I posted this for the benefit of the guys who comment on this blog and call themselves "Theodore Fartzel" and Achad haBum who have a tendency to mock Zionists! I suspect that Fartzel and his lover Achad are Satmar sympathizers
Below is just a sample of the videos we received of Satmar Boys and Girls OTD!
Hundreds of Satmar Boys and Girls are lost forever!
How you know they Satmar? You checked their Beis Ruchel report cards?
Reb Lipa
I just got reliable info, they all live in Willy and I have even been given the names!
They'd rather 999 go OTD and one stay Taliban-pure than 1000 stay decent and reasonable.
Pun intended!
Ich hub gemeint this maybe outside a G-d forsaken club on Dizengoff in Zionist Tel Aviv. The only reason I was mesupek is because it’s only a few prutzos
when satmar kids go otd, its On the Derech. better than the despicable, hateful satmar way of life.
We don't know yet if 'Sachdis & everyone else were fooled by an AI Deep Fake that superimposed the Ms Bumbum contest from South America into Willy. I never saw it, just saw a reference to it in the news. Speaking of which it would be an even more tchikaveh zach if my fellow soldier who teitches up Skverrer oissvorf Achad Ha'Am as Achad haBum, tweaks it further as Achad haBumBum as the lashon yochid simply is not masbir enough that loser who wanted to shlog up old Teddy Herzl to replace with his eigenner apikorsis.
At least DIN is consistent. Just like he wildly conflates all kinds of divrei Torah to be matzdik his infatuation with Zionism, he twists the Chazal of l'oylam yilmoid mah sheliboi chofetz into l'oylam Instagram Story mah sheliboi chofetz to indulge in being a Chubby Chaser!
eh, vot?
But don't liberal Modox like to pull that parallel quote from the Moreh ?
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