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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 124,125, 126,127,128,129, & 130

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 
יעקב דוד שילו בן שיינדל שרה דאבריש 

''דף קכ''ד ''טומאת אוהל 
Page 124  Mesectas Chullin  
''Tuma Contracted via Ohel"

From all the different halachos that we learned about tuma and tehara (laws of contamination & purity) only the laws of being contaminated by a corpse apply today, therefore only a kohein has to be aware of his surroundings to make sure that he avoids contracting tuma via a corpse, the rest of us are in the state of tuma all the time, being that we do not have a Bais Ha'mikdash and have no way to have a Para Adumah, which is the catalyst of purifying all of us. 

So even-though a kohein is as tuma as the rest of us, he still has to avoid either touching or being under the same roof as a corpse.

There are 3 different ways that a kohein can contract tuma via a tent..... "tumas ohel"

1. If a kohein should cover a corpse like a tent....
2. If the corpse is above the kohein.....covering him as a tent
3. if the kohein and the corpse are under one roof.

Press "read more" to continue to the rest of the dafim

''דף קכ''ה ''טומאת מת
Page 125  Mesectas Chullin  
''Tuma of a Corpse"

This applies to kohanim only.... in this day and age ... with no Bais Ha'Mikdash

If a kohein finds himself in a house with a corpse, he becomes tuma...even if he doesn't touch the corpse.

If he should touch a corpse, outside, he contracts tumeh.
If he should carry a corpse, even if he doesn't touch it, for example he carries him on a stretcher ...he contracts tumeh...
and even though, in today's era the kohein is considered tumeh anyway, he still must follow the rules mentioned, as he is prohibited to add to his already tumeh status.

''דף קכ''ו "ביצת השרץ
Page 126  Mesectas Chullin  
''Eggs of a Sheretz "

We know that birds hatch eggs......but so do reptiles, such as snakes, turtles, lizards that are part and parcel of the  8 "shratzim" mentioned in the Torah.
We know that we are prohibited from eating those eggs; the question is.... do they convey tumah, like the creature itself?

The Talmud on this daf says that the eggs do not convey tumah, because the egg is totally closed and one cannot touch the fetus inside, unless we break the egg open. 

However, should the egg have even the tiniest hole in the shell, it will convey tumah since the tumah escapes thru the hole.

''דף קכ"ז "טומאת הבשר
Page 127  Mesectas Chullin  

''Meat Contamination "

A person who is tumah, conveys tumah to meat when he touches it, even if he only touches the edge or corner of the meat.
In a case where the meat is sliced in half but is still somewhat attached somewhere, the halacha is that if by picking up the entire slab it will separate, then only the piece that he touched would become tumah, if however it remains attached even when lifted, the entire piece would now be in a status of tumah!

''דף קכ"ח "נגע צרעת בבתים צמודים
Page 128  Mesectas Chullin  

''A 'Negah" in An Attached House "

When a tzaraas affliction appears on the wall of a house, a kohein examines it and closes up the house for 7 days. On the 7th day he returns to reexamine it, and if it has grown, the afflicted stones are removed and replaced, and the house is closed for another 7 day period. If at the end of this period the affliction reappears on the new stones, the entire house must be demolished and its stones, timber and mortar removed from the town.

 Now, if at the end of the first 7 day closure the affliction is unchanged, then the kohein leaves the stones in place and simply closes up the house for another 7 days.

If after the second 7 day period it remains unchanged, the the afflicted stones are removed and replaced, and the house is closed for a third time. Should the affliction reappear on the new stones, the house must then be demolished and its stones, timber and mortar removed from town.

The Mishnah quoted here, deals with a case in which there are two adjoining houses that have a common wall. 

Such walls were generally built of two parallel layers of stone, one for each house, but there was a large cornerstone upon which both parallel walls rested.

The cornerstone was as thick as both walls combined, so it was visible from both houses.

In the Mishna's case, this cornerstone had a tzarras affliction on the side facing one of the houses. 

But if the affliction grew after the first closure or was constant through the second closure ....then the owner is now required to remove the cornerstone, and he must remove his neighbor's part of the cornerstone as well.

''דף קכ''ט "טומאה נגעה בחלב
Page 129  Mesectas Chullin  
''Cheilav Touched by Tumah"

By now we all know the prohibition of eating "cheilav."
The question is what if something that was tumah touched this cheilav...... does the cheilav become tumah...?

It really depends on what was going thru the mind of the owner of the animal ... if he intended to give the cheilav to a gentile to eat, then it would contract tumah, since his intention is that the cheilav is food...which is then subject to tumah of food.
If he didn't have any intention of using the cheilav as food, then the cheilav is no different than hoofs, horns that do not contract or convey tumah.

''דף ק''ל "מתנות הכהונה
Page 130  Mesectas Chullin  
''Presents for the Kohein"

This daf begins a new chapter in Chulin called "Hazero'a Vehalechayim" which means the "Foreleg and the Jaws."
The chapter deals with the obligation to separate the foreleg, jaws and the abomasum from one's slaughtered animals and to give them to a kohein as a gift.

The owner of a kosher animal would have the animal slaughtered then he would separate the above mentioned parts and place it in a designated box.

A tragedy occurred and the designated box with its entire contents burned down and got destroyed ....
Does the owner have to pay the Kohein for the value of those destroyed gifts?

On this daf, the rabbis ruled that he is exempt from paying the kohein.
Because ... to whom would he owe the money?
The owner has a right to gift those animal parts to whom he desires ... he can tell the kohein that comes to claim his gifts that he intends to give it to another one ......therefore, there isn't any one particular kohein who can legally claim for damages!

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