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Monday, April 1, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 110,111, 112,113,114,115, & 116

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ק''י ''תבשיל בשרי
Page 110  Mesectas Chullin  
''A Meat Dish"

The Talmud relates on this daf, that Ravin and Rav Yitzchok bar Yosef  visited Rav Pupei and he offered them a meat dish from meat that came from a part of the animal (the udder) that the rabbis dispute whether it is permitted to consume!

Rav Yitzchok bar Yosef went ahead and he ate it while Ravin declined the dish. 

Said Abaye: "Why didn't Ravin eat?" Didn't the wife of Rav Pupei prepare the dish, and wasn't she the daughter of Reb Yitzchok Nafcha who was very meticulous in his actions?
There is no way that she would go ahead and prepare a dish from meat  that her father would object to?

A related story from this daf:
Rami bar Tamri arrived in the town of Sura on Erev Yom Kippur with no food, he was obviously very poor.
In the town of Sura they had a custom that they wouldn't eat the udder, and  they would dispose of it .
Rami bar Tamri who did have the custom to eat the udder, and so he went around town to collect them and ate them.

When the residents noticed that Rami ate something that they wouldn't eat, they brought him before Rav Chisda.

Rav Chisda asked him , "why do you eat the udder when you know that we in this town do not eat it?"
Rami answered that he lived in the same town where Rav Yehuda lived who permitted it, and was therefore  careful not to eat it in the town of Sura proper, but made sure to eat it on the outskirts of the town, to be sensitive of the town's minhagim.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

''דף קי''א ''וקראת לשבת עונג
Page 111  Mesectas Chullin  
''You Should Proclaim Shabbos A Delight"

Rabbah bar Rav Huna visited the house of Rabba bar Rav Nachman and brought him three se'ah of special loaves of bread that were made of fine flour and were smeared with oil and honey.
Rabbah bar Hunna assumed that the large quantity of special loaves had been prepared in his honor ..... but was totally surprised that they would prepare this without them having any knowledge that he was coming!

So Rabbah bar Huna asked them
"Did you know that I was coming?"
They answered :
"The loaves were prepared in honor of Shabbas as it is written "and you shall proclaim the Shabbas a delight."

''דף קי''ב ''רוטב כותח
Page 112  Mesectas Chullin  
''Kutach Gravy"

Years ago, people would dip their food into various different dips, one of those dips was a dip called "kutach" which was made from sour milk. They would mostly dip bread into this "kutach."

Rav Dimi inquired from Rav Nachman if it was permissible to place a dish of salt near a dish of "kutach."
He was concerned that perhaps inadvertently some drops of the kutach dip might spill into the salt dish, and then someone may use that salt to salt his meat, causing one to eat meat whose salt contained traces of milk.
Rav Nachman responded that it is in fact prohibited to place a dish of salt near a dish of "kutach."

''דף קי''ג ''מליחת הבשר
Page 113  Mesectas Chullin  
''Salting Meat"

After slaughtering an animal or a bird, one is obligated to salt the meat.
And that is because salt has a tendency to draw the blood out of meat, and by salting one avoids violating the Biblical prohibition of consuming blood!
But before one salts the meat one must rinse the meat with water and after salting, one must rinse the meat again!

Why would one need to rinse the meat before salting?

Some explain that by first rinsing the meat, the water softens the flesh and it is only when the meat softens that the salt is able to draw the blood out.

Others suggest that rinsing the meat before salting removes and cleans the blood which is on top of the meat. 
If one doesn't first rinse the blood off, the salt first absorbs the blood which is on top making it difficult for the salt to fully draw the blood inside the meat.

''דף קי''ד ''ארנק עשוי מעור
Page 114  Mesectas Chullin  
''A leather Wallet"

The Talmud states the following principal:
"Wherever the Torah writes the words
לא תאכלו        or      לא יאכלו etc
"do not eat"
the Torah means that not only are you prohibited to eat that, but you are also prohibited from having any benefit from it as well!
An exception would be when the Torah specifically states that you are permitted to benefit from that!

The Torah in Sefer Davarim states:
לא תאכלו כל נבלה 
"You may not eat a nevilah ( an animal not slaughtered ritually)"

Then how is it that we in fact all do benefit from animals not ritually slaughtered? 
For example: wearing leather belts or owning leather wallets?

The answer is that the Torah itself states immediately in reference to benefiting from a nevilah:
לגר אשר בשעריך תתננה ואכלה או מכור לנכרי
"to the resident alien who is within your gates you shall give it that he may eat it, and (or) sell it to a gentile."

Here we see explicitly that the Torah itself permitted one to benefit from it....
it is because of this verse that we can wear leather belts, coats or have leather wallets!

''דף קט''ו ''קודש היא לכם
Page 115  Mesectas Chullin  
''This shall Be Holy To You"

If a Jew should purposely, G-d forbid, do a prohibited type of work on Shabbos, then that Jew can never have any benefit from that work.
For example: If one cooked on Shabbos, he is forever prohibited from consuming this dish....
The rabbis imposed this penalty, even though according to the Torah itself, the food dish is permitted.

Rav Ashi added, that anywhere the Torah states that a certain food should not be eaten, and some one comes along and makes it, it is Biblically prohibited to eat it and one can also not benefit from it in any way!

''דף קט''ז ''גבינת עכו''ם
Page 116  Mesectas Chullin  
''Gentile Cheese"
The rabbis issued an edict that a Jew is prohibited from eating cheese that was prepared or manufactured by a gentile.
*This has nothing to do with "Chalav Akum" milk from a gentile.

On this daf the Talmud explains why "gentile cheese" is prohibited!
(the question is very strong one, since cheese can only come from a kosher animal, so why would it be prohibited? Milk on the underhand, can only come from non kosher animals.)

Shmuel explained the reason being is that the gentiles would curdle it with the skin of the abomasum of a neveilah.

Cheese is made when one  curdles fresh milk in the abomasum of a calf, and that process eventually turns into cheese.
Within the juices of a calf's abomasum, are enzymes that separate the milk and produces water and cheese!
It was therefore decreed, according to Shmuel, that  gentile cheese is prohibited so that one doesn't come to G-d forbid consume un-slaughtered meat.!

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