the attention of his audience, ripped into them and said that he doesn't understand how one organises a rally in support of a Talmud Chacham yet at the very same time embarrasses and curses another... he never mentioned the intended target of the Sikrinim  the Raavad R' Moshe Shternbuch, ......but everyone knew who he meant.
he then stormed off the stage leaving everyone in shock. All the "big beards" on the dais were stunned and couldn't leave fast enough .

 Dayan Fisher knew that Satmar would twist what he said and say what he meant in his "drasha" was that no-one should be "mevaza" R' Weiss when he clearly meant R' Shternbuch,  and so he fired off a letter (above) to the Israeli Satmar Newspaper "Kahala Kadisha" which is the Israeli version of the Ahroinie newspaper "Der Blatt"warning them not to twist his words. He did that because Satmar  naturally backs  R' Tuvia Weiss since they control the Asra Kadisha

The Eida Hachreidis is now in midst of a civil war, and that doesn't bode well with the leaders, because the Eida is a honey pot with a lot of shekels coming in with their Hashgachas ....and they cannot afford to lose that ..
Let's get the popcorn and watch as this unfolds...

Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines work against 'more lethal and infectious' Lambda variant which has now been spotted in 31 countries


Pfizer and Moderna's Covid vaccines are both effective against the troublesome Lambda variant, scientists believe.

The mutant strain has now been spotted in 31 countries — and some doctors fear it is more transmissible than any existing versions.

But in a glimmer of hope, academics in New York say data suggests the variant is still susceptible to vaccines.

New York University Grossman School of Medicine researchers found antibodies triggered by MRNA jabs still neutralised the Lambda variant in laboratory studies.

It is not proof the jabs definitely work in thwarting the strain — but the scientists are confident. 

Both Pfizer's and Moderna's vaccines are based on mRNA technology, which had never been used to make jabs until the Covid pandemic.

The mutant strain caught the attention of World Health Organization bosses after it was spotted in the UK, US and Germany. 

Thought to have originated in Peru last summer, it quickly spiralled and now makes up 80 per cent of the South American country's cases. 

Doctors monitoring its growth fear it spreads easier than other strains, including the Indian version that has caused havoc across the world. 

But coronavirus-tracking scientists are puzzled about the true transmissibility of the variant, given it was first spotted in Britain and February and has yet to take off.

They have yet to uncover any proof the variant is actually any more contagious than existing strains, including Delta or 'Delta Plus'. Experts told MailOnline the variant is no reason to cancel or delay Freedom Day in the UK on July 19.

Others also insist there is no evidence to suggest it is deadlier, despite some doctors linking its spread to Peru having the world's worst Covid mortality rate.

The new study, published in a preprint on BioRxiv, offers more hope the variant may not be any more dangerous than other strains already circulating.

Researchers tested samples of the Lambda variant against vaccine-elicited antibodies and ones triggered by powerful drugs — the experimental therapy given to President Donald Trump during his hospital stay with Covid last year.

It showed while the variant 'showed a partial resistance' to the antibodies created by the vaccines, the resistance 'is not likely to cause a significant loss of protection against infection'. 

The New York University study authors wrote: 'The results suggest that the vaccines in current use will remain protective against the lambda variant and that monoclonal antibody therapy will remain effective. 

'The findings highlight the importance of wide-spread adoption of vaccination which will protect individuals from disease, decrease virus spread and slow the emergence of novel variants.'

Australia became the latest country to detect Lambda, it was revealed today. But the case also dates back several months.

The variant was detected in a traveller stuck in hotel quarantine in New South Wales in April, according to the national genomics database AusTrakka.

There is no evidence to suggest the strain has already started to spread among the community in Australia, officials say.

The strain, also known to experts as C.37, is a 'variant of interest' because of its high transmissibility.

Professor Pablo Tsukayama, of Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, said the strain had 'exploded' in the country and was now responsible for 82 per cent of cases.

He told the Financial Times it made up just one in every 200 samples back in December, when it was first spotted. 

Professor Tsukayama said: 'That would suggest its rate of transmission is higher than any other variant.'

But other experts have sought to dial down concerns over the variant, saying there is no evidence it is more of a threat than other variants.

Professor David Livermore, an infectious disease expert at the University of East Anglia, said the New York University study indicates there is 'no good reason for special concern' around the variant.

He told MailOnline it is unlikely the variant is as transmissible as some have said, because it would have overtaken the Delta variant in the UK if that was the case.

Professor Livermore said: 'Clearly we need to keep an eye on new variants. But, so far, there is no evidence of major spread of Lambda outside Peru itself and Chile.

'Peru has the highest Covid death rate worldwide, however it now has a falling trend of cases and deaths and the Brazilian "Gamma" variant is more prevalent elsewhere in South America.

'So I’m underwhelmed by claims that it’s a "sudden new threat", or is "running riot" there.

'I have seen press assertions that Lambda "might" evade vaccines, but can find no evidence to support this claim in the scientific literature — rather [this study] indicates that it is neutralised by both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, with only a small reduction in binding. 

'What’s more, if did escape vaccines and was highly transmissible, why has it failed to expand in the UK whereas the vaccine-covered "Delta" Indian variant has expanded so strongly in recent weeks?

'In short, it needs watching, but no good reason for special concern. It is very definitely not a reason to delay the UK’s Freedom Day.'

And Jairo Mendez Rico, an adviser on emerging viral diseases at the Pan-American Health Organisation, told the FT: 'At the moment there is no evidence to suggest it's more aggressive than other variants.

'It's possible that it has a higher rate of contagion but more work needs to be done on it.' 

The head of Britain's largest centre sequencing Covid genomes, Dr Jeffrey Barrett, said it was difficult to 'make sense' of the threat from the variant.

He told the FT: 'One reason why it is hard to make sense of the threat from Lambda, using computational or lab data, is that it has rather an unusual set of mutations compared with other variants.'

University of Queensland virologist Kirsty Short said more research was needed before classifying Lambda as more infectious than the Delta variant.

'It's very preliminary,' said Dr Short told the ABC. 'It's a good starting point, but I certainly wouldn't infer anything from that into the clinic.'

The mutant strain carries the mutation L452Q, which scientists say makes it more transmissible. It is similar to the L452R mutation in the Delta and Epsilon variants which researchers believe make it more infectious.

Fears about its severity were first raised by the Malaysian Health Ministry, local news sites claimed.

It reportedly tweeted yesterday: 'The Lambda strain was reported to have originated from Peru, the country with the highest mortality rate in the world.'

It noted that researchers are worried that this variant may be 'more infectious than the Delta variant'.

Public Health England made Lambda a 'variant under investigation' in June after six cases were detected in returned travellers. Two new cases have since been detected in the UK. 

Sequencing in the Peru and neighbouring Chile, where the most cases of the strain have been recorded, is poor compared to the UK and US.

The strain only accounts for 0.3 per cent of infections in the US and less than 0.1 per cent in Britain.

Shock Poll: Only 36% of Americans Believe Biden Is in Charge


Just over one third of likely 2022 election voters believe President Joe Biden is truly in charge, while a majority say “others” are directing his agenda, a Trafalgar Group/Convention of States Action survey released Tuesday found.

The survey, taken June 23-25, 2021, among 1,086 respondents, asked: “Do you believe President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office?”

A majority, 56.5 percent, said “no, others are directing policy and agenda,” compared to 36.4 percent who believe Biden is truly directing all his own policies and agenda items.

Oakland Police Chief on Fourth of July Violence: ’12 Hours of Nonstop Chaos’


“The last 24 hours have been very challenging in the city of Oakland,” Oakland Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong said at news conference at police headquarters on Monday. “It was 12 hours of nonstop chaos.”

Armstrong said the violence was life-threatening, including slow response time for medical assistance because resources were overwhelmed.

From 6:30 p.m. on Sunday until 10 a.m. Monday police reported seven shootings, which left one woman in critical condition and not expected to survive and resulted in the death of a 48-year-old man — the 67th homicide recorded this year.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on this development as a crime wave continues across the country and described the scene in the city as a “sideshow:”

Armstrong said a vast majority of the injuries were caused by celebratory gunfire, such as bullets shot into the air that rain back down, in “one of the more violent Fourth of Julys” he had ever seen.

Simultaneously, police monitored a sideshow of more than 300 cars and 200 spectators roaming across the city. Some participants were armed with guns and pointing lasers or throwing objects at officers, the chief said. One spectator was hit by a car and sustained injuries that may require “lifelong medical treatment,” he added.

Police arrested three people, seized five guns and towed six cars in response to the sideshow. The violence piled on top of a busy weekend for Oakland firefighters, who responded to 61 fire-related calls Sunday and three structure fires early Monday morning. Deputy Chief Nick Luby told The Chronicle that “there is a high probability” two of the three fires were caused by fireworks.

Breitbart News reported on how just days earlier Armstrong slammed the city council for redirecting police funding to social programs.

The Chronicle reported that Armstrong wants to hold a rally to call for an end to the violence.

“We have to get people to put down guns,” Armstrong said. “We are losing people at an alarming rate, and we have to recognize how much trauma and hurt and pain it causes in our community.”

CHICAGO CRIME WAVE VICTIMS – 99 Shot, 16 Fatally, in July 4th Violence


Congratulations Mayor Lightfoot. You’ve set a new record!

Chicago police say at least 99 people have been shot, 16 fatally, in shootings across the city over the Fourth of July holiday weekend.

The first fatal shooting of the weekend occurred at approximately 5:22 p.m. in Hermosa on the city’s Northwest Side. Police say a 22-year-old man was on a sidewalk in the 2700 block of N. Kilbourn when some in a light-colored vehicle came up, exited and began firing shots.

The 22-year-old was shot in the head and body and transported to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center in critical condition. He was later pronounced dead.

Less than an hour later, a 20-year-old man was fatally shot in the North Lawndale neighborhood, police said. At approximately 6:30 p.m., the victim and another 20-year-old man were sitting in a vehicle in the 3900 block of West 16th Street, waiting for a light to change, when an unknown offender approached and fired shots.

The first victim was shot two times in the torso and three times in the back, according to authorities. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital and subsequently pronounced dead. The other victim, a passenger in the vehicle, was shot once in the leg and listed in stable condition at Stroger Hospital.

In Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood, a 40-year-old man was playing music in his apartment in the 7400 block of South Emerald when a neighbor made “several complaints” about the noise, police said.

The man answered his front door at approximately 11:22 p.m. and was engaged in a verbal altercation when an unknown person produced a handgun and shot the man in the torso. The man was pronounced dead at the scene.

Early Saturday morning at approximately 1:23 a.m., officers responded to a call of shots fired in the 2200 block of North Lockwood and found a 19-year-old man lying on the sidewalk unresponsive with gunshot wounds to the back and abdomen.

He was taken to Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center and pronounced dead.

At approximately 4:42 a.m. Saturday, a 39-year-old man was traveling in the rear seat of a vehicle in the 4400 block of West Cermak when the back window shattered, according to police.

The man was shot in the back of the head and pronounced dead at Stroger Hospital. No one has been placed in custody.

In the 10-100 block of North Menard at approximately 10:46 p.m. Saturday, two men and a woman were standing outside in the alley when a 33-year-old man began shooting at the three, police said.

A 32-year-old man was shot multiple times in the body and is listed in stable condition at Stroger Hospital. The 45-year-old woman was shot once in the head and was pronounced dead. A second man, 49, sustained one gunshot wound to the buttocks and was transported to Stroger Hospital in stable condition. A 49-year-old man who is a concealed carry holder saw the incident and fired shots at the shooter, who was hit once in the arm and once in the hip.

Muhammad deported from Turkey for blowing nose in Turkish bill


On Saturday, an Israeli tourist uploaded a video blowing his nose into a 20 pound Turkish bill. 

With a duration of 10 seconds, what started as a joke towards Turkey's economy, resulted in Muhammad Nader Badrana being deported. 

Intended to tease the low currency rate of the Turkish dollar, Muhammad Nader Badrana, was immediately sought by Turkish law enforcement.
Currently, the 20 lb bill, or liras as its known in Turkey, converts to seven and a half shekels. Turkey's economy has only worsened since the onset of the Pandemic. 
The event took place at a restaurant in the Shiktah district in Istanbul. He was detained the following day at the hotel he was staying at in BeÅŸiktas, for "insulting the signs of state sovereignty".   
The bill, is painted by Ahmet Kamal Dean, who to both Turks and architect lovers around the globe, is known as a prolific architect commonly known for creating Turkey's architectural movement. 
Contrary to this all, the Israeli Foreign Ministry claimed that Nader Badrana was arrested and awaiting trial. 

US, Guatemalan forces raid extremist haredi Lev Tahor cult compound


 US and local Guatemalan police have begun raiding the compound of the extremist ultra-Orthodox (haredi) cult, Lev Tahor, arresting at least three top officials in the cult, Globes reported on Tuesday evening.

Another reporter for Globes reported that cult-members Yoel and Shmuel Weingarten have been arrested.

US and Guatemalan forces have performed several raids on the cult's leaders and members in recent years, mainly for kidnapping and child abuse charges, arresting their leader Yaakov Weinstein last March. In 2019, four members were indicted for kidnapping two children whose mother had taken them, wanting to return the children to Lev Tahor.
The sect has been accused of forcing girls as young as 12 years old into marriages with much older men within the sect.
Founded in New York in the late 80's, Lev Tahor settled in Canada in 2003. The group's founder Slomo Helbrans was convicted for kidnapping a child he was tutoring in the early 90's in New York, but released after only two years in prison. 
After being deported to Israel in 2000, Helbrans took his movement to Canada in 2003 where the cult remained for 10 years before rousing the interest of Canadian authorities, after which they collectively fled to Guatemala. 
Shlomo Helbrans drowned in Mexico in 2017, leaving control of the group in the hands of his son Nachman and some associates who are believed to be even more extremist.

Unvaccinated Israeli Doctor Fighting For Her Life, Infected At Least 8 Patients


An Israeli doctor in her 50s who chose not to get vaccinated contracted COVID and is now hospitalized in serious condition and attached to an ECMO machine, Channel 13 Newsreported.

The doctor, who practices as a family doctor in a private clinic, began developing symptoms at the beginning of last week. However, despite her symptoms, she didn’t get tested for COVID and continued seeing patients.

At least eight patients have tested positive for the coronavirus after seeing her.

In the wake of the incident, the Health Ministry is demanding to increase enforcement of sanctions against physicians who choose not to vaccinate.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

"Dogger" Rebbe Dances "Mitzva Tantz"


CNN Reported in 2020 that "Defunding Police Will Make Crime Fall" ..Yesterday CNN Amazed that 150 were Murdered

 CNN In 2020

CNN Yesterday

Hezbollah Leader Says that Meah Shearim & Bnei Brak are also "Settlements"


When it comes to settlements, Chareidim living in Meah Shearim, Bnei Brak and even Beit Shemesh  believe that the "settlers" are a bunch of right-wing nuts  endangering the rest of the country. 

Even Rav Shach z"l was all for returning Gush Katif, and believed in exchanging land for peace. Because at the time, the Arabs didn't ask for Rav Shach's apartment.

If they only listened to the Arabs themselves they would have had a clearer picture of what the Arabs really want.... 
They want the entire Israel, they want the Satmar Moisdois in Yerushalyim and they want Ponevitzer Yeshiva in Bnei Brak.. 
to them the entire Israel is being "occupied" and the entire country is a "Settlement"... 
Read and weep!

"There are no people in the Israeli entity, they are all occupiers and settlers," said Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah during a speech on Monday afternoon.
The speech was delivered at the opening of a conference titled "Palestine is Victorious," convened in Lebanon in order to renew media discourse and manage the conflict with Israel.

Nasrallah did not specify whether Arab Israelis were also considered occupiers and settlers.
With tensions rising between the US and pro-Iranian militias in Syria and Iraq, Nasrallah stressed on Monday that Hezbollah is "facing the American hegemony" in Iraq and Syria.
The Hezbollah leader added that the conflicts with Israel and the US cannot be separated as Israel's existence is contingent on American support, saying "Every massacre committed by the enemy is an American massacre, and every aggression of this enemy is American aggression."
Concerning the worsening economic crisis in Lebanon, Nasrallah blamed the US, saying American policy is the "main reason" for the crisis, as "the Americans want to besiege, punish and prevent any aid that comes to Lebanon." 
While Nasrallah admitted that incorrect government policies were also "among the causes" of the economic crisis, he stressed that the US is the "main cause."
Nasrallah added that the goal of the American blockade is to "provoke" the people of Lebanon against Hezbollah and to keep Hezbollah busy in order to prevent it from supporting Palestinians.

Watch How Israel brought clean running water for the first time to 3,268 people in the Tanzanian village of Majengo.

Scientists clone cow to produce lactose-free milk...

 Researchers in Russia announced they have produced the country's first viable cloned cow - and are now editing her genes in the hope of producing hypoallergenic milk. 

The unnamed calf weighed about 140 pounds when she was born in April 2020. 

For her first year, she was kept in a separate enclosure with her mother. Now, 14 months, she's up to nearly a half-ton and appears healthy with a normal reproductive cycle.

'Since May, she has been on daily pasture with the other cows of the Institute,' said  Galina Singina, a researcher at the Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry and lead author of a new study published in the journal Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics

'It required some adaptation, but that happened quickly,' she said.

The experiment was a double win, according to the report from Moscow's Skoltech Institute of Science and Technology, because the researchers also successfully altered her genes to not produce the protein that causes lactose intolerance in humans.   

Chabad Couple Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth Found Under Debris at Surfside Condo


R' Tzvi and Itty Ainsworth, a beloved Chabad couple from Australia who recently moved to Florida , are among the people killed in the collapse of the condo building in Surfside.

R' Tzvi was 68. years old and Itty was 66 years old

Levaya will be at 770 Tuesday 

USA! At Least 150 People Murdered Over July 4th Weekend!


At least 150 people were killed by gun violence in more than 400 shootings across the country during the Fourth of July weekend as major cities nationwide confront a surge in violent crime, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive.

The data, which includes the number of shooting incidents and gun violence victims nationally over a 72-hour period from Friday through Sunday, is still evolving and will be updated.

In New York, where gun violence has been rising to levels not seen in years, there were 26 victims from 21 shootings from Friday to Sunday, a decrease from the same period last year when 30 people were shot in 25 shootings, the New York Police Department said.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Eida Hachareidis Ignore "Vayoel Moshe" Edict and Speak Hebrew

 The VaYoel Moshe issued a "Fatwa" against speaking Ivrit, however all members of the  Eida Hacreidis in Israel including the Raavid from the Badatz speak Ivrit all the time. 

Some of the rabbanim on the board cannot speak a word Yiddish and communicate in Hebrew.

In fact, most Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbanim give their Shiurim in Ivrit, you can count on one hand how many Roshei Yeshiva give their Shiurim in Yiddish. 

When they do business, Ivrit is spoken exclusively....even amongst Satmar chassidim ... 

This is a miracle in itself, as there has never been a case where an ancient language has been revived and spoken by millions..

This was accomplished in less than 100 years.

Israeli Arab Accuses Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar of ‘Brainwashing Against Israel’


Yoseph Haddad, an Israeli Arab social activist, accused Congresswomen Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar of “brainwashing against Israel,” incitement that results in anti-Israel resolutions such as the one recently passed by the prestigious Yale College Council (YCC).

The YCC approved last week a statement authored by Yalies 4 Palestine, a campus pro-Palestinian group, accusing Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and apartheid.

The statement also linked Israel’s Operation Guardian of the Walls against Hamas in May to police violence against Black Americans.

“Just as Israel’s military imposes the apartheid system against Palestinians, the US police enforces the system of white supremacy against Black Americans,” it said.

The YCC, the undergraduate student government, approved the motion in an 8-3 vote with four abstentions.

In response, Haddad said Monday that “when it happens at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, whose graduates include Nobel laureates, public figures and senior American politicians and even US presidents, it is a serious event that shows that the brainwashing against Israel led by Congress Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and others manages to incite against Israel and do significant damage.”

Tlaib, Omar, and their followers have been accused of spreading lies against Israel and anti-Semitism.

Omar had accused Jews of dual-loyalty and alleged that US support for Israel was fueled by “Jewish money.”

Tlaib, the first American Congresswoman of Palestinian Decent, had criticized colleagues opposing the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. She also claimed that it was her ancestors, Palestinians, who had “provided” a homeland for Holocaust survivors.

In January 2020, Israel’s then Consul General in New York Dani Dayan slammed Tlaib for lying and spreading an “unfounded blood libel against Jewish Israelis.”

Tlaib and Ilhan Omar were listed on the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s 2019 list of the “Top 10 Worst Anti-Semitic and Anti-Israel Incidents.”

Haddad is the CEO of “Together – Vouch for Each Other,” which was founded in 2018 by a group of young Israeli Arabs – Christians, Muslims, Bedouin and Druze, who felt determined to bring about change in the Israeli-Arab sector and adopt a positive direction vis-à-vis Israeli society and the country.

All vaccinated yeshiva students to be allowed into Israel


All yeshiva and seminary students who have been fully vaccinated or have recovered from the coronavirus will be allowed into Israel to study this fall.

Students who have recovered will have to present medical documentation showing when they had the virus. Simply possessing anti-bodies against the coronavirus will not be enough,

The decision to allow the students into Israel was made following meetings between representatives of the yeshivas and seminaries with the Interior and Health Ministries.

Last month, it was reported that a group of about 30 haredim had fraudulently obtained student visas in order to travel to Israel for a wedding. While the group was successful in reaching Israel, the yeshivas involved in the fraud will now be struck off the list of institutions whose students can be awarded visas.

Song of Yoma


How the Texas Border Welcomed Trump Vs Kamala


Target closing all six San Francisco stores early because of crime specifically thefts and shoplifting.