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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Despite Rav Landau's Ruling that Degel must Quit the Government.. Gafni, Pindrus and Maklev Remain ..

 Daas Torah ...LOL!!!

Daas Torah is only for the naive innocent Yeshivishe blind followers! It's not for anyone else!

On February 19, we posted the "Fatwa" issued in a Kol Korah by Rav Landau the Spiritual leader of Degel Hatorah that Degel must leave the government! 

It is now 10 days later אין קול ואין עונה! Crickets! 

Degel MKs, Moshe Gafni, Yaakov Asher, Uri Maklev and Yitzchok Ze'ev Pindrus are not  going anywhere fast! They are holding on to their coveted positions and no Rav is going to tell them what to do! They are defying Daas Torah openly, unashamedly! 

So what is "Daas Torah" exactly?  For whom is "Daas Torah?" 


Yosef said...

He didn't say to leave the government. He was referring to participating in the evil WZO. (nebach some frum Jews were hoodwinked into voting last time. That incurred Hashem's wrath and we were punished with the coronavirus)

jack said...

Unfortunately if the so called leaders are all over 90, it's not Daas Torah anymore but Daas Alzheimers or dementia,

Dusiznies said...

We know exactly what he said and I provided a link to what he said!.Rav Landau said it in a way that even a child of 5 can understand that Degel can no longer be in the government, you don't need a Rashi to explain it is self-explanatory! In fact the Gerer Rebbe said in response, that "Aguda will remain in the government" but by the Litvishe hypocrites like Gafni and his gang they want the power and the hell with Daas Torah!