Remember the Yaldei Teheran and Yaldei Teiman and Vote!
The sign above is a street sign in Hadeira. But first some context.
The Zionist pioneers who first tilled the sacred soil of Eretz Yisroel came with calloused hands and iron resolve, ready to transform swampland into gardens and deserts into fields. Yet in their fervor to build a homeland, they neglected the very idea and essence of who we are and of what made this land holy – our Holy Torah.
This was not Uganda. This was not Argentina or any other territory once considered by the Zionist Congress as a place for Jews. This was Eretz Yisroel—the Holy Land—whose very stones and dust were saturated with three thousand years of Jewish prayer and Torah. A land that demanded to be built according to its own divine blueprint.
Many early Zionists rejected this spiritual inheritance. Free-thinkers, atheists, socialists, and communists sought to construct a new Jewish identity divorced from Torah—a secular utopia on sacred ground.
And this had repercussions.
The Yaldei Teheran
In 1943, this ideological battle claimed innocent victims. When 730 orphaned Polish Jewish refugee children arrived in Tehran—90 percent from religious homes—the Jewish Agency assigned predominantly anti-religious Shomer haTza’ir counselors to oversee them. These officials systematically undermined the children’s religious identity: serving non-kosher food, preventing them from saying Kaddish for their murdered parents, and ultimately sending more than half to secular settlements. The Gedolim Yisroel condemned this spiritual assault on the vulnerable Yaldei Tehran.
The Yaldei Teiman
The pattern intensified in 1949 during “Operation Magic Carpet,” which brought 50,000 Yemenite Jews to Israel. In the Jewish Agency camps, religious coercion became explicit: sidelocks were forcibly cut, parents threatened with loss of benefits if they chose religious education for their children. Most disturbing were reports of Yemenite infants who disappeared from hospitals, declared dead without bodies ever being returned to their families. Many believe these children were given to secular families to raise—their heritage erased. The subsequent Kahani-Kedmi Commission’s conclusion that most children died of illness was dismissed by many Yemenites as a “whitewash.”
Olei Iraq and Olei Morocco
Similar tactics targeted the Jewish communities of Iraq and Morocco when 157,000 Sephardic Jews arrived between 1950-1954. New immigrants were routinely intimidated: choose secular education for your children or forfeit jobs and financial support.
This was not nation-building. This was spiritual colonization—an attempt to sever Jews from haKadosh Boruch Hu, the Torah, and the ancient covenant in the very land where that covenant was forged with the Avos.
We can, however, ensure that such things do not happen again. True, these four tragedies may be isolated incidents, but the fathers of this country, the United States, did have something when they came up with the idea of checks and balances.
Wde can create a check and balance system and can vote in the upcoming WZO elections for a frum slate of representatives chosen by Gedolei Torah.
The World Zionist Congress is a body of 532 people from Israel and from Jewish communities throughout the world. Israel has 38% of the Congress, the USA has 29% of the Congress and the rest of World Jewry has 33%. It used to be only 500 elected members, but in 2001 – they added another 32. These delegates are elected every five years. The elections decide the leadership of four main organizations that control the purse strings of much funding. Some say that it is to the tune of two billion dollars a year. The organizations (and the leadership positions) that will be determined by the elections are:
- The World Zionist Organization
- The Jewish Agency for Israel [half from WZO and half Jewish Federations of North America]
- The Jewish National Fund – Keren Kayemet l’Yisrael – KKL
- Keren Hayesod United Israel Appeal.
America has 152 delegate slots of the 532.. In 2020 there were a total of 123,575 votes. Arza (Reform Movement) in 2020 received 31,483 votes and were granted 39 seats. The Conservative Movement slate called Merkaz USA in 2020 received 14655 votes and were granted 18 seats. Mizrachi in 2020 received 21,692 votes and were given 27 delegates. Eretz HaKodesh which didn’t exist until 2020 and received 20,045 votes and were granted 25 delegates.
If American Bnei Torah were to vote, as Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav gershon Edelstein zichron tzaddikim v’kedoshim livracha paskened to do – the dangerous threat of Reform Judaism, Wokism in Eretz Yisroel, and all the other apikorsisha “isms” would be severely diminished. The Rosh Yeshiva of Gateshead, Rav Avrohom Gurwitz shlita, also advised his talmidim to vote for Eretz HaKodesh in the WZO election this year The largest slate of the delegates is a Reform Jewish organization that supports many projects that Orthodox Jews deem anathema to Torah Judaism. Arza supports the movement to take away the Kotel from Orthodox Jewish administration among other things.
It would be particularly sad if the great talmid chochom, Rav Shmuel Rabinovitch, the Rav of the Kosel and a mechaber sefer extraordinaire, were to be replaced with “Rabbi Jill.”
It would also be sad if Israel’s public school curriculum would continue to be written by proponents of Reform Judaism rather than those who have been trained in Kiruv Rechokim. Imagine what an infusion of some of the ten billion dollars over the next five years would do to Kiruv.
This author believes that the two cases, that which is discussed in the Ramah and the current WZO election are analogous. There are also some five different factors at play here.
First and foremost, there is the issue of Pikuach Nefesh – which also applies to people in spiritual danger. The Torah tells us v’chai bahem – and we shall live by the Torah – not die by them. Saving life is a fundamental Mitzvah. There is Lo Saamod Al Dam Rayacha , a negative Mitzvah of not standing idly by your brother’s blood as well. This is mentioned in Shulchan Aruch (CM 426:1) and in the Rambam. Collectively, if we can stop the funding of the promotion of an anti-Torah agenda and replace it with a Torah-true one, we can ensure that we do not stand idly by our brother’s blood. There is Lo Suchal l’hisalaym – and V’Chai Achicha Imach– The Sheiltos (Sheilta #37), based upon the Gemorah in Bava Metziah 62a, understands these words to indicate an obligation to save others along with you. And finally there is V’Ahavta l’Rayacha Kamocha – The Ramban, Toras haAdam Shaar HaSakana (p42-43) understands the verse of “and love thy neighbor as yourself” as a directive to save him from danger as well. This would apply to danger from spiritual enemies as well.
Yes, there are Gedolim who say not to vote in the WZO election. But shaiv v’al taaseh can result in catastrophic new realities and last time Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l and Rav Gershon Edelstein zt”l said to do it.
The Reform movement are well aware that all that is necessary for their agenda to be replaced is if the Torah community would wake up and vote. It is for this reason that the credit card that is used for the $5 fee to vote is limited to only 3 people per household. Chareidim have more children and this is their way of limiting the frum vote.
There is another issue as well. American Torah Jews are essentially non-entities when it comes to dealing with secular Israel. If Torah observant Jews voted on who would be the delegates – the concerns of Torah Jewry would be taken into account more. Why should we not empower Asra Kadisha? Why should we allow for archaeological digs to trample upon Kvarim? Why can’t we allow for more kavod HaMais in contemporary funerals?
Obviously, when Rav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal issued a ruling, there is no need to back up his position. However, we do need encouragement to make it happen. The recommended slate is for Eretz HaKodesh and voting can take place here.
To vote – go to, click on the vote button and follow the instructions there.
If you were sooo worried about assimilation you wouldn't ignore how many Chiloni meydelach move into West Bank villages with their Arab boyfriends, only to be beaten & enslaved, prompting a Charedi org to spring into action to rescue them. (Don't try to distract from this by citing the tiny minority of girls from frummeh homes caught up in that) Or all the Yordim who leave Israel to assimilate with other kinds of goyim. Then again, it's not like the alter windbag Teddy Herzl alein has much to brag about as far as Jewish descendents. Meanwhile, how low will you stoop to cover up for evil Atheist Tzionim? Your agenda to cover up the Yaldei Teheran & Teiman scandals rips a page out of the molester cover up handbook. Za shtill, tziz lushen hureh!
Rav Teichtal, Hy"d, also notes that the frum are hypocrites. They refused to participate in the development of Israel and then when they showed up they cried it wasn't religious.
For RAv Kook, ztk"l, the pioners had a deep love of Israel that could only have come from an instinctual love of God and Torah, even if they denied it.
This is exciting that DIN is embracing the ideals of Hovevei Tzion! Just harp about loving Jews. What kind of Zionist cares about Torah & mitzvos when Yiddishkeit is merely a culture!
For a intelligent perspective check this out
I am not worried about assimilation I live in Israel! I just contacted a neighbor who works in Yad Le'Achim and who told me that in the past year they only had 4 cases!
"Teddy Herzl" like you call him had as many descendants as the Satmar Rebbe!
The Zionists whose "Yiddishkeit" is a culture" granted Chareidie moisdois last year over 900,000 shekels and that's after they cut! You will find this out shortly when you will run like a rat to Israel when your neighbors come rounding you up, just pray it's not covid when Israel closed its borders!
The Zionists would not shell out a sach gelt except that Bibi needs Charedim to keep his government alive. Your argument about soinim makes zero sense. You are surrounded by many more Arabs who hate you more than Eisav. You can’t reason with Arab chayos. Bnei Eisav can sometimes be reasoned with and they sometimes have rachmunnes. Azoy shteit
Hey Achad
"You are surrounded by many more Arabs who hate you more than Eisav. "
Words right out of the mouths of the meraglim
עמלק יושב בארץ הנגב והחתי והיבוסי והאמרי יושב בהר והכנעני יושב על הים ועל הירדן
The lost their עולם הבא for saying that!
Sanhedrin says that when you see the hills of Israel blooming and producing fruit, the land is welcoming the Jews home because the End is drawing near.
Looks like the "horrible seculars" did more to bring that about that centuries of the old Yishuv
R. Hoffman has (or had) a son in Tzahal, so I heard a while ago.
Megaleh ponim baTorah sheloi kehalacha? They were mechuyev al pi Hashem to leave the midbar for EY no matter what their feelings were about the shkutzim. But now biz Moshiach there is a heter to be chutz laAretz
He was Hungarian.His limited experience was with that milieu
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