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Sunday, September 29, 2024

3D simulation of elimination of Hassan Nasrallah


The Al-Arabiya network published today (Sunday) a 3D simulation depicting the operation to eliminate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Earlier, the New York Times newspaper reported that Israel had been preparing for years for a war against Hezbollah and immediately after the Second Lebanon War built an intelligence system that included many informants within the terrorist organization.

According to the same report, the intelligence operation included secret commando missions in Lebanon, including the execution of "sensitive intelligence missions".

The newspaper described Israel's means of monitoring Hezbollah over the years and the cooperation and information between Israel and the United States, including how Unit 8200 located the commander of the Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, and after Israel decided not to kill him, passed the information on to the Americans, who then killed him with the use of a UAV in Baghdad.

As part of Israel's intelligence operations in Lebanon, Unit 8200 built a cyber tool to intercept Hezbollah's phones and other means of communication. In addition, UAVs and an advanced satellite were used in optimal periods so that they flew continuously over Hezbollah strongholds.

Israeli and American officials who spoke to the newspaper stated that "Israel's audacity" to carry out such actions distinguishes its intelligence organizations from intelligence agencies of other countries.

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