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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Lakewood Masquerading "Atzeres Tefillah" to Bash Israel While Jewish Children are being Murdered by Hamas on a Daily Basis

 During a time when 1/2 million Jewish residents of Northern Israel are running to shelters every few minutes and while Jewish children in uniform are being murdered on a daily basis, Lakewood ass'kanim decided to denigrate and shame the only Jewish State in the world with a massive fake "Atzeres Tefillah" whose real purpose is to protest the "draft" ! The Zionist State is unquestionably the largest "Makom Torah" in the world and Torah is not being threatened! 

This is a fabricated out and out lie! 

The residents of Israel have seen the fake and the frauds during the last "bein hazamanim!" they saw thousands of healthy draft age boys, close their gemarras and vacation while their brothers in uniform, many of them married, were fighting for their very lives! 

These able-bodied bench "kvetchers" need to enlist in the army ASAP! Everyone needs to share in the burden! If they refuse then they shouldn't whine about not getting help from the government! Just keep sending your 90 year-old gedoilim on private Jets to schnoor! 

This fraud and fake "Atzeres" fool no one! 

לא מדובשך ולא מעוקצך

"We don't need your honey and we don't need your sting"

With nearly 100 hostages still languishing in Hamas captivity and acheinu bnei yisroel under the perpetual threat of rockets and missiles raining from the sky, yidden locally and around the world are gathering to their support and defense by beseeching Hashem for a yeshua.

This coming Sunday, the first day of Selichos, thousands of yidden from across the tri-state region will gather in Lakewood for a monumental atzeres tefillah in defense of our brethren hanesunim b’tzara u’beshivya in Eretz Yisroel, as well as to implore hakadosh baruch hu to spare Klal Yisroel from the scourge of antisemitism running rampant worldwide.

The atzeres will also address the impending implementation of new Israeli draft laws that threaten to force thousands of bnei torah into the military, posing an unprecedented threat to limud hatorah in Eretz Yisroel – the very lifeblood of the Jewish nation.

The atzeres tefillah, endorsed by dozens of rabbanim and roshei yeshiva from across the spectrum of Yiddishkeit, will be a stalwart and resolute show of achdus, as the largest Jewish communities in the U.S. join as one to proclaim their allegiance to Hashem, the Torah – and each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon DIN
Your comment that “[t]he atzeres tefillah, [is] endorsed by dozens of rabbanim and roshei yeshiva from across the spectrum of Yiddishkeit” is NOT accurate. I know of no Rav or Rosh Yeshiva or Rebbe that has sanctioned this. Even the signs that you posted above has no name or signature attached.
Please don’t lump Radicals and NK wannabes together with the hamon am that, IMHO, are cringing 😬 together with me.