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Showing posts with label Miriam Malnik-Ezagui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miriam Malnik-Ezagui. Show all posts

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Miriam Ezagui Frum Lady Has 500 Thousand Followers on Face Book .. Wants to get to know her "Muslim Cousins" And "does not support the IDF" Calls it "genicide


She thinks that the IDF is committing genocide! Sick indeed! Sick and perverted! 
I wonder if her daughter would G-d forbid be a hostage whether she would want to still learn about the Muslim Culture. 
Let's ship her to Gaza or Ramallah  where she can learn more about her "Muslim cousins" 

She should be listening to the video below of a daughter whose parents were murdered by Ezagui's cousins