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Showing posts with label Peter Beinart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Beinart. Show all posts

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The Anti-Defamation League allies with haters of Israel, Hamas apologists and blood libelers


The Arab Stooge, Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of ADL

When three Jewish teens were kidnapped and murdered by Hamas, Israel fought back, Jews mourned, and Sheera Frenkel rushed to claim that Hamas wasn’t responsible.

“There is a Hamas official in the story saying they are not Hamas,” she insisted on Twitter.

It was a low point in her career of smearing Israel with lies and hate, but not unusual.

Frenkel had accused Israel of using white phosphorus, falsely claimed that there had been a blast at an Iranian nuclear facility, wrongly described an Israeli ban on construction materials, and concluded her coverage of the brutal murder of a Rabbi and his family in Mumbai, India with a quote suggesting that “the attitudes of the Chabad, which gives the sense of an elite club for Jews alone, is part of what provoked the terrorists to target them for the attack.”

This is the sort of ugly hateful behavior the ADL should be condemning, not celebrating.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Ugly Peter Beinart Teams Up With The New York Times In Campaign to Eliminate Israel

The recent news that the Ugly Peter Beinart has been hired as a contributing opinion writer to The New York Times was not shocking, but it is an ominous warning sign. This is because Ugly Beinart was quite obviously given the job because of an opinion piece he authored several months ago in which he explicitly called for the end of the State of Israel.

Although bathed in the pathos-laden language of modern progressivism, the article made perfectly clear what Ugly Beinart, out of naiveté or malice, was advocating. “It’s time to abandon the traditional two-state solution and embrace the goal of equal rights for Jews and Palestinians,” he wrote. “It’s time to imagine a Jewish home that is not a Jewish state.”

The article created something of a stir, for good reason. As an Israeli writer described it to me in Hebrew, here was the most dominant newspaper in America, with massive influence over the public discourse, calling to l’chasel medina — to eliminate a nation. This kind of open racism in such a powerful media outlet was all but unprecedented.

But it was also more than that.


Monday, November 26, 2018

Liberal Jews Don't Care About Anti-Semitism If It's From the left!!!

Jonathan Greenblatt, Chief Tuchis Lekker of the Goyim
By Karol Markowicz
Jew-hating has become too normal in America, and liberal Jewry keep mum about it. Left-of-center Jews speak out about white nationalists, but where are they on anti-Semitism when it arises from their own side?
Last week, Airbnb announced its decision to remove rental listings in the West Bank. But the apartment-sharing service didn’t touch listings in other disputed territories, like Russian-annexed Ukraine and Turkish-occupied North Cyprus. You would think liberal Jewish outfits would race to call out what lies behind this hypocrisy: anti-Semitism.
You’d think wrong. Anti-Defamation League boss Jonathan Greenblatt, for example, issued a tepid statement saying he was “dismayed” by the move. But he stopped short of calling out the blatant anti­Semitism.