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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Satmar Marks 800th Yurzeit of 150 Jews that Committed Suicide in the "Clifford Towers" in York Because British Murderers Made them Convert

The Satmar Yiddish Newspaper Der Yid reports that this Yurzeit was written up in a British website and that the comments all mocked the murdered Jews! 

Der Yid has always blasted the Zionists and praised the British in their reports about pre-war2 Palestine! 

But in the last few months, Der Yid began a series of articles backtracking on their praise for the British  and finally reporting the truth about the vicious British attacks against the Jews in the then Palestine! Without mentioning Zionists they now state that "Jews had no choice but to defend against the British sadists and murderers" 

I believe that the backtracking is because of the recent antisemitic acts against Chassidic Jews in London and they are now realizing that maybe the Zionists were actually right! 


Garnel Ironheart said...

My father, a"h, always felt that the British were Hitler's best allies during the war. The Nazis were the ones slitting out throats but it was the British holding us down to make it easy for them.

Anonymous said...

I think that you are reading too much into that last yiddishe line.
It could very well be that the English improved from the 1200's.
So in 1948 they were already gloriously chasing the Zionists ...

Sherlock said...

Not quite accurate that they wanted to do shmad. Maharam of Rothenberg in the teshuvos writes that the goyim we’re enraged when a few Heimishe ganovim were caught ganvening from the King & taxpayers during the infamous Coin Clipping scandal and then lied & covered up during interrogations by the Sheriff. They were just out for blood. One of the Chochmei Anglia adds that they would become shikker in those days from ancient ale, which has much more alcohol content than today’s beer, making them out of control with lust for violence. If Satmar knew a little history it wouldn’t take them so long to come to terms with what the British are. The 3 main component peoples that blended into the British final product are all German tribes, the Angles the Saxons & the Jutes. There are also the Normans who are a half Viking-Frank mix. The Franks are yet another German tribe.

Anonymous said...

So? Germanic tribes are likely from yafes.
Germany was/is different because it had a different Eisav brew in the mix

Anonymous said...

So? Germanic tribes are likely from yafes.
Germany was/is different because it had a different Eisav brew in the mix

Sherlock said...

The "yafes" comment is not quite coherent. The Germans are "special" because as Chazal say that Amalek shel Esav is much worse than stam Esav. Some obscure Rishonim and later the better known R' Yaakov Emden, Vilna Gaon, R' Itzela Volozhiner & R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld explicity said that the Germans are Amalek (& include the Russian Czars who were ethnically German - R' Itzela)