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Showing posts with label AIPAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIPAC. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


In the countless AIPAC events that I have attended over the years, I have always admired the long disclaimer of neutrality that is read at the start of the program.
Just like every commercial for medicine on TV and every package of cigarettes has a disclaimer, so do AIPAC events.

“AIPAC is the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee,” the disclaimer starts. “AIPAC is not a PAC. We are neither Democrat nor Republican. We are neither Likud, nor Labor. We do not support any political party in Israel or the US.”

This statement of neutrality is a really dull way to start an event, but it is actually the key to AIPAC’s success. While other pro-Israel movements have come and gone, AIPAC has only gotten stronger, and the growing number of attendees at their annual National Policy Conference in Washington testifies to that.