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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

'Harshest blow to the Islamic resistance': Lebanese media shocked at blow to Hezbollah


Reflecting on the pager attack that reportedly killed around nine and wounded thousands of Hezbollah operatives in Lebanon, the Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar exposed the extent of the damage in its editorial, calling it one of the most severe blows dealt to the terror organization since it began launching attacks on Israel last October.

“In just one minute, the enemy managed to deliver the harshest blow to Islamic resistance since the onset of the conflict,” the article stated, adding it was “an exceptional security operation in terms of the ability to reach targets and means, and in demonstrating elements of Israeli technological and intelligence superiority."

The article detailed the damage, stating the operation “led to the injury of more than three thousand resistance fighters and civilians from Hezbollah units, who were crowded in hospitals in the south, the Bekaa, Beirut, and the suburbs.”

Israel's qualitative edge

The newspaper expressed shock at Israel's capabilities, estimating that the operation confirmed for Israel its "security superiority."

However, the writers noted, “The enemy is well aware that its main objective from the operation was not achieved—forcing Lebanon’s resistance to surrender and stop supporting Gaza.”

John Spencer, a former US Army official and urban warfare expert, emphasized the incident's unprecedented psychological impact. According to him, “On top of the physical damage to Hezbollah, the psychological impact is massive. Not being able to trust their equipment to communicate. Possibly leading to making big mistakes in areas like operational security."

Faisal al-Qassem, a senior journalist at Al Jazeera and a prominent

 commentator in the Arab world, compared the damage to Hezbollah to

 “the most significant pre-emptive strike in modern history, similar to Israel’s

 attack on the Egyptian Air Force before the Six-Day WaHe warned that “if the organization enters into a conflict now, its situation

 will be critical given the heavy burden on the health system.”

“Hezbollah now has thousands of disabled leaders and fighters,” he continued. “If Hezbollah goes to war today, its condition will be dire because hospitals are currently filled with the wounded.”

“Worse still, Hezbollah has lost its most crucial military security and communication means. Israel is hunting its enemies electronically, causing thousands of casualties from afar without firing a single bullet, while the terrorist organization remains preoccupied with a 1,400-year-old conflict between Hussein and Yazid,” he concluded.


Garnel Ironheart said...

This is actually a major setback for Israel. The news today notes that this move was planned as a pre-emptive strike just before an actual Israeli assault but Hezbollah started to suspect something was up so they detonated early. Unless Israel invades in the next 24 hours, this will have been a nice distraction and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

How are Lebanese terrorists "freedom fighters"? Idiots.

Dusiznies said...

Nothing in your comment is further from the truth ! It could be that these detonations was pre-mature but if you read the Arab Press, you will see that they are totally dumbfounded and in utter shock! This action is making them paranoid, and the latest reports coming in from Saudi Arabia is that Israel has hacked into Hezbollah computers.
Read Arab English Newspapers and you will see that this was the biggest coup that any country could ever accomplish, that without one shot fired they targeted over 4,000 Hezbollah terrorists.

Anonymous said...

From the liver to the knee, Hezbollah can no longer pee.

Uriah’s Wife said...

@ Garnel,

This could have been a minor setback or a slight setback, but you characterize the elimination of over 3000 hezbolah terrorists as a major setback? Unless you are a member of the war cabinet, you really don’t know. Psychologicaly, the pager and radio attacks were devastating to Hezbollah and Iran. It just might lead to a deal on the hostages. The Ayatollahs and Nasrallah might be deathly afraid of what may be resting inside their mattresses and under their beds.

jack said...

In the meantime almost 100,000 Jews in the North had to flee their homes and are homeless.
Thousands of rockets have been raining down on all of Israel in the last few months. Hundreds of farms are not producing they were burned to the ground.
hundreds of thousands of Jews have to run a few times a day to their underground bunkers or safe rooms when the rockets start coming
And what is this pathetic cowardly Bibi government doing?, exploding some pagers. Really?…

By this time, all of Beirut should have been reduced to a pile of rubble, and all of Southern Lebanon from the Litani river to the Israel border should have been converted to a one big parking lot, without one building left.
There is really nothing to celebrate here.
This pathetic cowardly so called right wing government has turned all of Israel into a new Warsaw ghetto, where millions of Jews are running for their lives and hiding in bunkers.
What a chillul hashem,
Is this why we had to come back to our holy land of Israel after 1900 years of gallus

jack said...

thanks for the chuckle