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Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2011

Obama's Syrian Friend, Bashar Assad had his thugs break an Artist's hands as a "warning"

A renowned political cartoonist whose drawings expressed Syrians' frustrated hopes for change was grabbed after he left his studio early Thursday and beaten by masked gunmen who broke his hands and dumped him on a road outside Damascus.
One of Syria's most famous artists, Ali Ferzat, 60, earned international recognition and the respect of many Arabs with stinging caricatures that infuriated dictators including Iraq's Saddam Hussein, Libya's Moammar Gadhafi and, particularly in recent months, Syria's autocratic Assad family.
He lay badly bruised in a hospital bed Thursday evening with his hands swathed in bandages, a stark reminder that no Syrian remains immune to a brutal crackdown on a five-month anti-government uprising.
Ferzat remembers the gunmen telling him that "this is just a warning," as they beat him, a relative told The Associated Press.
"We will break your hands so that you'll stop drawing," the masked men said, according to the relative, who spoke anonymously for fear of retaliation.
Before inheriting Syria's presidency from his father in 2000, Bashar Assad, a British-trained eye doctor, used to visit Ferzat's exhibitions and offer encouraging words, the artist has said.
When the new president opened Syria to reforms, Ferzat was allowed to publish the country's first private newspaper in decades, a satirical weekly called The Lamplighter.
The paper was an instant hit, with copies of each issue selling out a few hours after hitting the stands. It was soon shut down, however, as Assad began cracking down on dissent and jailing critics after the brief, heady period known as the Damascus Spring quickly lost steam.
Read More breitbart
Ali Ferzat August 14,

Ali Ferzat in hospital 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Popular Lesbian Blogger Kidnapped in Syria

Amina Abdallah

The popular lesbian author of the Syrian blog "A Gay Girl in Damascus" was kidnapped by armed men in Damascus.
Amina Arraf, who blogs under the name Amina Abdallah, was kidnapped while she and her friend were going to a meeting in the Syrian capital.
"Amina was seized by three men in their early 20s. According to the witness (who does not want her identity known), the men were armed," Rania Ismail, Amina's cousin, wrote on the blog.
"Amina hit one of them and told the friend to go find her father. One of the men then put his hand over Amina's mouth and they hustled her into a red Dacia Logan," the blog post continued.
"We do not know who took her so we do not know who to ask to get her back. It is possible that they are forcibly deporting her."
Her whereabouts are unknown.
Amina, whose blog has drawn fans from across the globe, holds both Syrian and American citizenships.
Thousands of people are supporting a "Free Amina" Facebook page, calling for her safe release.
On Sunday, Amina wrote about the Syrian crackdown on protesters.
"They must go, they must go soon. That is all there is to say."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/06/07/gay-girl-in-damascus-blogger-kidnapped-by-syrian-forces/#ixzz1Oc3xCO3T

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thousands of Arabs From Syria, Lebanon & Gaza Marching to Israel's Boders

Israeli soldiers defending the borders

 Mobilized by calls on Facebook, thousands of Arab protesters marched on Israel’s borders with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza on Sunday in an unprecedented wave of demonstrations, sparking clashes that left at least 15 people dead in an annual Palestinian mourning ritual marking the anniversary of Israel’s birth.

In a surprising turn of events, hundreds of Palestinians and supporters poured across the Syrian frontier and staged riots, drawing Israeli accusations that Damascus, and its ally Iran, orchestrated the unrest to shift attention from an uprising back home. It was a rare incursion from the usually tightly controlled Syrian side and could upset the delicate balance between the two longtime foes.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who heads to Washington at the end of the week, said he ordered the military to act with “maximum restraint” but vowed a tough response to further provocations.
“Nobody should be mistaken. We are determined to defend our borders and sovereignty,” he declared in a brief address broadcast live on Israeli TV stations.
President Barack Obama’s envoy to the region, George Mitchell, resigned Friday after more than two years of fruitless efforts. The U.S. president may now have to retool the administration’s approach to peacemaking. Obama is expected to deliver a Mideast policy speech in the coming week.
Deadly clashes also took place along Israel’s nearby northern border with Lebanon, as well as in the Gaza Strip on Israel’s southern flank. The Israeli military said 13 soldiers were wounded, none seriously.
Sunday’s unrest — which came after activists used Facebook and other websites to mobilize Palestinians and their supporters in neighboring countries to march on the border with Israel — marked the first time the protests that have swept the Arab world in recent months have been directed at Israel.