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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trump Correctly Points Out That Schumer is a "Palestinian" He is Not Jewish


"Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I'm concerned. He's become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore. He's a Palestinian."


Anonymous said...

And Ezra Friedlander and his side kick Eichtenstein are Kapos, R"L

Anonymous said...

Once a Jew, always a Jew. He has a Jewish neshama. Hashem should guide him and all Jews to a better path and bring moshiach. The ketoret had an herb that did not have a good smell, signifying Jews who may somehow be in the category of reshaiim but it was joined With the other spices to show that they are part of the tzibbur of tzadikim, beinonim and reshaiim

GR - Bnei Brak Ir Hakoidesh said...

Your analogy to the "ketoret" is flawed. The "ketoret" had 11 different herbs, the "foul-smelling herb, the "chelbena" though part of the other herbs represented the "rashaim" but they cannot be counted in a minyan of 10 therefore there were 11 not 10 different herbs. Schumer is not only "foul-smelling" but like Jesus a dangerous one!