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Monday, June 24, 2024

Eight Talmidim of Hesder Yeshivas Tragically Fell in Past Week

 Tragically, a number of Hesder Yeshivos suffered casualties over the past week. In total, eight Hesder students or alumni were killed R”L, plunging their respective yeshivas into deep mourning.

Sergeant First Class (Reserve) Malkia Gross, a student at Or Etzion, fell in battle over Shabbos. He was in his seventh year in the Or Etzion.

In addition, three students of the Shalavim Yeshiva fell: Sergeant Shalom Menachem, Sergeant Yakir Ya’akov Levi, and Sergeant Elyahu Moshe Zimbalist. Two alumni of the Ma’alot Yeshiva: Senior Staff Sergeant Major Elon Waiss and First Sergeant Tzur Abraham. An alumnus of the Otniel Yeshiva, Captain Eitan Koplovich. And a student at the Yeshiva of Yaffo, Sergeant First Class (Reserve) Saadia Yaakov Dery fell.

1 comment:

Garnel Ironheart said...

ON the other side, no Chareidi bochrim shared the same fate but acted as if they were saving the country,