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Showing posts with label moshe turner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moshe turner. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Admitted Rapist "Harav" Moshe Turner gets 90 days Jail!

The Chazir Turner got 90 days in jail, but not for raping the 14 year old, no ...... for violating his parole!
Rav Schlesinger couldn't convince the DA to let Turner continue roaming the streets of Monsey to prey on more victims. So for the next 90 days, children in Monsey will not have to worry about this smelly pig. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Turner who admitted raping a 14 year old boy 7 times, violates probation, but will probably walk!

A state judge has found a Monsey sex offender violated portions of his probation, opening
the door for a jail or prison sentence on a felony charge.

Moishe Turner, 60, failed to notify his probation officer about a car he was driving and had entered a Viznitz Hasidic girl’s school which was being used for a wedding on July 25, state Supreme Court Justice William Kelly found.

Kelly, however, dismissed a probation charge that Turner violated an order of protection prohibiting him from being within 500 feet of his victim. Turner was invited to the wedding and the young man was there helping out, but there was no evidence he came into contact with Turner.
Kelly scheduled sentencing on the probation violations for Jan. 7. Turner could be jailed or allowed to serve out his 10-year probation.

District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said his office will likely recommend jail time but no final decision had been made. Prosecutors want jail time.
Turner’s lawyers, Kenneth Gribetz and Deborah Wolikow-Loewenberg, will ask Kelly to maintain probation. Gribetz called the charges technical violations, noting school buildings in the Hasidic community are used for weddings and Turner didn’t know the young man was at the celebration.

“We’re hopeful the judge will extend his probation rather than send this man to prison or jail,” Gribetz said.

Turner was sentenced to 10 years probation on his Jan. 18 guilty plea to second-degree criminal sex act, which could have brought him seven years in prison. 
He admitted to having sex with the 14-year-old boy seven times in July 2011.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Is R' Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger protecting the serial rapist Moshe Turner?

Convicted rapist Moshe Turner

What is going on????
This blogger has received reliable information that the respected Rav and Baal Darshan, R’ Yisroel Dovid Schlesinger wants Moshe Turner to walk!

Rav Schlesinger is a Talmid Chochom and has a tremendous following in the Monsey community. If this Rav is fighting to keep an admitted convicted sexual rapist out of jail, then why are we surprised when we learn that our youth is turning away from our holy institutions and sacred religion?

If Moshe Turner would have damaged or defaced Sifrei Torah in Rav Schlesinger's shul, I have no doubt that Rav Schlesinger would have instructed his blind sheep  to immediately hand him over to the Police, 
but since Turner only raped countless innocent living “sifrei torah”, Rav Schlesinger is advocating actively that this menuvel and rodef Turner, walk the streets of Monsey to continue his animalistic instincts to rape and abuse more victims.

Why does Rav Schlesinger have compassion for Turner but no compassion for his victims? The Talmud states “whoever pities the cruel, will eventually be cruel to those who need pity”.

Rav Schlesinger's shiurim are full of mussar, why doesn't he ever speak about people who dress like humans but act like animals?

Dare we keep quiet? Are we going to continue attending Rav Schlesinger's shiurim when he does not care about our children?

Dear readers, anyone reading this article who continues to go on with his or her life, and doesn't pick up a phone to call 
Rav Schlesinger (845) 425-0063
 expressing outrage over this atrocity, is guilty of rape and abuse just like Turner!

Are we waiting for more children to hang themselves? Are we waiting until this ‑ G-D forbid ‑ hits home?

Call Rabbi Schlesinger and ask him, if he is really advocating that Turner walk the streets? Does he want his grandchildren near Turner?"

Don’t be soft on him, be firm and don’t let him beat around the bush. . . tell him “we had enough”. 
If he tells you that he has Turner under control, remind him of what he always preaches “Ain Aptropos L’aroyos”, which loosely translated means “when it comes to sexual matters no one is to be trusted. 

Rav Schlesinger has all kinds of Takonos in his shul . . . 
one cannot make a hot kiddush in his shul
it is not OK to feed your friends potato kugel in his shul when you make a simcha . . . etc., etc. 
but it's perfectly OK to have rapists walking the hallways of his shul on Dolson and on the streets of Monsey unfettered!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Monsey "chazir", Moishe Turner on the prowl again

A 59-year-old Monsey man faces a court hearing on charges that could put him in jail for violating his probationary sentence for sexually abusing a 14-year-old boy.

The violations include Moishe Turner attending the same wedding as the boy , failing to find suitable full-time work, and not informing his probation officer of a car he was driving, according to the Rockland District Attorney’s Office.

The hearing is scheduled for Oct. 15 before state Supreme Court Justice William Kelly at the Rockland Courthouse in New City.

Turner’s lawyer, Kenneth Gribetz, countered Turner was invited to the wedding and didn’t know the boy would be there, and the event was held in a school closed for summer recess and used as a catering hall.
Gribetz said synagogues commonly use religious schools as catering halls for weddings and other social events during the summer recess months. The wedding Turner was invited to was at 10 p.m. July 25 at a closed school in Kaser, Gribetz said. The young boy had not been invited, he said.
“He didn’t know the child would be attending,” Gribetz said. “They didn’t speak with each other and they didn’t have any contact. ”

Gribetz said Turner works as a job inventory clerk for a business in Hillburn. Turner is charged with second-degree criminal contempt for violating an order of protection by being within 500 feet of the young man and for being on school grounds.

Prosecutor Jennifer Parietti said Turner could get a jail sentence if state Supreme Court Justice William Kelly finds him guilty of the violations after the hearing and incarceration is warranted.
Paretti said six months in jail is possible because that sentence would maintain Turner’s 10-years probation. The lengthy probation is erased with a state prison sentence or more than six months in jail, she said.
Turner pleaded guilty Jan. 18 to second-degree criminal sex act, a charge that could have brought seven years in prison. He admitted having anal and oral sex with the boy on seven occasions during July 2011.
Parietti offered the plea agreement and told Kelly in court that the family didn't want the boy testifying in open court.
Kelly sentenced Turner to 10 years probation and then held a short hearing and classified Turner as a Level 2 sex offender, a designation stating there’s a moderate chance of repeating the crime.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Convicted Sex Offender Moshe Turner looking for more boys in Wesley Hills

The chief "Chazir" of Monsey, Moshe Turner, convicted of being a repeat sex offender, is on the prowl again to try to satisfy his perverted desires! 
Read the following e-mail sent to Wesley Hills & Monsey residents.

Dear YDN Parents/Faculty Members and Members of the Monsey Community:
It is becoming increasingly evident that the matter of child safety overall and specifically the issue of the recent abduction attempts in our community continue to need our urgent attention. Increased awareness and vigilance will help create a safer environment for all of our children and grandchildren.
Consider these incidents that took place in our neighborhood since last week’s email:
1.      Moshe Turner, A Level-2 Sex Offender (his picture here), of 65 Decatur Road was seen davening in a Wesley Hills shul even though it is located far from where he lives. Mr. Turner recently pled guilty to viciously sodomizing a teenage boy, and as reported here, escaped the prison sentence he richly deserved due to the communal pressure placed on the victim and his family not to testify in court.
Mr. Turner was recognized by members of the shul who followed the advice of Ramapo Police Chief Brower disseminated in last week’s email, that parents become aware of the registered offenders who live in the area. As a result Mr. Turner was told in no uncertain terms to immediately leave the shul and never return. (Click on this link and enter your zip code and the zip codes of surrounding areas to review the list and see the pictures. You can also click here to receive email notification whenever a convicted sex offender moves into the area, relocates, or when there is a new conviction of a child molester.) 
2.      This past Tuesday, August 6th, a 13-year-old boy was approached from behind by an individual driving a car on McNamara Drive and was asked to enter the vehicle. The boy’s parents had spoken to him about this matter over the past weekend due to our awareness campaign. He knew exactly what to do – run away and tell his parents.
3.      This past Monday, August 5th, an individual in a parked car was seen taking pictures of children playing in Jacaruso Park near the Pupa Yeshiva where Darchei Noam once rented space. Thanks to the efforts of Chaverim member Aron Slater, a grainy picture was retrieved from a nearby security camera and the information was passed on to the Spring Valley Police. (Picture of car attached to this email.)
There is no need to frighten your children needlessly, nor is it helpful to do so. What we all must do is increase our awareness and vigilance as adults and train our children in the basics of both “stranger danger” and comprehensive child safety.
May Hashem watch over all our children and please see to it that they are properly trained and supervised at all times. 

Best wishes for a Gutten Shabbos,