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Showing posts with label ezra friedlander. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ezra friedlander. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Ezra "the capo" Friedlander got over $200,000 in a 6 Month Period from Turkey.

Ezra with the Girls 

It seems that Ezra "the capo" Friedlander is always on the wrong side of helping Jews. 

He supported the Iran deal and wrote op-ed in all Jewish web sites urging and encouraging the then antisemite President Obama to go ahead with the disastrous Iran Deal.

Ezra was also behind giving the dead Sadat, the guy who murdered over 2,000 Jewish soldiers a Congressional Medal of Honor!

Now he teamed up with the Hamas loving Turkey and already received $200,000 since January of this year.

Why is anyone still talking to this stupid foolish stooge?

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Ezra Friedlander & "Lange Rekel" Eichenstein Proudly Pose With a Jew Who Married a Shiksa


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ezra Friedlander "The Dem Tuchis Lekker" Calls for Unity


This naive little back stabbing whore, who campaigned for the murderous Iran Deal and is on Nadler's payroll just wrote what he called an "op-ed" but is actually a paid  ad for his firm, asking the Chareidie communities to come together and support the "not-president" Biden!

Friedlander is an opportunist who would sell his mother from Boca Raton for a couple of shekels. 
Just last year he went shopping around  congress to get them to give Anwar Sadat the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish children a "Congressional Medal of Honor." It was all about the Benjamins!
Ezra with "Lady Gaga and anti-Israel NY Senator 

In his naive and incoherent rant he chastises frum Trump supporters thinking that we are all stupid:

"what I and many of us witnessed this past year was cult-like behavior. The cult-like behavior expressed itself in messianic terms, framing the candidate in idolatrous proportions, clouding our judgment in evaluating the candidate and his policies and inhibiting his followers from practically assessing the opponent.

This behavior is an amateur manifestation of how to engage in the political process, it doesn't bring support to your candidate, it actually diminishes the importance of the election and why you should support that candidate in the first place. More compelling to us, it exudes unwanted attention to our community.

Yes, unwanted attention is a negative byproduct of such idolatry-politics."

Hey "capo" we didn't "worship" Trump... we aren't following a "cult" you sick dope.... we loved him because of his policies ...
We did "evaluate" his opponent ... and he is an old senile fool!

Then this admitted uneducated fool admonishes:

"This persisted to the point where the image of our community being led by and consisting of active proponents of such idolatry became widespread. This portrayal is diametrically opposed to our values and how our community actually behaves."

Ezra is accusing frum people who are supporting Trump of "idolatry" ... 
he is part of a community that "idolizes" their Chassidishe Rebbes sharing the Rebbes left over chicken soup and fish and he is accusing us of "idolatry"?

This menuval has the audacity to lecture us stating brazenly: 

"as Jews have a moral obligation, to pray for his success as we did for our outgoing President, Donald Trump. This is the Jewish way."

Keep your "morality" to yourself....you lying hypocrite...not too long ago you asked all frum Jews to register as Democrats .....
Democrats .. whose very party advocate "immorality" ... we won't soon forget that Ezra endorsed gay candidates like Christine Quinn For Mayor... when he campaigned with Cuomo shlepping him around to all chassidishe cult rabbis .....always endorsing candidates that stand polar opposite of Jewish "morality."

The "Jewish way?"
I'll tell you what is the "Jewish Way"  
The "Jewish Way" is not to be part of J Street that encourages the USA to go back to the Iran deal  and then try to sell that idea to Holocaust survivors ... The "Jewish Way" is not to be on a payroll of a Nadler that was actively trying to unseat a sitting president .... where were you ... did you speak to that "poop in the pants" Nadler and tell him about the "Jewish Way?"



Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ezra Friedlander Back to His Lies ......

How Ezra "Lisker Ligner" Friedlander gets a forum to write to frum Jews is mind boggling...
He managed to get on VIN, TheYeshivahworld and Matzav with his foolish and childish "opinion"

This two timing fool wrote an opinion piece , titled: 
Our Community Is Powerless: Here’s Why in "VosIzNies" yesterday, urging heimishe yeedin to register to vote for DemocRATS! ......

This "kapo"who is on Nadler's payroll, and who actually urged Brooklyn Jews to vote for Hillary, Schumer, De'Blasio and Cuomo writes:
"For those who are frustrated and don’t understand why our community is not being heard, I have a simple solution. Start voting."
This is the same guy that just three months ago dragged that Fat Jewish mamzer, Nadler, to the Munkatcher Rebbe ....

This fleabag is asking those Jews registered as Republicans to register as DemocRATS! ... Why?
"By registering as Republicans we have essentially opted out of the system. We may be making a statement or standing on principal but in the end we have abdicated our voice in the conversation"

He wants Jews with Torah Values to"abdicate" their Torah principals and vote for his clients, who are pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, and promote BLM values and are BDS supporters and who are actively trying unseat the best friend the Jews ever had...Donald Trump!! 
He writes:
"Look, I get it. As members of this community, we cherish our timeless values and traditions." 
Yes, Ezra, we "cherish our timeless values... Yes
but you want us to "abdicate" and vote for your clients ... who hate everything we stand for!

He tells the following story:
"Several months ago, I accompanied State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein as he stood outside a Boro Park shul requesting local residents to sign petitions that would allow our community candidates to appear on the ballot in the upcoming Democratic primary. It’s a simple petition but it’s significant because without the requisite signatures, our candidates would not be eligible to run for election. The only requirement is that those who sign must be registered as Democrats.
Shockingly, the response appalling. Many members of our community are reluctant to register as Democrats, and many are not registered at all. Of every five people that were approached, two were registered as Republicans, and two were not registered at all. That left just one out of five who were eligible to sign the petitions. This is deeply disturbing."
The only "disturbing" thing is that you don't get it...Frum Jews will never forget when you stabbed us all in the back and wrote an "Opinion piece" in the TheYeshivahWorld, that we should understand  FatNadler' your client, in his vote to support the murderous Iran Deal!  
Jews have finally taken their blinders off and see you as the liar that you are ... and that's why they will not listen to your filthy propaganda ...
They get it... you don't!
We are not fooled by your sidekick "Langeh Rekkel" Eichenstein ... he has zero experience on how to deal in the big leagues ... he is a political midget, an utter failure a huge "tuchis lekker" that couldn't convince a mouse to run from the cat chasing it ...stop lecturing us! 

These "langeh rekklich" want you to vote for a party that "booed" G-d on a DemocRAT convention...that have blatant anti-Semites in their midst... a party that is afraid to tell Tlaib, Omar and AOC where the hell to go.. a party that keeps threatening the State of Israel.... who want to defund police...who want the US to honor the Iran deal ...
why would a thinking Jew register for a party that honors anti-American, anti-Israel sickos....??

At the end of the day, Ezra did get all his candidates in .... that' what crazy with his headline ...
"Our Communities are powerless"
Why aren't YOUR candidates helping you ... why are you "powerless" .. aren't these the guys that you voted in ?... aren't these the the guys you shlepped and dragged to your rebbelich..?

The guys on the street that you met with Eichenstein aren't fooled by you anymore....... 
Go honor Sadat the one who murdered over 2,000 Jewish boys .... 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Ezra Friedlander and Fat Nadler's Ties with the Russians Exposed....... Pres Trump Just Retweeted This Expose

We already exposed the ties that the "Lisker Ganiv" Ezra Friedlander's has with the Israel hating Qatar. 
How he colluded with Jew back-stabber Fat Nadler  to bury the US and Israel, in his attempt to bring dangerous murderous despots to the US to do business! 

How the "lisker ganev" Ezra  wrote an Op-ed backing the Iran Deal, and asking Holocaust survivors to support Fat Nadler who voted to hand nuclear weapons to a country that vowed to "wipe Israel off the map!" 

How he is organizing a Congressional Medal of Honor for someone responsible for the murder of over 2,000 Jewish Soldiers, Anwar Sadat! 

Now see the video above how he continues to bring the USA down.....with the real "Russia Collusion"

What is it with us Jews that support an uneducated traitor to the Jewish people and kowtow to a guy that constantly looks to take down his host country the United States of America?

Is it because he wears a "langy reckel?" 
Why is this kapo considered an "askan?" 
Why are we putting up with this waste?

See Trump Re-Tweeting this expose 


Thursday, October 18, 2018


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Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander, the back stabbing Jew that encouraged Holocaust Survivors to vote for Fat Nadler who voted to hand nuclear weapons to Iran, is back! 
This time to encourage our President to renew ties with the terrorist supporting nation of Qatar. 
Qatar has very close ties with Iran a nation that has vowed to "wipe Israel off the map." 
What this depraved animal Ezra would do for money is unbelievable! 
Qatar is a funder of Hamas, Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander is now lobbying for HAMAS!!! 

The following is via Al-Arabiya:
The Qatari government urgently dispatched several individuals to the United States two weeks ago.
Among them was Hassan Ali bin Ali, an important Qatari regime insider and businessman.
Bin Ali is believed to have met with several American and non-American media personalities.
This information, corroborated by an insider source speaking to Al Arabiya English on condition of anonymity, revealed that these media meetings were so important to Bin Ali, that he “hastily canceled pre-scheduled meetings with the staff of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
A congressional source told Al Arabiya English, on condition of anonymity, that Bin Ali had hired the New York City lobbying firm Friedlander Group, founded by Ezra Friedlander, to mend the bilateral relations between Qatar and the United States.
A Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) application submitted by Ezra Friedlander had listed Bin Ali as a foreign principal hiring the Friedlander Group for $50,000 per quarter, according to US government records.
The duties of the Friedlander group are to arrange meetings with Congressional members to discuss bi-lateral relations between the United States and countries across the Middle East and ways to achieve peace and regional stability. (Laughable if it wasn't so tragic.)
A luncheon or reception would be hosted every six months in Congress; once in the Senate and the another in the House to allow members of both chambers to meet Bin Ali in a social setting.
Congressional staff, Jewish leaders, and diplomats would be encouraged to participate to discuss relevant legislative issues that Congress is working on.
Hassan Ali bin Ali is well known by his ties with Tehran. He enjoys close business and personal relations with Iranian parties.
An outside source who works closely with members of the House Foreign Relations Committee told Al Arabiya English that Bin Ali had, in fact, been a front for the Qataris for a number of years.
“He’s the one who whitewashes the whitewashers of the Qatari regime. Not only in the United States but all over the whole world,” he said.

Monday, August 6, 2018

President Trump Ignores Satmar and Ezra Friedlander Imposes Sanctions on Iran

Guys ... remember when Satmar officially endorsed the Iran Deal?

Remember when they chastised the Agudah because the Agudah was against the deal?

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander wrote an article defending fat Nadler because he supported the treacherous Iran Deal?

Remember when Satmar set up that foolish stooge Labin to rally against the Iran deal...

Well it looks like Trump is not consulting with these experts!

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman praised the re-imposition of US sanctions on Iran, which will begin tonight.
The defense minister wrote on his Twitter account: "Tonight, the sanctions imposed by the American administration on Iran will enter into force. In a courageous decision that will be remembered for generations, US President Donald Trump has changed direction with regard to Iran. No more agreements and obsequiousness, but a determined struggle to stop the murderous ayatollahs regime, which spreads terror, violence and hatred throughout the Middle East."

Monday, December 18, 2017

Obama let Hezbollah off the hook to secure his Murderous "Iran Deal"

Der "Shoiteh" Friedlander

If you remember this was the deal that allows Iran (the country that 
vowed to "wipe Israel with its  6 million Jewish citizens off the map") to secure nuclear arms within 10 years. 

Ezra Friedlander, the known "shoiteh" tried to convince Holocaust survivors, that this was a great deal and good for the Jews and to trust the then President Hussain Obama! 

His mentor, R'Aron TeitelBUM, the Monroe Satmar Rebbe, that some call a dangerous numskull, wrote letters to congressman to encourage them to vote for this deal and begged them to stay away from Netanyahu's Speech when Netanyahu addressed his concerns in front of congress and the world. 

Now it turns out, that Politico, a left leaning News site, that originally backed this crazy deal, uncovered that the Obama administration stopped law enforcement from stopping Hezbollah, the terrorist arm of Iran, because he didn't want to chas ve'sholam derail the Iran deal!

In its determination to secure a nuclear deal with Iran, the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, even as it was funneling cocaine into the United States, according to a POLITICO investigation.

The campaign, dubbed Project Cassandra, was launched in 2008 after the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed evidence that Hezbollah had transformed itself from a Middle East-focused military and political organization into an international crime syndicate that some investigators believed was collecting $1 billion a year from drug and weapons trafficking, money laundering and other criminal activities.
Over the next eight years, agents working out of a top-secret DEA facility in Chantilly, Virginia, used wiretaps, undercover operations and informants to map Hezbollah’s illicit networks, with the help of 30 U.S. and foreign security agencies.
They followed cocaine shipments, some from Latin America to West Africa and on to Europe and the Middle East, and others through Venezuela and Mexico to the United States. They tracked the river of dirty cash as it was laundered by, among other tactics, buying American used cars and shipping them to Africa. And with the help of some key cooperating witnesses, the agents traced the conspiracy, they believed, to the innermost circle of Hezbollah and its state sponsors in Iran.
But as Project Cassandra reached higher into the hierarchy of the conspiracy, Obama administration officials threw an increasingly insurmountable series of roadblocks in its way, according to interviews with dozens of participants who in many cases spoke for the first time about events shrouded in secrecy, and a review of government documents and court records. When Project Cassandra leaders sought approval for some significant investigations, prosecutions, arrests and financial sanctions, officials at the Justice and Treasury departments delayed, hindered or rejected their requests.
The Justice Department declined requests by Project Cassandra and other authorities to file criminal charges against major players such as Hezbollah’s high-profile envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank that allegedly laundered billions in alleged drug profits, and a central player in a U.S.-based cell of the Iranian paramilitary Quds force. And the State Department rejected requests to lure high-value targets to countries where they could be arrested.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Ezra Friedlander (left) listening to anti-Israel Senator Gillbrand 
Rachel Frommer of the Washington Free Beacon reports that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is scheduled to give the keynote address at an upcoming “social justice” conference funded by, and featuring high profile supporters of, the anti-Israel boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement (BDS). 
The conference, Frommer notes, is co-sponsored by the Open Society Foundations, founded and funded by prominent left-wing billionaire George Soros. One of that organization’s objectives is to erode Israel’s status as a democracy on the world stage, according to internal emails leaked last year.
The conference Gillibrand will kick off features a who’s-who of Israel-hating speakers. Among them are Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi, and Linda Sarsour. Regarding Garza, Frommer writes:
[She] has defended the Movement for Black Lives platform‘s inclusion of a pro-BDS policy, and both [she and Tometi] have been outspoken about their condemnation of Israel on social media.
This summer, Garza repeatedly tweeted her support for the Chicago Dyke March organizers expelling two Jewish Zionists from the event, writing, “Shoutout to @DykeMarchChi for standing up for their principals when folks tried to take it over for their own agenda.”
As for Tometi:
[She] has retweeted a link to a report claiming Israel forcibly sterilized female Ethiopian immigrants, a story that blew up on anti-Israel websites in 2013 after over 30 Ethiopian women claimed they were forced by Israeli officials to take contraceptives without their consent. An Israel governmental probe concluded in 2016 found “no evidence” of truth to these claims.
Tometi tweeted in 2012, “I can’t believe that sh*t!” in response to an Israeli flag being hung outside the New York Stock Exchange, in honor of the annual America-Israel Friendship League Israel Day at the NYSE.
We have written about the odious Sarsour here and here. Frommer notes that the fiery left-wing radical has repeatedly compared Zionists to white supremacists.
This is not a complete list of Israel-haters slated to speak at the conference Gillibrand will kick off. Frommer’s article cites several others.
Gillibrand, who is frequently mentioned as a potential Democratic candidate for national office, aligned herself with the interests of BDS on at least one previous occasion. In July, she pulled her endorsement of the bipartisan Israel Anti-Boycott Act, citing free speech concerns. This despite the fact that Gillibrand’s has taken past positions supporting restrictions on free expression.
Professor Eugene Kontorovich persuasively dismissed the notion that the legislation in question infringes on free speechs. Professor Alan Dershowitz argued that, to the extent there is such a concern, it could be assuaged simply by adding that “no provision of this law shall be construed in a manner that violates the First Amendment.”
As far as I know, Gillibrand offered no such language.
Gillibrand insisted that, despite pulling her support for the anti-BDS legislation, she “vehemently oppose[s] the BDS movement.” Her decision to deliver the keynote address at an event dominated by leading supporters of BDS casts doubt on her claim.
Is Gillibrand, who during her days in the House was considered moderate for a Democrat, trying to bolster her credibility with the increasingly powerful, if not dominant, left-wing faction of her Party? I don’t know, but it kind of looks that way.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Obama Admin Hid Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuclear Deal

The "capo" Ezra chapping Shrayim 
There were Jews like Ezra "The Capo" Friedlander who openly backed the Obama administration's Iran Deal. 
Ezra who is now pushing for a Congressional Medal for Anwar Sadat, so that he can continue to shnoor for his failing Friedlander Group, previously wrote an Op-Ed in Theyeshivahworld blog, addressing holocaust survivors, asking them to vote for Jerry "fats" Nadler, even though he voted to hand nuclear weapons to the Iranian terrorists who have vowed to destroy the State of Israel!
It turns out that the Obama administration was hiding the real facts about Iran so he could muster enough votes to supply Iran with nuclear weapons!

The Obama administration hid information about Iran illicitly ferrying militants into Syria on commercial aircraft in order to promote the landmark nuclear deal and foster multi-billion dollar business deals with Tehran's state-controlled airline sector, according to lawmakers and other sources familiar with the matter.
The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed last week that congressional leaders are calling for an investigation into Iran for using its state-controlled air carrier, Iran Air, to ferry militant fighters into Syria, where they are taking up arms in defense of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.
Photographs provided to Congress show Iran using Iran Air to ferry these soldiers between 2016 and 2017, in part when the Obama administration removed sanctions on Iran Air and promoted multi-billion dollars sales between the carrier and aircraft manufacturer Boeing, which is seeking to provide Iran Air with a fleet of new planes that many suspect will be used to carry terrorist fighters and weapons into regional hotspots.
This behavior violates international laws governing the nuclear deal and has now led lawmakers and others to accuse the Obama administration of downplaying Iran's illicit activity in order to promote the nuclear deal and ensure Tehran receives a new commercial fleet.
Multiple senior Obama administration officials, including former secretary of state John Kerry, traveled the globe to promote trade with Iranian companies, including Iran Air, at the same time Iran was found to be ferrying militants into Syria. Lawmakers and others suspect the Obama administration either hid or downplayed this information in order to preserve the nuclear deal.
"The Obama administration lifted sanctions against Iran Air as a political concession during nuclear negotiations with Iran, not because of any change in its activity," Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.), one of the lawmakers calling for an investigation into Iran's use of commercial aircraft for military purposes, told the Free Beacon.
"Using social media and public flight tracking websites, any person with a computer can document Iranian military transports to Syria on commercial jets," Roskam said. "The Obama administration undoubtedly knew Iranian airliners were being used to fuel Assad's atrocities in Syria, but the administration officials who were globetrotting as Tehran's chamber of commerce trying to shore up the nuclear deal didn't care."
"Iran Air continues to support the Iran-Assad war machine to this day, and the Trump administration must hold the airline accountable and work to stop them," the lawmaker said.
Roskam and a delegation of other Republican congressmen petitioned the Trump Treasury Department last week to investigate photographic evidence showing Iran using Iran Air to ferry militants into Syria.
"Iran's use of commercial aircraft for military purposes violates international agreements as well as Iranian commitments under the JCPOA," or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the lawmakers wrote, according to a letter first obtained by the Free Beacon. "We believe these photos mandate a thorough investigation of these practices and a comprehensive review of Iran's illicit use of commercial aircraft."
The lawmakers demand the Trump administration freeze all licenses that would permit the deal between Boeing and Iran Air to move forward.
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a vocal opponent of the Iran deal who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration ignored evidence of Iran's illicit military activity in a bid to appease Tehran and forward the nuclear agreement.
"As the Obama administration was shipping palettes of cash to Iran, the mullahs were sending militants to wage jihad in Syria," DeSantis said. "The Obama administration turned a blind eye to this and other transgressions because it was so intent on delivering major sanctions relief to the world's leading state-sponsor of terrorism, the Iranian government."
The Treasury Department did not respond to multiple Free Beacon requests for comment on the matter.
The Treasury Department has vowed in the past to consider and investigate any new evidence revealing Iran's illicit use of commercial aircraft, but it remains unclear if U.S. officials are actually following through on this promise.
Administration insiders have expressed confusion over the matter, saying they are unsure where Trump officials stand on scrapping the nuclear agreement.
Multiple proponents of ending the deal were recently removed from the White House's National Security Council and it appears that those officials supporting the deal currently are now the majority voice. This includes Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.
Administration insiders say the Obama administration's aggressive efforts to promote trade with Iran and lay the groundwork for massive deals such as that formed with Boeing placed the current administration in a complicated position.
Boeing says the deal would create scores of U.S. jobs, but those opposing the deal say American workers should not be aiding Iran's illicit activity.
"The Obama administration actively politicized and downplayed intelligence about Iran to preserve the deal," said one veteran congressional adviser working on the issue. "They had State remove references to Iranian terrorism, had Justice ignore Iranian sanctions-busters and proliferated, and even had Energy buy off Iranian deal violations. So of course they had Treasury look the other way while the Iranians were facilitating Assad's mass slaughter."
Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser and expert on rogue regimes, said champions of the Iran deal had knowledge of Iran's illicit behavior, but downplayed this information to push the nuclear agreement forward.
"The Boeing deal is where corruption meets national security. One of the biggest proponents of the Iran deal was Thomas Pickering, a former ambassador whom the Obama administration brought in to assuage Congress and re-up its talking points in the media," Rubin said. "Pickering never acknowledged, however—even to Congress—that at the time he had a lucrative consulting gig with Boeing in order to enable that company to profit off any Iran deal."
Iran is seeking to purchase from Boeing a fleet much larger than its domestic needs require, another sign that points to the regime's desire to use these commercial aircraft for military purposes, Rubin said.
"What the heck did the Obama team think Iran would do with its Boeings? If they tallied up Iran's annual air travel with the capacity offered by Boeing, they'd find that Iran was purchasing planes representing triple what Iran needed for its civilian transport," Rubin said. "Frankly, the Boeing deal should have resulted in as many red flags as if Iran said it wanted to purchase high explosives and rocket engines. But, national security and reality were far down Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry's lists of priorities."

Friday, July 28, 2017

Senator Gillibrand Stabs Jews In The Back ..Ezra Friedlander Silent

Ezra Friedlander with Jewish Tuchis Lekkers fawning over the anti-semite Gillibrand
A senator representing the largest Jewish population in America will shortly reveal if she is backing legislation that is meant to empower anti Israel forces.
New York senator Gillibrand says she will be giving an anti-BDS bill another look given fears that it might undermine free speech.

New York senator Kirsten Gillibrand made the comment at a town hall meeting int he Bronx this past Saturday. Gillibrand went on a tirade slamming Israel saying, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does “not have a plan for peace.”
“I am concerned that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not have a plan for peace, and doesn’t have a vision for peace,” Gillibrand said Saturday at town hall meeting in the Bronx.
Gillibrand described a meeting she had last year when she led a delegation of senators to Israel.
“In our meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, the question we asked is, what is your vision for peace, and he didn’t have one,” she said.
Gillibrand continued, “He just said my only hope is that I protect my people from rockets”.  “If you don’t have a vision, if you don’t have a plan, then it is never going to happen. And so we do need to require more of our world leaders, and I think a call to action to Israel’s government to have a plan for peace is really incumbent on all of us.”
Gillibrand was responding to a questioner — anti zionist blogger named Mondoweiss, and identified as belonging to Jewish Voice for Peace — who challenged her support for a bill that targets the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The American Civil Liberties Union has said the bill impinges on speech freedoms.
The bill extends existing bans on cooperating with boycotts sponsored by countries to those sponsored by international organizations. It also encompasses boycotts of settlement goods. Defenders of the bill say it is narrowly defined to target only businesses that proactively provide assistance to boycotts organized by international organizations.
“The way I read the bill is not the way you read the bill,” Gillibrand said to the questioner. “I saw the bill as an extension of foreign policy to not allow companies to side with foreign entities that were doing boycotts.”
Gillibrand said she was ready to meet with the ACLU to discuss the bill.
“I am open to looking at the bill again because I do not want to undermine people’s free speech rights on any level,” she said.
Gillibrand puts the onus of peace on the only democratic nation in the entire Middle East and was not even embarrassed to make such stupid statements just hours after 3 innocent Jews in israel were butchered in their own home by Palestinian terrorists.
Gillibrand is known for always running to Boro Park to raise funds for her campaign and other democrats. Many people have been asking if the heavily pro republican community in Brooklyn south would vote for her again.
It’s obvious Gillibrand was never a true friend of Israel and her latest statements prove it.
It’s interesting to note that Jewish lobbyist Ezra Friedlander brought Gillibrand and Congressman Jerry Nadler to Boro Park before the Iran deal took place.
Senator Gillibrand has recently praised Jew hater Linda Sarsour by calling her an “extraordinary woman.”
When will some Orthodox Jews start standing up for Jewish values and stop selling their grandmother for a few dollars?

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander will honor a Muslim..... couldn't find any Jews to honor!

Ezra with Lady Gaga 
So the "kapo" that tried convincing Holocaust Survivors that the Iran deal was a good thing and wrote an Op-Ed in The Yeshiva World, defending the "Jew back Stabber" Jerrold Nadler's disgusting vote to hand nuclear weapons to the Mullas in Iran .... was searching for a Jew to honor, but after searching in all the shteeblich in Boro-Park, he couldn't find one Jew to honor, so he found a Muslim to honor .....
I understand that Sadat gave his life for peace ...... but what about Begin? Why isn't he getting credit for the peace deal?  Didn't he have to give back parts of Eretz Yisroel? 
What is it with these naive pandering Jews that search under every rock to pander to our enemies?
 How many Muslims will now love Jews more because of this stupid medal? 
Or is the "kapo" Friedlander alll in it for the money only, like his uncle, the "groiser tzaddik?"
What this lowlife will do for a couple of dollars .......it runs in his blood ....that miserable traitor .....

A bipartisan bill to award the Congressional Gold Medal to late Egyptian president Anwar Sadat will be introduced to Congress on Tuesday by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Representative Chris Stewart (R-UT) and Representative Grace Meng (D-NY).
The bill, titled the Anwar Sadat Centennial Celebration Act, proposes to award the medal to Sadat “in recognition of his heroic achievements and courageous contributions to peace in the Middle East.” Next year will mark the 100th anniversary of Sadat’s birth.
“President Sadat is recognized in the United States and throughout the world as a respected leader and champion of peace whose vision provided a road map for the peaceful resolution of conflict that endures nearly 40 years after its inception,” the bill reads.
“President Sadat bravely reached out to Israel and dedicated himself to peace, furthering the national security of Egypt and the stability of the Middle East.”
The bill’s introduction to Congress was coordinated by Ezra Friedlander, an Orthodox Jew and CEO of the public affairs consulting firm the Friedlander Group.
Friedlander told the Post that he recalls watching the arrival of the late Sadat in Israel in the late 1970s, as a child.
“It was a Saturday night. We didn’t have a television, but I remember as a kid going to a neighbor’s house to watch the news,” he said.
“I was 10. It was as shocking then as it is now, just to think of it. That image always remained with me; it became a part of me.
“Growing up and going through life you realize that it’s very easy to be friends with your friends, but Anwar Sadat, in my opinion, was one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century because he, essentially, in a very dramatic way, changed his way of thinking and it took tremendous courage,” Friedlander continued.
“So for me, having the opportunity to play a role in an important historical milestone was very important.”
Friedlander added that honoring Sadat was not just a way to remember history but could also serve as “a teaching moment… I firmly believe that presenting Anwar Sadat with a Congressional Gold Medal will once again allow for the world to recognize his heroism and bravery, but also encourage other world leaders to learn from that style, from his leadership,” he said.
Friedlander said he hopes that if the bill passes, world leaders, particularly in the Middle East, would see the bill and the medal as carrying the message that “compromise and peace pays dividends long after you agree to make it.”
As a Jew, Friedlander added, honoring a Muslim leader was important.
“The Jewish people yearn for peace. We are willing and should be willing to travel to the end of the world for peace,” he said.
“We need to actively commend and pay tribute to those leaders that historically were at odds with the Jewish people and the State of Israel and to embrace them.”
Friedlander was also behind the Congressional Gold Medal awarded to late president Shimon Peres in 2014, and a posthumous one that same year to Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, celebrated for saving tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary.
“Sadat took countless personal risks to achieve a society grounded in peace and diplomacy – an endeavor that ultimately cost him his life,” Hatch said in a press release.
“Thus, awarding Sadat with the Congressional Gold Medal celebrates and gives homage to Sadat’s courageous, remarkable and enduring imprint on history.”
A ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Cardin said in a press release that Sadat was the first Arab leader to recognize Israel and “displayed courage and vision when he negotiated the peace treaty, fundamentally changing the course of history in the Middle East for the better.”
Awarding him the medal, Cardin added, not only honors this legacy, but also underscores the enduring commitment of the US to upholding the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.
Meng said in a press release that she was proud to co-sponsor the bill and urged the House and Senate to pass it.
Friedlander said he was not expecting any opposition to the bill, and hoped Egyptian government representatives would make the trip to the US to collect the medal, which will also be presented to Sadat’s widow, Jehan Sadat.