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Monday, June 3, 2024

Do we have another potential suicide because a child is being ripped away from his father?


Background: It seems this child is a top learner and a very popular boy amongst his peers. His parents are divorced and the family doesn't want the father to have any relationship with the child so they took an order of protection against him. The video was filmed by the wife's family, ironically. 
The mother ripped him out of the Yeshiva that he was doing great in and put him in a Yeshiva in Monroe that he hates and is unfamiliar.
According to the father's family, he doesn't even live with his mother, he refuses to go there! So he wanders from house to house to sleep and have his basic needs met! 

I admit I don't have the entire story, but I did reach out to the mother of the child and she referred me to the video saying that the video speaks for itself.
I don't get it, the video is heartbreaking! 

I am still working on why the father has an order of protection. 


Anonymous said...

I comenend you for showing the truth about what evil women do to men however you scream get get before thease serious matters are resolved fairly

Dusiznies said...

My opinion hasn't changed one iota if someone wants out, give the get! I am not talking about waiting a year to work out details, but after a year, you give the get, even if details are not worked out, negotiations shouldn't take more than a couple of months! What happens in many cases is that the husband still wants to work on Shalom Bayis, he is living in an illusion, and thinks that she will change her mind, which rarely happens!
Even in partnerships, if one wants out, thats it. The Torah has a built-in system, a Get! It's actually from the TarYag Mitzvois! We are not Catholics that can never get divorced!

Zako said...

To DIN 9:51 AM
Right, you say "the Torah has a built-in system, a Get" and many women (not only men) largely use this "system" as a horrific method of pressure and diffamation in order to outwheight the most basic humane family/kids requests.
Only people who have been throught this can fully understand what it is.

Anonymous said...

Woman should stop using their children as human shields

Femineest said...

The first thing that the Ingrisher machsheifos do is falsely accuse the father of being some kind of pervert. Liberal jurisdictions always side with the machsheifah, be it NY State or YU clergy.

And doesn't NY State have a clue that's it's inappropriate for that uniformed katchka to be azoy hands on the yingeleh? It's adding to the poor kid's torment.

Anonymous said...

Saving a single family through holding on may be of bigger worth for the communal collective long term than swiftly easing the divorce process for a half dozen other families. It may seem unfair for them on the short term, but the poor results of your position are strewn all around.