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Showing posts with label Netanyahu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Netanyahu. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2015

White House Tweets mock Netanyahu !

(LEFT) The graphic image sent out by the White House mocking Israeli PM. (RIGHT) Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points to a red line he has drawn on the graphic of a bomb as he addresses the 67th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, September 27, 2012. 
 The hatred for Jews and Israel expressed by the WH so publicly is scary. To go dig out a graphic used by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 and mock it, is really frightening. 

We are dealing with a WH that has deep, deep feelings of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel.

A graphic of a bomb used by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a 2012 speech to the UN General Assembly regarding Iran’s attainment of a nuclear bomb was used again by the White House Wednesday when it mocked the graphic by tweeting their version, showing how the nuclear deal with Iran will actually keep Iran from creating a nuclear weapon.

In a tweet on Wednesday, officials uploaded the image of the bomb, showing what would happen with and without the deal.
The graphic states that with the deal, there will be “no production or stockpile of highly enriched uranium,” “low-enriched uranium stockpile reduced by 98 percent and capped” with the deal, and that centrifuges will be “reduced by two-thirds.”
When listing what would happen without the deal, according to the White House, there will be “resumed production of highly-enriched uranium,” “no limits on stockpile of enriched uranium” and “unlimited increase and advancement of centrifuges.”
The tweet is one of the many ways officials have shown the strain in the relationship with Netanyahu and Obama in recent weeks, starting with Netanyahu’s trip to Washington at the invite of speaker John Boehner, followed by Obama’s conference call to world leaders while Netanyahu spoke in front of Congress

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Obama's shameless Jewish cheerleaders

Obama's shameless Jewish cheerleaders
by Issi Leibler

While U.S. President Barack Obama determinedly pursues his policy of appeasement, which may enable the world's most dangerous terrorist state to become a nuclear threshold power, some Israelis and American Jews have initiated a campaign against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 

The campaign calling for the maintenance of bipartisanship toward Israel is in reality undermining the hitherto strong bipartisan congressional opposition to the catastrophic U.S. policy on Iran.
Israeli opposition groups and the anti-Netanyahu media are now concentrating their efforts on discrediting and calling on the prime minister to cancel his address to the joint session of Congress scheduled for March 3.

Disregarding the gravity of the negotiations with Iran -- the underlying reason for the invitation -- they accuse Netanyahu of destroying the U.S.-Israeli relationship by failing to obtain Obama's advance approval to address Congress (which would never have been forthcoming). The White House even falsely alleged that Netanyahu accepted the invitation before they were aware of it.

Labor leader Isaac Herzog, in an irresponsible breach of propriety while attending a conference on security in Munich, slandered the prime minister, calling on "Bibi to act as a patriot … cancel his speech … which was born in sin … and not throw Israel's security under the bus of the elections." The timing of his comments were even more shameful as on that same day and in the same city U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was meeting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Zarif.

Similar sentiments were echoed by other political leaders, whose primitive electioneering tactics display utter indifference and contempt for the repercussions on the greatest threat facing Israel.
They warn that Israel would suffer serious ramifications if Netanyahu persisted in addressing Congress and demand that he postpone his address until after the elections -- when the "negotiations" will be over.

They also accuse him of forcing Democrats to choose between supporting their president or undermining his policies, and thus destroying bipartisanship. That surely sends the wrong message to Congress about limiting Obama's actions. Worse still, it sends bad vibes to American Jews, reinforcing their inability to stand up and protest against Obama's hostile policies. 

The White House, of course, uses this to discredit Netanyahu on the grounds that he is merely engaged in an electoral stunt.
Truth be told, a failure by Netanyahu in this area could cost him the election.

But Iran has genuinely been Netanyahu's greatest concern and without his intervention would already be a nuclear state. Israel remains the target for annihilation by the Holocaust-denying Iranians who brazenly repeat their determination to eradicate the "cancerous" Israel from the map. Yet Israel is marginalized by the P5+1 nations determining the outcome.

Netanyahu regarded the invitation not only as a means to promote his case to Congress but also as a platform to convey his message to the entire world.
But this is ignored by his Israeli political opponents who are more concerned with electoral populism than displaying a united front in the face of an existential threat.

Yet Obama is on extremely shaky ground. Even the normally supportive Washington Post published an editorial warning him against presenting the world with a fait accompli over Iran's nuclear goals and granting them regional hegemony. It accused Obama of seeking "to avoid congressional review because he suspects a bipartisan majority would oppose the deal he is prepared to make."

It is in fact Obama, not Netanyahu, who has made this a partisan issue, because of his fear that an effective presentation by Netanyahu at Congress could have a major impact on legislators and the public. It is this, rather than pre-election protocol, that explains the frenzied efforts and threats that the White House has engaged to discredit Netanyahu.

Netanyahu's efforts are also being undermined by extreme left-wing groups like J Street, which call on congressmen to boycott his speech and launch petitions proclaiming that he does not represent the views of American Jews.

This is buttressed by media court Jews like New York Times columnist Tom Friedman resurrecting the traditional anti-Semitic dual loyalties accusation, warning Jews that if they protest against Obama's policies on Iran, Americans will be convinced that Israel controls Washington, was responsible for the war in Iraq, and is now dragging the U.S. into another war.

American Jews claim that they live in a unique democratic country and enjoy full equality. Yet, whereas most Americans have no hesitation in criticizing their president when they disagree with his policies, the traditionally feisty and outspoken American Jewish leaders seem fearful of criticizing their president even in the most respectful terms. This, even after Obama's repeated and crudely appalling behavior aimed at humiliating his ally, the Israeli prime minister, in direct contrast to his servility to representatives of rogue states including Iran.

On this issue, most of the Jewish leadership establishment remained silent. This included the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, whose officials, according to the White House, privately distanced themselves from Netanyahu's visit.

To his credit, Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, was one of the few mainstream leaders stressing that Netanyahu's intention was neither to personally attack the president nor become engaged in U.S. domestic politics. Rather, it was to promote Israel's concerns about developments that it considers an existential threat and great danger to the world.

But shockingly, a number of Jewish leaders also publicly slammed Netanyahu. Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, went so far as to describe the issue as a "circus" and called on House Speaker John Boehner "to withdraw" the invitation and Netanyahu to rescind his acceptance. He was followed by Rabbi Rick Jacobs of the Reform movement, who said Netanyahu's speech was "a bad idea" and urged him "to bite the bullet and postpone his address" or he would "turn Israel into a partisan issue."

This was outrageous. Who gave Foxman and Jacobs a mandate to challenge the decision of Israel's prime minister to appeal against enabling the Iranian terrorist state to become a nuclear state -- an act of appeasement that would dwarf Chamberlain's concessions to Hitler in Munich? Foxman's subsequent effort to modify his outburst by condemning J Street's "inflammatory and repugnant campaign" against Netanyahu did not detract from the damage he caused.

Jacobs and Foxman may have convinced themselves that by seeking to avoid a conflict with their president, they were acting on the side of the angels. It was left to the hawkish Zionist Organization of America to bitterly condemn their intervention and make chilling parallels between their behavior and that of Rabbi Stephen Wise, who in 1944 urged Jewish leaders to cease campaigning to pressure the White house to intervene on behalf of the Jews in Europe in order not to embarrass President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Today, Netanyahu is desperately appealing to the world to prevent an evil apocalyptic Islamic terrorist state, committed to Israel's destruction, from becoming a nuclear power. Yet Foxman and Jacobs seem more concerned to placate their president. In making such negative statements, it is they who are transforming this into a partisan issue and providing enormous satisfaction to Iranian mullahs who undoubtedly appreciate their efforts. Shame on them!

Not surprisingly, the White House exploited these outbursts as a means of encouraging Democrats to boycott the address. The president even shed crocodile tears bemoaning that Israel would become a partisan issue. 

Conveniently, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would be out of the country and unable to attend. Yet very few Democrats have indicated that they would absent themselves. Indeed, while unhappy with the timing, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said she would attend, and dismissed calls for a boycott. Rep. Eliot Engel, the senior Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, also made it clear that he intends to hear what Netanyahu has to say.

There is, in fact, a growing awareness that Obama's proposed deal represents a sellout to the Iranians. What were hitherto considered wild accusations that Obama was abandoning the traditional allies of the U.S. in order to enter into an alliance with the Iranians has now become a genuine concern.
Netanyahu's speech from a U.S. Congress platform will undoubtedly enjoy massive media exposure and may bring public pressure on the P5+1 countries to refrain from committing an act that would have horrific implications not only for Israel but the entire world.

Those committed to overcoming the global threat of Islamic fundamentalism and preserving the well-being of the Jewish state should pray that Netanyahu will succeed in his efforts.

Isi Leibler's website can be viewed at www.wordfromjerusalem.com. He may be contacted at ileibler@leibler.com.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Early Israeli Polls Show Netanyahu in Lead!

Elections are a necessary step

 According to polls, Netanyahu has no rivals for the job. It is not merely that nearly three times as many people think that Netanyahu is the best person to serve as prime minister when compared to his closest contender, Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog. It’s also that the polls show right-wing parties picking up seats, while Lapid’s party is likely to lose more than half it seats in the Knesset.

In recent days I met a man with an impressive military combat background. At the start of his many years in the army, he served in Sayeret Matkal, the IDF's elite reconnaissance unit, along with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The man explained that for fighters in the unit, loyalty to the team is a supreme value. Violating that is an attack on the soldiers' most basic ethos.

The man I was speaking to said that fighters in the unit were prepared to face a lot, but would never accept anyone breaking the loyalty code, because it was a matter of life and death.

When the prime minister realized that former Finance Minister Yair Lapid and his cohort were cooking something up behind his back and trying to curry favor with the American administration by attacking the unity of Jerusalem and government decisions, he said, "That's it." Disloyalty by a cabinet member is unforgiveable.

An early election is a must, because the harm caused to the citizens of Israel by a government in which every minister makes his own calculations is 10 times greater than the cost of holding early elections. I have no doubt that U.S. President Barack Obama, like Yair Lapid and Hatnuah leader Tzipi Livni, is sorry about the decision to hold an early Knesset election. Netanyahu will continue to fight with whoever succeeds Obama to keep the land of Israel intact.

Not even a week has passed since the prime minister and finance minister's fateful meeting, and spokespeople from Lapid's Yesh Atid party are already letting the people of Israel know what will happen in the election. 

The evil ghost of Tommy Lapid will once again appear, and his son and heir will proclaim excitedly that the ultra-Orthodox are the greatest disaster to befall the people of Zion. The same anti-Semitic headlines will appear again, exuding hate.

Of course, the ultra-Orthodox (haredi) sector can be criticized, but to blame it for Lapid's ineffectiveness as finance minister when they were in the opposition throughout his term, is pure malice.

Salvos of pure hatred will also be flung at the settlers -- "those religious people" who have lived in Judea and Samaria for years and serve as the first line of defense for the residents of Tel Aviv. The most idealistic public in Israeli society, which carries the weight of the country's settlement and security, will be turned into an obstacle to peace.
Neither the recalcitrant Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas nor Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh are the stumbling block, but rather the Israeli settlers who are fulfilling Zionism at its best. The Yesh Atid people will make the election about the state of Tel Aviv vs. everyone else. But even in Tel Aviv there are citizens who understand that the walls of our existence cannot be built from bricks of hatred.

Another central motif from Yesh Atid, Hatnuah, and Meretz will be drowning the citizens of Israel in a flood of clinical depression. The Left has been an expert at this for years. The worse things are, the better it is for the Left. Morning, noon and night we hear about the chasms, the inequality in Israeli society, about poverty and housing prices. As if most of the voters for the center-left parties didn't come from the affluent sectors. The tycoons, the lobbyists, the contractors, and the new rich vote for the Left, while the weaker sectors vote for the Likud and the Right.

The campaign by Yesh Atid and Hatnuah will focus relentlessly on the prime minister. Bibiphobia will reach new heights. They will unleash all their ongoing frustration on Netanyahu, frustration that has its roots in the simple fact that all the Left's candidates for prime minister have the faith of only single digit's worth of support from the public.

In our geopolitical reality, we need an experienced leadership that can face a world that is mostly hostile toward the state of Israel. The public has already learned that delusional concessions and agreements don't bring peace any closer -- they encourage war.

Soon we'll hold elections and the people will have their say. The results will no doubt be crystal clear. 

Most of the Israeli people lean Right, love their homeland, and are holding on to it forever, refusing to buy the baseless dreams of the Left.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

“We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.” Netanyahu

Finally telling the world the truth, that Yerushalyim is not going to be "Judenrein"! 
Bibi Netanyahu
It's time to talk "Arab talk." Hamas keeps telling the world  that they want to annihilate all of Jewry, but we don't take the truth seriously. 
So it's time for us  to tell the world the truth, as Netanyahu finally did.
“We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.”

And he is not even talking about the settlements, he is talking about building in the "green line" ...
This is  the area that the US State Department is criticizing. How crazy is that? 
Vote Republican, guys. Vote the Democrat bums out!

 It is the condemnation of Israeli building in Jerusalem, not Israeli developments beyond the Green Line in Jewish neighborhoods in the capital, that distances peace, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a combative response to US and EU condemnations of plans to move forward with another 1060 units in the capital.

Netanyahu, at a ground-breaking ceremony for a new port in Ashdod, said that Israel would continue to build new ports, pave roads, lay rail road tracks and “continue to build in our eternal capital.”
“I heard the claim that our building in Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem makes peace more distant, but it is the criticism itself that makes peace more distant,” Netanyahu said of criticism that poured in following his announcement of plans to develop 660 more units in Ramot Shlomo in the northern part of the city, and 400 in the southern neighborhood of Har Homa.
This criticism, he said, is “detached from reality” and feeds false Palestinian hopes.
US State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday that plans for new projects in Jerusalem were “incompatible with the pursuit of peace. And Maja Kocijancic, a spokeswoman for outgoing EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, said the move “once again” calls into question Israel’s commitment “to a negotiated solution with the Palestinians.” She warned that “the future development of relations between the EU and Israel will depend on [its] engagement towards a lasting peace based on a two-state solution.”
Netanyahu said that the international community remains quiet when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “incites to the murder of Jews in Jerusalem,” but strongly condemns Israel when it builds in Jerusalem.
“I don’t accept that double standard,” he said. “We built in Jerusalem, we build in Jerusalem, and we will continue to build in Jerusalem.”
Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, meanwhile, decried the move in an Israel Radio interview, saying these types of steps will make it more difficult for Israel to thwart Palestinian efforts in the UN Security Council .
Livni said that while she feels that Israel has the right to build in Jerusalem, these announcements not only hurt Israel diplomatically, but also worsen the volatile security situation in the capital.
Content is provided courtesy of the Jerusalem Post

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Boycotters of Israel are a bunch of anti-Semites, Netanyahu finally says it the way it is

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that those who boycott Israel are anti-Semites.

Speaking at the Conference of Presidents, Netanyahu told a group of visiting Jewish-American leaders that it is time for Israel to "fight back" and "delegitimize the delegitimizers."

There are increasing concerns in Israel over a Palestinian-led movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS). The boycott has been growing recently, mainly in Europe, where some businesses and pension funds have cut investments or trade with Israeli firms they say are connected to West Bank settlements.

"In the past anti-Semites boycotted Jewish businesses and today they call for the boycott of the Jewish state, and by the way, only the Jewish state," Netanyahu said. "I think that it is important that the boycotters be exposed for what they are, they are classical anti-Semites in modern garb," Netanyahu said.

But Netanyahu, citing in particular Israel's cybersecurity industry, said the heads of international high-tech companies he has met "all want the same three things: Israeli technology, Israeli technology and Israeli technology".

"The capacity to innovate is a great treasure of profound economic value in today's world," he said. "And that is something that is bigger than all these boycotters could possibly address."
Many Israelis say the boycott has strong anti-Semitic connotations and is meant to delegitimize the Jewish state as a whole and not merely a pressure tactic against its policies toward the Palestinians.

For many Israelis, the boycott conjures up dark images of the Nazi boycott prior and during WWII when Jewish academics were kicked out of universities and Jewish businesses were vandalized and boycotted.

After years of brushing off boycott threats as a tool of fringe extremists, Israel seems to have become genuinely worried in recent months.

As is his custom, Netanyahu also addressed the issue of the Iranian threat, saying the interim agreement with Tehran legitimizes the Islamic Republic for no reason and asserting that "Iran has given practically nothing, but gets international legitimacy."

His remarks came on the eve of fresh talks between Iran and the P5+1 group - Britain, France, the United States, China and Russia plus Germany - aimed at reaching a comprehensive accord on Tehran's controversial nuclear program.

Israel was highly critical of an interim deal signed between Iran and the West in November under which Iran agreed to freeze or scale back its nuclear activities for a six-month period in exchange for limited sanctions relief.

The interim deal, he said, only delayed Tehran's nuclear program in four weeks, while the Islamic Republic continues developing more effective centrifuges that would allow them to reach a bomb faster.

The prime minister made similar comments to visiting Peruvian President Ollanta Humala in their meeting earlier Monday.

"So far the only one who benefited from these talks is Iran. In fact they didn't give anything but they got a lot," Netanyahu told President Humala.

"Iran is continuing its aggressive behavior: arming terrorist groups, supporting the massacre of his own people by the Assad regime (in Syria), calling for the destruction of Israel and subversive activities all over the world, including Latin America."

Israel and the West have long suspected Iran of covertly pursuing a nuclear weapons capability alongside its civilian program – charges denied by Tehran.

The United States and Israel – which views Iran as its greatest strategic threat – have not ruled out military action to prevent Tehran from acquiring an atomic bomb.

Iran's top decision-maker Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also expressed skepticism about the talks, and on Monday said they would "lead nowhere."

"I repeat it again that I am not optimistic about the negotiations and they will lead nowhere, but I am not against them," Khamenei said in remarks published on his website Khamenei.ir.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Obama's Sole Middle East Policy is to Attack Israel!

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has explained repeatedly over the years that Israel has no Palestinian partner to negotiate with. So news reports this week that Netanyahu agreed that the 1949 armistice lines, (commonly misrepresented as the 1967 borders), will be mentioned in terms of reference for future negotiations with the Palestinian Authority seemed to come out of nowhere.

Israel has no one to negotiate with because the Palestinians reject Israel’s right to exist. This much was made clear yet again last month when senior PA “negotiator” Nabil Sha’ath said in an interview with Arabic News Broadcast, “The story of ‘two states for two peoples’ means that there will be a Jewish people over there and a Palestinian people here. We will never accept this.”

Given the Palestinians’ position, it is obvious that Netanyahu is right. There is absolutely no chance whatsoever that Israel and the PA will reach any peace deal in the foreseeable future.

Add to this the fact that the Hamas terror group controls Gaza and will likely win any new Palestinian elections just as it won the last elections, and the entire exercise in finding the right formula for restarting negotiations is exposed as a complete farce.

So why is Israel engaging in these discussions? The only logical answer is to placate US President Barack Obama.

Read Caroline Glick in The Jerusalem Post

Monday, May 30, 2011

"Der Blatt" A Satmar Paper, Smudges the picture of Netanyahu!

This week as I do every week, I bought the Satmar Newspaper, Der Blatt.
 Every single week, all Satmar Newspapers, Dee Zeitung, Der Yid, and Der Blatt bombard their readers with hate against the State of Israel. Those who read Yiddish, will find their editorials and articles filled with vile & hateful stories against their fellow brothers and sisters. Their opinions are no different than what you read  in Al Jazirah, or what we read in the German Newspaper "Der Sturmer" during the Nazi era.

My dear readers, when we read this in the Arab Media we all shout Anti- Semitisim, so why is it that we allow these Jewish gangsters to fill their pages with Loshon Horah on a weekly basis? Why do we continue to fund their institutions when they pray for the downfall and the disappearance of the Jewish State, which would inevitably cause the annihilation of the Jewish People as we know it, G-D forbid? We all know that their schools breed generations of haters . 
Just last week I posted an article from their Web Site Jewsagainstzionism.comPlease see my post Dus Iz Nies

But this week, Der Blatt, took it to another level . They actually blotted out the picture of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, but left in the picture of President Barak, a President  that wants Israel to commit suicide. Failedmessiah  reported it today and its imperative to let the Jewish People know what they are up against.
Here is a loose translation from a paragraph gleaned from their filthy newspaper, from page 57
"Professor" Netanyahu lectures Obama
Since Obama became the President and brought in his Liberal leanings in American politics, the State of Israel moved in the opposite direction leaning sharply to the right. Most Israeli citizens believe the false claims that Obama is a hidden Muslim , and nearly all of them believe the theory that whether Obama is a Muslim or not, he is ready to sell the State of Israel for a pot of lentils."
President Obama is convinced that the Arab World is ready for democracy, but that the State of Israel with its instigation against the Palestinians would rather be prepared for new war then a new peace."
Dus is Neis: This disgusting article continues to spew lies and hate against Netanyahu , while praising the President whose record so far with Israel is the worst since the creation of the State. In these few lines that I gleaned, there are no less than 3 blatant lies.

  1. Netanyahu never lectured the President, he was actually very respectful, he pointed out that Israel cannot go back to the 67' borders because that would be indefensible. He also explained that Israel can never allow all the Arabs to return because that would in effect destroy the Jewish State as we know it. (This is something that both the Arabs and Satmar would agree would be a good thing) 
  2. The Blatt wrote that "most Israeli citizens believe the false claims that Obama is a hidden Muslim, the truth is that only 39% of Israelis believe he is a Muslim : politico.com   By the way 24% of Americans believe that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim Foxnews poll
  3. The lying Blatt writes "State of Israel with its instigation against the Palestinians would rather be prepared for new war then a new peace." When did the State instigate anything against the Palestinians?  Which country would tolerate thousands of missiles flying in their heartlands? Which country would not want to protect their citizens from such an onslaught. How long would Satmar tolerate missiles flying into Williamsburg from Crown Heights? Years ago when the Lubavitchers sent Sheluchim into Williamsburg on Yom Tov, the Satmars beat the hell out of them.

    As I have written may times before, how many Jews will become frum because of this article? So why are they backing Obama over Netanyahu?
    Some bloggers have suggested that the reason Der Blatt smudged out the face of Netanyahu is because one should never look at the face of an Evil person, and since Netanyahu is "evil" they blotted his face out. But that is not true, because Der Blatt, and Dee Zeitung have published pictures of Hitler and Eichman and other evil pictures in the past.
    My theory is very simple.... they must back Obama because he will keep them on the  programs, even at the expense of the Jewish People.
    The Yiddish caption underneath the picture reads:
    "The Media points out how Netanyahu turned his face away from President Obama, as one of the most undiplomatic photos in the history of diplomacy"
    But these are the facts:
    Netanyahu did not turn his face away from the President but was actually turning to face a reporter that was asking him a question, it was Obama who turned his face away showing his disinterest in the whole process. Der Blatt quotes from the Anti-Semitic Media, and makes it look like it was a fact.. What Chutzpah!
    Read here what the media sympathetic to Israel actually wrote:
    President Obama’s speech on the Middle East at the State Department last week, his icy glares at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office last Friday, his address before the AIPAC conference on Sunday, and his subsequent press briefings have all made clear that he is not sympathetically inclined toward Israel, nor does he consider Israel an ally worth defending.
    Obama’s advocacy of the 1949 armistice lines as a starting point for negotiations demonstrate his lack of support for Israel’s right to defensible borders. His non-response to the Hamas-Fatah unity deal demonstrates that there is nothing the Palestinians can do that will make him accept the reality that their commitment to Israel’s destruction, rather than Israel’s continued control over Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, is the reason there is no peace between them and Israel.
    And yet, disturbingly, major Jewish American organizations took it upon themselves this past week to defend Obama to their members and to the general public. The most prominent example of this was the Anti-Defamation League’s press release following Obama’s State Department speech. After Obama endorsed the Palestinian position that negotiations must be based on the indefensible 1949 armistice lines, and did so in the face of explicit Israeli entreaties that he abstain from doing so, the ADL released a statement applauding Obama.
    ADL leaders Abe Foxman and Robert Sugarman congratulated Obama for his support for Israel. Among other things, their statement said, “This Administration has come a long way in two years in terms of understanding of the nuances involved in bringing about Israeli-Palestinian peace and a better understanding of the realities and challenges confronting Israel.”
    Why on earth did the ADL feel it necessary to defend the indefensible? Why, in the midst of an open fight between Obama and the Israeli government, did the ADL feel it necessary to side with Obama against the government of Israel?
    In his speech before AIPAC on Sunday, Obama did not repudiate his attachment to the Palestinians’ negotiating position. He did not mention any objection to the Palestinian demand to overrun Israel with millions of foreign Arabs. He did not announce any steps the U.S. will take to end its support for the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority, despite the fact that continued funding is outlawed by U.S. terror finance laws.
    Moreover, Obama’s speech to AIPAC included a barely-veiled threat against Israel when he asserted, “There is a reason why the Palestinians are pursuing their interests at the United Nations. They recognize that there is an impatience with the peace process – or the absence of one. Not just in the Arab world, but in Latin America, in Europe, and in Asia. That impatience is growing, and is already manifesting itself in capitols around the world.”