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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Christiane Amanpour the anti-Semite CNN Reporter has a meltdown and goes crazy about the BREXIT Vote! Video!

What really was said between the Attorney General Lynch and Bill Clinton on a private plane that neither of them traveled on!

Lynch Clinton Meeting
The following is a transcript of the Rush Limbaugh show ..

RUSH:   We have a surprise visit by Bill Clinton to the attorney general in a private plane on the tarmac at Phoenix.  If it hadn't been for a local Phoenix ABC affiliate, we wouldn't know that it had happened.  

 "Amid an ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of email and hours before the public release of the Benghazi report, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President Bill Clinton. The private meeting took place on the west side of Sky Harbor International Airport on board a parked private plane," that was being used by Loretta Lynch and her husband. They're traveling around doing appearances on how the Justice Department's taking over local police departments. 

Now, neither Clinton nor Loretta Lynch actually arrived in Phoenix on that plane.  

Did you know that?  
You didn't know that?  
The plane on which they met is not the plane either of them used to get there.  It looks like somebody put that plane there so nobody would see the meeting.  And again, as I say, if it weren't for this local ABC affiliate, for some reason had a camera crew out at Sky Harbor, we wouldn't know that this meeting had taken place. 

Moshe Strohli refuses to give his wife a get! Wife begs Spring Valley Board for help..Video

Moshe Strohli 

Hundreds attend funeral of Israeli girl murdered in her bed

Hallel-Yaffa Ariel's mother grieves over her body during funeral procession
Hallel-Yaffa Ariel's mother grieves over her body during funeral procession

Reproduction photo, courtesy of the family, of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, who was stabbed and killed in a terror attack in the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, in the West Bank on June 30, 2016. Flash90
Reproduction photo, courtesy of the family, of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, who was stabbed and killed in a terror attack in the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba, in the West Bank on June 30, 2016.

Thousands of mourners have gathered in the Judean town of Kiryat Arba near Hevron on Thursday afternoon, for the funeral of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, the 13-year-old girl murdered in her sleep by an Arab terrorist.

The funeral procession began with eulogies outside the Ariel family home in the  Ramat Mamre "Charsina" neighborhood at the edge of Kiryat Arba, and is making its way gradually to Hevron's Jewish cemetery, where the tragically young terror victim will be laid to rest.

Prominent officials, including Israeli Education Minister and Jewish Home party leader Naftali Bennett, are among the mourners.

Chief Rabbi of Hevron Dov Lior was among the first to pay tribute to Hallel.
"She fell for the sake of the independence of the nation of Israel," he said, comparing her to other Jews martyred by oppressive regimes.

Rabbi Lior went on to attack the government for its policies which, he accused, "broadcast weakness."
"Our leadership indirectly contributes towards their evil," he said.

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel, who is a first cousin of the victim's father Amichai, eulogized young Hallel with a call to strengthen the Jewish presence in the land of Israel.
"We say to the mourners: through the building of the land we will be comforted."
"This cannot be just a demand - this is a Torah command!" he added, "I stand here and say to you Hallel, and to all the Ariel family... we vow today to further build up the land of Israel."

Turning to the prime minister, he continued: "We are calling on to: apply the complete sovereignty of the State of Israel on all parts of our land."

Education Minister Naftali Bennett struck a similarly defiant tone with a moving eulogy.
"Whoever gives up on Kiryat Arba gives up on the entire country," he said.
"This war goes on. This battle continues. The world stands at a crossroads, attack follows attack - a river of terror, and the worlds blames Israel," Bennett continued.
"The nation of Israel connects with you," he told the bereaved family. "The nation of Israel sees you and our hearts break."
"Rest in peace, oh flower; rest in peace, young child; rest in peace Hallel."

Speaking to reporters earlier Thursday, Hallel's grief-stricken parents told of their anguish, and remembered a talented, happy girl.
"My daughter was just sleeping - tranquil, relaxed, happy - when a terrorist came to her bed in Kiryat Arba and murdered her," mother Rina cried.
"This morning our daughter, 13-and-a-half years old - an incredible girl - was murdered in her sleep," she continued. "Every father and mother should consider their own children and they will feel slightly the pain that we are feeling now."

Rina called on the public to come to Kiryat Arba to provide moral, and physical support to the family.
"We invite everyone to come and help, to console; there are vineyards which need help, there are Jews here who need strengthening. We are strong and we won't break, but we need your help to continue and to build here."
"Hallel loved living here... right now we are just crying out 'By your blood you shall live! By your blood you shall live!'" she continued, quoting the biblical passage.

Hallel's father, Amichai, said he and his daughter were scheduled to work together at his winery that morning.
"Last night she came back from a dance performance," Amichai Ariel recounted. "She was an amazing girl." 
"She worked very hard for years to become a dancer. She put so much effort into everything she did. God gave her a great mind, lots of wisdom. She was so bright."
"This morning at 9:30 we were supposed to work together filling bottles with wine."
"Hallel loved living here, loved the place," he continued. "She wasn't afraid of anyone. She never imagined - nor did anyone else - that an evil person, one of 1.5 billion Muslims who just want to drown the world in rivers of blood. That's what they live for. Its terrible, just think about it: A little girl who did nothing."

13 year-old Hillel Yafa Ariel murdered in terror attack by Arab Savages: Media Totally Silent

Hallel Yaffa Ariel

A teenage girl was murdered Thursday morning in Kiryat Arba when a terrorist broke into her home and stabbed her dozens of times as she lay in bed. A second victim, a member of the town's civilian security team who responded to the terror attack, has been seriously wounded.

The terrorist was eliminated.

MDA emergency responders were called to the scene at around 9:00 a.m. on Thursday following reports of a terror attack. Two victims were transferred to Jerusalem hospitals.

A Kiryat Arba spokesperson said the terrorist penetrated the town's security perimeter and entered the Ramat Mamre (Givat Harsina) neighborhood.

Officials reported that the terrorist broke into a home and repeatedly stabbed a 13-year old girl in her bedroom. When the town's security team was called to respond to the attack, the terrorist assaulted a member of the local security squad. The terrorist was then shot and killed by the first responders.

The female victim, Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, was unconscious and had no pulse when emergency responders arrived to provide first aid, and was evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek hospital in Jerusalem. Doctors attempted to resuscitate Ariel, but were ultimately forced to declare her death.

The second victim, a 31-year old male, has been transferred to Hadassah Ein Karem in Jerusalem, and is in serious condition.
The terrorist has been identified as Muhammad Tararia, a 17-year old resident of the village of Bani Naim.

Terrorist broke into the home of Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, murdering her in her bedroom Hatzala Yosh

Emergency responders arrive following Kiryat Arba terror attack Zaka

Security sweep following attack Zaka

Scene of attack in Kiryat Arba Zaka

Loretta Lynch held private talks with Bill Clinton aboard a private plane in Phoenix while her department investigates Hillary

Lynch said she and Clinton spoke a lot about his grandchildren
Lynch Clinton Meeting
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose agency is investigating Hillary Clinton's email practices, spent about 30 minutes meeting with President Clinton while both of them were separately passing through Phoenix.

Clinton had landed ahead of the nation's top law enforcement officer, and waited for her arrival, a local affiliate ABC15 reported.

Lynch was in town for an event on community policing.

Clinton learned of her arrival, and decided to wait so they could meet, sources told the station. 

'I did see President Clinton at the Phoenix airport as he was leaving and spoke he  to myself and my husband on the plane,' Lynch said at a press conference when asked about the prolonged chat, which took place aboard a jet on the tarmac.

But she indicated it had nothing to do with the controversies swirling around the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. 

'Our conversation was a great deal about grandchildren, it was primarily social about our travels and he mentioned golf he played in Phoenix,' Lynch said.
Lynch's husband apparently was along for the trip as well.

The tarmac talk took place at Sky Harbor International Airport

The Monday meeting also occurred just hours before House Republicans released their report on the Benghazi attacks. 

The report was critical of Clinton's actions during the 2012 attack, although release of the report was well beyond the control of the attorney general's office.
But the two did find talk about some stunning news of the day, such as Great Britain's vote to withdrawal from Europe.
'There was no discussion on any matter pending before the Department or any matter pending with any other body,' she said. 'There was no discussion of Benghazi, no discussion of State Department emails.

'By way of example I would say it was current news of the day, the Brexit decision and what it would mean,' she said. 

Arab Loving Left Wing Activists Nearly Lynched by Arabs

Image result for ramallah

Nine Israeli peace activists entered Ramallah today in three vehicles. They were surrounded by a mob of Palestinians. 

They were spotted by the Palestinian General Intelligence and were transferred to the Civil Administration. One of the cars was set on fire. All escaped unharmed. 

They were visiting the former governor of Salfit. 

Washington Post asks "Why aren’t apes evolving into humans?" Answer? "We are apes"!

Image result for guerilla
Darwin had a theory which he called "The theory of evolution" and he first formulated that theory in a book that he wrote called "On the Origin of Species." 

The theory has two main points, one of which is that all life is connected and related to each other, and that this diversity of life is a product of "modifications of populations by natural selection," hence all the different species.

In other words, we really, according to this theory, could possibly come from a rat, because a rat also has two eyes a mouth and has two ears ears but because of "natural selection" we evolved to be human. 

I won't go into this crazy theory,..... be it as it may, Darwin wrote that since the human is very closely related to the ape, we come from apes.... further up the chain the ape could have evolved from a mosquito or a fish ...I don't remember the order.....

So because of the recent story of Harambe the guerrilla, the Washington Post featured an article in it's science section, asking the question:
If the theory of evolution is true and we are descended from apes, "then why are there still apes around?" and why in 5,000 years has no one seen an ape give birth to a human?
A question every thinking person asks.

To make a long story short, they conclude, that we are all "apes'.....fartik ....git shabbos! 

So now that we are apes, there is no difference between Harambe and the child, and therefore, if we extend this logic, there was absolutely no justification to kill the guerrilla to save the child, since they are both apes!
They don't write it, of course, and it's not mentioned in the article, but that's what they are implying....
Read more

Washington Post asks "Why aren’t apes evolving into humans?" Answer? "We are apes"!

Image result for guerilla
Darwin had a theory which he called "The theory of evolution" and he first formulated that theory in a book that he wrote called "On the Origin of Species." 

The theory has two main points, one of which is that all life is connected and related to each other, and that this diversity of life is a product of "modifications of populations by natural selection," hence all the different species.

In other words, we really, according to this theory, could possibly come from a rat, because a rat also has two eyes a mouth and has two ears ears but because of "natural selection" we evolved to be human. 

I won't go into this crazy theory,..... be it as it may, Darwin wrote that since the human is very closely related to the ape, we come from apes.... further up the chain the ape could have evolved from a mosquito or a fish ...I don't remember the order.....

So because of the recent story of Harambe the guerrilla, the Washington Post featured an article in it's science section, asking the question:
If the theory of evolution is true and we are descended from apes, "then why are there still apes around?" and why in 5,000 years has no one seen an ape give birth to a human?
A question every thinking person asks.

To make a long story short, they conclude that we are "apes'.....git shabbos! 

So now that we are apes, there is no difference between Harambe and the child, and therefore, if we extend this logic, there was absolutely no justification to kill the guerrilla to save the child, since they are both apes!
They don't write it, of course, and it's not mentioned in the article, but that's what they are implying....
Read more

Watch Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak Slam a Neturei Karta Representative

Barack Obama Runs Calls Hillary Clinton a Crook and a Liar

Chillul Hashem Continues: FBI Raids Lakewood Offices and Homes! UPDATE:

FBI lkwd tls

Dozens of agents from multiple agencies were seen in Lakewood this afternoon.
The agents, some federal, were seen entering multiple homes and offices around Lakewood.
As usual, a lot of misinformation is going around social media, some suggesting certain facilities were investigated and raided, when they in fact were not.
Contrary to circulating reports, CHEMED was not raided.
“We have heard through various social media reports about a federal raid in Lakewood today,” CHEMED told TLS. “The raid was not of CHEMED nor any entity, agency or person connected to CHEMED.”
No further information is currently available.


- Law enforcement officers have raided multiple offices and other locations here Wednesday, including an office of a private special-education school.

Two officers with the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety's Division of Criminal Justice entered an office of Mark A. Seigel, executive director of the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence, carrying empty cardboard boxes shortly before 5 p.m.

A man answering Seigel's cell phone had no comment and the call was disconnected.

The office is located in a strip mall turned office complex on Route 9 North that also houses the CHEMED federal health clinic and the Ocean County Health Department's Women, Infants and Children Program. Neither appeared to be a target of the investigation.

"It has nothing to do with us," said Victoria Miragliotti, the health department's director of administration.

Miragliotti said officers arrived in the WIC office sometime before 3:45 p.m., thinking it was the Lakewood Board of Education's Office.
"It was the wrong address," she said. The school board moved out of the office next door several years ago.

School district officials were not immediately available for comment Wednesday.

The private school, known by its acronym, SCHI, (pronounced "shy") is a well-funded nonprofit organization with a large school on Oak Street.

State officers were also at the school itself. A van was parked outside and stacks of boxes were visible inside the vestibule.

Highly regarded for its program and resources, it educates more than 100 children with special needs from Lakewood, at an annual tuition rate in excess of $90,000, as well as others from nearby districts. Over the years, however, the school has come under scrutiny because the vast majority of its referrals are children from the Orthodox Jewish community.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Escape Tunnel, Dug by Hand, Is Found at Holocaust Massacre Site

Jewish forced laborers dug a tunnel from this holding pit near Vilnius, Lithuania, into the surrounding forest.

A team of archaeologists and mapmakers say they have uncovered a forgotten tunnel that 80 Jews dug largely by hand as they tried to escape from a Nazi extermination site in Lithuania about 70 years ago.
The Lithuanian site, Ponar, holds mass burial pits and graves where up to 100,000 people were killed and their bodies dumped or burned during the Holocaust.
Using radar and radio waves to scan beneath the ground, the researchers found the tunnel, a 100-foot passageway between five and nine feet below the surface, the team announced on Wednesday.
A previous attempt made by a different team in 2004 to find the underground structure had only located its mouth, which was subsequently left unmarked. The new finding traces the tunnel from entrance to exit and provides evidence to support survivor accounts of the harrowing effort to escape the holding pit.
“What we were able to do was not only solve one of the greatest mysteries and escape stories of the Holocaust,” said Richard Freund, an archaeologist from the University of Hartford in Connecticut and one of the team leaders. “We were also able to unravel one of the biggest problems they have with a site like this: How many burial pits are there?”
Dr. Freund and his colleagues, working with the PBS science series NOVA for a documentary that will be broadcast next year, also uncovered another burial pit containing the ashes of perhaps 7,000 people. That would be the 12th burial pit identified in Ponar; officially known today as Paneriai.
From 1941 until 1944, tens of thousands of Jews from the nearby city of Vilnius, known as the Jerusalem of Lithuania, were brought to Ponar and shot at close range. Their bodies were dumped into the pits and buried.

Israeli Bais Din Paskens in Favor of Bobov 45 ...for R' Ungar!

This Psak is 23 pages long and sides with R' Mordchai Dovid Unger, rebbe of Bobov 45! The 23 page psak is  against R' Ben-Zion Halberstam, Bobover Rebbe of 48th Street! 

So the battle continues with no end in sight, with both sides hating each others guts! 
I won't post the other 22 pages ...

Deer Crashes Through Windshield of Frum Motorist’s Vehicle On Rt. 306 in Monsey, NY

No one hurt, B'chasdei Hashem!

Esti Weinstein's Father Holds a Flower at her funeral !

Esti Weinstein requested flowers at her funeral, and her father obliged!

Many reports in the blogosphere reported falsely that her Chariedie family fought in court to have her buried in a Chareidie Cemetery against her wishes ...they also reported falsely that the Chareidie family would not sit shiva ...all those reports turned out to be false...
What actually happened was that there was a funeral that the Chilonim set up and the Chareidim actually attended that as well ...standing in the back with respect, when that was over her Chareidim family eulogized her!

The Family will sit Shiva for her!
Members of the Orthodox community attend the funeral of former Hasidic Jew Esti Weinstein at the Yarkon cemetery in Petah Tikva on June 28, 2016. (Photo by Avi Dishi/FLASH90)
Family going to Esti's funeral

Yitchok Meir Schwartz that "Went Off the Derech" Marries off his Chareidie Daughter!

Jews Vote The Capo Jerold Nadler for another term!

Image result for jerry nadler cartoon
Jerry "fatso" Nadler is laughing his head off, knowing full well that his stupid greedy constituents will vote him in, even when he stabs them in the back with a rusty knife!

The "crying lady" singer, Abish Brodt with his gang of 7, paid for a full page ad in the Hamodia, supporting this dangerous animal that voted to give nuclear weapons to the Iranian Mullahs! 

The Satmar Gypsy Robo call mentioned, that it is more important to support the "local" agenda (more $$$$ for Ezra Friedlander) than the survival of the Jews in the State of Israel!

When will we ever learn? 
Why didn't the Gedoilim come out with a strong memo denouncing this two-timing scoundrel? 
Instead they are busy with "pista maasis" and "naarishkeitin" ...
busy with "talking in Shul" etc.....

How low have we sunk?