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Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

WATCH: IDF Arrest Top Hamas Murderer Before Dawn

 Israel has arrested a top Hamas official in the Shomron region

The military says it arrested Hassan Yousef on Tuesday near Ramallah. It marks the most high-profile arrest since a wave of unrest swept through the region a month ago.
The military said Yousef had been “actively instigating and inciting terrorism” by encouraging attacks against Israelis. 
Military spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner says, “Hamas’ leaders cannot expect to propagate violence and terror from the comfort of their living rooms and pulpits of their mosques.”
Yousef is a co-founder of Hamas whose son, Mosab, later spied for Israel between 1997 and 2007.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Straightforward Arab Message, Convoluted Jewish Answers

The main Arab message is clear and simple and everyone can quickly understand it:

     We Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine who have enjoyed a peaceful life in our country for millennia. We worked hard and promoted freedom and equality for all. Our country was invaded by the evil Jewish colonizers who were supported by the British imperialists. They killed many of our people and stole our beloved land of Palestine.  Now they exploit us and occupy our land.  We are fighting for freedom from the evil Zionists Jews.  The Jews kill our mothers and our brothers and practice apartheid and holocaust upon us.  The world must help us since Jews are so strong!

Yes, this is a powerful message.  It is very moving and

 cries out for a response from all decent people. 

It is also a complete LIE!

What is the response of the Israeli Jews to above slanders?
“This is complicated,” the Jews say.  “We respect Arab concerns, but we also have the right to be here.  We believe in their right to have a state, but we have security needs.  If we abandon the settlements and move back to the 1967 lines, our coastal plain will be endangered, etc.”  The convoluted message goes on and on.  Our message amounts to many volumes of tightly typewritten text.  One must read it all to understand what we Jews mean.

Any sane person will have a similar response;
“I don’t have time to read the many thick volumes of Jewish explanations.  Arabs clearly are the victims here.  Jews are trying to hide and obfuscate something and talk us to death.  My dear Jews, stop this nonsense and give back to the Arabs their freedom and their land.  Quit with the lame excuses.  Enough is enough.”

Even a significant number of Jews buy into the Arab narrative despite it being a total fabrication.  I have met many Jews who repeat the Arab disinformation in good faith.

Israel has to develop its message to be as clear and simple to comprehend as the Arab have done. 

We have to learn from our enemies when their tactics are effective.  I do not propose that we lie like they do.  

Just tell the truth in clear cut, simple terms:
Jews are from Judea; 
Arabs are from Arabia.  
The Jews are the indigenous people of this land
Arabs are the colonizers.  

We are the people of Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, Galilee and Golan.  We have been invaded by the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and the Crusaders, but our link to the land has never been broken. We have resided without interruption in this land for over three thousand years.  We have built the cities and every square meter holds archaeological remains from our ancient kingdoms. During the two thousand years when most Jews lived in exile, we never forgot where we came from.  This was, is, and will be our nation’s sacred land forever. 

Meanwhile, there never existed an Arab Palestinian nation or a country.  It is a complete hoax.  There never was a Palestinian Arab king of this land; there were no famous Palestinian poets, philosophers, generals; no distinct language, no architecture, no inventions, no battles, indeed, no mention of the “Palestinian” Arab people in any history book written before 1960.  

Arabs from neighboring countries started immigrating into Palestine in late 19th century to take advantage of the infrastructure and jobs created by the newly invigorated Jewish people.  They came for the same reasons that Mexicans cross the border into the U.S. and that Muslims have flocked to Europe. They came in great numbers seeking a better life than in their Arab lands.

During these years the Arabs dwelling in Israel were simply “Arabs” and, when the term “Palestinian” was used, it always referred to the Jews!  

The “Palestinian people” were invented in the 1960s for Cold War purposes by the Soviet communists.  The Arabs residing in Israel began to pass themselves off as the ancient native peoples of this land.  

They invented the name, “The West Bank,” for our provinces of Judea and Samaria.  

Today they even claim that Jesus was a Palestinian prophet and that the Jews never lived in this land.  

They have developed this pseudo-history to dupe the world into believing that their racist terror campaign against the Jews is a national liberation struggle!

The Arabs’ genocidal military assaults on the Jewish state failed repeatedly, so today they are using propaganda and diplomatic shenanigans in their efforts to destroy us.  The Arabs have the power of huge territory and oil money, but we have truth on our side.  

We live in our homeland, and only we have a legitimate claim to this land—legally, morally, and historically.  We will never let Arab squatters and impostors steal our birthright.  As people of good will around the world learn the truth, they will stand with the people of Israel.

This should be our Jewish message. 

I hope that when our PM visits Europe and explains the situation, he will go beyond raising just the security issues.  This is a message that even our European friends should be able to understand, since they are witnessing a replay of the same scenarios in their countries.  

Arriving as poor immigrants looking for jobs, just like in Palestine, once their numbers grow, radical Muslims take control and seek to impose their worldview and values wherever they live. 

 From Berlin to Barcelona, from Marseilles to Malmo, from Amsterdam to Athens they sow intolerance and hatred toward their host nations. They impose their sharia laws, homophobia and ill-treatment of women.  

Will Europeans be surprised when Arab Muslims start claiming that they alone are the native inhabitants of these lands?  After all, they have gained experience and expertise in creating alternate realities during their aggression against the indigenous peoples of Israel.

David Grynglas
The writer is a pro-Israeli activist and engineer living in San Jose, California, whose family emigrated to the US from Warsaw over forty years ago.. My family of Polish Jews came to America from Warsaw, Poland over forty years ago.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Egypt will target terrorist bases inside the Gaza Strip

Egypt Gaza Border
If Israel did what Egypt is doing, the world would be up in arms. 
Egypt will begin destroying all homes near the Gaza/Egypt Border, up-to 14 kilometers from the Gaza/Egypt border, displacing 10,000 people. They will dig 500 meters deep, destroying all tunnels! 
And they will target Hamas inside the Gaza Strip!
Even though they claim they will compensate them, I wouldn't hold my breath.
And this is exactly what Israel should be doing!

Read this from Reuters!

Egypt continued to intensify its anti-terrorism operations across Sinai on Tuesday as it prepared to evacuate residents along the border with Gaza in order to create a buffer zone, Egyptian media reported.

This comes after at least 33 security personnel were killed on Friday on the Sinai Peninsula bordering Israel and Gaza, in an attack on a checkpoint that bore the marks of assaults claimed by Egypt’s most active militant group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis.

A joint committee of the Egyptian army and the Rafah City Council surveyed houses located on the border with Gaza near Rafah in preparation for the evacuation of residents, sources in the committee told the Aswat Masriya website.

Over 800 houses and 10,000 residents have been surveyed, said the unidentified sources. Residents were offered financial compensation, land or housing in exchange for their evacuation.

The army intends to continue destroying tunnels in the buffer zone and dig a deep trench in order to attempt to put an end to the phenomenon, Al-Youm Al-Sabaa reported on Tuesday. 

The initial dimensions of the trench will be 14 kilometers in length and 500 meters deep, but is planned to be as deep as three kilometers in the final stage.

Egypt rushed special forces by air to Sinai to help combat the Islamist insurgency there, said an army spokesman, Ahram Online reported on Monday.

The army killed four suspected terrorists during military operations and captured 10 as it used Apache helicopters to destroy 33 terrorist hideouts, the Egyptian state news agency MENA reported on Tuesday.

President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had said on Saturday the military would respond with measures in the border area where a buffer zone is likely to be expanded to pursue terrorists and destroy tunnels used to smuggle weapons and fighters.

Egypt’s cabinet on Saturday proposed a measure that would allow the use of military courts to try civilians accused of offenses such as blocking roads or attacking public property.

Egyptian security forces on Sunday accused Palestinian gunmen from Gaza of taking part in the recent attack on its soldiers in Sinai. Egyptian media outlets quoted the security sources as saying that Egypt would target terrorist bases inside the Gaza Strip as part of its massive crackdown on Islamist groups.

Hamas officials strongly denied the charges, saying no Palestinian from the Gaza Strip was involved in the attack on Egyptian soldiers.

“We have no doubt that elements belonging to Palestinian factions were directly involved in the attack,” the Egyptian sources said.

Meanwhile, the US Embassy in Egypt sent out a security message on its website on Monday warning its citizens of a possible terrorist attack after an anonymous posting on a jihadist website encouraged attacks against Americans and Western schools and teachers in the region.

The jihadist website specifically mentioned Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Maadi, Egypt as places with high concentrations of targets.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Gaza: Spare Me Your Sick, Manipulative, Dead Baby Propaganda Photos


Did you see the photograph of the Middle Eastern boy blown apart in an explosion?

I did, unfortunately. Someone insisted on posting it in my Twitter timeline. For my education, presumably.

The boy - no older than five - was on a hospital bed. It must have happened very recently because there was still colour in his face. His eyes were closed and his expression - he can't have seen it coming, thank God - was serene. You might almost have imagined him asleep, if it weren't for the fact that his body was in bits: head and severed torso; an arm; legs and lower body; entrails.
Whoever did this, I thought, is really, really sick.

But I didn't mean the Israelis - who, I imagine, were the people I was expected to blame. Rather, I meant the sicko who scooped up the boy's remains while they were still fresh and insisted on laying them out, like some grotesque jigsaw, in order to snap them artfully for a propaganda shot. And also, all the sickos out there who have been reposting photos like these all over the internet in order to make what they seem to imagine is an unarguable point about Israel's war on Hamas.

The point they are trying to make goes like this: here is a dead child; killing children is evil; Israel killed this child; therefore Israel is evil.

Are you buying this argument? I'm not. I don't even think it qualifies as an argument. In fact, I think it has about as much insight and depth as one of those posters with kittens on it saying: "Today is the first day of the rest of your life."
What I loathe about it is its mixture of hectoring presumption and manipulative dishonesty.

Presumption: "If you support Israel, then you clearly don't care about dead children," it says. (Is there anyone in the world who isn't moved by the sight of a dead child? I don't think so. The people who are implying otherwise are beneath contempt).

Dishonesty: other than the truism that war is hell, the photograph actually tells us nothing.
We have no idea whether this boy was actually a victim of the fighting in Gaza - or of the far bloodier and uglier civil wars in Syria and Iraq.
If he was indeed a Palestinian, we have no idea whether he was killed by Israeli fire or by Hamas ordinance.
Nor, even if he was killed by Israeli fire, do we know the circumstances. Maybe it was a tragic mistake; maybe, he was one of those innocents that Hamas likes to use as human shields in its rocket launching sites; maybe he was being used as a "tunnel rat"; maybe he'd tried to flee with his family to a shelter only to be driven back to his apartment by Hamas who recognise the propaganda value of dead children.

In a world where the media was doing its job, none of this would need explaining. It would be widely known that Israel is going to extraordinary lengths - even to the point of risking the lives of its fighting troops - to minimise civilian casualties. It would also be widely understood that the aggressor in this conflict - and the only side that can possibly benefit from large numbers of Palestinian dead - is Hamas.

But the media isn't doing its job. Apart from small pockets like Breitbart, Fox and the Spectator, almost no one out there is reporting the reality of what is happening in Gaza. 

What this information deficit means is that there are people out there - lots and lots of them - who are happy to act as Hamas's useful idiots, disseminating this vicious and unprincipled terror group's vile propaganda in  the belief that it will further the cause of peace.

No it won't. It just advances the cause of the bad guys

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Old Dog, Jimmy Carter, Praises Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation

The Carter Center issued a statement on Friday, hailing the reconciliation of once rivals Hamas and Fatah Wednesday evening in Cairo.
The center, founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife Rosalynn, commended members of Hamas and Fatah for " having the vision to begin the process of reunifying the Palestinian people", saying that the Egyptian brokered deal provides a framework to resolve many of the longstanding issues faced by the Palestinian people in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Representatives from Hamas and Fatah announced in Cairo on Wednesday night their intention to reconcile, after a four-year-long bitter and at times violent rift, which saw Hamas administering the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under the control of the Fatah dominated Palestinian Authority.
Israel has rejected the Hamas-Fatah unity agreement, with Netanyahu saying shortly after it was announced that "the Palestinian Authority must choose either peace with Israel or peace with Hamas. There is no possibility for peace with both. Hamas aspires to destroy Israel and fires rockets at our cities ... at our children."
Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel, and Israel and the Gaza Strip-based group exchanged heavy fire earlier this month. Hamas hit school bus with an anti-tank missile, mortally wounding an Israeli child who later died.
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