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Showing posts with label ezra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ezra. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ezra Friedlander "The Dem Tuchis Lekker" Calls for Unity


This naive little back stabbing whore, who campaigned for the murderous Iran Deal and is on Nadler's payroll just wrote what he called an "op-ed" but is actually a paid  ad for his firm, asking the Chareidie communities to come together and support the "not-president" Biden!

Friedlander is an opportunist who would sell his mother from Boca Raton for a couple of shekels. 
Just last year he went shopping around  congress to get them to give Anwar Sadat the murderer of over 2,000 Jewish children a "Congressional Medal of Honor." It was all about the Benjamins!
Ezra with "Lady Gaga and anti-Israel NY Senator 

In his naive and incoherent rant he chastises frum Trump supporters thinking that we are all stupid:

"what I and many of us witnessed this past year was cult-like behavior. The cult-like behavior expressed itself in messianic terms, framing the candidate in idolatrous proportions, clouding our judgment in evaluating the candidate and his policies and inhibiting his followers from practically assessing the opponent.

This behavior is an amateur manifestation of how to engage in the political process, it doesn't bring support to your candidate, it actually diminishes the importance of the election and why you should support that candidate in the first place. More compelling to us, it exudes unwanted attention to our community.

Yes, unwanted attention is a negative byproduct of such idolatry-politics."

Hey "capo" we didn't "worship" Trump... we aren't following a "cult" you sick dope.... we loved him because of his policies ...
We did "evaluate" his opponent ... and he is an old senile fool!

Then this admitted uneducated fool admonishes:

"This persisted to the point where the image of our community being led by and consisting of active proponents of such idolatry became widespread. This portrayal is diametrically opposed to our values and how our community actually behaves."

Ezra is accusing frum people who are supporting Trump of "idolatry" ... 
he is part of a community that "idolizes" their Chassidishe Rebbes sharing the Rebbes left over chicken soup and fish and he is accusing us of "idolatry"?

This menuval has the audacity to lecture us stating brazenly: 

"as Jews have a moral obligation, to pray for his success as we did for our outgoing President, Donald Trump. This is the Jewish way."

Keep your "morality" to yourself....you lying hypocrite...not too long ago you asked all frum Jews to register as Democrats .....
Democrats .. whose very party advocate "immorality" ... we won't soon forget that Ezra endorsed gay candidates like Christine Quinn For Mayor... when he campaigned with Cuomo shlepping him around to all chassidishe cult rabbis .....always endorsing candidates that stand polar opposite of Jewish "morality."

The "Jewish way?"
I'll tell you what is the "Jewish Way"  
The "Jewish Way" is not to be part of J Street that encourages the USA to go back to the Iran deal  and then try to sell that idea to Holocaust survivors ... The "Jewish Way" is not to be on a payroll of a Nadler that was actively trying to unseat a sitting president .... where were you ... did you speak to that "poop in the pants" Nadler and tell him about the "Jewish Way?"



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Ezra Friedlander's Relationship With Nadler Exposed!! Works Quietly To Undermine the USA..... Video!

We now know what this "Liskar" fraudster is up to.......
In this past week's Ami magazine, The Clown Yitzy Frankfurter had a 2 page writeup on this dangerous "capo" dope, praising him as if he were the Messiah for getting Congress to award the Congressional Gold Medal to Jew Murderer, Anwar Sadat, Yemach Shmo

For money Ezra  is prepared to bury the US and Israel, in his attempt to bring dangerous murderous despots to the US to do business! 

When will we learn??? 
When will someone explain to this un-educated moron that he is putting the entire Jewish community in mortal danger!! 

From a reader:

For more detail, to get an idea of the depth and breadth of the Ezra Friedlander- Jerold Nadler relationship, one can just go to 


(for other time periods, select other dates in the category "TRANSACTION TIME PERIOD" on the left side of the page.

What emerges from examination of the data is that Friedlander has been employed by Nadler for over FIFTEEN years. Most of the time at a rate of 1K/month for "Community Consulting", although at times he was paid as much as 5k (e.g. in 2009 - perhaps connected with a tribute breakfast Friedlander made for Nadler then - see http://www.thefriedlandergroup.com/tribute-breakfast-honoring-congressman-nadler.3-39-1013.sub.html).

Now Friedlander can work for anyone. However, he should reveal that he is paid by Nadler. When he wrote an op-ed defending Nadler, he should have revealed that he is a paid employee.
The problem with Friedlander is that there is potential for serious conflict of interest between his PR and lobbying business and the interests of the Jewish community.

It is inappropriate, misleading, and outrageous for him to be seen by some as representing the Jewish community in general, the Haredi community, or even Hasidic community, and for him to give people that impression, thereby making use of the community's influence and good name to advance his personal business interests.

Let's look at some of his lobbying, specifically focusing on the Congressional Gold Medal. He first worked and succeeded to get it for Raoul Wallenbeger, a hero of the Holocaust era, a non-political, humanitarian cause. Then however, he went on to try to utilize the expertise gained in that effort for further medals for others, whose qualifications for it were more debatable.

He even filed at one point for an effort to get the Congressional Gold Medal for Yogi Berra!


Now what connection does that have with the Haredi or Hasidic community? Evidently Friedlander saw that he had learned of a way, a niche to advance himself and his lobbying and PR business and wanted to make use of it.

The Congressional Gold Medal is for the United States people, not for the personal business of a lobbyist, to use to promote himself.
Details can be seen in filing here -



Thursday, October 18, 2018


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Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander, the back stabbing Jew that encouraged Holocaust Survivors to vote for Fat Nadler who voted to hand nuclear weapons to Iran, is back! 
This time to encourage our President to renew ties with the terrorist supporting nation of Qatar. 
Qatar has very close ties with Iran a nation that has vowed to "wipe Israel off the map." 
What this depraved animal Ezra would do for money is unbelievable! 
Qatar is a funder of Hamas, Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlander is now lobbying for HAMAS!!! 

The following is via Al-Arabiya:
The Qatari government urgently dispatched several individuals to the United States two weeks ago.
Among them was Hassan Ali bin Ali, an important Qatari regime insider and businessman.
Bin Ali is believed to have met with several American and non-American media personalities.
This information, corroborated by an insider source speaking to Al Arabiya English on condition of anonymity, revealed that these media meetings were so important to Bin Ali, that he “hastily canceled pre-scheduled meetings with the staff of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.”
A congressional source told Al Arabiya English, on condition of anonymity, that Bin Ali had hired the New York City lobbying firm Friedlander Group, founded by Ezra Friedlander, to mend the bilateral relations between Qatar and the United States.
A Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) application submitted by Ezra Friedlander had listed Bin Ali as a foreign principal hiring the Friedlander Group for $50,000 per quarter, according to US government records.
The duties of the Friedlander group are to arrange meetings with Congressional members to discuss bi-lateral relations between the United States and countries across the Middle East and ways to achieve peace and regional stability. (Laughable if it wasn't so tragic.)
A luncheon or reception would be hosted every six months in Congress; once in the Senate and the another in the House to allow members of both chambers to meet Bin Ali in a social setting.
Congressional staff, Jewish leaders, and diplomats would be encouraged to participate to discuss relevant legislative issues that Congress is working on.
Hassan Ali bin Ali is well known by his ties with Tehran. He enjoys close business and personal relations with Iranian parties.
An outside source who works closely with members of the House Foreign Relations Committee told Al Arabiya English that Bin Ali had, in fact, been a front for the Qataris for a number of years.
“He’s the one who whitewashes the whitewashers of the Qatari regime. Not only in the United States but all over the whole world,” he said.

Monday, August 6, 2018

President Trump Ignores Satmar and Ezra Friedlander Imposes Sanctions on Iran

Guys ... remember when Satmar officially endorsed the Iran Deal?

Remember when they chastised the Agudah because the Agudah was against the deal?

Remember when Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander wrote an article defending fat Nadler because he supported the treacherous Iran Deal?

Remember when Satmar set up that foolish stooge Labin to rally against the Iran deal...

Well it looks like Trump is not consulting with these experts!

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman praised the re-imposition of US sanctions on Iran, which will begin tonight.
The defense minister wrote on his Twitter account: "Tonight, the sanctions imposed by the American administration on Iran will enter into force. In a courageous decision that will be remembered for generations, US President Donald Trump has changed direction with regard to Iran. No more agreements and obsequiousness, but a determined struggle to stop the murderous ayatollahs regime, which spreads terror, violence and hatred throughout the Middle East."

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Obama Admin Hid Intel on Iranian Militants in Syria to Push Nuclear Deal

The "capo" Ezra chapping Shrayim 
There were Jews like Ezra "The Capo" Friedlander who openly backed the Obama administration's Iran Deal. 
Ezra who is now pushing for a Congressional Medal for Anwar Sadat, so that he can continue to shnoor for his failing Friedlander Group, previously wrote an Op-Ed in Theyeshivahworld blog, addressing holocaust survivors, asking them to vote for Jerry "fats" Nadler, even though he voted to hand nuclear weapons to the Iranian terrorists who have vowed to destroy the State of Israel!
It turns out that the Obama administration was hiding the real facts about Iran so he could muster enough votes to supply Iran with nuclear weapons!

The Obama administration hid information about Iran illicitly ferrying militants into Syria on commercial aircraft in order to promote the landmark nuclear deal and foster multi-billion dollar business deals with Tehran's state-controlled airline sector, according to lawmakers and other sources familiar with the matter.
The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed last week that congressional leaders are calling for an investigation into Iran for using its state-controlled air carrier, Iran Air, to ferry militant fighters into Syria, where they are taking up arms in defense of embattled President Bashar al-Assad.
Photographs provided to Congress show Iran using Iran Air to ferry these soldiers between 2016 and 2017, in part when the Obama administration removed sanctions on Iran Air and promoted multi-billion dollars sales between the carrier and aircraft manufacturer Boeing, which is seeking to provide Iran Air with a fleet of new planes that many suspect will be used to carry terrorist fighters and weapons into regional hotspots.
This behavior violates international laws governing the nuclear deal and has now led lawmakers and others to accuse the Obama administration of downplaying Iran's illicit activity in order to promote the nuclear deal and ensure Tehran receives a new commercial fleet.
Multiple senior Obama administration officials, including former secretary of state John Kerry, traveled the globe to promote trade with Iranian companies, including Iran Air, at the same time Iran was found to be ferrying militants into Syria. Lawmakers and others suspect the Obama administration either hid or downplayed this information in order to preserve the nuclear deal.
"The Obama administration lifted sanctions against Iran Air as a political concession during nuclear negotiations with Iran, not because of any change in its activity," Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.), one of the lawmakers calling for an investigation into Iran's use of commercial aircraft for military purposes, told the Free Beacon.
"Using social media and public flight tracking websites, any person with a computer can document Iranian military transports to Syria on commercial jets," Roskam said. "The Obama administration undoubtedly knew Iranian airliners were being used to fuel Assad's atrocities in Syria, but the administration officials who were globetrotting as Tehran's chamber of commerce trying to shore up the nuclear deal didn't care."
"Iran Air continues to support the Iran-Assad war machine to this day, and the Trump administration must hold the airline accountable and work to stop them," the lawmaker said.
Roskam and a delegation of other Republican congressmen petitioned the Trump Treasury Department last week to investigate photographic evidence showing Iran using Iran Air to ferry militants into Syria.
"Iran's use of commercial aircraft for military purposes violates international agreements as well as Iranian commitments under the JCPOA," or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the lawmakers wrote, according to a letter first obtained by the Free Beacon. "We believe these photos mandate a thorough investigation of these practices and a comprehensive review of Iran's illicit use of commercial aircraft."
The lawmakers demand the Trump administration freeze all licenses that would permit the deal between Boeing and Iran Air to move forward.
Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a vocal opponent of the Iran deal who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told the Free Beacon that the Obama administration ignored evidence of Iran's illicit military activity in a bid to appease Tehran and forward the nuclear agreement.
"As the Obama administration was shipping palettes of cash to Iran, the mullahs were sending militants to wage jihad in Syria," DeSantis said. "The Obama administration turned a blind eye to this and other transgressions because it was so intent on delivering major sanctions relief to the world's leading state-sponsor of terrorism, the Iranian government."
The Treasury Department did not respond to multiple Free Beacon requests for comment on the matter.
The Treasury Department has vowed in the past to consider and investigate any new evidence revealing Iran's illicit use of commercial aircraft, but it remains unclear if U.S. officials are actually following through on this promise.
Administration insiders have expressed confusion over the matter, saying they are unsure where Trump officials stand on scrapping the nuclear agreement.
Multiple proponents of ending the deal were recently removed from the White House's National Security Council and it appears that those officials supporting the deal currently are now the majority voice. This includes Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster.
Administration insiders say the Obama administration's aggressive efforts to promote trade with Iran and lay the groundwork for massive deals such as that formed with Boeing placed the current administration in a complicated position.
Boeing says the deal would create scores of U.S. jobs, but those opposing the deal say American workers should not be aiding Iran's illicit activity.
"The Obama administration actively politicized and downplayed intelligence about Iran to preserve the deal," said one veteran congressional adviser working on the issue. "They had State remove references to Iranian terrorism, had Justice ignore Iranian sanctions-busters and proliferated, and even had Energy buy off Iranian deal violations. So of course they had Treasury look the other way while the Iranians were facilitating Assad's mass slaughter."
Michael Rubin, a former Pentagon adviser and expert on rogue regimes, said champions of the Iran deal had knowledge of Iran's illicit behavior, but downplayed this information to push the nuclear agreement forward.
"The Boeing deal is where corruption meets national security. One of the biggest proponents of the Iran deal was Thomas Pickering, a former ambassador whom the Obama administration brought in to assuage Congress and re-up its talking points in the media," Rubin said. "Pickering never acknowledged, however—even to Congress—that at the time he had a lucrative consulting gig with Boeing in order to enable that company to profit off any Iran deal."
Iran is seeking to purchase from Boeing a fleet much larger than its domestic needs require, another sign that points to the regime's desire to use these commercial aircraft for military purposes, Rubin said.
"What the heck did the Obama team think Iran would do with its Boeings? If they tallied up Iran's annual air travel with the capacity offered by Boeing, they'd find that Iran was purchasing planes representing triple what Iran needed for its civilian transport," Rubin said. "Frankly, the Boeing deal should have resulted in as many red flags as if Iran said it wanted to purchase high explosives and rocket engines. But, national security and reality were far down Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry's lists of priorities."

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Ezra Friedlander says it's ok for Kasich to link Pesach and the blood of Jesus

Jews have known to be smart, but apparently we have our share of dummies too! 
Ezra "The Kapo" Friedlnader is Hillary's chief Tuches Leker, but somehow  he managed to weasel himself into Kasich's Boro Park Republican campaign.

Kasich, the Ohio Governor visited Boro Park to try to steal some Jewish Trump voters but instead made a bunch of boo boos' 

The first major mistake was to get The Kapo Ezra to be his publicist on this visit. 
Who can ever forget when "The Kapo" told Boro Park Holocaust survivors that the Iran Deal was a good thing for the Jewish people and backed Jerrold "The Fatso" Nadler, who voted for the deal!

When the Ohio Governor, Kasich, a Roman Catholic said:

“The great link between the blood that was put above the lampposts. The blood of the lamb, because Jesus Christ is known as the lamb of God. It’s his blood, we believe …”

Friedlander in an interview with th JTA said about Kasich's statement :
“He’s very knowledgeable and he takes his religion very seriously, In context, I thought it was appropriate.”

The dummy, Friedlander will do anything for money, even to say that Kasich was "appropriate" to link Jesus with Pesach!

I think that it would be more "appropriate" for Boro Park Jews to give Ezra "his last supper" and dump him before he puts his paw in his mouth again!

Kasich also drew grimaces from the crowd as he shook his box of shmura matzah to emphasize his points. If the expensive, delicate matzahs inside are broken, they become unsuitable for ritual use????

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Ezra The Kapo Friedlander compares Lichtenstein the "Tuches Lekker" to Moshe Rabbeinu

Ezra keeping his hands to himself
The kapo Ezra Friedlander can't stay out of the limelight for more than a week, because his "Jewish Backstabbing" business depends on it!

It's not enough that we have the world boycotting our brothers and sisters in Israel, it's not enough that we are losing the PR on American Campuses. Do we now need an admitted ignoramus to explain the hateful vote of fat Nadler to give Iran Nuclear Weapons? 

Do we need an arrogant two timing bastard to explain the Tuches Lekker Lichtenstein's decision to raise funds for the anti-Semite Hillary Clinton?

Ezra, the kapo, Friedlander, went to the White House last week for a Chanukah Party, where he  suddenly couldn't find his tongue and was quiet like a rat when a lady Reform Rabbi was screeching "In Shaalah" to the entire world! On Chanukah no less!

He was sitting there with a jelly donut stuffed in his filthy mouth while the "rabbi" didn't mention "G-D" once during her entire rant and was actually chastising the White House guests about islamophobia ........perverting the entire meaning of Chanukah!
But now because he wants  Hillary, the witch to hire him to convince naive Boro-park Holocaust survivors to vote for Hillary, who could care less about the 6 million Jews living in Israel, he suddenly comes out from under his rock to back the "back stabbing" Lichtenstein!

The following is a an OP-Ed from the Kapo to the yeshivahworld blog!

My comments in RED!

From time immemorial, members of Klal Yisroel have always been involved in advocacy efforts on behalf of the Jewish people. Some call it shtadlonus, others call it askonus. However you decide to coin the term is not really that important. What is important is to understand that Jewish advocacy has been alive and well since the days of Moshe Rabbeinu.

DIN: Some of those "askonim" have been called "Kapos" for very good reasons!

 In fact, it can perhaps be said that Moshe Rabbeinu was our very first askan. In the upcoming parshios, we find Klal Yisroel’s greatest leader advocating on behalf of the Jewish people. And before who? The evil King Pharoah, of all people! 

DIN: Suddenly this known Am Haaretz is now teaching us the parsha ..... wait it gets better.

One can only wonder what the headlines might have looked like in those days, especially the accompanying comments section. Nevertheless the fact is that throughout the millennia, while our goals and missions may have changed, we have always relied on the individuals and leaders who plead on our behalf. And that is how it will be till the end of days, until Moshiach comes.

DIN: G-D help us if we have to rely on this back stabbing arrogant nut!

Several days ago I saw on article reporting that Dovid Lichtenstein, a prominent Real Estate executive, will be hosting a Reception benefiting the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton. For the record, let me state that I am not representing either Mr. Lichtenstein or Mrs. Clinton, and have not shared these remarks with either one of them. I would like to make that perfectly clear.

DIN: "For the record, let me state that I am not representing either Mr. Lichtenstein or Mrs. Clinton,"Not Yet! .... 
But I don't believe any word you say, if you would tell me it's night, I would go out to check!

The purpose of this op-ed is not defending Dovid Lichtenstein but rather to encourage him to continue his efforts. 

DIN: Whaaaaaaaat? 
"Encourage him" to raise funds for an avowed anti-Semite?

Dovid Lichtenstein does not need to engage on our behalf. 

DIN: Believe me, he is not ..... he is doing the opposite, he is stabbing us in the back..

I’ve been at his Shabbos table once and I’m sure I speak for all those who know him by saying that he would rather be sitting in a Beis Medrash learning Torah than anywhere else. His home is a place filled with Torah learning and one can easily recognize his scholarship by listening to “Headlines”, his weekly radio program. I’m sure he would prefer to be learning than hosting political candidates.

DIN: Aha! The relationship between "the kapo" and the "tuches lekker" is slowly but surely coming out!
Now listen to me good....
If it's in fact true that he would have preferred to be "learning" than "hosting political candidates" then why is he doing it? 
In this world we judge you by your actions and not what you would like to to do, because we are not living in his brain and we don't know what he prefers, it's only your speculation that he prefers to learn. The facts are that he hosted and continues to host not "stam" "political candidates" but candidates that are a danger to our communities!

Your statement that Lichtencrap hosts "political candidates" is misleading........
When was the last time he hosted a republican candidate? Hmm?

Here are naysayers among us who just don’t get it. They sit in front of their computers pontificating about the interaction of askonim with political candidates. Do they honestly think that supporting a candidate means endorsing everything he or she stands for? I would hope that most people realize that politics is more nuanced and complicated than that. But not the self righteous pontificaters. They are, after all, on the side of the Torah, and consider themselves the true lamdonim.

DIN: We don't get it! But you the money grubbing back stabber kapo .... u get it!

Yes, of course we sit in front of our computers, how else are we going to notify the naive sheep that listen to you garbage that you are a conniving miserable arrogant liar?

And aren't YOU sitting front of YOUR computer?? How did YOU get your message out? hmm?

And yes if you are fundraising for Hillary, we all think, yes, all of us think, that you are endorsing everything the candidate stands for .... absolutely!
Tell us all, in what respect does  Lichtencrap disagree with Hillary... Let him publicly tell us ....
You said he has a radio program? Let's him take a couple of minutes from his "torah" and tell us where he disagrees with Hillary! Publicly! 

Their protests remind me of a story I’ve heard many times from my father, the Liska Rebbe, Shlita.
It is said that the Vilna Gaon once asked the Dubna Maggid to give him mussar. The Maggid, of course, looked at him incredulously. “How can I give Mussar to the holy Gaon?” he wondered. “This is a man who sits all day in tallis and tefillin surrounded by seforim. It’s impossible.”
But the Gaon insisted, so the Maggid finally responded. “Is it really such a kuntz (accomplishment),” he wondered aloud, “to be the holy Vilna Gaon within your own daled amos? Let’s see if you could be a Vilna Gaon when you go out into the world!” Thus did the Gaon take it upon himself to go into golus.

DIN:The above version of the story is a fabrication and a lie....
your father "shlitah" made it all up!
The correct version is that the Vilna Gaon answered him:
"I'm not a Kunzen Macher"
The Vilna Gaon never went into galus except when he was forced by the government to run and he was actually on the way to making Aliyah, but had to return because a family member got very sick!

To me, the moral of the story is as follows – It’s very easy for individuals to take the high road and sit comfortably at home while criticizing individuals, whether they are business people or askonim, who are trying to help the community for generally altruistic purposes. 

The "moral of the story?" 
Here is a guy that is teaching us "morals" from a non-existent story, total fiction, a story that is a figment in the imagination of his father "shlitah"!

"altruistic??" Tell us ... we all have time ...it's x-mas, we have time .....
in what way is this "altruistic"
Tell us why oh why this "tuchis lekker" is hosting a fundraiser to a lady that is incompetent and is a danger to our brethren living in Israel? 
You ... Mr. Kapo ...you are certainly not "altruistic" ... if there isn't somewhere a buck ... your'e nowhere to be found!
And please keep your "altruistic purposes" to yourself you are destroying Judaism Op-ed by Op-ed!
Shut the hell up already!

In fact, it has become fashionable in our community, as in other communities, to attack the top one percent. But they don’t realize that askonus is a profession, requiring specific talents and abilities. Indeed, there are many ways to serve the community. There are Rabbonim, Rebbeim, Gevirim and there are Askonim. What they all share is an achrayus to serve Klal Yisroel and help our community.

DIN: Do us all a favor and stay the hell out of askonus ... you are a detriment to everything our holy community stands for ...
do us a favor go back to what you do best,supporting and taking $$$$$$$$ from candidates that support abortion and gay marriage!

As a professional

 DIN: Excuuuuse me? a "professional?' It would be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

who engages in public relations consulting and as someone who clearly does not consider my services as askonis , 

 DIN: ok .... now he admits that he is a whore!
Now don't get me wrong, I think it's ok for someone to take money from candidates to spread their message, but this is different, because the platforms of the candidates that Ezra represent run contrary to the values of our holy traditions and run contrary to the safety of Acheinu Bais Yisroel .... and for this Kapo to take money from candidates and then mislead his constituents into thinking that the candidates are doing the right thing for our communities is being disingenuous at best and outright dangerous at worst!

I‘ve observed several of these askonim. I value their service and I can vouch as to the effectiveness of their efforts. Without getting into the details,

DIN: you "can vouch?"
Who the hell are you? You arrogant bastard!

 I can say with full certainty that many a yiddishe mama’s tears have not been shed as a direct result of the efforts of askonim who have made it their priority to solve communal problems. And yes, often solving communal problems is a direct result of interaction and relationships with those very elected officials with whom relationships were formed as candidates. 

DIN: What about the Jewish community as a whole? 
When an askan establishes a relationship with an elected official, the askan must look above and beyond on how much money this official can generate for the Mosdois ... 
he has to see,if this guy is  "good for the Jews, in general." 
Unfortunately, a lot of askanim have a limited vocabulary and cannot express themselves in the vernacular! Those askanim should stick to being on the board of their local shuls!

I also recognize that not all askonim are created equal or have the rights intentions or methods. I get that. But to label everyone negatively is discouraging further generations of communal leaders which can be a detriment to Klal Yisroel.
We are currently in the midst of a Presidential campaign. There are over three hundred million people in the United States, and of that only a handful can realistically become our next President. In all likelihood, in the next several months that will be narrowed down even further to former Secretary of State Clinton on the Democratic side and one of several Republican hopefuls. Thus it wouldn’t be too much a stretch of the imagination to suggest that Dovid Lichtenstein may very well be hosting the next President of the United States. And if Mrs. Clinton should in fact become President, I have no doubt that this meeting will serve to benefit the Jewish people. I don’t know exactly how, but I am convinced of it.

DIN: Are you reading this "yolt?" 
First he says that "I have no doubt that this meeting will serve to benefit the Jewish people."
Then he writes:
 "I don’t know exactly how, but I am convinced of it."
Listen Mr. Kapo ... why don't you just google her record? Hmmmm???
And yes we all see the benefit of courting opposing candidates... but not a candidate that stands with Arabs, not a candidate that will continue the disastrous Obama agenda!
How about hosting republican candidates that are pro-Israel and also have a chance to become President? 
Is it only a mitzvah to support candidates that hate Israel and Jews.

So when people take to criticizing, their comments may seem noble on the surface especially when they say that Hillary’s positions are not in sync with the Jewish community’s beliefs and are anathema to our traditions But their statements are demagogic.
Why is this? I’ve observed how other communities are so proud when someone in their own circle interacts with or hosts a future president. They realize the value it brings to their cause. We, instead, tear them down. In fact, we have a history of tearing them down. The Jewish people of the time even criticized Moshe Rabbeinu, so perhaps Mr. Lichtenstein is in good company after all.
I’m obviously not comparing Dovid Lichtenstein to Moshe Rabbeinu. 

DIN: First this kapo compares Lichtencrap with Le'havdil Moshe Rabbeinu writing that he is in "good company" and then he write that he is "not comparing Dovid Lichtencrap to Moshe Rabbeinu"
Get his childish reasoning ?
He writes: "But their statements are demagogic."
and what would you call your idotic Op-Ed?

I’m just suggesting that there are many ways to serve our people. And if Dovid Lichtenstein has the capacity to host a reception to benefit a possible future President, that should present an opportunity for us to pause and praise him for his role.
For those who make the argument that “it’s all about money” in a derogatory manner, my response to them is simply that Lichtenstein didn’t make up the rules of this game. And yes, fundraising happens to be an integral element of a Presidential campaign. So much so that the Supreme Court just recently enhanced that ability. That’s just the way it is.

DIN: Listen you little Shmoiger, and listen good!
This is not the first time Hillary Clinton held public office .... the public is not stupid ... Mr. Kapo... we all know how to google her record and her record is a disaster both for the USA and Israel! 
We are not Satmar or Litvishe alteh Kockers that get their news from the local mikvah and don't have the internet ... we are all computer savvy...
We are not attacking the Lichtencrap for hosting a fundraiser for stam a candidate, we are attacking Lichtencrap because he is hosting a fundraiser for a person that has proven time and again that she is a thief, a crook, incompetent and a anti-Semite! 
Let him host a Republican!

I’d like to consider myself an amateur student of history. 

DIN: Finally some truth .... 'an amateur" 
Iv'e got news for you, Mr. Kapo ...Your'e not even an "amateur" if you knew just a tiny bit of history you would be throwing eggs at Lichtencrap!

We all know that during the Holocaust there were those who could have influenced President Roosevelt’s decisions to help the Jews in Europe but chose not to. 

DIN: I'm glad you mentioned that, you two-timing bastard... wasn't there an opportunity for askanim to tear down the walls of the White House to protest the dangerous Iran deal?
And what did you do? Mr. Ezra the Kapo?
YOU wrote an entire Op-Ed to support Nadler the self-hating Jew that voted to hand over 5 billion dollars to Iran and allow them to acquire nuclear weapons!
Where were you? Stop lecturing us on the Holocaust ... you sick snake!

Then there was Peter Bergson, not quite a political insider, yet dramatically more effective in raising public awareness about the atrocities in Europe than the others. My approach is that sometimes we need both.

DIN: You were absolutely right when you wrote that you are an "amateur" when it comes to history, because now the Satmar Community is going to rip you to shreds because you mentioned Peter Bergson, who was a student and a follower of Zev Jobatinsky z"l  an avowed Zionist.... that the frum community hated and despised! 
Mr. Bergson was a nephew of Moreinu Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l. In fact his actual name was Hilllel Kook.

Our community is small. And while we are few in number, our needs are great. Having a future President hosted by a businessman who is a ben Torah and a marbitz Torah can shine positively for us all. I believe with all my heart that Reb Dovid Lichtenstein’s hosting a possible future President will yield tangible results for the Jewish people in many ways. Let us all for once agree with those sentiments.

Ezra Friedlander is the CEO of The Friedlander Group a public policy consulting firm based in NYC and Washington, DC. Follow him on Twitter @EzraFriedlander. He may contacted at www.TheFriedlanderGroup.com Ezra@TheFriedlanderGroup.com