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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Rabbi Moshe Wolfson Passes Away at 99

Rav Moshe Wolfson as a bachur, the Rabbi in the center is Rav Simcha Wasserman z"l 

  Rav Moshe Wolfson Zatzal, Rav of Emunas Yisroel in Boro Park and Mashgiach of Torah Va’Daas, passd away at age 99.

Rav Wolfson, was one of the most revered rabbinic figures of our time. His lectures, in both English and Yiddish, his sefarim, Emunas Etecha, and his book, Wellsprings of Faith, have inspired thousands to strengthen their emunah (faith), their attachment to Torah and prayer, and to strive ever higher in their service of Hashem.

Rav Moshe was a closed talmid of Harav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, zt”l, the first Menahel of Torah Vodaas. In 1943, he joined Aish Dos, a groundbreaking program initiated by Rav Shraga Feivel to train rabbinic leaders for positions in yeshivos and day schools across America. This marked the beginning of Rav Wolfson’s illustrious career in Chinuch.

He taught at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas for many years and was eventually he was appointed Mashgiach by Harav Yaakov Kamenetsky, zt”l in the 1960’s. He also served as the marah d’asra of Camp Torah Vodaas for numerous summers, fostering a devoted following of talmidim who later established Emunas Yisrael, with Rav Wolfson as their Rav.

The levaya is scheduled to take place at 10 AM at Emunas Yisroel. Kevurah will take place in Teveria, in The State of Israel .


Anonymous said...

baruch dayan emes. may the nifter be a meilitz yosher for klal yisrael. they put out a wonderful english sefer based off his shiurim on the maalos of eretz yisrael, called "Sacred Soil - A guided tour through the spiritual essence of Eretz Yisrael". highly recommended!

Chabad Chusid said...

A big Chusid of the Lubavitche Rebbeh shliteh.
