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Showing posts with label satmar vs zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar vs zionism. Show all posts

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Satmarism vs Zionism Part 4 "Miracles"

Recently, Satmar published a booklet,  שמעו דבר ה׳  a transcript of Reb Yoel Teitelbaum's Shalosh Seudois Torelech given  during and immediately after the 6 day war, in 1967. The booklet is accompanied with an MP3 which is an actual  recording of the Rebbe speaking on Shabbos at Shaloish Seudois.
Notice the arrogant title of the booklet: "Listen to the Words of Hashem," as if the Satmar Shitah is the words of Hashem!

Click on links to read :
**Part 1 Titled "Chabad Shabsai Tzvi" 
was posted on Sept 7

**Part 2 Titled "Zionists Started the 6 Day War " 
was posted on Sept 8

**Part 3 Titled "Israeli Flag Avoda Zara "

was posted on Sept 11

Part 4 "Miracles"

In this transcript, on page 11 of the booklet, the Rebbe denies that there were any miracles during the 6 day war, he says, that all the "miracles" were performed by Satan (Samach Mem)! 
He cannot fathom that Hashem would perform any miracles for the Zionists, since the Zionists are the "avoda zara themselves" and they are "rashaim" and there is no way that Hashem would perform miracles for rashaim and the avoda zara ... he says throughout these  Shalosh Seudois "Toralech", that if anybody holds  that "Hashem performed miracles for the Zionists" then that person is an "apikoras".
The Rebbe throughout his life called anyone that did not agree with his "shitah" an "Apikoras" and a "Meen" 
It was his way, or the highway, he could not have a normal debate,

Before we translate the Rebbe's "holy words" that all "miracles" were done by Satan himself, take a couple of minutes and watch the video!

Page 23 of the booklet:
In this talk, the Rebbe contradicts himself. First he says that these "miracles" were all performed by  the Satan, and then in the same sentence he says that the Satan didn't perform any "miracles".
If your confused, don't worry, you're in alot of company. Through out this booklet the Rebbe talks about the Miracles performed by the Samach Mem, the Satan. Below is just a sample!

"Let's talk, and let's give a little understanding of what happened here [the miracles of the 6 day war],
I already predicted this 10 years ago, in 1957, and this prediction was printed Shevuois, that they (the religious Zionists) will point out that these were miracles! Like the Gemarrah says in Avoda Zara 55, "that whoever wishes to get tamei, gets help from above." 
Therefore the Satan performs miracles for them! 
There is special "chassodim" that there are no miracles yet, what we see now, is all "shetusim and havalim" nothing!
Anyone that knows a little, does not wonder why there are no miracles yet. Looks like as if  the Satan when he doesn't need to .... doesn't perform any miracles, This generation's spirituality is so low that he [the satan] doesn't need to perform any miracles, he only needs to do something that people will be able to lie and say that they were miracles, this alone is enough to make them blind. 
For just nothing, the Satan doesn't perform any miracles, if not there would have been big miracles already. I was counting on more miracles. 
I predicted this 10 years ago, and its not because I'm a prophet and not because I possess  Ruach Hakoidesh, but we see that all this [the miracles] comes from the Satan..."

Page 25 
In this talk, a week later, (now the whole frum world is chattering about the great miracles, since it's now a week after the war) the Rebbe, panics, and calls frum Jews (not Zionists, but any frum Jew) that says the 6 Day war,  "was a miraculous event" ..... 
"Shotim," "Tipshim" and Rashoim" ...
(don't forget, that just the previous week in the Toreleh he said that the Satan didn't find it necessary to perform miracles, here the Rebbe reverses course because of the obvious miracles all around the 6 day war, and admits that the Satan did perform "miracles,"

"Can this be understood? 
We find Shotim and Tipshim and Rashoim, the Religious Liars, that are misleading the world that say "more Miracles" and again "miracles and miracles!"  
G-d should protect us if these were miracles.
I am afraid of [these] miracles! I already said this ten years ago... 
Challilah V'chas, Challilah V'chas, If this were nebech miracles, then this is a terrible catastrophe for the Jews ...... 
these are not miracles but  dressed up naturally. Even the gentile newspapers said that this war is a natural war..
We see what kind of achzarim they (Zionists) are, they are placing the entire Jewish people in jeapordy only because of their honor and their government!
This entire war could have been avoided thru many different approaches, everyone knows that. There is no time now to discuss politics ... but those whose eyes are open, have no doubt!
Just the smear campaign, the apikorses from those who say (that it was miraculous)..
They should have said that Hashem helped them"

Now, my friends, notice, that the Rebbe cannot have a civil debate, he must call religious, frum Jews that don't agree with him:
"Tipshim, Shoitim, Rashoim and Apikorsim!

And for his remark "that even the "gentile newspapers say that this is a natural war"
Let me tell you guys a story.
I'm not going to disclose much about myself, since this blog is not about me, but in my business, I go to West Point on many occasions.  I befriended, during the course of business, a general in West Point, and we became pals. He told me that in West Point, they naturally teach techniques of war, since the students all graduate as officers. They study all past wars, except for one ..... the 6 day war.... why? Because as the General told me ..."there is nothing that students of war can learn from this war, since this was a miraculous war..." 

After witnessing the miracles of the War of Independence, R' Tzvi Pesach Frank z"l commented:
"It has been almost two years since we were privileged to see that Hashem has remembered His nation, saving us with the beginning of redemption (hischata d'gulah) and Israel's Defence Forces have conquered the majority of western Eretz Yisroel. Some retort saying that the State of Israel is the work of Satan. We, however, trust the Gemarrah (Berachos 50a) that states, "Who performs miracles? The Holy One Blessed be He"
(Kuntras Hat Tzvi  page 48).

Now the question is:
Why would Hashem perform miracles thru people who are not religious?

Because he did and does!

Hashem created and performed miracles for Ahav Hamelech, despite him being a Rasha Me'Rusha. 
See the Radak and Abrabanel on Sefer Melachim 1 (20:14) that comment that Ahav himself was surprised that Hashem would perform a miracle on his behalf, since he was an ovod Avoda Zara! 
We also see the miracle that Hashem did on Purim thru the intermarriage of Achashverosh, the Rasha, and Esther.

The Satmar Rebbe (Va'Yoel Moshe, Ma'amer 3 Shevuois ch 131-134) actually discusses Ahav, and says that Ahav was actually a Tzaddik who was overcome by his Yetzer Harah towards Avoda Zara (isn't that everyone's problem, overcoming the Yetzer Hara?). The Rebbe adds (and this is unbelievable) that other than him being an Ovad Avoda Zara, Ahav was not only a Tzaddik Gamur, but sacrificed greatly for the sake of Torah! And because of his Tzidkas, he was respected by the Neveeim and therfore had miracles performed by Hashem on his behalf.  Now, that takes care of the issue whether Hashem would perform miracles thru Rashaim, because  according to the Rebbe, Ahav was a Tzaddik!

The problem with this theory is that it flies in the face of the Mishna Sanhedrin (11:1) that states explicitly that Ahav has no portion to come. The gemarrah in Sanhedrin 102b also states that Ahav wrote on the gates of Shomron that he is a "kofer" of the G-D of Israel. 
All, and I mean all meforshim state that he was a Rasha. The Rambam (hilchos rotzeiach 4:9) states that Ahav was not only an ovad ovada zara, but a murderer. 

 Rav Menachem Kasher z"l (Ha'tekufah Ha'gedoilah ch 2 pp 34-39) quotes passages directly from VaYoel Moshe and offers a point-by point refutation. 
So we see here just One example of how Hashem performs miracles thru Reshaim! So even if you were to say that the Zionists are Rashoim, how can you say that these are not miracles?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Satmarism vs Zionism, Part 1 .... Chabad is Shabsai Tzvi"

Recently, Satmar published a booklet,  שמעו דבר ה׳  a transcript of Reb Yoel Teitelbaum's Shalosh Seudois Torelech given during and  immediately after the 6 day war, in 1967. The booklet is accompanied with an MP3 which is an actual  recording of the Rebbe speaking on Shabbos at Shaloish Seudois.
Notice the arrogant title of the booklet: "Listen to the Words of Hashem," as if the Satmar Shitah is the words of Hashem!

Satmar is feeling the heat on their irrelevant shitah vis a vis the State of Israel, with reality flying in their faces, and  facts contradicting everything they preached and believed. They are in panic mode as they were in 1967, when they saw that the frum world, by in large, laughed at the ridiculous rants and ravings of the Rebbe! 
The reality was just the opposite of what was taught by the Rebbe. 

Now, with the State of Israel, in full bloom as predicted by our prophets, with miracles happening on a daily bases, with G-D protecting the citizens of the State; Hashem's miraculous protection as over 2,000 missiles were raining down on them , with Jews from all corners of the world coming home, they look like a bunch of pre-historic fools. The Chassidim  are realizing that the shita doesn't hold water, and the Chassidim with a smidgen of  brains are questioning their previous Satmar teachings.

Satmar decided on an all out propaganda campaign, to try to keep the Chassidim in the fold, and to answer their questions. 
On a weekly basis, they publish their nonsense in Der Yid, Der Blatt and Dee Zeitung, but it isn't enough, because the Chassidim with smart phones are reading reality and it contradicts everything that Satmar preaches.
So they decided to regurgitate the Rebbes 1967 Shalosh Seudois Toralach in the hope to stem the tide of reality!

I will post some of the Rebbes sayings and I will comment, so that my Satmar readers see that there is another side that actually makes sense, and that has sources in our Holy Torah!

I will feature parts of this sefer every week not in any particular order and translate and comment. 

Today we have part 1 Titled "Chabad Shabsai Tzvi?"
And this I will only translate, since it it so far off the charts, that I have nothing to say!
Page 28

Page 29 

The above two pages, 28 & 29 of the booklet is a direct attack on Chabad, comparing Chabad to Shabsai Tzvi (the false messiah) because Chabad in 1967 went to the front to  encourage the IDF to don Tefillin:

On page 28, the Rebbe first writes that "Evil People" grab on to the Mitzvah of Tefillin as opposed to other Mitzvas to prove that they are righteous????  Hmmm, Okayyyyyyyyyyy?

On Page 29 on top, the Rebbe says it is prohibited to put Tefillin on soldiers because of their spiritual contamination! He adds that FFB"S can put on Tefillin even if they are spiritually defiled, but not BTS???????????????

I will translate page 29 , where the Rebbe writes that he "doesn't believe that anyone does teshuvah just because he put tefillin on,
 and  adds that "Shabsai Tzvi also made Baalie Teshuvois"

"I'm only saying this, because this [putting on tefillin] became a fad.
The frauds and the evil ones' have attached themselves to this particular mitzvah to advertise to the world, "I'm wearing Tefillin."
I don't believe any of this [that this made anyone frum], and even if it should be true, ..... 
Shabsai Tzvi made Baalei Teshuves in the tens of thousands ...
It is brought down from the books of Reb Yaakov M'emdin and others, that there were Jews that distributed their total wealth and went to Shul to learn and they said "Moshiach is already here" and they did Teshuvah!
Reb Yaakov M'emdin writes that by  the Chacham Tzvi, there was a Shabsai Tzvinik, ..... everybody saw that he did Teshuvah, but from this there was tragedy,"
there is nothing to doubt, who can even doubt their Heresy!"