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Showing posts with label turx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label turx. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Ami Magazine Promotes Fake News with Insulting Cover Questioning Trump's Sanity on Front Cover

Ami Magazine is on a roll with Fake News, but this time the Chareidie rag published by Yitzchok "The Clown" Frankfurter outdid even itself by causing a huge Chillul Hashem with an article "Analyzing the mind of President Trump" and featuring the heading of this fake story on the cover!
Can you imagine the outcry if "the Clown" would have written a similar article on Obama?
In this issue Ami interviewes Michael D'Antonia, author of "Never Enough" a book that trashed the then candidate Donald Trump. D'Antonia also authored an opinion piece for the Fake CNN News with the byline  "Donald Trump, the arsonist-in-Chief," 
where he postulates that "Trump has an arsonist mentality."

When questioned by Ami, if he has any background in psychology, D'Antonia admits that he doesn't..... yet Ami saw fit to interview a Trump hater in a Religious Jewish Magazine.

"The Clown" forgets that we are Jews in galus, and we need to  keep a low profile..... he totally ignores the fact  that we need to be in the President's good graces. 

Just last week, his White House reporter, Jake Turx, dressed as if he just walked out of a Purim Play, sporting a Kippah with his twitter account embroidered, asked a stupid silly question to none other than the President of the United States....

Instead of telling the President that he represents frum Jews that voted and supported him, he asked a long winded question that was confusing and silly...

The President of the United States is the most powerful figure in the entire world, and Turx gets dressed in a purim costume, mocking the entire process of the press core......
Anyone else standing in front of a President would be dressed with "derech eretz" ......
It wouldn't hurt him to dress with a tie ..... yes with a tie ..... and look neat ..... 
Nobody wraps their peyus around their ears anymore, either curl them or put them under your childish embroidered kippah ... 
I guess he represents "the clown" so he dresses as if he was in a circus!