Nachum Lamm
His bio says he lives and works in New York ("a city he loves"). He lists his education as Harvard Law School ("Doctor of Law," which is a mistake no one who went to law school should make) and a, um, "Masters" from Lakewood and a "Bachelors" from the Philly yeshiva.
So he's living fat and happy in America doing venture capital and banking (odd choice for a law school graduate, but whatever) and has the chutzpah to sum up Israeli life as "schwarma, being a tech founder or even serving in 8,200."
Of course, most Israelis can't afford schwarma these days, but he doesn't seem aware of that. Any random soldier who served in 8200 (*not* "8,200") has probably saved more Jewish lives than he ever will. (And very few soldiers get to serve in 8200.) And criticizing tech founders (and praising poverty) is an odd choice for someone who works deep in finance and certainly doesn't learn as much as he did when getting his "masters" from Lakewood. (And very few Israelis found tech companies.)
Do you want me to go on? Because I can go on. Every line is a goldmine of ignorance, and I won't even start on the pictures.
Ben Gold
Unless their strategy is to rely on a miracle, I do not understand who they expect to defend or support the country.
Yitzchak Moshel replied
1 Reply
2 hours ago
Chana Siegel
What an awful thing to say. I hope he never has to find out exactly how awful.

about an hour ago
Nachum Lamm
How utterly disgusting.
Yitzchak Moshel
a Charedi governed country? how will that work? they will mandate that the minority non-Haredim have to go to the army? Also didn't the Sephardic Chief Rabbi say they will all leave? Will they govern from abroad?
