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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cancelled: Ehud Barak will not present lecture to senior IDF officers His Views are Similar to Charedim!

Barak the Jew traitor is echoing the Chareidie Fatwa, that Israelis "should Refuse to Go to The Army" 

I find it interesting that if you really read the Chareidie View of the State of Israel, you will find it eerily similar to the Leftist view. Both are against the government, both are prepared to give back land to Arab control and finally, both are against serving in the army!

 Defense Minister Yoav Gallant canceled a lecture by former Prime Minister and Chief of Staff Ehud Barak, which was expected to take place soon at the National Security College.

Sources close to Gallant stated, "Anyone who calls for refusal of any kind will not be part of the IDF in any way."

Barak had been invited to speak before senior IDF officers. The planned appearance drew significant controversy in Israel's political circles and on social media.

Minister Amichai Chikli responded: "In the midst of a grueling war, the IDF invited the leader of the inciters to political refusal, Mr. Ehud Barak, to lecture before senior officers. This is an unprecedented disgrace."

Political correspondent Tal Shalev responded to the cancellation: "Ehud Barak is a former Prime Minister, a former Chief of Staff, among the most decorated soldiers in the IDF, and also the man who appointed Gallant as Chief of Staff, but Gallant is afraid of Channel 14 and this is the result."

Channel 14 reporter Yishai Friedman responded to her: "Afraid of Channel 14? Or maybe he understands that there are officers in the IDF who are fed up with people who were a central part of Jewish civil wars?"

1 comment:

Leib Tropper said...

What do you expect? He prefers some R&R with Jeffrey Epstein & the meydelach on the Upper East Side over military service! The Arabs have their keffiyeh & Barak has his scarf that he tries to conceal his ugly punim with when sneaking into such risque places.