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Showing posts with label reform rabbis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reform rabbis. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Reform Rabbis "Fress" Chazir at Trefa Banquet in San Francisco

Excited like an inmate in an asylum , David Wilensky a proud Reform Jew, writes an article published in JTA,  relishing the fact that "Rabbis" of his soon to be extinct religious sect, enjoyed a banquet that served "little neck clams" and "soft shell crabs.,"  adding with glee that, 
" the mouths of rabbis and foodies dripped with Peanut Butter Pie with Bacon, a Rabbit Crepinette and a Pulled Pork Potato Kugel with barbecue sauce."

Wilensky with the chazir still dripping from his lips  boasts that the event was supplied with "an array of Bay Area chefs that presented a buffet meal of treif, treif and more treif."

It is no coincidence that this Trefa Banquet took place in San Fran-Sicko, since the event was  loaded with an assortment of dysfunctional Chazir-fressing "Rabbis" and gays. 

Thank G-D, no one except Wilensky wore a Kippah at this sicko event...... 
Oh ... did I mention that there was another attendee wearing a Kippah? ......... It was a Lady Rabbi .... the venerable Rabbi Sydney Mintz........more from her soon...

Wilensky himself never wore a Kippah until Trump became president and in his own words, says that the fact that he wears a Kippah now "has nothing to do with G-D"....

Now I hope you are sitting ...and  I hope you have nothing in your mouth, because he writes on his own webpage that he wears a Kippah because ...... because ........
Ready for this????? 
I'll put it in his own words.... because if I paraphrased it ...you would accuse me of lying:

"Since the surprise of Election Day, members of the alt-right, white nationalist groups and racists, misogynists, Islamophobes, homophobes, ableists (against the disabled) and, of course, anti-Semites of every stripe have been emboldened. As a Jew, I want the bigots and their victims alike to know that I stand with the outsiders.”

Crazy......... meshiginar ....... 
Instead of thanking his Creator that there is a man in the White house who has Jewish grandchildren and who just cut funds to the Palestinians because they use American taxpayer money to fund murderers of his own brothers and sisters, and who was brave enough to carry out US law to name Jerusalem the capital of the State of Israel ............
Instead he writes that he wears a Kippah not to identify as a Jew, Chas Ve'Sholom, or because of his religion ..... no ... he wears a Kippah because Trump got elected😂🤣

Wilensky, sounding like a mad cat that just ate a mouse, scribbles that the event started with a "Bracha" by the above mentioned, Lesbian Rabbi Sydney Mintz who made a "Shehkol" on bread  and not the required Bracha of "Hamoitzie"....... adding that,
 "In this version, G-d is praised for bringing forth “everything” from the earth, not just bread — and not just kosher food."

I'm wondering what Bracha she would make on a worm, since that also comes "from the earth."

When Wilensky asks her what she just popped into her mouth, the good "rabbi" cheerfully answers "Bacon".... and tells him "“I would rather eat food that’s humanely and ethically raised, than kosher."

 That's a "rabbi"?? .....What should we now expect of the ordinary Joe Shmo Reform Jew???
Rabbi Mintz 
Wilensky then strikes up a conversation with another Reform GodolRabbi Camillie Shira Angel, another lesbian of course, who "identifies as a “second-generation lobster-eating rabbi,” who says that her family ate lobster all the time and boasts that she even had a special bracha for it..
 “‘Thank you for all gifts of land and sea,’ motzi " 
The misguided "Rabbi Angel" then reminisces: “My mother loved sending me to school during Passover with a lunch of matzah with ham and cheese” 
Looking at her photo, one can tell that she was never famished.... not even on Pesach, it seems food never "passedover" her.
Rabbi Angel (Facebook photo)

But what's a "Jewish" article without mentioning the Holocaust???
Don't you worry....... he has that covered too....
Wilensky, takes an excerpt from a talk that was given to this dysfunctional circus, from the event's organizer Alix Wall, a chef, who once mockingly wrote in reference to the Charedie community that the "haredi community,  continues to move further and further toward a parody of itself,"   

This Wall character wrote a column called "The best Jewish-American-Muslim-Pakistani wedding ever" in The Jewish News   that basically endorsed Jews marrying Muslims. 

She is also in midst of producing a documentary of some lost silly yiddish tune written about her mother and grandmother, and spends all her free time traveling all over, to search for people whose "lives were somehow touched" to keep this forgotten irrelevant dead boring song, alive.

After watching the trailer, one can't help but notice  that the real motive behind this documentary, that will go nowhere fast, is really to compare the Holocaust Refugees, that had basically no where to go, and whose families were just murdered .......... to Arab Refugees who have caused havoc and mayhem all over the world and who have 22 Arab countries and all of  Europe to escape to and that welcome them with open arms... 
Wall laments the fact that Trump is restricting those Arab refugees from coming to the USA!
Wall tells the crowd of San- FranSicko misfits ..... 
"that her mother was a child during the Holocaust, hidden with a family of Poles; and she grew up eating what they ate, including plenty of pork." ...... 
Wilensky writes that 
 "In this family, an essential 20th-century Jewish story of Holocaust survival is tied to pork." 
How sick and morally deficient is this group? And how far has Wilensky strayed from his rich and beautiful heritage???

Every single human knows that Pig is an anathema to Yiddishkeit, the Nazis would taunt their Jewish victims calling them "Schweinhunt" ...."pig dog"!
Jews, not observant, would never want to be caught eating bacon in public, because they have some decency and wouldn't flaunt their indiscretions.
 Yet these lowlife degenerates decide to congregate proudly in a cesspool of chazir to openly defy their G-D and heritage and shlep the Holocaust in for good measure.

It then comes to no surprise that according to the Pew survey of US Jews ..done in 2012, Non-orthodox Jews intermarry at the rate of 71%, eventually assimilate and disappear as Jews.
It is noteworthy to note that in this survey they found, that of this dying group, the most popular element in their Jewishness was remembering the Holocaust.
But if remembering the Holocaust is "tied to pork" what will be left of the next generation??
Zero! Unfortunately!
And now for the kicker, Wilensky signs off on the description of this "parody of itself" event.....
" A Reform Jew by heritage and an enthusiastic chronicler of our religion in all its unusual forms, I love it."

Monday, October 6, 2014

White House Upset that Netanyahu allows Jews to build in Israel

What's up with this Obama? 
Why can't a Jew build in Israel? Are they insane? Upset because Netanyahu allows Jews to build in their own country?
I understand the EU is against Jews living in parts of Israel; they were also against Jews living in Europe. 

The Euro-Pishers are responsible of millions and millions of Jews being slaughtered over 2 thousand year period. Anti-Semitism is in their cursed blood. But America??
If we Jews would all be united, we could, as a group tell the USA to back off, but unfortunately, we have our own groups, like Peace Now, Reform Rabbis, J Street, self-hating Jews, bleeding heart liberals and Satmar that agree with this ludicrous idea that parts of Israel should be Judenrein!

We make asifas against the internet, and asifas against serving in the Jewish army, and thousands show up, but no one wants to make an asifa when Israel is under attack!

Last week there was a local election in the Monsey, Spring Valley, New Hempstead areas, and it was a referendum on whether the residents are in favor of the "Ward System." 
To make a long story short, if the "Ward System" would be put in place, the Heimishe Oilim would have less influence in the running of the Town! If there would be less influence, the local zoning laws would be enforced and the Yiddilich wouldn't be able to place 40 families in a single family home!
So Agudath Israel of America got involved with local Monsey politics, to guarantee that people come and vote against the "Ward System." 
Where the are they now? Is the blood of Jews living in Israel less valued than the blood of Monsey Jews?
In Monsey its "Pikuach Nefesh" to allow 1,000 people to live on one block, but it's not "Pikuach Nefesh" to have more housing in Israel?
Do you know my friends, that if a goy in Israel is ready to sell a house in Israel, and he wants to go to contract on Shabbos, there is a mitzvah, yes, a mitzvah to be Mechalel Shabbos and go to contract on Shabbos! Absolutely!!!
This is paskened L'halacha!

Jerusalem is under Israeli rule. As such it can build. There's nothing else to it. It's not like they're building in Ramallah or any other town that is under Arabic rule. 
Maybe the U.S. Should stop building in California,Texas, New Mecico or any other land that Mexico lost in the war! I'm sure the Mexicans would love their land back! The Arabs were dumb enough to start a war with Israel and lost their part of Jerusalem. That's just too bad! 
Bottom line: when America stops building in Texas Israel will stop in Jerusalem.

The White House rejected criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a withering response on Monday, accusing him of refusing to acknowledge how much help the United States has been to Israel over the years.

A long-time split between President Barack Obama and Netanyahu appeared to widen further after the Israeli leader’s visit to the White House last week.
Netanyahu, on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday, said U.S. criticism of an Israeli move for a new Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem was “against American values.”
At his daily briefing, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said: “It did seem odd for him to try to defend the actions of his government by saying our response did not reflect American values.
“The fact is American policy has been clear and unchanged under several administrations, both Democrat and Republican.”
Earnest added: “We oppose any unilateral actions that attempt to prejudge final status issues including the status of Jerusalem. These can only be legitimately determined through direct negotiations through the parties that this president has worked hard to try to facilitate.”