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Showing posts with label frum jews won't sit next to women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label frum jews won't sit next to women. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Frum Yiddin Cause Huge Chillul Hashem on Delta Airline Flight to Israel, Refusing to sit with Women, Causing 75 Minute Delay

"ZU Torah" ....the frummies are crazy and getting crazier, they don't care if flights get delayed, they don't care if people will get delayed getting to their destinations, they don''t care!

They don't care that the Ribono Shel Oloim's Name is getting desecrated! 
And they won't charter their own planes!

The Delta flight was over an hour late because Charedi men and women preferred to disembark rather than take their assigned seats.

A Delta Airlines flight from New York to Tel Aviv was delayed Monday night after frum men and women refused to take their seats next to members of the opposite sex. Instead, the Charedi passengers decided to get off the plane, rather than take their assigned seats for the flight to Israel. Their baggage then had to be located and removed from the baggage compartment, causing the 75 minute delay!