Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Chusid Makes Chillul Hashem Blocking a Car of Goy in Boro Park Refusing to Move .

Me K'amcha Yisroel


Anonymous said...

You self hating so called Jewish antisemitic POS first take care of the continues חילול השם in your פארקאקטע Nazi-Zionist state committed by the זרע עמלק before bad-mouthing real Jews

Anonymous said...

If the onlookers had a bit of decency they would be hassling him to move the car.

mmz said...

You're the racist, thinking that every guy in a baseball cap is a goy.

He's a frum yid from Flatbush

mmz said...

Regardless, he really is a jerk. I would have punched him

Anonymous said...

The victim is a very hard working yid who was prevented from going to earn his Parnasseh. No more needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

if this would have been me,i would have beaten this piece of human garbage to a pulp and for good measure knocked out some of his rotten teeth

Anonymous said...

So your argument is that every frum shit can behave how he likes because of Zionists?

Sam green said...

Yea he's a yid he said he's doing an aveira

Unknown said...

exactly those Zionist Nazis as u call us, are the ones who give protection to everyone in Israel, so when u need protection from those Zionist Nazis and its convenient u basterds take it, but then u go bad mouthing them, the same torah which says to love every jew, to judge favorably, is twisted by sick frum basterd shits, that's why nowi started to see not everything about Jesus was a lie nor was he evil like the rabbis have taught us, he was not against the jewish people but against the corrupt hypocrite rabbis, who minipulate the torah for their own selfish glory and most of all for the money, they accused him of breaking the law, but to get rid of him they broke their very own laws, they were moser against him to the romans which is 1 law broken since jesus was a jew according to halacha, when they did the judgement against him it was done after midnight which is another law broken to get rid of him, because according to halacha every court ruling needed to be done in the daytime, and they even made up lies about jesus to minipulate and persecute a tzadik who took away miseary from the jewish people, while all they were able to do was suck money and made the majority of the jewish people suffer, that's why now after examining all the facts I now see we were all lied to about a lot of things...