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Showing posts with label rav shmuel auerbach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rav shmuel auerbach. Show all posts

Friday, March 13, 2015

Rav Shmuel Auerbach Continues His Campaign of Machlokas against other Gedoilim

Let's face it .....Rav Shmuel Auerbach is a fanatic .. and it's his way or the highway. 
He doesn't care if he opposes "Daas Torah" of Rav Kanievsky and Rab Shteinman, .... he has his own "Daas Torah!"

So please never ever tell me that this is "Daas Torah" or that is "Daas Torah"

Daas Torah, my friends is to vote Likud! Yup...you heard it here first!
Voting for Likud is Daas Torah, don't waste your vote for the frum hypocrites!

Shas and other frum parties are following the position of  "gedoilim," and the "gedoilim" have indicated that they would sit with Tzippy Livni in a coalition, if she should G-d forbid get the upper hand..
They ignore the position of  Tzippy Livni that has repeatedly said; that she is ready to have the Arab parties join her coalition... 
and they ignore that she has said numerous times that she is prepared to give back parts of Eretz Yisroel to the Arabs, the land that G-d gave to us.

But the Gedoilim don't seem to care as long as Tzippy doesn't give back Ponovitz, Brisk, Mir .. etc..

That's the shita of today's "Gedoilim"!

So here is the latest low-down!

**Rav Auerbach has said that you get an Aveirah if you vote Gimmel....

**Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman said that you get an Aveirah if you don't vote Gimmel!

**Satmar says it's an Aveirah if you vote for anyone!

** You are all going to hell, whatever you do according to the "gedoilim" 

Meanwhile, the "Chachomim" in Bnei Brak invited the fanatic R' Auerbach  to the massive Degel Hatorah kinnos which drew a staggering crowd of 100,000, according to some estimates, 
with Gedolei Hador  Rav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman, Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Nissim Karelitz, in attendance, but they didn't succeed to change the "godel's" stubborn mind.

Gedolim, have instructed the tzibur to vote Gimmel, Yahadut Hatorah, in next week’s elections for 20th Knesset.

Rav Auerbach  believes Degel is abandoning the correct path and while the door to cooperation has not been closed and locked, with days remaining to the elections it is difficult to know what he will do. 
He wants Rav Kanievsky and Rav Shteinman to come crawling to him and beg him to endorse Gimmel. 

At present it appears that a boycott of the elections is the likely scenario. HaPeles, R' Auerbach's mouthpiece  newspaper quotes Rav Auerbach saying that if one supports those (R' Kanievsky and R' Shteinman)who are implementing these unacceptable changes, he has a hand in one performing an aveira. -

So there you have it in a nutshell!

But they all agree that you can't have an Iphone....
Moshiach where are you?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Machlokas between Litvishe "Gedolei Yisroel" intensifies; Students and kollel guys thrown out of yeshivas that supported Rav Auerbach shlita

The widening split in the litvish Torah community, is reality, and a most unpleasant and worrisome one. In line with the reported decision of HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, many avreichim in kollelim are indeed being compelled to sign a document requesting mechila and pledging future allegiance to gedolei yisrael in Bnei Brak. It has been reported that Rav Avraham Rubinstein’s Kollel Nachlas Moshe is compelling avreichim to sign, as is the kollel of HaGaon HaRav Sholom Ber Sorotzkin and others. According to Kol Berama Radio reports as many as “hundreds” of avreichim may have already been ousted from their beis medrash. Chareidi radio stations are chock full of interviews, presenting spokespersons from both sides, Bnei Brak and Yerushalayim. The situation is not a heartwarming one. The escalating machlokes is evident in many areas, including the chareidi print media. What is clear is that on the grassroots level, talmidim of Rav Shteinman and Rav Kanievsky Shlita along with talmidim of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita are being compelled to select sides. A division is being placed in the machane at this critical time when enemies of Torah Jewry are working tenaciously to stamp out limud Torah in Eretz HaKodesh. While many or most avreichim may be signing there are many who are refusing, adhering to the instructions of their rav, HaGaon Rav Auerbach. A growing number of lomdei Torah are rapidly finding themselves outside the beis medrash and the division is becoming increasingly evident. The Torah HaKadosha, once the uniting force is now being used to divide, all “L’Shem Shomayim”. On the front page of the Yerushalmi faction-affiliated HaPeles is a clear message from Rav Auerbach. “Don’t sign!” The notice adds that a sum of money has already been contributed to serve as a base for a fund to assist avreichim who are ousted, YWN-ISRAEL has spoken with rabbonim and individuals on both sides and some seem to posit that gedolei yisrael shlita are being “manipulated by the powerbrokers that have access to them”. Once again, YWN-ISRAEL is not going there. Others posit that even if this is the case, gedolim shlita must be responsible and their words cannot be discarded by attributing it to askanim and powerbrokers. At this stage it is difficult to predict where this will end. What is clear however is that many bnei torah are confused, concerned and worried as they realize their home, the beis medrash, may now be off limits to them because they remain committed to the instructions of their mora d’asra. Some rabbonim posit that what is really worrisome is that the division will weaken the chareidi tzibur and this will become apparent in the real battle, the battle to induct bnei torah into the IDF and to compel mosdos to accept secular subjects in the curriculum. And on a final note, HaGaon Rav Auerbach is quoted in Thursday’s (27 Cheshvan) HaPeles once again instructing bnei torah not to cooperate with IDF induction officials in any way whatsoever – not to report to induction centers and not to fill out any forms. HaGaon HaRav Shteinman Shlita feels one should report and fill out the basic form requesting identification information and a signature. In directly related matters, Education Minister Shai Piron announced that the ministry will cut funding to any institution that discriminates due to one’s political affiliation. In essence, from a political perspective one can easily argue that Piron is correct since the machlokes surrounds those who voted Bnei Torah instead of Degel. Whatever the case, the minister’s decision will lead to cutting the little funding that remains. from the beis medrash roster and now find themselves without a source of parnasa. Such avreichim are instructed to phone for assistance. The notice is signed by “HaRav Chaim Katz in the name of the Vaad Roshei Yeshivos”.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rav Shmuel Auerbach urges students to defy Rav Kanievsky and remain learning in Yeshivos

For those who find it difficult to believe that in Bnei Brak there is an effort to compel followers of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita to pledge allegiance to gedolim shlita in the Torah city, they can simply read the words of Rav Auerbach in his response to his talmidim.
On page 3 of the Tuesday 25 Cheshvan 5774 edition of HaPeles, affiliated with the Bnei Torah party, Rav Auerbach sends a clear message to “bnei yeshivos and avreichim in kollel”.
“Continue your daily seder limud and feeling of spiritual elevation without compromising in the slightest on your principles and your right to remain loyal to our passionate derech.” These are the words heard from the gadol hador when avreichim visited him in his home on Monday, seeking advice as how to respond to current events.
The rosh yeshiva instructs talmidim to cling to their limudim and not permit any interruption in their daily seder. HaPeles reports the avreichim who met with the rav expressed their pain over ongoing efforts to create machlokes and divide and while they expected things to return to their norm following the elections, it does not appear this is taking place.
The rav stated that without a doubt it remains crucial to enhance the shalom between bnei torah and all who view themselves as Yirei Hashem, and above all, “one must continue with one’s limudim and distance oneself from distractions of any nature”.
The avreichim however were seeking instruction and asked how to react to efforts to use force against them in the beis medrash if and when they refuse to leave. “The lomdim will be immersed in their limudim as always and those who disturb them will shoulder the responsibility” Rav Auerbach is quoted as saying. “We are not changing in the slightest and we are not abandoning the benches of the beis medrash. We must hope this is all a rumor and false fears, and just like no one ever tried to oust lomdim from their place of limud, or demand that they act contrary to their believes and principles, we hope this will be the case here too.”
When asked about the reports that avreichim will be compelled to sign a declaration asking mechila and affirm their loyalty, Rav Auerbach reportedly stated “no one has such a right. No mosdos chinuch may make such a demand from anyone. Bnei Torah cannot be compelled to live contrary to their beliefs, following the path of our rabbonim passionately and no one should sign such a document. One must always act with Kovod Hatorah towards gedolei yisrael and there is no contradiction between the two.”