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Showing posts with label Talmud Bavli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Talmud Bavli. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 89,90, 91,92,93,94, & 95

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

"דף פ''ט "מעלת הענוה        
Page 89  Mesectas Chullin  
"The Virtue of Being Humble" 

Rebbi Eliezer states: "Hashem says: 
"I love the Jewish a whole lot, because even at a time when I grant and bestow greatness upon you, you humble yourselves before Me."

And this is exactly what Moshe Rabbeinu meant when he said before his death:
לא מרובכם מכל העמים חשק ה' בכם ויבחר בכם כי אתם המעט מכל העמים
"Not because you are greater than all the nations did Hashem desire you but because you are small in number "

Though המעט in the literal sense means a "relatively small number," 
the verse can also be understood as referring to Klall Yisroel's humility."

When Hashem bestowed greatness upon Avraham Aveenu and promised him that his children will grow into great nations and other blessings .... Avraham Aveenu responded:
ואנכי עפר ואפר  "I am only earth and ashes"

When Hashem bestowed greatness and royalty to Moshe and Aharon ..... making Moshe a leader and Aharon the High Priest .....
they responded with humility:
ונחנו מה  ..... "What are we?" in other words: "We are not worthy"

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!