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Showing posts with label der yid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label der yid. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Massive Search for 80,000 Missing Jews In Israel

There was a "massive" protest against the draft in Israel last week. 
Never missing an opportunity to report anything that would put the State of Israel in a bad light, two Satmar Yiddish weeklies placed the protest on the front page. 

Arabs were stabbing and murdering Jews all over Israel this past week, but what were the Satmar savages busy with? 
What do these barbarians put on the headline of their anti-Semetic weeklies?

Protests against the draft!

The Police and the IDF are busy trying to protect the citizens of Israel ....... and the parasites couldn't care less .... they don't give a damn that precious manpower has to to be wasted to watch the parasites and watch as speaker after speaker chastises the Government that protects their fat bottoms!
Somebody should round them up and ship them to Gaza!

 Reading the headlines of Der Goy, you find that there were 100,000 parasites attending the rally.  
Der Zeitiung reported that there was 20,000 attending the rally.

Where were the 80,000 missing Jews? 

The Shin Bet is now busy looking for the 80,000 missing "Leidegeiers".....

Message to Shin Bet: Don't look in any place of work, or even in the Yeshivos...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Satmar lunatics mock the miracles that Hashem performs in Israel!

Der Goy ....The Caption reads  "The false miracles from the comedians of this generation"
The above article was written by a guy that signs it "Toub" the acronym of Teitelbaum
The Satmar leaders are getting very worried that the SHIT'ah is losing steam, since the Bochrim now have access to the internet and with a quick search they find out that they were fed a bunch of lies about Israel and that they, just like the Arabs were brainwashed in hating Eretz Yisroel!

They are now reading that the  world is now focusing on radical Muslim extremists that are killing, raping and beheading all infidels, be they, Sunni Muslims, Christians or Jews!
They are reading that the Arabs are killing mostly other goyim and that the victims  aren't even Zionists! Many of the victims actually hated Zionists!

They are wondering "what's going on?"

The Satmar hierarchy is in a big dilemma, on one hand they hate Israel and want the State of Israel to be totally annihilated; they daven three times a day in Shemonah Esrah and pray that the State be destroyed.... and they teach that to the thousands attending their institutions which they call "Mosdos Ha'Koidesh" Holy Mosdos,
and on the other hand, they have to explain to their naive sheep that they have to daven for the safety of Jews in Israel?

The naive Bochur is now totally confused .... which is it?
"If I daven for the destruction of the State, won't Jews get killed?"

So "how can I say Tehillim for the safety of Jews living in Israel, when I just finished my Shemoneh Esra where I  cursed  those very Jews and prayed for their destruction?"

The Bochur also doesn't understand why there are millions of Arab refugees escaping their countries, when they were told that Jews lived peacefully with the Arabs before the State (A brazen lie)!

"If Jews lived in the Arab countries in peace," they ask, "why can't the Arabs live with their own brother Arabs in peace?"
Arabs, according to what they have been taught lived peacefully with the Jews, but have no compunction of killing other Arabs?
"How come," they ask, "that Arabs have so far killed millions of their own, and they aren't even Zionists?"

They also cannot explain why the "cursed" Zionists offer every single Jew a home and there aren't any Jewish refugees?

They cannot explain how the Zionists even after the cuts are the biggest baalei tzedaka, and give every single Mosad in Israel, funds !

The Satmar Bochrim are now reading that Muslims murdered French people in France, and France isn't a Zionist State?
What's going on?

So the Satmar genius' are running around like poisoned rats  trying to explain their idiotic, outdated SHIT'ah, because they are quickly losing their young flock! They are inundating the sheep with their barbaric ideas thru their Yiddish Newspaper, Der Goy, and Der Blutteh.

The Bochrim can't understand why the SHIT'ah that they were growing up with which was to hate your fellow Jew living in Israel resembles the Arab SHIT"ah!

They cannot understand that the Satmar Newspapers read just like Al Jazzirrah!

They know that Israel is going thru a tough time now, but as they are now reading history for the very first time, they see that was always the case!
When did the Jews ever have peace...
Not even in the Midbar with Moshe Rabbeinu, did the Jews have peace, they were attacked by Ameliek in the Midbar in the presence of Moshe and the Urim V'tumim!

The Bochrim are now realizing that they were fed a bunch of Romanian propaganda to hate other Jews!

In this week's DER GOY, they mock the miracles that Hashem is performing for the Zionists, they are even mocking the open miracles that HKB"H did during the 6 day war, saying it wasn't from Hashem but from Satan!
Can you imagine? 
How low can a Jew go to say that the countless miracles that the Jews experienced and are experiencing is from  Satan!
How crazy and demented can you get?
And not only that, but to prove that these miracles were done by Satan, they quote from the Rambam and other Rishonim?

The book "Al Hagilah" twists words of the Holy Zohar to fit the anti-Zionist agenda! 

The bochrim can't understand how their "Holy Rabbonim" are taking passages of our holy Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi, Sifri, Sifru, Mechiltah, Geonim, Rishonim and using those very holy words to explain their demented SHIT'ah!

The bochrim cannot understand how their Rebbe was constantly teaching about Hakorah Ha'toiv, and he had none after being saved by the Zionists!
They cannot understand how the Satmar "historians" re-wrote history and twisted the entire Kastner story to totally distort the  truth and now made it look like they didn't save him at all!
But the facts are very stubborn and don't lie, and the facts are that the Satmar Rebbe was on the Zionist train and he never acknowledged and thanked Kastner!
Those are the facts!

The Bochrim also can't understand why the Satmar Rebbe misled thousands and advised them not to emigrate to the then Palestine, stating as fact that Hitler would never come to Hungary and Romania and these very Chassidim with their entire families  were then butchered by the Nazis while he managed to escape with his family!
And guess to where he escaped to? Eretz Yisroel!!!!!!

The RBS"O has a sense of humor! Here is a guy that founded a chassidus on libeling Eretz Yisroel and to where does he run to when he needs a home? Eretz Yisroel!

And the Bochrim cannot understand why millions who were supposedly anti-Zionist Jews were murdered, while those Jews that lived in and those that managed to escape to Eretz Yisroel survived?

Turns out that the "Litzanei Hador" are the Satmar Gypsies, themselves!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Satmar Newspaper "Der Yid" Goes "Online"!

Satmar hypocrites can now go on their  smartphones or their computers and get their dose of anti-Semitic news online!

Even though their leader R' Zalman Leib Teitelbum has prohibited his chassidim from having a smartphone or a computer at home, Der Yid has nevertheless decided to go online!

So what's up with that?
Only Satmar yiddish speaking Yoileez would ever read Der Goy, so why did Der Goy go online?
Well, the answer is very simple .... Satmar realized that banning smartphones and computers is like beating a dead horse. The ban will never be observed; every Satmar yungerman has two phones, one "kosher" one that he brings to shul and one smart phone that he keeps on vibrate, in his side pocket.

Der Yid also knows that the chassidim are all on their phones texting on shabbos and the sales and circulation of the newspaper went down the drain, so to boost sales, why not put it online? So instead of the chassidim reading DIN on Shabbos ...they can now access Der Goy online!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Satmar Rebbe at a loss of words because laughing black teens beat up Chusid in Williamsburg

Satmar Rebbe, Reb Zalman Leib and his mouthpiece "Der Goy" and Satmar Rebbe, Reb Aron and his mouthpiece "Der Bluteh" are always screaming that Jews shouldn't live in the "shtuchim" the "territories" in Israel, because it's a "sakanah" so now that shvartzas beat the hell out of one of their chassidim, right here in "Chitz Le'urettz" they are suddenly quiet!
By the way, it's the 4th incident in less than a week!

Helloooooooow ..... where are you? Rebbelich? 
I'm waiting for your Shalosh Seada Toirelehich!

So you think you are safe in Willy, New York? 
Well, once in a while, the "sitra achra" comes to "gulis" too!

The NYPD is investigating another possible hate crime in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
There have been four attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community in a week — the most recent came late Monday night.
As CBS2’s Ilana Gold reported, a 65-year-old man was attacked around 11 p.m. across the street from his home near Wilson Street and Wythe Avenue.
A teenage boy and girl ran up to him from behind and started punching him in the face and laughing about it, investigators said.
On Tuesday afternoon, CBS2 saw the victim as he limped out of his apartment with cuts and bruises under his eye. He did not want to comment, but his neighbor spoke with CBS2 anonymously.
The neighbor said his son heard the victim screaming for help and then the son ran outside and helped stop the beating. The two young perpetrators fled, the neighbor said.
The neighbor said the victim was “all shocked, confused, as expected.”
The incident follows another attack at 1 a.m. Monday, when a 25-year-old Orthodox Jewish man was struck in the head with a glass bottle on Driggs Avenue.
When asked how the attacks are affecting the community, Rabbi David Niederman of the United Jewish Organization of Williamsburg told Gold: “Basically people start thinking, ‘Can I allow my child to be out even during the day?’ And even adults, at night it’s scary.”
Police have posted flyers across the neighborhood showing a picture of the lone suspect in the bottle attack and warning everyone to be on high alert.
“It’s also a sign in reminding people that unfortunately you are not safe,” Niederman said.
In another supposed hate crime in Williamsburg, surveillance cameras captured men flinching when someone shot off paintballs right above them at a Jewish grocery store. Five minutes later, a 62-year-old was hit with a yellow paintball a few blocks away.
People in the community say they’ll be on edge until police catch whoever is responsible.
Police say Monday night’s crime and the glass bottle attack are not linked. The paintball attacks are being investigated as separate incidents as well.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Satmar Yiddish Newspaper Ignore Supreme Court's decision in reference to gays!

The mouthpieces of the Romanian Satmar Gypsies, the Satmar Yiddish weekly newspapers, totally ignored the decision of the United States Supreme Court vis a vis the definition of marriage. 

This decision legislated by the Supreme Court Justices is against the Torah, ... yet Satmar remains  mute..
Because Satmar ... and I mean both Satmar Rebbes backed all the democrat candidates, that openly  endorsed gay lifestyles..

The "groiseh" Rebbis don't care about  what the Torah says, they care only about how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ the candidates will bring to their Mosdos..... so they are staying far away from this topic ... and ignoring the whole issue.

 Let me disabuse you of the notion .... that they left out the story because they didn't want their young readers reading that gays can now get legally married .....because when they had the gay parade in Israel, these gypsies dedicated pages to the story.

But Der Blatt had room on their front page to gloat that Israel is losing money! ... 

"The State of Israel loosing billions of Dollars because of the Gaza War and BDS boycotts"

And now see the disgusting OP-ED in Der Goy against the family that sued the US to have "Jerusalem  Israel" stamped on their child's passport that was born in Yerushalyim! This case went all the way to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruled against the family ...
so for this verdict they had enough space to spew their vicious vitriol ... but had no space for the pro-gay verdict that came at the exact same time !

I will loosely translate part of the article so you can read the vicious nature of these Romanian barbarians !

"The religious parties (of the Knesset) are now on the same page with the leaders of the atheists ..
They  push the agenda of the head of the atheists, Netanyahu, more than the other parties who are not religious, .... and are now besides themselves that the US Supreme Court decided that American citizens born in Jerusalem, will continue to have "Jerusalem" stamped on their passports and not "Israel" 
Read and be astounded: 
Hamodia in its article "Habirah Ha'doilekes" screams that Yerushalyim cannot be separated from the Jewish people and from Eretz Yisroel, just like its impossible to separate the head to the rest of the body and survive."
etc etc... yada yada bla bla bla bla 

Then the writer, a piece of vermin, that writes under the pen name A. Li. Konig  writes that "Yerushalyim isn't ours ...."

Can you imagine? This deranged writer scribbles that Yerushalyim isn't ours, and mocks the religious parties in the Knesset that are upset that the US doesn't recognize Yerushalyim as the Capital of the Jewish people.

 I won't go into the filth that he came up with, to deride the frum parties in the Knesset that are rightfully disgusted with the Supreme Court ruling!

These guys writing for these weeklies are the Scum of the Earth ....

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Der Yid: Drink Goyishe Wine rather than the Israeli Carmel wine!

I am telling you guys that Satmar is going the way of Reform and Conservative Jewry! 
In this weeks issue of Der Goy, they carry a story about the Shinyaver Rebbe, the son of the Sanzer Rebbe.

These Romanian haters of the land that the RBS"O gave us, claim that when the Shinyaver Rebbe's grandchild,  got very sick, the doctor suggested that the child drink a specific wine that can either be a gentile wine (Yayin Nesech) or Carmel wine which had then just been introduced. The Shinyaver Rebbe said that they should give the child Yayin Nesech rather than the Zionist wine Carmel!

Here is a loose translation: I will start with the second paragraph...

Headline: About Using the Zionist Carmel Wine
When his [the Shinyaver Rebbe] grandchild Harav Hagoen Mee'koloshiz was a young child, he got very sick, and an expert advised the family to offer the child a certain wine that was only available either by a gentile company or by the Zionist factory "Carmel." 
The Zionists in those days established the Carmel Company in many countries, using the income for settling Eretz Yisroel.

When the "great" grandfather, The Holy One from Shinyev Z'L, heard about it, he prohibited them using Carmel Wine. He suggested they use regular Goyishe wine..... 
saying: "Carmel is Yayin Nesech, and if the child is so sick that he is allowed to drink gentile yayin nesech, then it is far better that he drink the Goyishe yayin nesech than Carmel yayin nesech. Because if he drank Carmel that would be "maras ayin" ... people seeing this, .... would say that by the Shinyaver Rebbe, ....when there is no choice, they drink Zionist wine...
and that's what they in fact did!

DIN: This is how far those Roumanian gypsies would go.... putting in this weird and bizarre work of fiction to bolster their fanatical hate against their brothers and sisters!

By the way, when the Chofetz Chayim z"l once received a bottle of Carmel wine, he stood up ...and said he stands up for any wine that was produced in Eretz Yisroel!

I don't believe the Shinyaver Wine Story; it's all fantasy , It's a fabric of someone's demented imagination.
I am sure they made it all up ... and put it in Der Goy to perpetuate their Sinas Chinom!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Not voting is like desecrating G-d :Reb Chaim Kanievsky defying Satmar, Eida Hachareidis who call voting "Tuma"

"Whoever does not vote is responsible for all the damaged caused by that choice," said Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky at a United Torah Judaism rally on Wednesday..
Meanwhile, The Hisachdas Ha'ganovim, the Eida Hachreidis call voting "Becheeros Ha'temeios" the Tumedika voting"
These Meshigoim still don't realize that the State is a fact and that their entire Shitah is false and opposite of reality!
The Rabbis  were wrong when the advised pre-WW2 Jews to remain in Europe and are wrong now.... but they are brainwashing generations to think like the Arabs!

Der Goy Headline...calling voting "Tumah" 

Der Blatt Headline calling the Voting "Prohibited"

Tens of thousands from the ultra-Orthodox Ashkenazi community gathered for a pre-election rally in support of United Torah Judaism in Bnei Brak on Wednesday.

 Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky told the crowd at the rally that "anyone who does not vote is desecrating G-d's name. Whoever does not vote is responsible for all the damaged caused by that choice."

The United Torah Judaism alliance made of up two smaller haredi parties -- Degel Hatorah and Agudat Israel -- traditionally does not do much campaigning until shortly before the election, when it typically holds a single central event at which its rabbis and supporters speak.

Officials from the group's Lithuanian sect spoke at the rally, including leader Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman. Rabbi Shteinman is not known for public speaking, and his speech at the rally was less than a minute long. "We are obligated to sanctify the name of G-d and to behave according to the Torah," he told the crowd.

Despite the rally's success, members of United Torah Judaism are concerned that they may have missed the boat in terms of garnering votes.
"[Agudat Israel faction head Yakov] Litzman gained popularity with his work with the Health Ministry and [Degel Hatorah MK Moshe] Gafni was praised for his work with the Knesset Finance Committee -- many people who would vote for United Torah Judaism have spoken up," one party official said. "But I think that if we had started campaigning earlier and working harder in the secular community, we could have gotten many more votes."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Satmar Yiddish Newspaper Headlines Blame Zionists for Forbidding them to Beat their Chickens!

Dear readers,
 I'm getting loads of emails complaining about the fact  that I keep knocking the Satmar Yiddish Weeklies and that I'm spreading Loshon Hara  .....

Read the headlines yourself, and if you can't read yiddish, get someone that can. The ones spreading "Loshan Hara" are the Satmar newspapers themselves, I'm just translating and reporting back to you.
Instead of writing about the upcoming Yomim Toivim, they are busy with "pista maasis" bashing the holy State of Israel on every single opportunity!
They are upset that the Chilonie Government is concerned about "Tzaar Baalei Chayim" and they, with the long beards, who chap sherayim from the Rebbe's soup, don't care that chickens are being tortured by their little children and don't give a hoot, that the live chickens are broiling in the sun!

These papers  came out today, Erev Yom Kippur! 

Der Blatt
 The above headline reads: 
"The Evil (dark) Decree from the Heretic Government stop Jewish residents of Eretz Yisroel from carrying out their custom of beating chickens!

Dee Zeitung
 The above Headline reads:
The State of Israel prohibits the custom of Kapporis with the excuse that they (the government) are concerned for the health and pain (of the chickens)
Der Yid

The above Headline reads: 
Zionist Government attempts to stop the Chareidim from carrying out the minhag of "Kapporis" on Eseres Yemei Teshuvah

Now, in great contrast, see the Headlines of the Yated and The Jewish Press! 
So tell me, who are the ones lying, spreading Loshon Hara, and spewing hate on Erev Yom Kippur??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

Friday, July 4, 2014

Der Yid, Satmar Newspaper, Just like Hamas Blame Zionists for the brutal murder of the boys.

Der Yid, a Satmar Yiddish weekly newspaper, puts all the blame on the State of Israel. Their arguments are identical to Hamas and  Haaretz.
Satmar is no different than the Israel leftist communist daily newspaper, Haaretz.
Im not going to translate this convoluted garbage they espouse, suffice it to say, it's no different than the hate coming out of the Hamas terrorist organization.
Satmar may do alot of Chesed, but so does the Salvation Army!