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Showing posts with label bobover rebbe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bobover rebbe. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bais Din, Shmes Din, Bobov 45 Ignores Bais Din Ruling to stop calling itself "Bobov"

Normally, I would say, "Who Cares?" 
But this is in line with  our previous post with the Heading:

"Noveminsker Attacks Bloggers"

The "Gedoilim" don't give 2 hoots about any rulings of Bais Din! They just want the Bloggers to heed the Torah and the 613 mitzvos,  The Gedoilim, don't have to listen to the Torah... they don't have to listen to Bais Din, they can go to Secular Court.... but us bloggers have to crawl under rocks, observe all this hypocrisy and keep our mouths shut! and Chap their Shrayim!
In the Litvisher Camp, Rav Shechter and Rav Belsky have ignored the Psak of many a Bais Din!

You won't hear  the "Agudah Convention Gedoilim" talking  about Gedolim observing the Torah like the rest of us schnooks! Nooooo! 
You won't hear any Gadol talk about the second Rashi in Parshas Mishpatim..... Noooooo!
Bloggers ....bad bloggers.....naughty bloggers..... loshon hara bloggers....
If the Gedoilim who were at the Aguda Convention do not come out with a statement condemning this Chillul Hashem, then these are not leaders...

Reb Mordecha Dovid Unger, Bobover Rebbe

Reb Benzion Halberstam, Bobover Rebbe

A brief history:
Reb Shloimeh Halberstam z"l, the First Bobover Rebbe in the USA, had two sons, Reb Naftulche, who was born in Europe before WW2 and was from his first wife (she was murdered in the camps) , and Reb Ben-Zion who was born in the USA was from the Rebbe's second wife.

When Reb Shloimeh z"l passed on, naturally his eldest son Rav Naftulche became Rebbe..
Reb Naftulche after waiting over 40 years to become Rebbe succumbed to an illness soon after becoming Rebbe and  passed away.

Reb Naftulche z"l, had no sons, and was "burdened" with daughters only!
One Daughter married Rabbi Rubin and the other married Rabbi Mordcha Dovid Unger.

Now that Reb Naftulche went to his Maker, Reb Ben-Zion claims that the Rebbe Shloimeh's  inheritance goes back to Reb Shloimeh's other son. him.
 Rabbi Unger, the son-in-law of Reb Naftulche claims that the Rebbistiveh belongs to him, because he is inheriting from Reb Naftulche z"l...
(though daughters do not inherit al pi Torah, but who cares)

So, as you can imagine, actual fists fights broke out between both Bobover Camps, both screaming that their guy is the Bobover Rebbe!
Don't forget there was and is  millions of dollars of real estate involved, and the guys surrounding the Rebbes are also in on the take and on the payroll... each Rebbe has tons of Gaboim etc.... all grabbing the $$$$$$$$$$'s!

So they went to Secular Court.. and the Secular Judge threw them both out and told the two Rebbes to work it out in Bais Din!
The Bais Din took 9 years to come to a decision and they ruled in favor of Reb Ben Zion...
They Ruled that only the Reb Ben Zion Camp can call themselves Bobov and they get all the Real Estate, but they have to give Reb Mordecha Dovid some 10 million dollars over 5 years (I may be off with a million or two, but whose counting).
Reb Mordcha Dovid can call himself Sanz-Bobov, Rupshitz-Bobov, 45th Bobov...
but not Bobov by itself!

When Reb Mordcha Dovid's guys heard this, they went thru the roof... because now all the handlers of the Rebbe will finally have to work for a living...
They weren't going to take this sitting down, so they decided to ignore the USA Bais Din that they chose themselves, and went to look for a Litvisher Bais Din in Yerushalyim... and they found one! Holy Moly!
They found Rav Moshe Sternbach, the anti-Chassidish, anti-Zionist but respected Litvisher Rav!
He wrote that the USA Bais Din's psak is a sham! And that both Bobovs' can call themselves Bobov, and that they should go bactk to the tables to make peace....
easier said than done!
They also had Rev Chaim Kanievsky co-sign the document but he added the following:
• Bobov 45 must listen to the Bais din’s ruling
• The Beit Din’s ruling should not, God forbid, be discredited by Bobov 45 hasidim or leaders. 
• Bobov 45 can not challenge the beit din’s ruling in secular court.

So there you have it!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Finally the conclusion of the Bobov Psak Din

Reb Shlomo center, with his 2 sons, Reb Naftalche on left, Reb Benzion right

Reb Mordacha D Ungar left with Reb Benzion right, in better days

This fight is over 9 years old.

Reb Benzion Halberstam the son of Reb Shlomo Halberstam took his brother-in-law Reb Mordechai Dovid Unger to secular court, because R' Ungar called himself the "Bobover Rebbe". 
Reb Benzion, felt, that since he was  the son of the Reb Shlomo, he had the exclusive right to call himself "Bobover Rebbe".

So here is a bit of history made very simple:
Reb Shlomo Halberstam, had two sons: Reb Naftalche who was the B'chor, and Reb Benzion.

When Reb Shlomo was niftar in the year, 2,000, naturally Reb Naftalche became Bobover Rebbe. 
Reb Benzion the other son and brother, was called "Rav Hatzoer" "the younger Rebbe." 

But then, just 5 years into his reign, Reb Naftalche passed on without any sons; he only had daughters.

His youngest son-in-law, Reb Mordechai Dovid Ungar, now claimed that he was next in line to be Bobover rebbe,
 Reb Benzion said "no dice" "I'm the Rebbe, period!"

Followers of  both sides began to grab the Bobover properties, worth in the millions of dollars. 
There were fist fights between the followers of both camps. 

So finally, Reb Benzion took his brother-in-law to Bais Din, but Bais Din wasn't coming to any resolution's that was satisfactory to any of the parties, and Bais Din was dragging their feet, so they went to Secular Court, in violation of our Holy Torah in Parshas Mispatim!
But the Gentile Judge told the Holy Rabbis, that as Holy Rabbis they should go to Bais Din to resolve their differences!

So each side appointed one Rabbi and both of these Rabbis appointed an impartial third Rabbi to adjudicate the case!

After 9 years they concluded that Reb Benzion is the genuine Bobover Rebbe, and Reb Mordachi Dovid Unger can no longer call himself Bobover Rebbe, Reb Benzion keeps all the properties, just that Reb Benzion must give 6.5, million dollars to Ungar payable over 5 years.

Of course, Reb MD Ungar's camp is screaming "fowl" and says that the Bais Din was biased, even though he himself chose a Rabbi to advocate his position and that this Rabbi chose the third impartial Rabbi!

The following are some of the important highlights:

· Only R' Benzion Halberstam Shlita, the son of R' Shloime Halberstam Zatzal, can be called the "Bobov Ruv and Bobov Rebbe".

· R' Mordechai Dovid Unger and R' Shia Rubin may not be called "Bobov Ruv and Rebbe". This applies to the US and everywhere else in the world.

· It is the responsibility of Rabbis Unger and Rubin to make sure that they are not so called in any way shape or form. They must inform all newspapers and make sure that they are never so announced at weddings or anywhere else.

· It is further their responsibility to make sure that whenever someone refers to "Bobov", it is understand unequivocally to mean the faction of R' Halberstam.

· R' Unger and Rubin have the option to call themselves with an additional name of a town along with the name of Bobov, so long as the new town name comes before "Bobov". (For example they may choose to be called "Sanz Bobov" or "Rupshits Bobov". They also have the option to choose to call themselves "Bobov 45"). They must quickly choose their name. Once their choice is made, that name will become final and they may never change to a different name along with the name Bobov.

· The Unger faction may not call their Moisdos and Corporations by any of the names being currently used by Bobov. Including but not limited to: Kehal Sharei Zion, Yeshivah Bnei Zion, Bnos Zion, Mesivta Eits Chaim, Kollel Zichron Chaim, Ameidei Zion, Camps Shalva and Gila.
· The Unger faction must change their Emblems. And they may not use the same uniform for the girls as Bobov is currently using.

· EVERY SINGLE Bobov asset belongs to the faction of R' Halberstam. Including but not limited to the following buildings: New Beis Medrash, Old Beis medrash, Yeshiva buildings on 48 and 42nd streets, Mesivta buildings, Bnos Zion Buildings, Kerem Shloime Building, Mesivta camp in the Poconos, Camps Shalva, Kerem Shloime and Camp Gila.

· The Unger faction shall receive $6.2 million - to be paid out over a period of 5 years.