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Showing posts with label der blatt satmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label der blatt satmar. Show all posts

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Der Blatt Headline: Rabbis throughout Israel and the Diaspora cry about the Destruction and Spilling of Blood by the Zionists!

This weeks headline of, Der Blatt, the Yiddish weekly published by the Aroinie faction of the anti-Jewish Satmar, blamed the deaths of the 4 holy Rabbis that were brutally murdered by Hamas, on the Zionists! If you were in Mars and just landed and picked up this rag you would actually think that the Zionists murdered the 4 Rabbonim!
Der Blatt's disgusting anti-Semitic headline proudly joined the rest of the Jew-hating secular media...

CNN: "Deadly Attack on Jerusalem Mosque" (they changed it a full day after a public outcry.)

CBS: The two Palestinian attackers died in a shootout with police, it happened at a contested religious site in Jerusalem"

Reuters: "Tragedy & hatred abound in Holy land: last week, torched Qurans in West Bank. Today, blood-smeared Torah in Jerusalem." (then they put a picture of a Quran and a Torah side by side)

On the same front page of Der Blatt, they feature Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, covered in a Talis   (mocking the murdered victims that were murdered with their Talisim on) ranting that the Zionists are at fault for all Jewish troubles.
In a time like this, when Jews around the world are mourning the deaths of 4 innocent Rabbonim murdered by blood thirsty Arabs, "al Kidush Hashem," in a shul in Har Nof, this Jew Hater rants like a poisoned banshee, on the front page of his "hate newspaper," against his fellow brothers and sisters!
Last week, like shvartzas in Ferguson, he tore down his brother's shul in Monroe ..
What will he do next??