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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Feuding Satmar Brothers Asking Their Followers To "maaser" To tattletale All Who Use the Eirav!


While most Jews living in Chutz Le'aaretz are careful how they walk the streets, afraid of being beaten by their Goyishe neighbors, and while Jews in Israel are being attacked from the South and the North, what are the Brothers - Satmar doing? 

They can't plan trips to the State of Israel, because they wouldn't G-d forbid travel on El AL, as the Ribbono Shel Olam made sure that only El Al flies to Israel. Hashem has some sense of humor!

Are they urging their followers to write letters pressuring their Congressmen and Senators to lay off Israel? 

In fact I'm old enough to remember When R' Aron Teitelbaum backed Obama's Iran Deal, , I posted  back in 2015, Satmar's perfidy against the Jews people living in Israel, asking their followers to write letters to their Congressmen to back the Obama's Iran Deal!

So during all this turmoil what are the Satmar Rebbes worried about?

They want their followers to tattletale on their neighbors if they see them carrying on Shabbos using the Eirav! The Zalonis (top photo) are even providing a phone number to call! 

When it comes to sexual predators they don't allow "mesirah" the victims are prohibited to "ma'sar" on their perpetrators, but to "ma'sar" on a neighbor who uses an Eirav permitted by Gedoiei Hador then "me'sira" is permitted and encouraged! 


Yank said...

You mix the letters up. The top 1 is from Monroe New York and is not about the eruv. The bottom 1 is from Williamsburg But it's not about Tattling about anybody

Dusiznies said...

Top ...bottom ..who cares they are both lowlifes.
The top one has a Phone Number specifically to tattling. not only on the eirav, also who owns a smartphone, etc... the point of my post that they think they live in the times of Moshe Rabbeinu. They live in the farshtinkina chutz leaaretz and they should stop having one Jew go against another. If they are afraid of their own chassidim leading tumedika lives, tattling won't change a thing except for shaming the family! !

Anonymous said...

Is carrying on Shabbos in an eruv tuma?

Anonymous said...

ani matir es besarcham ?

Garnel Ironheart said...

Isn't it "moser", not "ma'aser"

Sabra65 said...

And now the satmar bastards filed a lawsuit against the town of Ramapo for flying the Israeli Flag. They claim its offensive to them and they cannot go into the building. What a load of horseshit! Here's an idea, take off the flag and hang the satmar jackass who filed the lawsuit. It's a disgrace what has happened to this city since these animals moved in.

Dusiznies said...

The guy himself is a "Moser" but the act of tatetailing is "maaserin"

Anonymous said...

Second the motion.