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Monday, September 30, 2024

Biden Approves Soros' Takeover of 200 Radio Stations


The Biden administration is fast-tracking approval for the transfer of more than 200 radio-station licenses from bankrupt broadcaster Audacy Inc. to a nonprofit controlled by George Soros’s progressive philanthropy empire, raising the ire of Republicans who say the Federal Communications Commission is breaking with established procedure to push the deal through.

The FCC voted 3-2 earlier this month to allow a restructured Audacy Inc., now controlled by the Soros-funded nonprofit Fund for Policy Reform, to maintain over 200 broadcast licenses as it emerges from bankruptcy proceedings. On Monday, the commission released the text of its decision, which has drawn considerable scrutiny from Republican opponents concerned about the involvement of George Soros and his son Alexander.

“In this decision, we approve the assignment of licenses held by Audacy, which has been under the control of a bankruptcy court, to the new Audacy, so that the company can emerge from bankruptcy proceedings,” said FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel, a Democrat whom President Barack Obama first nominated to the commission. She argued that the process used to approve the Audacy restructuring is the same as recent transactions involving radio networks such as Cumulus Media and iHeart.

“To suggest otherwise is cynical and wrong, as this precedent clearly demonstrates. Our practice here and in these prior cases is designed to facilitate the prompt and orderly emergence from bankruptcy of a company that is a licensee under the Communications Act,” she added.

Republican FCC commissioner Brendan Carr issued a dissenting statement accusing the commission of expediting the licensing in an “unprecedented” fashion instead of following federal law.

“The Commission’s decision today is unprecedented. Never before has the Commission voted to approve the transfer of a broadcast license—let alone the transfer of broadcast licenses for over 200 radio stations across more than 40 markets—without following the requirements and procedures codified in federal law,” Carr said

“Not once. And yet the Commission breaks this new ground today without seeking public comment on altering our established regulations, without actually changing the rules on the books, and without seeking the feedback of other federal agencies with relevant equities.”

A Trump appointee to the commission, Carr routinely criticizes the agency’s direction and testified about the Biden administration’s policy record at a House Oversight Committee hearing earlier this month. During the hearing, Carr voiced similar concerns about the FCC’s review process for the Audacy licenses, especially given foreign ownership concerns. His comments were featured in a letter House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) and Representative Nick Langworthy (R., N.Y.) wrote to Rosenworcel last week demanding documents and communications related to the Audacy radio licenses.

Hungarian-born billionaire philanthropist George Soros and his son Alexander are among the top donors to left-wing activist organizations and Democratic Party candidates. George Soros was the leading Democratic donor last election cycle and has bankrolled soft-on-crime prosecutors in cities across America, many of whom have later faced political blowback. His son is now overseeing the Open Society Foundations, the multi-billion dollar philanthropic enterprise that controls much of Soros’s political giving.

Laurel Tree Opportunities Corporation, an LLC controlled by FPR Capital Holdings LLC, a Delaware-based corporation, will hold a controlling stake in the new Audacy, according to the FCC decision. FPR Capital Holdings is managed by the Fund for Policy Reform, a Soros-funded non-profit trust tied to Soros’s the Open Society network that contributes hundreds of millions of dollars to left-wing causes. Alexander Soros is a board member of the Fund for Policy Reform trust.

FPR also holds a stake in the Latino Media Network, LLC, a left-wing company that acquired 18 Hispanic radio stations and raised $80 million upon its launch.

Ahmadinejad: 'Head of anti-Mossad unit - was a Mossad agent'


In an interview with the Turkish CNN network on Monday, former President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, claimed that a unit had been set up to fight against Mossad agents inside Iran – but the head of the unit was a Mossad agent himself.

He also claimed that in addition to the head of the unit, twenty Israeli Mossad agents were working with him and were responsible for directing significant intelligence operations inside Iran.

Among others, according to Ahmadinejad, the same Mossad agents stole documents about the Iranian nuclear program and killed several Iranian nuclear scientists.

He also claimed that all the agents managed to flee Iran before being caught and that they now live in Israel.

Ahmadinejad made this claim today for the first time, but as of now, no confirmation or, alternatively, a denial has been published by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

In recent years, Ahmadinejad has been far from the helm of power and has tried several times to run again for the position of president of Iran, but was disqualified.

The last time he ran an election campaign was after the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a plane crash.

A Day on the New York Subway


The "Heiliger Rebbe" Talking to the "Malachim" while Eating Fish!


Kamala in 4 Years!


Watch Chareidie Scream That the Tziyoinim are Worse Than the Mass Murderer Nasrallah Because Nasrallah Believed in Allah!


Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Totally Disconnect from Klall Yisrael with Their Fake "Atzeres" Against Their Brothers and Sisters Living in Israel


Where are the parents of these naive clueless idiots?

Over a half million Jewish residents, Old, Young, Toddlers, and the Sick, of the North in Israel are running to shelters every couple of minutes. Some of them have gotten heart attacks because of the shock! One child was recently killed running to a shelter! 

You would think that Gedoilim from Lakewood would have a bit of sympathy and empathy for the majority of the Jewish people that live in Israel! Think again! 

First of all they keep repeating the lie:
  " The entire purpose of the medinah in Eretz Yisroel is to “oiker zein Torah, to uproot Torah.” 

This is a "bilbul" and pure unadulterated Loshon Hara by leaders of Klall Yisrael, only days  from Yom Ha'Din!

Not one Yeshiva or Kollel closed because of the draft or impending draft! 
And the draft law is only for a small percentage of boys. 
It doesn't affect 100% of those attending Kollel, it only affects those from ages 18-21, after the age of 21 one is no longer subject to the IDF draft! 
The Attorney General did stop payments for daycare Kollel guys because they don't work, but this will be reversed in the next couple of months!
But to lie and say that the "medinah in Eretz Yisroel is to “oiker zein Torah, to uproot Torah.” is a bald-faced lie!

 In fact, the opposite is true, since the medina was established more Torah is being learned in Eretz Yisrael than in any other place on earth including Lakewood! More Torah is being learned in Eretz Yisrael since Matan Torah! 

And yes, its time for the Chareidim to share in the burden of the rest of Jewish residents of Israel. Why is it ok that Children of Chilonim should die to protect those who slam their gemarras shut during "bein hazmanim" why should those chilonim work and pay taxes to pay for those who refuse to work and support their families? 

And this not "working business" is now in its third generation; the grandfather, the father and now the son doesn't work ......it is not sustainable! This will collapse very soon! 

I live in Ramat Beit Shemesh, all shuls are packed with seniors learning practically 24/7! I came home from a wedding last Thursday night at 2:00am and walked into shul to retrieve something I forgot,.... there were 22 seniors learning and they told me that they did "Tikkun Chatzois" , of course, this is not every night, but you can always find a senior in shul learning no matter the time...Is their Torah worthless? 
Is only the Torah of 18-21 year olds, whose hormones are raging, important? Let us, seniors, learn and the 18 year-old serve in the Army! Yes!! Absolutely!
If the Gedoilim are worried with their spirituality and I admit that it is a legitimate concern, then insist on meetings with the IDF to find a way to accommodate frum boys! 

Shame on all those who attended shame on those who spoke! 
אוי לה לאותה בושה אוי לה לאותה כלימה
אוי לאותה החכמה ואוי לה לאותה התבונה
אוי לו לעולם שאבד מנהיגם

An atzeres tefillah was held today in Lakewood, NJ in light of the giyus situation in Eretz Yisroel.

Roshei yeshiva and rabbonim had issued a call for people to attend the rally today, held in the heart of Lakewood, due, according to a statement prior to the event, to the “impending implementation of new Israeli draft laws that threaten to force thousands of bnei Torah into the military, posing an unprecedented threat to limud haTorah in Eretz Yisroel – the very lifeblood of the Jewish nation.”

The four roshei yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoah, Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Yeruchem Olshin, Rav Dovid Schustal and Rav Yisroel Neuman, had issued a kol korei stating that men, women and children should attend the atzeres tefillah today.

Rosh yeshiva of mesivtos across Lakewood were asked to attend the event along with the talmidim of their yeshivos.

The gathering was held in a parking lot at Clifton Avenue and Ninth Street across from Beth Medrash Govoha’s Bais Aron Bais Medrash.

Other roshei yeshiva in attendance included Rav Aharon Feldman, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, rosh yeshiva of Mesivta of Lakewood, ad Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Tiferes Yerachmiel.

Various speeches were then delivered, describing the “gravity” of the new giyus law and “the threat it poses to the Olam HaTorah.” The speakers were call up by Rabbi Mordechai Levy.

The speakers stood on a platform erected in front of the crowd, with a large attached umbrella to protect them from the falling rain. The speakers were projected on a large screen for the crowd to see and hear.

The atzeres program began with Mincha at 1:30 p.m., led by Rav Leizer Ganz, who also recited Tehillim. Tehillim was then also recited by Rav Shmuel Choueka and Rav Michel Handelsman.

The first drasha was delivered by Rav Yisroel Neuman, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoah, who also recited Tehillim.

Tehillim was then said by Rav Mordechai Betzalel Klein, the Skulener Rebbe of Lakewood, and Rav Shmuel Halberstadt.

Brief remarks were then delivered by Rav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Ateres Shlomo, who recited Tehillim.

Rav Shalom Ber Sorotzkin Shlitah on his Smartphone!

Rav Malkiel Kotler, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoah, then addressed the atzeres.

Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, spoke next. In his remarks, he stated that the entire purpose of the medinah in Eretz Yisroel is to “oiker zein Torah, to uproot Torah.” He said that even for those who are not learning Torah, it is forbidden to join the Israeli army.

“[The draft law] is a gezeirah that we cannot compare to any of the gezerios that there have been until now,” he said.

Remarks were then delivered by Rav Yeruchem Olshin, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoah, who then also led the crowd in reciting Selichos.

The Novominsker Rebbe led the recital of Shema Koleinu.

Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, rosh yeshiva of Mesivta of Lakewood, then delivered a drasha and led the crowd in reciting Kabbolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim. Rav Dovid Schustal, rosh yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoah, then led the crowd in the remainder of Kabbolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim and recited Kaddish.

A second minyan for Mincha was then held, led by Rav Menachem Savitz, ending after 4 p.m.

The Little "French Mouse" Macron Started Up With the Italian Pm.. She Washes the floor With Him as she Points out How the French Exploit Poor Afrikans


Rawan Osman a Syrian-Lebanese/German activist and a "recovered antisemite" Speakes Out!


Must Watch! Erin Molan A Non-Jew Explains Her Unwaivering Support for the Jewish People Even though She Gets Death Threats!


Hezbollah appoints "Hashem" as Nasrallah's successor

Hezbollah's Shura Council has chosen Hashem Safieddine as the organization's new secretary-general, following the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah in an Israeli strike on Beirut’s Dahieh district on Friday, Saudi television channel Al Hadath reported Sunday.


Saudi News Reports that a Substance painted on Nasrallah's hand by an Iranian facilitated tracking him

A man, who originally came from Iran, shook the hand of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and managed to smear a substance on him that allowed Israel to track him, as reported on Sunday evening on the Saudi Al Hadath news channel.

Due to the fact that the body of the Hezbollah leader was exhumed intact, there are increasing estimates that Nasrallah died as a result of suffocation, in great agony, as reported on Sunday evening by Channel 12 News.

It was also reported that as he was in a place without ventilation the Air Force bombings resulted in gases entering the room, causing him to suffocate to death.

The IDF informed earlier that twenty 20 more terrorists were killed alongside Nasrallah in the attack on Hezbollah's central headquarters.

"In a precise attack by the Air Force and under the direction of the intelligence wing, fighter jets attacked and killed the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization Hassan Nasrallah, and the commander of the southern front Ali Karachi, one of the senior commanders who remained in the organization before the attack," it said.

"In a precise airstrike carried out by the Israeli Air Force, directed by the Intelligence Directorate, fighter jets struck and eliminated Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist organization, and Ali Karaki, the Commander of Hezbollah's Southern Front, who was one of the remaining senior commanders in the organization before the strike.

More than 20 other terrorists of varying ranks, who were present at the underground headquarters in Beirut located beneath civilian buildings, and were managing Hezbollah’s terrorist operations against the State of Israel, were also eliminated.

Among the terrorists eliminated:

* Ibrahim Hussein Jazini - Head of Nasrallah's Security Unit.

* Samir Tawfiq Dib - Nasrallah's long-time confidant and advisor on terrorist activities.

* Abed al-Amir Muhammad Sablini - Head of Hezbollah's Force-Build Up.

* Ali Naaf Ayoub - responsible for coordinating Hezbollah's firepower.


NYT: Israel Sent Commandos Deep In Lebanon To Execute Intel Missions

 How has Israel pulled off such stunning and far-reaching operations in Lebanon in the past two days, culminating with the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday?

The New York Times revealed details about Nasrallah’s elimination, saying that Israeli intelligence had successfully penetrated Hezbollah’s inner circle.

The paper notes that within a few weeks, Israel decimated the senior and mid-level ranks of Hezbollah, leaving the organization reeling.

This success, it stated, is a direct result of Israel’s decision to invest significant effort in intelligence on Hezbollah following the Second Lebanon War in 2006. The 34-day war ended with a ceasefire brokered by the UN, allowing Hezbollah, despite heavy losses, to regroup and prepare for the next conflict with Israel.

Israel has spent the years since 2006 bolstering its intelligence capabilities. Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence agency, developed advanced cyber systems to better intercept Hezbollah’s cell phones and other communications, and formed new teams within combat units to ensure that valuable information was rapidly relayed to the Air Force and soldiers.

Israel also started deploying more drones and launched a highly advanced satellite over Lebanon to photograph Hezbollah strongholds and document even the smallest changes in structures that might, for instance, reveal a weapons cache—an effort that one former Israeli intelligence official described as ‘Sisyphean.’ In the last week, the Israeli Air Force struck many of these targets.

Additionally, Unit 8200 and its American counterpart, the National Security Agency, forged stronger ties, deepening the Israeli government’s understanding of mutual adversaries like Iran and Hezbollah.

Israel took advantage of its proximity to Lebanon to insert covert undercover commando forces deep into the country to execute sensitive intelligence missions.

Most significantly, former US and Israeli officials say that Israel’s daring to carry out audacious operations sets it apart from other intelligence agencies. [The report did not mention the fact that Israel has no choice but to be daring and audacious, standing alone in the world in the sheer number of vicious enemies it faces, surrounded by hostile Arab countries suffused with radical Islamic jihadism, and facing constant attacks even from its own Arab citizens.]

“They understand this has been and will be a protracted conflict,” said Chip Usher, a former top C.I.A. Middle East analyst who has worked extensively with Israeli intelligence. “They are putting in capabilities to serve their needs for the long term.”

“The secrets of their success come down to a couple of factors. They have a fairly defined target deck. That makes it easier for them to bring a tremendous amount of focus to what they do. They’re in a shadow war with Hezbollah and Iran.”

“And they’re extraordinarily patient,” he added.

Associated Press and Washington Post Mocked and Ridiculed For Making the Mass Murderer Nasrallah Look Great!

The AP was ridiculed on social media, including by Elon Musk, after publishing a disgraceful obituary about Hassan Nasrallah, depicting the murderous subhuman monster in an overly positive light.

The article initially had the headline “Charismatic and shrewd: A look at longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.” This drew comparisons to The Washington Post’s description of al-Qaeda leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an “austere religious scholar” in 2019.

After backlash, the AP changed its headline to “Who is longtime Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah?” but doesn't mention his decades of terrorism.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

With Biden administration still in Love With Iran, Israel goes it alone — and scores a huge victory


Friday evening in the Levant, Israel targeted buildings in the southern suburbs of Beirut killing Hezbollah General Secretary Hassan Nasrallah. This operation represents a dramatic shift in Israeli strategy. Not only have they finally liquidated an adversary they’ve long been capable of killing, they’ve also turned a deaf ear to their superpower patron of more than half a century.

But at this stage, heeding Washington’s advice in war is like taking counsel from the angel of death. Just as the US is no longer willing or able to win the wars it commits Americans to fight, the Joe Biden administration won’t let US allies win wars either.

3D simulation of elimination of Hassan Nasrallah


The Al-Arabiya network published today (Sunday) a 3D simulation depicting the operation to eliminate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Earlier, the New York Times newspaper reported that Israel had been preparing for years for a war against Hezbollah and immediately after the Second Lebanon War built an intelligence system that included many informants within the terrorist organization.

According to the same report, the intelligence operation included secret commando missions in Lebanon, including the execution of "sensitive intelligence missions".

The newspaper described Israel's means of monitoring Hezbollah over the years and the cooperation and information between Israel and the United States, including how Unit 8200 located the commander of the Quds Force, Qassem Soleimani, and after Israel decided not to kill him, passed the information on to the Americans, who then killed him with the use of a UAV in Baghdad.

As part of Israel's intelligence operations in Lebanon, Unit 8200 built a cyber tool to intercept Hezbollah's phones and other means of communication. In addition, UAVs and an advanced satellite were used in optimal periods so that they flew continuously over Hezbollah strongholds.

Israeli and American officials who spoke to the newspaper stated that "Israel's audacity" to carry out such actions distinguishes its intelligence organizations from intelligence agencies of other countries.

Now Yemen Gets Its Turn, as IDF Pounds the Crap Out of Them!


The IDF confirmed on Sunday that during an extensive, intelligence-based aerial operation, dozens of IAF aircraft—including fighter jets, mid-air refueling aircraft, and intelligence aircraft struck military targets belonging to the Houthi terrorist rebels in the Ras Isa and Hudaydah areas of Yemen.

The targets included power plants and a seaport used to import oil, which was "used by the Houthi terrorist regime to transfer Iranian weapons to the region, in addition to military supplies and oil," the IDF stated.

The IDF noted that the strikes were carried out in response to the recent attacks by the Houthis against the State of Israel.

"Over the past year, the Houthis have been operating under the direction and funding of Iran, and in cooperation with Iraqi militias in order to attack the State of Israel, undermine regional stability, and disrupt global freedom of navigation. The IDF is determined to continue operating at any distance - near or far - against all threats to the citizens of the State of Israel," the IDF added.

In July, IDF fighter jets struck 12 Houthi military targets in the Al Hudaydah port.

Arab media reported that the strike was conducted by Israeli fighter jets on oil refineries, the Ras Katib power station, and other targets near the port.

Cantor Chaim Adler 2009 Selichos in the Great Synagogue


Gerer Girls Smacked With 165 New Prohibitions

 Take a taste of the Gur Hasidic regulations for seminary girls

1. It is forbidden to eat in a restaurant.
2. No extracurricular classes are allowed.
3. Men should not be looked in the eye.
4. Minimize talking to nephews over the age of 13.
5. It is forbidden to talk to brothers-in-law.
6. Do not sing next to siblings.
7. No contact with father/grandparent.
8. No cell phone.
9. It is forbidden to associate with girls outside of Hasidism, not even other Hasidic groups.
10. Lycra shirt is not allowed.
11. Skirt of middle length only (length to middle between knee and ankle).
12. No makeup is allowed in the seminar, until you get engaged, or just before.
13. No mascara or any eye makeup.
14. It is forbidden to volunteer in non-Gerer charitable organizations.
15. It is forbidden to pass anything to any man from hand to hand. A special permit if it is a large object and there is no possibility of laying it down (this can create a pleasurable situation when a girl bends at Avrach's feet to place a bill of money on the floor).
16. Move to the edge of the sidewalk when a man passes.

"Filthy Rich" Aguna that was freed after 7 years Dumps "Flatbush Girl" Who Helped Her in the "Garbage" .. Zev Brenner Show!