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Showing posts with label chabad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chabad. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Rabbi Avrohom Schorr bans J-Root Radio because they tout MIzrachi

Rav Hagoen Avraham Schorr gave a Daf Yoimi this week and said that "there are so called rabbis out there that deny the Holocaust and propagate anti-Torah views on J-Root Radio. R' Schorr  therefore declared J-Root Radio banned!

 Below see a video where Mr. Mizrachi calls Chabad 
"Hypocritical & Money Hungry for tolerating Secular Jews"!
This is the way this ruthless meshiginar wants to eliminate what he thinks are "competitors" 

Friday, December 11, 2015

Does a Relic discovered by archaeologists from Jerusalem’s Temple Mount prove Chabad Menorah design correct?

a Thousand year old potsherd from the Temple Mount bearing a symbol resembling a menorah may shed invaluable light on a centuries-old debate regarding the menorah’s original design, a noted archaeologist announced on Thursday.
The relic was recently discovered at the Temple Mount Sifting Project in Jerusalem, which sifts through the thousands of tons of ancient debris illegally discarded from the contested holy site by the Islamic Wakf in 1999.

Although archaeologist Zachi Dvira, co-founder and director of the project, could not see the entire design of the broken sherd, he said that it likely represented an attempt to draw the Temple’s menorah.

“Based on its clay type and texture, the potsherd dates to the period of Byzantine rule over Jerusalem, from 324 to 640 CE,” said Dvira.

“What makes this discovery significant is that it originated upon the Temple Mount itself. The design of the menorah inscribed on the potsherd may shed light on an age-old debate regarding the appearance of the menorah that stood in the Heikal (hall) of the First and Second Temples.”

According to Dvira, the origins for the design of the menorah can be found in the Book of Exodus (25:32-40), which states:

“And you shall make a menorah of pure gold. The menorah shall be made of hammered work; its base and its stem, its goblets, its knobs, and its flowers shall all be one piece with it. And six branches coming out of its sides: three menorah branches from its one side and three menorah branches from its second side… so for the six branches that come out of the menorah… And you shall make its lamps seven…”

Still, the Biblical passage does not provide any indication as to whether the branches of the menorah were meant to be round or straight, leading to a protracted debate among leading rabbinic scholars, including Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki – Rashi (1040-1105), Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra (1089-1167), and Maimonides (1135-1204).

“Upon the potsherd, the furthermost left branch of what appears to be a menorah cannot be fully seen due to the fracture at that side,” explained Dvira.

“The base of the menorah can partly be seen, and was probably composed of three legs; two angular and one straight. At the top, one sees that the branches are polygonal depressions which may represent the almond shaped cups that held the oil for the wicks.”

The branches on the engraving are straight, unlike other ancient representations of the menorah from antiquity, where they appear in a circular fashion, he noted, which may be due to the fact that “it is very difficult to create circular lines when engraving a potsherd.”

“As the potsherd dates to centuries after the destruction of the Second Temple, and the incision was done after firing the clay, it is difficult to deduce from it anything concrete regarding the original shape of the menorah,” Dvira said.

“But, we can learn about how Jews living in Jerusalem during the Byzantine period, or later, understood the design of the menorah.”

The Temple Mount Sifting Project – under the auspices of Bar-Ilan University, and with the support of the City of David Foundation – was created by Dvira and internationally-recognized archaeologist Gabriel Barkay in an effort to reclaim, analyze and document the discarded debris.

“Even now we have new information that may well change the written history of some of the periods of the Temple Mount,” Barkay said of the project.

He added: “The sifting project has proven itself to be an inexhaustible source of knowledge for the research and study of the archaeology and history of the Temple Mount.”

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How Satmar Treated Chabad in the 1970's under the leadership of R' Yoel Teitelbaum

 The Lubavitcher Rebbe in Effigy on Lee Aveune corner Hewes on Purim in the early 70's

Yes, my friends these are the Baalei Chesed! These are the ones that call anybody that disagrees with them....
"Apikorsim and Meenim"

This was during the lifetime of the Tzadik Hador, the Heiliger Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l, outside on the streets of Williamsburg in full view.

Notice the smiling faces in the crowd!
Notice the children! 
Notice the upside down sign on the tree on the left that reads Lubavitcher Rebbe in Hebrew!

These children are today's leaders of Satmar!

This act was not condemned by the Rebbe or his anti-Jewish Newspaper "Der Goy"!

This is only one of many pictures of the Satmar hooliganism against their fellow Jews!