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Showing posts with label Michelle Zangari Rockville Center. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle Zangari Rockville Center. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2022

Michelle Zangari of Rockville Center Doesn't Want Frum Jews in her Neighborhood "Look what happened in the 5 Towns"


Question: Can you imagine if she said that about blacks?

At a recent town meeting in Rockville Center, a village right near the Five Towns, a local resident gets up and asks the board to amend the local laws to prevent Jews from opening Shuls in houses.

The woman describes how she grew up in the Five Towns, and laments how Jews moved in and opened Shuls. She describes in dark tones how the local real estate market jumped as a result, causing many of the non-Jewish residents to grab the opportunity to sell, eventually causing the neighborhood demographics to change.

Finally, she gravely warns the board how like the Five Towns, Rockville Center “can be next.”

Shudders can practically be felt throughout the room as she speaks.

When she finishes, the board says that they have received similar complaints, and will immediately look into what can be done.