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Showing posts with label Iron Dome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iron Dome. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Iron Dome intercepts rocket over central Israel, sirens sound in Tel Aviv

Air raid siren sounds in central Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv, Rishon Lezion, Petah Tikva, Lod and Givatayim for first time amid recent Gaza escalations; no injuries or damage reported.

The Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted a projectile over the metropolitan Tel Aviv area, in the city of Rishon Lezion, on Tuesday evening, as air raid sirens sounded in central Israeli cities for the first time amid recent escalations. No injuries or damage were reported.

Israeli television showed a double-burst of smoke in skies above Tel Aviv after air raid sirens sounded, sending residents running for shelter.
Air raid sirens sounded in all of Gush Dan, including Tel Aviv, Petah Tikva, Lod and Givatayim.
It was the first Gaza rocket that reached Tel Aviv since Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Tel Aviv Municipality was instructed to inspect and open public bomb shelters in the city in order to "provide an optimal response for residents if necessary" in the event that escalations in the South reach the Center.
The Home Front Command also instructed Tel Aviv residents to prepare for utilizing protected rooms and shelters in their private homes.
Under the same instruction, the division responsible for civil security ordered for bomb shelters in Tel Aviv schools to be opened.
The IDF launched Operation Protective Edge in the early hours of Tuesday morning in order to quell the ongoing barrage of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. Later in the day, the IDF begun actively calling up 40,000 reserves approved to it by the cabinet.
Since midnight Tuesday, more than 30 rockets fired from the Gaza Strip have exploded in Israel.
Terrorists in Gaza have launched more than 250 projectiles at Israel in recent weeks.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Message to Israel: Time has come for abolishing Retaliation and trading it for Eradication

Is Israel going to wait for a terrorist big bang before eradicating this cancer, or treat it with aspirin to make the temporary pain go away?
There is no question. Iron Dome may not be able to stop 100% of incoming rockets. A war of attrition is advantageous to the enemy since the cost of a single Katyusha or Qassam rocket is miniscule in comparison to a single Iron Dome smart missile.
And one day, one of those rockets would hit a sensitive target. This is only a matter of chance, and the odds against such an event are getting thinner.
Time has come for abolishing Retaliation and trading it for Eradication. Israel must put a stop, once and for all, to the constant challenge that the Palestinian terror organizations put through.
Settling on Eradication may yield a transitory resentment by those around the world who label themselves as ‘civilized’. They may complain that such actions are too harsh, that innocent lives get caught in the cross-fire, and that this is not a measured response.
But the outcome and its associated benefits would be more permanent, and would last long after the memory of the global fury has been faded away. History has shown that a lasting peace following a bitter war has a better chance of success when the enemy is forced into an unconditional surrender.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Knesset Members Call For Israel to Re-Occupy Gaza after another Missile Onslaught!

National Union MKs call on government to stop relying on “Iron Dome” and start hitting Hamas – hard.

National Union (Ichud Leumi) party Knesset Members called on the government Saturday to take dramatic action in response to the declaration of the Hamas terrorist organization of its resumed hostilities and subsequent murderous rocket attacks.

“Iron Dome cannot be the answer,” said MK Aryeh Eldad. “The answer has to be taking out all the heads of Hamas, tonight. From Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashaal on down.”

MK Ben-Ari called to not only target Hamas, but retake Gaza. “The one conclusion from the recent events must lead us to reoccupy Gaza,” he said.

“Otherwise, we will remain captive in the hands of terrorist gangs, who will make uspay a high price in blood every now and again,” he continued. He warned against being satisfied with a ceasefire like the one declared after Operation Cast Lead, saying, “No more 'tadiyeh' with gangs of murderers.”

Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Saturday afternoon that Israel is “acting with efficiency” against rocket attacks.

Minister of Internal Security Yitzchak Aharonovich issued a harsher warning following an attack on Be'er Sheva in which one person was killed and several others wounded. “Hamas is responsible for this. Our response will be harsh and very painful. We will not put up with this anymore, the [rocket] fire must stop. We will put an end to it,” he said.
Arutz Sheva
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