So what's going on??
There are elections in Beit Shemesh for Mayor, and for City Councilmen. It's been vicious!
Thank G-d it over tomorrow!
The three candidates for Mayor, is the present Mayor, Dr. Aliza Bloch, Moshe Abutbul the previous Mayor who lost against Aliza in the last election, and Shmuel Greenberg.
Greenberg dragged the aging Rav Landau to give him the endorsement. Rav Landau has since rescinded those endorsements after he found out that Greenberg lied to him and promised that he would not support "mamlachti" Yeshivos which teach "lemudei Chol, English, Math etc. But at same time, Greenberg promised the other Councilmen running, that he would leave the status quo!
Abutbul dragged out his dead rabbis, who according to many commentaries don't know what is presently going on in this world. He like Greenberg, lied to his Sfardie Rabbis that he would not back "mamlachti" schools but then turned around, stabbed them in the back (the live ones, of course) and teamed up with the Local Likkud Party that is all for Mamlachti Schools.
Dr. Aliza Bloch who also received many rabbinical endorsements, but her endorsements were exclusively from local rabbanim, says openly that she is backing Schools for all children living Beit Shemesh, be they chassidim, Litvaks, Sfardim and even Chilonim.
Just that you know, no party can win in Beit Shemesh if they are officially against "mamlachti" schools!
So what's the issue????
A new party called "Derech" popped up founded by a Chassidishe guy named Moti Leitner.
Leitner is the 3rd from the left
This party targets the English speakers and the olim. They are promising residents of Ramat Beit Shemesh that they will ensure that all be treated equally in terms of resource allocation, investments, and development, and most important they believe like Dr. Aliza Bloch that each child get an education to their unique needs, in other words they will support "mamlachti schools."
A couple of weeks ago, a campaign by the local rabbanim who are against "mamlachti" schools (Only G-d knows why) began in full swing, winking to the extremists that they should destroy this party.
So the extremists who have nothing to do all day, they don't learn, have no internet, no sports, no nothing, went in like "Nachshan Ben Amindav", started a campaign of intimidation and harassment by screaming at Moti Leitner's wife and children and came to his dira in Dalet where he lives, and kept this up every week threatening and humiliating them. They are also harassing his father.
The Rabbanim????? אין קול ואין עונה ...... crickets!
Meanwhile at the ranch, the local Rabbanim, some of whom speak fluent English and who studied in Yeshivos that provided secular studies, which they are now against, started talking to the Chareidie press saying that Leitner is "shmading" yiddishishe kinderlich!
But a father is a father and as the pietan says: כרחם אב על בנים Leitner's father sent out a rant that went viral and has close to 300,00 views in which he says that it is actually the Chassidishe and Litvishe Yeshivos (he meant the rabbanim) that are "shmading' our precious kinderlach. He asks why shouldn't every single child get an education suited for him?
You don't have to understand Hebrew to understand and feel this father's pain.
He is saying that the radical Hebrew Newspaper "Hamevser" came out with an announcement after they found out that Abutbul lied to them and that he teamed up with Likkud ...that Shas is destroying yiddishe neshamois. The kanaim the extremist are screaming and cursing the Agudists, the Peleg are screaming at the Litvaks,. He says that all the other newspapers are each blaming the other "Daas Torah" parties stating that they are destroying yiddishkeit.. the different parties stating "Daas Torah" state you get "Gan Eden" if you vote for them and like the Christians they say that you go to Hell if you vote against them. He then tells them who are the real people "shmading" am yisrael....
Chassidim and the Litvaks they are destroying yiddishkeit as we know it!
He should be working for DIN