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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Beit Shemesh Chareidie "terrorists" Blocking Doors to an "Employment Fare" Finally Get the Crap Beaten Out of Them!


"Just a few minutes ago , the first bus from the Extremist Neighborhood Ramat Bet neighborhood arrived at the site of a demonstration in front of the Dorot community center Ramat Daled neighborhood!

They began rioting in front of the community center in order to disrupt the job fair being held there at this time. Strangely, despite the fact that the police are in the area, the extremists manage to disturb the order and terrorize them while trying to break into the community center. The police, for their part, block the entrance itself and do not disperse the extremists. at this time!

‎An eyewitness told the City News editorial board: "At this stage, anyone who wants to enter the community center and participate in the job fair is prevented from entering because the police‎‎allow extremists to surround the entrance."

Well it didn't take too long for residents and attendees of the Job Fare to demand that the police disperse them ! Finally after an hour stand off the police moved in and beat the living daylights out of them! The Chareidie Terrorists are now demanding an investigation! ‎
This is the fault of the new Mayor Greenberg, a patsy and a stooge for these terrorists! 

Mayor GreenFart


Anonymous said...

So why don't police beat up the Kaplan protesters?

Anonymous said...

They have no right to stop anyone from enlisting.They are violating the law of the land. Hopefully their Rabbaim will tell them to stay in the yeshivos and learn instead of drawing attention to the fact that instead of fighting up north they are sitting on a sidewalk and creating chaos and additional work for the Police officers. The officers need to concentrate on looking for terrorists instead of disciplining these non- tax paying citizens. The town is less safe as a result of these demonstrations.

Garnel Ironheart said...

What will it take for the locals to show up with some crowbars and take care of what the police don't want to?