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Showing posts with label Rabbi Mordechai Tendler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Mordechai Tendler. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2013

Rabbi Mordechai Tendler Loses in Court again!

This Tendler doesn't give up.....keeps losing again and again, but keeps telling his gullible sheep that he is winning!

Oh! He actually did win one case, Marmelstein vs Tendler. 
Ms Marmelstein sued Tendler on the bases that her relationship with her Rabbi was a "fiduciary" relationship, meaning she had a relationship that involved trust and that Tendler violated that trust by screwing her. 
Tendler responded, that the relationship between a Rabbi and a congregant is not "fiduciary" and therefore any Rabbi can screw his congregant
He won!
But it is some "win," now every time a congregant sues her Rabbi for violating her, the Rabbi can refer the Judge to the famous winning precedent Marmelstein vs Tendler!

Back to our story:
Tendler was suing KNH, Kehillat New Hemstead, the shul that he was "Rabbi". He wanted the shul that threw him out because he was fooling around with its congregants, to honor his Lifetime contract. Crazy? No?

A lower court ruled that Tendler was not entitled to summary judgement on his claim of damages, and that on the contrary, the shul had legitimate questions whether he inappropriately accessed shul funds.
The lower court ruled that Tendler was certainly not entitled to lifetime wages but only 2 months wages. The court held that Tendler  was only entitled to recover lost wages between the date of his termination and the date permission was obtained from Bais Din, which was 2 months later. 

The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of the State of New York agreed with the lower court!

But knowing this "Chutzpeniak" he won't give up, because he can't, he keeps telling his 8 supporters and wife, (some of whom still worship him) that he won!
He also sued this blogger, and actually lost!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mordechai Tendler Suing Google to Identify Bloggers, Again!

New York Post
Mordechai Tendler will not give up! He has been booted out of his shul, KNH (Kehillat New Hempstead) in New Hempstead, yet he has the hidden wish to want to self - destruct! He knows that by suing Google for the identity of the Bloggers he will be rattling the lion's cage which will put him in the news again. For the past four years, he was out of the news, and the Bloggers let him be, but now that he is messing with them they will fight to the bitter end. I have very reliable information that one of the Bloggers that is being sued has compelling forensic evidence that will destroy Tendler's reputation for good. The Blogger is seriously considering posting this evidence in the event he is outed!
see Subpoena Duces Tecum

Sometime ago Mordechai Tendler circulated a rumor that he was actually exonerated by a Bais Din, here see a letter by those very Rabbonim that the rumor is a blatant lie!

Translation of a joint Rabbinic Kol Korah
“Denial & Clarification” letter
issued by 7 Leading Monsey Rabbonim
against R’ Mordecai Tendler of
New Hempstead, New York
Denial (of his claims) and Clarification!

We have gathered together to inform the public that since it has been publicly announced, written and printed that we investigated R’ Mordecai Tendler and that we were convinced of the truth of his statements. We are hereby forced to publicize that this is an outright Lie!

In addition, we want to publicize our opinion that after thoroughly investigating the matter in his presence and after a thorough examination of the issues, it is our opinion that one must not seek any advice in any area, and certainly not in any Halachic matters pertaining to Divorce, Marriage or Conversions!

On this matter we are affixing our signatures on this the 20th day of the month of Iyar* in the year 5765. Here, in Monsey, New York

(In order of Hebrew Signatures)
Rabbi Moshe Green,
Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivah D’Monsey
Rabbi Yisroel Hager
Son of the Grand Rabbi of Vishnitz
Rabbi Chaim Halberstam,
Rav, K’hal Yoel Moshe, Satmar, Monsey
Rabbi Chaim Shraga Feival Shnaybalg
Rav, K’hal Avreichim, Monsey
Rabbi Chaim Leibish Halevi Rottenberg
Rav, K’hal Netzach Yisroel,Monsey
Rabbi Sharaga Feivel Halevi Zimmerman
Rav, K’hal Bney Ashkenaz,Monsey
Rabbi Mordechai Ohrbach
Rav, K’hal Forshay,Monsey
If you want to read the entire history, click on website below
See Below JTC ... See 1:45 - 2:29