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Thursday, April 2, 2015

Obama caves in to Iranian Terrorists and gives them 10 years to have a Bomb ...but nothing signed!

Parameters for a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action regardingthe Islamic Republic of Iran’s Nuclear Program
Below are the key parameters of a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding theIslamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program that were decided in Lausanne, Switzerland. Theseelements form the foundation upon which the final text of the JCPOA will be written betweennow and June 30, and reflect the significant progress that has been made in discussions betweenthe P5+1, the European Union, and Iran. Important implementation details are still subject tonegotiation, and nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. We will work to conclude theJCPOA based on these parameters over the coming months.
Iran has agreed to reduce by approximately two-thirds its installed centrifuges. Iran willgo from having about 19,000 installed today to 6,104 installed under the deal, with only5,060 of these enriching uranium for 10 years. All 6,104 centrifuges will be IR-1s, Iran’sfirst-generation centrifuge.
Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium over 3.67 percent for at least 15 years.
Iran has agreed to reduce its current stockpile of about 10,000 kg of low-enricheduranium (LEU) to 300 kg of 3.67 percent LEU for 15 years.
All excess centrifuges and enrichment infrastructure will be placed in IAEA monitoredstorage and will be used only as replacements for operating centrifuges and equipment.
Iran has agreed to not build any new facilities for the purpose of enriching uranium for 15years.
Iran’s breakout timeline – the time that it would take for Iran to acquire enough fissilematerial for one weapon – is currently assessed to be 2 to 3 months. That timeline will beextended to at least one year, for a duration of at least ten years, under this framework.
Iran will convert its facility at Fordow so that it is no longer used to enrich uranium
Iran has agreed to not enrich uranium at its Fordow facility for at least 15 years.
Iran has agreed to convert its Fordow facility so that it is used for peaceful purposes only – into a nuclear, physics, technology, research center.
Iran has agreed to not conduct research and development associated with uraniumenrichment at Fordow for 15 years.
Iran will not have any fissile material at Fordow for 15 years.

Almost two-thirds of Fordow’s centrifuges and infrastructure will be removed. Theremaining centrifuges will not enrich uranium. All centrifuges and related infrastructurewill be placed under IAEA monitoring.
Iran will only enrich uranium at the Natanz facility, with only 5,060 IR-1 first-generationcentrifuges for ten years.
Iran has agreed to only enrich uranium using its first generation (IR-1 models)centrifuges at Natanz for ten years, removing its more advanced centrifuges.
Iran will remove the 1,000 IR-2M centrifuges currently installed at Natanz and placethem in IAEA monitored storage for ten years.
Iran will not use its IR-2, IR-4, IR-5, IR-6, or IR-8 models to produce enriched uraniumfor at least ten years. Iran will engage in limited research and development with itsadvanced centrifuges, according to a schedule and parameters which have been agreed to by the P5+1.
For ten years, enrichment and enrichment research and development will be limited toensure a breakout timeline of at least 1 year. Beyond 10 years, Iran will abide by itsenrichment and enrichment R&D plan submitted to the IAEA, and pursuant to theJCPOA, under the Additional Protocol resulting in certain limitations on enrichmentcapacity.
Inspections and Transparency
The IAEA will have regular access to all of Iran’s nuclear facilities, including to Iran’senrichment facility at Natanz and its former enrichment facility at Fordow, and includingthe use of the most up-to-date, modern monitoring technologies.
Inspectors will have access to the supply chain that supports Iran’s nuclear program. Thenew transparency and inspections mechanisms will closely monitor materials and/orcomponents to prevent diversion to a secret program.
Inspectors will have access to uranium mines and continuous surveillance at uraniummills, where Iran produces yellowcake, for 25 years.
Inspectors will have continuous surveillance of Iran’s centrifuge rotors and bellows production and storage facilities for 20 years. Iran’s centrifuge manufacturing base will be frozen and under continuous surveillance.
All centrifuges and enrichment infrastructure removed from Fordow and Natanz will be placed under continuous monitoring by the IAEA.
A dedicated procurement channel for Iran’s nuclear program will be established tomonitor and approve, on a case by case basis, the supply, sale, or transfer to Iran o 
certain nuclear-related and dual use materials and technology – an additionaltransparency measure.
Iran has agreed to implement the Additional Protocol of the IAEA, providing the IAEAmuch greater access and information regarding Iran’s nuclear program, including bothdeclared and undeclared facilities.
Iran will be required to grant access to the IAEA to investigate suspicious sites orallegations of a covert enrichment facility, conversion facility, centrifuge productionfacility, or yellowcake production facility anywhere in the country.
Iran has agreed to implement Modified Code 3.1 requiring early notification ofconstruction of new facilities.
Iran will implement an agreed set of measures to address the IAEA’s concerns regardingthe Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) of its program.
Reactors and Reprocessing
Iran has agreed to redesign and rebuild a heavy water research reactor in Arak, based on adesign that is agreed to by the P5+1, which will not produce weapons grade plutonium,and which will support peaceful nuclear research and radioisotope production.
The original core of the reactor, which would have enabled the production of significantquantities of weapons-grade plutonium, will be destroyed or removed from the country.
Iran will ship all of its spent fuel from the reactor out of the country for the reactor’slifetime.
Iran has committed indefinitely to not conduct reprocessing or reprocessing research anddevelopment on spent nuclear fuel.
Iran will not accumulate heavy water in excess of the needs of the modified Arak reactor,and will sell any remaining heavy water on the international market for 15 years.
Iran will not build any additional heavy water reactors for 15 years.
Iran will receive sanctions relief, if it verifiably abides by its commitments.
U.S. and E.U. nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended after the IAEA has verifiedthat Iran has taken all of its key nuclear-related steps. If at any time Iran fails to fulfill itscommitments, these sanctions will snap back into place.

The architecture of U.S. nuclear-related sanctions on Iran will be retained for much ofthe duration of the deal and allow for snap-back of sanctions in the event of significantnon-performance.
All past UN Security Council resolutions on the Iran nuclear issue will be liftedsimultaneous with the completion, by Iran, of nuclear-related actions addressing all keyconcerns (enrichment, Fordow, Arak, PMD, and transparency).
However, core provisions in the UN Security Council resolutions – those that deal withtransfers of sensitive technologies and activities – will be re-established by a new UNSecurity Council resolution that will endorse the JCPOA and urge its fullimplementation. It will also create the procurement channel mentioned above, which willserve as a key transparency measure. Important restrictions on conventional arms and ballistic missiles, as well as provisions that allow for related cargo inspections and assetfreezes, will also be incorporated by this new resolution.
A dispute resolution process will be specified, which enables any JCPOA participant, toseek to resolve disagreements about the performance of JCPOA commitments.
If an issue of significant non-performance cannot be resolved through that process, thenall previous UN sanctions could be re-imposed.
U.S. sanctions on Iran for terrorism, human rights abuses, and ballistic missiles willremain in place under the deal.
For ten years, Iran will limit domestic enrichment capacity and research and development – ensuring a breakout timeline of at least one year. Beyond that, Iran will be bound by itslonger-term enrichment and enrichment research and development plan it shared with theP5+1.
For fifteen years, Iran will limit additional elements of its program. For instance, Iran willnot build new enrichment facilities or heavy water reactors and will limit its stockpile ofenriched uranium and accept enhanced transparency procedures.
Important inspections and transparency measures will continue well beyond 15 years.Iran’s adherence to the Additional Protocol of the IAEA is permanent, including itssignificant access and transparency obligations. The robust inspections of Iran’s uraniumsupply chain will last for 25 years.
Even after the period of the most stringent limitations on Iran’s nuclear program, Iranwill remain a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which prohibits Iran’sdevelopment or acquisition of nuclear weapons and requires IAEA safeguards on its


WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Shifts in the world’s major religions will see Islam growing faster than any other faith, with the number of Muslims nearly equaling that of Christians by 2050.
A new Pew Research Center study finds that with the exception of Buddhists, the world’s major religions will all see an increase in numbers by 2050, although some will make up a smaller percentage from today. Muslims are the only major religious group projected to increase faster than the world’s population as a whole.
Over the coming four decades, Christianity will remain the world’s largest religious affiliation, but Islam will see a major increase that will make the two religions nearly equal in numbers by 2050. In 2010, Christianity was by far the world’s largest religion, with 2.2 billion followers of the faith and composing nearly one-third (31 percent) of the Earth’s 6.9 billion people. Islam was second, with 1.6 billion adherents, or 23 percent of the world’s population.
If current fertility rates and youth populations continue to grow at their current rate, Muslims will make up 10 percent of Europe’s overall population by 2050. Islam is expected to nearly match Christianity in the coming four decades as a result of a “comparatively youthful” population with high fertility rates.
If current trends continue, Muslims will outnumber Christians worldwide around 2070.
Muslims worldwide are projected to see a 73 percent increase while Christians will rise about half that fast (35 percent). The world’s overall population is predicted to rise to 9.3 billion by 2050, also with a 35 percent rate of increase over the same time period.
In the United States, Christians will decline from more than three-quarters (78 percent) of the population to about two-thirds (66 percent) by 2050.
Muslims, “other religions” and those unaffiliated with religion will see the largest increases in North America. The religiously unaffiliated are expected to rise from 16 percent to more than one-quarter of the population, 26 percent. And by 2050, the U.S. will have more Muslims (2.1 percent of the general population) than people who identify as Jewish (1.4 percent).
Europe is predicted to be the only region with a decline in its total population. Europe’s Christian population will see a loss of about 100 million people in the coming decades, falling from 553 million to 454 million people. Although Christians will remain Europe’s largest religious group, they are expected to decrease similarly to U.S. Christians, dropping from nearly three-quarters to less than two-thirds of the overall population.
Worldwide, Muslims have the highest fertility rate with an average of 3.1 children per woman – far exceeding the replacement level needed to maintain a stable population. Christians are second, with an average 2.7 children per woman. In 2010, more than one-quarter (27 percent) of the world’s total population was under the age of 15. And Muslims comprised an even higher percentage of this youthful group at more than one-third (34 percent), compared to 27 percent of Christians under age 15.

Pew’s “The Future of World Religions: Population Growth and Projections, 2010-2050” analysis estimates that four out of every 10 Christians in the world will live in sub-Saharan Africa by the middle of this century.

IDF Searching for 20-Year-Old who Entered Arab Village: Possible Kidnapping!

The name of the missing man for Tehillim is Niv ben Yael. Meir, a cousin of the missing man calls on the tzibur to daven hard for his cousin as “We burn and rid ourselves of our chametz”. He adds that Niv told his mother earlier in the day that he is traveling to Hebron to daven in the Machpelah.
Large police and IDF forces are scouring the area of Judea between Kiryat Arba and the Arab village of Beit Anoun, after a man around the age of 20 went missing in the region.

At 4:17 p.m., a call to the 100 emergency hotline of the Judea and Samaria district police was received from an Israeli youth, who said he and his friend had gotten stuck in their car due to a punctured tire between Kiryat Arba and Beit Anoun.

The friend of the youth who called went to request work tools from the Arab village so as to change the tire, but never returned, and the caller said he had been waiting for half-an-hour.

Police and IDF forces are combing the area for the missing man, who is a resident of Be'er Sheva.

Police reported later that they estimate the man likely entered Beit Anoun not to borrow tools as was initially reported, but rather as part of some unspecified criminal act.

The search for him is made all the more difficult given that the man left his cell phone in the front seat of the car.
Concerns are high that he may have been attacked or abducted by residents of the Arab village, which is known as being hostile and a hotbed to members of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups.

Har Hevron Regional Council head Yohai Damari said of the massive deployment for the search that it is "a measure familiar to us from similar incidents that occurred in the region just recently."
"I imagine that we'll receive a clearer picture in the coming hours," said Damari. "I pray for good news."

The incident comes just hours after an Arab terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier in the arm and head at the Oranit Checkpoint in Samaria.

Despite having been stabbed repeatedly the soldier, First Sergeant Yoav Leitman of the Paratroopers Regiment, managed to grapple the terrorist to the ground and subdue him.

Have the Talk Today: Speak to Your Kids about Safety

Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz

We are all busy before Pesach, so let’s get right to the point.

Please see to it that you speak to your children about child safety/abuse prevention before Pesach if you’ve never had that discussion with them, and give them a refresher talk if you have.

It is literally a matter of life and death that you have such a conversation.

Year after year we get a significant spike in abuse-related calls to our child safety helpline immediately before, during, and following the Pesach and Sukkot holidays. Why? Because our kids are in a less structured environment at home, in shul and at play, and are also exposed to a wide range of children, teenagers, and adults who they don’t come in contact with all year round. If you need convincing, just tally the number of people your kids interact with during a regular school week, and then do the same for the week of Pesach.

Thankfully, there is now an unprecedented awareness of the importance of child safety/abuse prevention in our community and we have come to the painful understanding that we are not immune to the ravages of abuse and molestation.
But, to be perfectly frank, the average person in the street (probably you) still cannot believe that seemingly normal, well-respected people – including close family members – can do unspeakable things to vulnerable children. This is a classic case of cognitive dissonance where your mind knows something to be true, but your heart just can’t accept it as fact, thereby leaving you in total denial.

Case in point: this time of year, caring, decent parents are still allowing their young children to collect charity door-to-door completely unsupervised.
L’ma’an Hashem; haven’t we learned anything from all the tragedies and ruined lives of kids who have been abused? At least in previous years, many or most of us thought our community was somehow immune from problems of this nature. What is the excuse now? (FYI; have a look at Girl Scouts Safety 

My dear friends, this lack of supervision is simply unconscionable knowing what we now know about the scope and magnitude of child abuse nowadays.
I plead with you to take this matter seriously and do everything in your power to keep your kids safe by seeing to it that your children are supervised properly over Pesach while at shul or during play time, and by having effective, research-based child safety talks with them that will educate and empower your children without frightening them.
There are four basic messages that children need to internalize in order for any abuse prevention program to be effective:
  • No secrets from parents
  • Your body belongs to you
  • Good touching/bad touching
  • No one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable

Please educate yourself before speaking to your children so that yourdiscussions generate light and not heat. Additionally, it is important for you to know – and to share with your children – that although “stranger danger” is a genuine concern, the vast majority of molesters are people well-known to and trusted by the children.

We encourage you to take advantage of free, online resources that we at The Center for Jewish Family Life posted to help educate you about effective child safety training:
Providing Your Children with the Skills and Tools to Protect Themselves is an excellent article by Dr. David Pelcovitz and our 3 short videos on child safety education, Safety Video #1Safety Video #2 andSafety Video #3 will serve you well in beginning the education process. Additionally, you can download the read-aloud version of our Let's Stay Safe Child Safety Book for the most minimal contribution.

If you suspect that your child may have been molested, please seek the counsel of a licensed mental health professional, preferably before you speak to your children. If your child was, G-d forbid molested, please report it immediately to the authorities.
Thank you for taking the time to read these lines, and kindly take a minute to forward this article to others. To be sure, the only way our children and grandchildren will be safe, is when each and every one of them is well educated about child safety.
Best wishes for a Chag Kosher V’samayach
Yakov Horowitz

Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, the Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life, received The Covenant Award in recognition of his lifelong contribution to Jewish education and his advocacy for child abuse victims. The Hebrew version of The Center for Jewish Family Life’s best-selling Let's Stay Safe Child Safety Book is scheduled for release in May 2015.  

The Beauty of It All: Obama Does Not Matter

Kish Mich Vee Dee Yeedin Huben Gereet

And now President Barack Obama is threatening Israel and American Jews that he will bypass Mideast peace negotiations that include Israel and instead will go directly to the United Nations to impose, by U.N. fiat, a fait accompli, a “Two-State Solution,” on Israel.

Do you realize the beauty of it all?  For people of faith — Jews, Christians — Obama does not matter. 

And for people lacking faith — Obama also does not matter.  

When Sennacherib came upon the Kingdom of Judah, his fierce armies threatened King Hezekiah, camping outside Jerusalem in their myriads. That threat’s resolution is recounted in II Kings 18-19. 

Obama is no Sennacherib; he is a struggling golf player who, to demonstrate how “cool” he is, delights in walking down airport stairways without holding the railing.  That is all he is.  An empty suit, a Constitutional scholar who never was, a law review president who never published a single piece of legal scholarship, a reverse-Midas who ruins or tarnishes everything he touches.  Hugo Chavez did not fear him.  Vladimir Putin does not regard him.  The Iranians do not take him seriously.  America’s deepest enemies see him and act with a full sense that the vault is open, its contents free for the taking. 

If he was potentially someone of substance six years ago, he now is exposed as one of America’s weakest Presidents, both domestically and abroad.  Because of his station, he cannot be disregarded — but he is not to be feared.  Obama does not matter.

Among the Great Masters — Rembrandt, Van Gogh —  none painted with the beauty rendered by the Master of the Universe. 

 It is a thing of beauty:  
Obama's six years of incessant private tantrums and public threats and pressures against Israel — infantile gestures like refusing to have dinner with Bibi, making faces and digging his fingernails into his chair as Bibi spoke with him at the White House, demands that Israel stop building residences in Judea and Samaria, demanding along with Hillary and Biden that Jews stop building homes even in Jerusalem, speaking of Israel moving to pre-1967 lines, and now intimating that he will support “Two State” resolutions in the anti-Jewish U.N. — all have set new more-extreme “red lines” for Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), Hamas, and others who represent the Arabs of Judea and Samaria.  

Although a new American President later can “walk back” Obama’s unilateral narcissistic fits of vituperative pique, history shows that Arab leaders in Judea and Samaria cannot walk back their intensified demands.  Once demanded, they are engraved. 

And here is the beauty:
Each time Obama applies new pressure on Israel, he inadvertently strengthens Israel in Judea and Samaria.  

Every time Obama demands a unilateral Israeli withdrawal (a la Obama’s one-way hasty exits from Iraq and Afghanistan, and like the unilateral withdrawals that Ehud Barak executed in South Lebanon and that Ariel Sharon replicated with similarly disastrous results in Gaza) — Obama  inadvertently forces Abbas, the PA (Palestine Authority), and Hamas to adopt their own more extreme stands.  We cannot blame them; he forces it on them, and then they later cannot back down.  

Every time Obama ups the ante, he inadvertently makes it even more impossible for any Israeli leader, right or left, to acquiesce to any future deal like Rabin’s Oslo or Sharon’s Gaza disasters.  

Meanwhile, life does not remain in stasis. Inevitably, more Jews build homes in Judea and Samaria. Despite Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Biden and their building freezes, there now are 750,000 Jews living in East Jerusalem and in the rest of post-1967 Judea and Samaria.  

In 2009 when Obama’s Reign of Error began, there were fewer than 200,000 Jews in East Jerusalem and fewer than 300,000 Jews in the rest of Judea and Samaria.  Six years of pressure from Obama and his henchmen has resulted in increases to 325,000 and 425,000 respectively.  In total, a fifty percent increase.  As Obama hardens his lines —something he does nowhere else and to no one else — he compels Arab leaders there to harden their lines, guaranteeing perpetual stalemate, leaving the Jewish numbers to rise. 

The “Two State Solution” died when Obama became President.  He killed it without knowing it.

It is a thing of beauty:
The absurd “Two State Solution” that Sharon never should have accepted in the first place, died when Obama became President.  As with so much other destruction that Obama has wreaked elsewhere in the world and at home, he killed it without knowing it.

Even without new construction, more Jewish children are born each day to those 750,000 Jews.  Relatives move in.  Human increase cannot be stopped.  With those numbers, how is anyone going to move 750,000 Jews out of their homes? Not since Adolf Hitler has anyone moved that many Jews out of their homes. How is Obama or Hillary going to do it?  How would Buji or Tzipi? This is not Yamit or Gush Katif.  This is nearly a million Jews.  
Short of a Hitler-like Panzer blitzkrieg, backed by cattle cars and storm troopers — how is anyone going to move 750,000 Jews out of Judea and Samaria?  

And, thanks to Obama and his cohorts, that fascinating question can wait another day because Obama’s latest threats have pushed Abu Mazen and Hamas into harder lines, making “peace talks” even more impossible, leaving everyone in stalemate.  Meanwhile, while you were reading this, more Jewish children were being born in Judea and Samaria.

Consider a hypothetical: 
Yenta the Matchmaker decides to marry Abe to Sadie.  Both are in their late 50’s, Abe bankrupt, Sadie infertile. Abe says he will marry Sadie only if she agrees to bear him five children.  Sadie responds that, at age 57, she no longer can bear but would agree to adopt five.  Abe insists: “I want you to bear five children, not adopted.”  Yenta next spends five years pleading with Sadie:  “Promise him you will bear two children.  I can get him down from five.”  Sadie responds: “Do you not understand me?  I cannot bear children.  By the way, now I am 62.” As Yenta threatens to increase pressure on Sadie to bear, Sadie adds: “And I want a million-dollar ring from him.”  Yenta explains that Abe is bankrupt and is counting on Sadie to support him.  Sadie responds “I can compromise.  His ring can be $900,000.”
This kind of stuff is what goes on in these Mideast negotiations.  Add some music and put in on Broadway, but there is never going to be a “Two State Solution.”  It was killed by three men, with two accomplices.  

The murderers:  Obama, Ehud Barak, and Ariel Sharon.  The accomplices:  Yasser Arafat and Abu Mazen.  

If there ever was a possibility that some Labor Party government unilaterally would impose an Israeli withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, based on a Shimon Peres-like oblivion to the harsh realities of real life, Ehud Barak’s withdrawal from South Lebanon and Sharon’s from Gaza killed it.  

The withdrawals taught something shocking to the fools who had supported Oslo and unilateral withdrawals: 
 if you let them have cement and steel to build homes, they instead will built terror tunnels.  Now the rockets reach Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem, so Israel’s “beautiful people” no longer are limited to watching reality on the news. The Tel Aviv café night-life bon vivants now get to experience bomb shelters in vivid color and 3-D surround sound.

In all the years, Arafat and Abu Mazen never gave an inch.  Barak even offered Arafat East Jerusalem, and Arafat responded with an Intifada, as if to say: “How dare you offer me a country of my own?” Ehud Olmert, still awaiting the opportunity finally to begin serving his well-earned six years in prison for corruption and bribery, likewise was denied.  They will not accept any deal that includes living alongside a country defined as “Jewish.”

That was Netanyahu’s point when telling the media there never will be a “Two State Solution” while he is Prime Minister.  “Two State” is ridiculous because, at the end of the day, the Arab leaders of Judea and Samaria will not accept any arrangement that includes Jewish Israelis living on land that Israel liberated after 1967. They will not abide any neighbor, regardless of borders, that defines itself as a “Jewish” country. And no one will be able to evict 750,000 people from their homes unless they engage in Hitler techniques, doubtful in Israel.

For those who can handle the truth, there never will be a “Two State Solution” — regardless of whether we want one.  Israelis of all stripes have come to realize that Iran and its Shiite surrogates are gobbling up parts of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, and now Yemen.  They see that Hamas controls so much of Gaza and “the West Bank” that Abu Mazen has refused to call an election for six years since his four-year term ended in 2009.  They realize that any new Arab country established in Judea and Samaria instantly would become a haven for world terror. Israel’s national airport would have to close down permanently.

Let Obama’s pressure continue.  Let him continue forcing Abu Mazen and Hamas to ever-increasing negotiating extremes.  Meanwhile more Jewish children continue to be born every day in Judea and Samaria, and exorbitant housing prices along the coastal plane force a new Finance Minister who promised lower prices to find a way to increase home construction by enormous numbers to offset increased demand with increased supply.  Housing in East Jerusalem and the rest of Judea and Samaria will continue to rise.  The Jewish population will exceed the first million.  Obama does not matter.  It is a thing of beauty. 

Rabbi Dov Fischer is author of General Sharon’s War Against Time Magazine (Steimatzky: 1985). His political commentaries have appeared on the op-ed pages of the Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, National Review,  Los Angeles Times, and in other major American publications.  He formerly was Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review, is an adjunct professor of law at two prominent American law schools, and is Rav of Young Israel of Orange County, California.  He is author of Jews for Nothing (Feldheim: 1983) and is in his fifth year as a member of the National Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America. His writings can be found at RabbiDov.com  As with all of Rabbi Prof. Fischer’s writings, this commentary expresses his own views.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Obama Polishing Shoes for Ayatolla

The Truth about J Street, Video

Saudi Arabia Gives Israel Clear Skies to Attack Iranian Nuke Sites

Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defenses to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times of London reported Saturday.
In the week that the U.N. Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defense sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran. To ensure the Israeli bombers pass without hindrance, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defense systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defenses will return to full alert.
“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a U.S. defense source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [U.S.] State Department.”
Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defense circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.
The four main targets for any raid on Iran would be the uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz and Qom, the gas storage development at Isfahan and the heavy-water reactor at Arak. Secondary targets include the lightwater reactor at Bushehr, which could produce weapons-grade plutonium when complete.