Candace Owens, a media personality with a long history of antisemitic rhetoric, weaponized an article from Ami Magazine to promote anti-Israel conspiracy theories.
In a recent livestream, Owens expressed astonishment at an Ami Magazine article she claimed to have read, using it to push the narrative that Israel has long controlled American policy through blackmail and manipulation. She alleged, without evidence, that Israel and its intelligence agency, the Mossad, have systematically blackmailed powerful American families—including the Bushes, Rockefellers, and the Dulles family—to exert influence over U.S. politics, business, and media.
Her “evidence” came from an article and book written by John Loftus, an Ami Magazine contributor who, sources tell YWN, makes things up on the fly.
“Literally mind-blown,” Owens told her audience, before directing them to the article. “America clearly got occupied at some point… and it seems like we’re just constantly doing Israel’s bidding.”
She continued, making the baseless claim that Israel has engaged in “sophisticated blackmail operations” that have extended to figures such as former Congressman Matt Gaetz, as well as a supposed historical effort to control the CIA.
“This is not anti-Semitism, my friends,” she insisted. “This is Ami Magazine. It’s very Jewish, okay? I probably wasn’t even allowed to read it.”
Despite her insistence that her claims were based on fact, Owens veered into outright conspiracy, stating, “Israel has been corrupt since its founding,” and falsely asserting that Israeli efforts to edit Wikipedia pages constituted a long-term propaganda campaign. She described Israel as a state engaged in systematic efforts to “warp” American minds, specifically targeting Jewish Americans with indoctrination.
Why are you taking Eckstein’s word for it after spin from that lunatic primate podcaster without reading Loftus’s Ami column & book? Loftus is a huge Oihev Yisroel who along with another US Intelligence officer named Aarons, quit the field because of its anti-Semitic obsessions - at one point they were listening in on phone calls from kids in Catskills summer camps calling their parents in Brooklyn. Loftus has the highest level security clearance there is. I don’t know about his most recent book but his “Secret War Against The Jews” had to get CIA clearance for publication. I haven’t read any of this yet but come on DIN, you are more on the ball than this. You really don’t think there have been at some attempts to blackmail when a state faces an existential threat? Sources tell Spencer Dutton that Eckstein is zicher an idiot who channels untrue propaganda
Spencer, you didn’t mention that Loftus, a Catholic, blasted the Vatican in his book Unholy Trinity for smuggling Gestapo figures to safety in South America
I hate Ami (Yenta Halbertam in particular . She is a leftist activist and not very bright) but I have to protest your mockery of John Lotus. He is a great friend of Israel and a brilliant lawyer and investigative journalist . He uncovered the dark history of corrupt officials within the U.S.government who constantly stabbed Israel in the back dating back all the way to WWII. He wrote a book documenting this called The War Against The Jews.
This post is poorly written , and not documented at all . If you're relying on YWN you're not in good hands.,_Baron_Farmer
The British father in law of monkey Candace denounced her anti-Semitism & criticized the British govt’s condemnation of Israel in the Hamas war
I thought the name sounded familiar and it is. His "The Secret War Against The Jews", thoroughly researched, should be mandatory reading in any Jewish curriculum that cares about teaching its students about Israel's founding and survival.
John Loftus documents how contrary to incorrect popular knowledge, Henry Kissinger is a Kapo who always tried to sabotage Israel's self-defense while Alexander Haig zachur latov put his career on the line & risked imprisonment to supply the Yidden with self-defense armaments in 1973 that saved the lives of the entire Eretz Yisroel - against the orders of the President who was under pressure & influence of Kapo Kissinger, the Yekkishe meshumod mit zein shiksa.
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