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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Eida Hahcharedit Totally Disconnects From Yiddishkeit 'It is forbidden to enlist in CIVILIAN service'


 Following the promotion of the Draft Law in the Knesset plenum, leader of the Radical Eida Hacharedit, an anti-Zionist extremist haredi fringe group that does not recognize the State of Israel, have begun more intensive public messaging against alternatives to IDF service.

On Wednesday night, community leaders issued a "halakhic ruling" in which they vehemently opposed any type of haredi enlistment.

"It is forbidden for any individual to be recruited for any type of military or civilian service. It is the duty of the parents and teachers to stand guard to prevent this," they claimed.

They further intensified their criticism of the haredi Knesset members and ministers who supported the proposed draft law: "And those who negotiate compromises, concessions, and targets should know that it will be accounted against them, for they take their own souls, God forbid."

On Thursday, a rally against the law by the sect is expected to take place.

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